She Really Thinks She’s A Christian…

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Hey guys, Colin here, and this is a video of Alexandria Ocasio -Cortez, or AOC, talking about how important her
Christian values are to her. Experiencing this hearing and I'm struggling whether I respond or launch into this question as a legislator or from the perspective of a woman of faith.
You see, Ms. Ocasio -Cortez is a legislator from the state of New York. She is incredibly passionate about her leftist worldview and can often be seen yelling and complaining about a variety of nonsensical things.
But many of you may be shocked to learn that AOC actually considers herself a, quote, woman of faith.
She's a professing Catholic and has participated in events such as the Martin Luther King Jr. Faith Leadership Breakfast.
Now, we're not going to get into all the differences between Protestantism and Catholicism. Suffice it to say, she claims to believe in the
God of the Bible and she claims to be operating in a way that is moral. So let's simply take a look at AOC's comments about religion in this speech and see if they line up with Christian values.
What you're about to see is truly astounding, so stick around. It's very difficult to sit here and listen to arguments in the long history of this country of using scripture and weaponizing and abusing scripture to justify bigotry.
White supremacists have done it. Those who justified slavery did it. Those who fought against integration did it.
And we're seeing it today. So AOC's point is that Christians in America are using the
Bible to justify bigotry against their fellow man, just like they did to promote slavery and oppose integration.
This needs to be dealt with. First off, yes, there are some people in America who have used scripture and still do to justify mistreating people on the basis of their skin color.
And that is evil. That is wrong. We all acknowledge that. We are to judge righteously, not by appearances.
John 7, 24. However, what AOC fails to mention is the little tiny detail that Christian men in the
West are pretty much single -handedly responsible for ending the practice of race -based slavery.
Let's put a finer point on this. Virtually every society throughout the entire history of the entire world has practiced some form of slavery that we today would not practice in America.
What's the difference between then and now? Well, the reason that the Western world is pretty much entirely devoid of slavery is because of the effect that Christian values had on Western society.
There's no real debate on this. It's objectively true. The fact is, by and large, Christianity has been a tremendous net positive on a societal level.
And that's not even to mention the spiritual effect that it's had as well, which is infinitely more important. So I think before people like AOC moan and complain and whine about Christianity, they should probably think about how much benefit it has added to their lives and to the lives of millions, if not billions, of other people.
And by the way, when you advocate for taking the lives of millions of babies in the womb, you've officially lost the right to call anyone else immoral.
And you've certainly lost the right to lecture us on Christian values. But of course, she continues this charade.
Sometimes, especially in this body, I feel as though if Christ himself walked through these doors and said what he said thousands of years ago, that we should love our neighbor and our enemy, that we should welcome the stranger, fight for the least of us, that it is easier for a rich man, it's easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to get into a kingdom of heaven.
He would be maligned as a radical and rejected from these doors.
So as you could tell, they have dramatic music playing in the background as they zoom in on AOC, and she makes this seemingly incredible point, that Jesus Christ himself, if he stood in front of Congress, he would be thrown out and called a radical.
Don't forget that AOC is a lifelong Democrat and a hyper -leftist socialist politician.
So read between the lines here, and what she's actually saying is this. Jesus would not have been accepted in modern day
America because he, too, was a radical leftist. That's her overall point. And as you probably know, it's absolutely ridiculous.
AOC seems to be forgetting the inconvenient fact that Jesus was an Orthodox Jew who lived 2 ,000 years ago and fulfilled the strict
Jewish law perfectly, Matthew 5, 17. So let's do a little thought experiment, shall we?
Take the average Orthodox Jewish man who lived 2 ,000 years ago and put him in front of Congress today.
I can personally guarantee you that this man would be considered far more conservative than the most extreme
Republican today. No question about it. In fact, they would be more socially conservative than the entire
Republican party put together. So the idea that Jesus was some bleeding -heart liberal is frankly asinine, it's so ridiculous it's almost beyond comprehension.
That someone who followed the Jewish laws, laws against homosexuality, sex before marriage, and taking the life of an unborn child, would somehow be considered a modern -day liberal.
The fact that these people think Jesus would be a raging leftist hippie just shows you that they have absolutely no idea what he actually taught.
But it gets even more insane. I know, and it is part of my faith, that all people are holy.
And all people are sacred, unconditionally. So essentially,
AOC is implying something that is true, although the theological language is a bit dicey. But the core message here is that everyone is made in the image of God, which again, is true.
Genesis 127. But just like the devil before her, she takes something that is totally true, totally accurate, and twists it into something unrecognizable.
Please note that she's actually advocating here for the case of Evan Minton. Evan is a biological woman who wanted to be treated as a man.
So this individual decided to sue a Catholic hospital in California because they refused to surgically remove
Evan's perfectly functional ovaries. When AOC says that all people are holy and sacred, she's actually saying that because she wants to promote the practice of permanently and surgically changing the bodies of young people who believe in the trans ideology.
That's what's actually happening here, and we can't miss that. And the ironic part here is that the very same place where the
Bible talks about human beings being made in God's image, it also unapologetically declares that they were made this way, quote, male and female.
There are only two genders, and you cannot switch between them. So the inconvenient fact is,
AOC has completely twisted the word of God, despite being a self -described devoted woman of faith.
And of course, she wants to use inflammatory emotional language, as a good politician should.
As she says, this hospital is turning Evan away because Evan is trans. In reality, it's not as if Evan is being turned away for having a broken arm while being trans.
No, Evan's being turned away because a Catholic hospital doesn't want to do a totally unnecessary surgery on a perfectly healthy biological girl to make her feel like more of a man.
Because any normal or rational person would see that for what it is, insane. And by the way, this isn't discrimination, it's common sense.
We need to know the difference. And frankly, if Alexandria Ocasio -Cortez spent less time ranting and raving about nonsense, and more time reading the
Bible she claims to believe in, she wouldn't even be saying these things in the first place. But here comes the grand finale.
You just have to get that out, because it is deeply disturbing.
Not just what is happening here, but what this administration is advancing, is the idea that religion and faith is about exclusion.
So there we have it, AOC says that religion is not about exclusion, like the Republicans think.
Really? So it's all about inclusion then. So will all people be included in heaven? Will all people be included in the
Church? Will all people be forgiven by Christ? Because I recall that this radical Jesus that AOC claims to believe in is quoted as saying to some people, quote,
Depart from me, I never knew you, in Matthew 7, 23. Now I'm no rocket scientist here, but that sounds an awful lot like exclusion, does it not?
You see, I would like to emphasize the inclusion of sinners into the Kingdom of God through belief in the
Gospel and the cleansing of Christ. But you cannot emphasize that at the expense of the exclusion of those who will not believe in Christ from the
Kingdom of God as well. You cannot have one without the other. You cannot have heaven without hell.
You must preach both. AOC is trying to reinvent Christianity and the teaching of Jesus in her own leftist image.
And if you recall, she said at the beginning of the video that if Jesus was in front of Congress, He would be dismissed as a radical.
I agree. If you look at the teaching of Christ in Scripture, that's clear. But let me tell you, if Jesus stood in front of AOC and told her what
He actually believed as a traditional Jewish man about marriage, gender, the value of human life, sin, hell, judgment, etc.,
she would call Jesus a radical homophobe, a transphobe, and a judgmental bigot. There's no question about it.
That's why people in the Church who actually follow the historic teaching of Christ are called all of those names constantly.
It's not a coincidence. Just look around. The fact is, AOC is using the name of Jesus to advance an evil and demented worldview, one which
Jesus fought against. She clearly has little to no idea what He actually taught, and if she did, she would disown
Him immediately. She's not a Christian at all. She's a blasphemer who worships the secular freedom of man rather than God.
And basic Christian values should not be subjected to this tedious debate as if we don't know what they are.
And we shouldn't imply that they're merely an opinion. The core values of a modern -day leftist like AOC are inherently the opposites of those taught in Scripture.
You cannot genuinely hold to both at the same time. That is objectively true and we shouldn't apologize for acknowledging it.
And that is the truth about AOC. Please pray for this channel and for anyone mentioned in the video.
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