PCA Great Reset Pastor Shilling Commie Propaganda

AD Robles iconAD Robles



All right, we are back. I hope you had a good weekend. I know I sure did. Yesterday, just had a great time at church.
Last weekend, we were at my father's church, which was fine, but it's always good to be back at your home church. My pastor was preaching on the resurrection and the appearances of Christ after the resurrection.
Just so awesome, in my opinion, to be reminded about the power of God and the forgiveness that he offers to his people.
Peace be with you. That was the line that he focused on in his sermon. What an amazing, amazing thing.
Peace be with you. Christ is awesome, is he not? I don't know what you guys learned in Sunday school or in church yesterday, but that was quite an important message that I heard.
And it's just awesome to be reminded of it again. I posted this picture yesterday on Gab. This was a picture from the day before I went fishing on Saturday.
And me and the boys, the two older ones, the four and the six -year -old, we've been fishing a lot lately.
There's a reservoir really close to our house. And, you know, we've been catching mostly bluegill, a few yellow perch here and there.
We caught a pickerel as well, one little smaller pickerel. And so the kids have just been saying, dad, we gotta catch a bass.
We just gotta catch a bass. And so I went out and they stayed home.
I went out for just a few casts and ended up catching this rock bass, you know, 10 and a half inches, a little less than a pound,
I would say, just about a pound. But I gotta say, it fought like it was double the size.
It was awesome. But it's just so amazing, the kids, to them, it might as well have been a great white shark.
I mean, they thought it was the largest fish in the world. You know, their dad is the coolest dad ever. It's so awesome to be a father,
I'll say that. It is a lot of fun to be a father. But Torba shared this picture on Gab, which meant it got a lot of engagement.
So thank you, Andrew, I appreciate that. God bless you, brother. I will be forever in your debt to get my little story of the kids admiring my 10 and a half inch rock bass out to the world.
But anyway, you know, speaking of church, a lot of people are having a hard time finding a good church.
And I have to say that a number of, you know, the video that I posted about McLean Bible Church with the wild meeting that they had and all of that, that almost has 200 ,000 views at this point.
And a comment that I keep seeing is essentially, this is why I don't go to church and all that.
But guys, there's no excuse to not go to church. You need to find one. You need to find a good church.
And that's on you. That's your responsibility before God. You need to be with the body of Christ.
There's just no and ifs or buts about it. Video church doesn't work. Watching Joel Osteen doesn't work.
You need to be with the body of Christ. You need to be partaking in communion with the body of Christ. You need to be under the authority of elders with the body of Christ.
You just have to do it. And if that means you have to move to find a church, I was talking to someone last night, which by the way, brother,
I will get back to you. I heard, I read your story and it's, yeah. I'll get back to you. But he was talking about potentially moving to find a church.
And if that's what it takes, that's what you gotta do. Right now, I go to a church an hour away and it's not ideal, but it's what
I gotta do. You just gotta find a church to go to. The fact that some churches are wild and completely propaganda promoting and all that, which we're gonna get to in a second, that's no excuse.
You need to go to church for goodness sake. But on that note though,
I realize it's hard and I'm not trying to say that it's easy to find a good church. It's really hard, especially when every church out there is promoting government propaganda as if it's their job.
And in my opinion, according to many of these pastors, it pretty much is their job.
They're great reset pastors. Whatever the great reset agenda is, that's what they're going to promote.
And I've been thinking a lot about the connection between the woke church and the
COVID -19 vaccine promoting church. Because if there was a Venn diagram for woke churches and churches that promote the coronavirus vaccine, it would be just one circle.
They're all doing it. They're all doing the same thing. And I'm interested in hearing your opinion as to why that is.
I have my own. But before we get into that, let me play a propaganda video. This is a propaganda video that the,
I think it was Arkansas. Yeah, Arkansas Department of Health put out. Let me just play this for you so you understand what propaganda is.
During the pandemic, my lifestyle drastically changed. My income came to a screeching halt. You have to understand,
I'm a hustler. I'm a legit entrepreneur. I sell things. I come in contact with people all the time. I have to stay safe.
I didn't have a choice but to trust the vaccine. Because if you live the type of lifestyle that I live, you out here in these streets and you hustling, an entrepreneur like me, why not do it safely?
So I want everybody to take this seriously. Take a shot at staying healthy. Get the vaccine.
Okay, so that's government propaganda, right? It's, he's a hustler. I'm out here in these streets, man.
I had no choice. I had to trust the vaccine. I had to stay safe, y 'all. And it's like, what is he saying that he does?
Like, it's very ambiguous, right? He says he's a legitimate entrepreneur. Yeah, that's the same thing Tony Soprano says.
Like, it's like, what are you saying here? Well, he out here in these streets, man. He had no choice.
And he tries to promote this thing where it's like, look, if you want things to go back to normal, you want your income back, you want to be out there hustling, whatever it is.
I mean, listen, I'm not up on the modern slang. Like, I mean, half the things that, when I was talking to Ruslan, half the things he was saying,
I didn't understand. But I'm not up on the modern slang. But I think hustling means like, you know, slang and dope.
I don't know. But the point is, he's, look, even if it's legitimate, even if he's selling legitimate watches or something,
I don't know. The propaganda here, you can see what it is. You get the shot, otherwise things don't go back to normal.
You can't hustle anymore. So that's government propaganda. And you can see it's targeting a certain kind of audience, right?
It's targeting an audience out there that's hustling and that can understand his language. I'm not the target audience here, obviously.
But there is a target audience here, and this is propaganda, right? Now, let's just, let's not be too mean to him because Christians do this as well.
This is Reverend Walter Kim. And this is a PCA, supposedly conservative Presbyterian minister.
The vaccines are a gift from God. I should,
I should, I should, I should warn you that this is the Woke Preacher Clips edit. To be fair, this is the
Woke Preacher Clips edited version of the government propaganda. Now, this was the, this was targeted towards the hustler community, whatever that means.
And this is targeted towards the Christian community. I think the vaccines are a gift from God.
In our current circumstances with this pandemic, getting vaccinated is one of the best expressions of loving our neighbors.
Christians have an opportunity to be the leading edge in loving our neighbors.
And I would urge my brothers and sisters in the faith to reflect that desire to love our neighbors by getting vaccinated.
I'm Walter Kim, president of the National Association of Evangelicals. I believe the vaccines are an answer to prayers.
I believe Jesus would teach us. Look at this church. My goodness gracious, look at this church.
I mean, this is, this is why I get emails and messages and comments. And look, I'm not excusing these because they have the wrong attitude where they say,
I don't go to church anymore. I don't go to church because this is what they see when they go there. Assigned seating.
And some churches are saying, if you're not vaccinated, you can't even come. And they're getting propaganda. I mean, this is the same exact kind of propaganda piece as this one.
This one's targeted towards the hustler audience. This one's targeted towards the Christian audience. I don't know what a hustler is, but he certainly looks like he's pretty animated about it.
And Reverend Walter Kim, you know, I know what a Christian is. At least I know what he claims to be. But this is him doing the same thing.
He's shilling for the Great Reset. This is a Great Reset pastor. Jesus would teach us to take the vaccine.
Look, I have sympathy for people that walk in the door and they see this and they're like, I'm not going to church. What is this?
Because I understand. I went to, look, let me say this. Let me calm down for a second. You know my story.
I go to a Baptist church an hour away. I want to be, I'm a Presbyterian. I want to go to a Presbyterian church.
The local Presbyterian church, when we walked in, we, you know, they had the mask.
This was in the middle of the mask craze last year. And look, I don't want to wear masks, but you know, at the same time, your property,
I'll wear the mask, whatever, right? I don't do that anymore. I don't wear masks anymore. But back then, it was a little different. So, okay, fine.
Masks is one thing. And then we open up our hymnals to sing songs unto the
Lord, to sing songs and shouts of praise unto the Lord. And they say, well, you know, just make sure that you're singing quietly and just kind of murmuring to yourself.
I'm not doing that. I'm not exposing my kids to that insanity, my friends. I don't suggest you do it either.
And so you got to find a church, but I totally don't blame you if you walk into a church and you see this, and you're like,
I'm out of here. I don't blame you. This would teach us to take the vaccine as a part of God's gift to humanity.
You are not expressing a lack of faith in God.
In fact, you're expressing the kind of faith that the Bible often talks about. Great job,
Woke Preacher. Leading Christian ethicists have come to the conclusion that the pro -life ethic, rather than deterring us from taking the vaccine, would encourage us to take the vaccine.
I want to be in a good mood this week. They foster the ability to - Look at this church.
I mean, look at this. What's going on here is there's like sections for each,
I guess maybe family group or something like this. And there's different seating, assigned seating for each group, and it's just complete, these are crazy people, right?
And I don't mean the people in the pews because they're probably, most of these people are probably like, this is crazy, but you know, it's my pastor or whatever,
I got to submit to him. But which, by the way, you don't have to submit to insanity that your pastor promotes, by the way, right?
But I'm not talking about the people. I'm talking about the people that are in charge here. This man, and if you look at their church page, they have a bunch of different elders, right?
There's a whole team of them. This is, these are crazy people. This is the great reset in action.
And they're going to promote literally anything that CNN promotes, that MSNBC reports promotes, that Joe Biden and his cronies,
Cornelia Harris promotes. They'll do, they'll say anything. It doesn't matter. These are the government sponsored, the government controlled pastors.
This is the propaganda. This is insane. Engage in life -giving activities of worship, of fellowship.
Good research has been done that is respectful of the values of pro -life.
Yeah, great research. Oh yeah, leading ethicists. I mean, he's probably referring to Russell Moore most likely, which is the king great reset.
Of course, there are always going to be questions. Let's talk, let's get a conversation going.
And as we do so, I think there is the growing weight of evidence to give us confidence that the vaccines are indeed safe.
The vaccines are a way for us to express love for our neighbor. The vaccines are a way for us to be able to regather as churches.
Okay, today is June. So, you know who allows you to regather as your churches?
No, no, it's not the powerful Lord of Glory, the King of Kings, the Lord of Lords, the one who commands you to meet for worship.
That, nope, nope. No, it's actually Moderna. It's actually, or, you know, if you want to play it safe,
I've heard it say, you know, maybe Johnson & Johnson's the one to get, right? Johnson & Johnson's the safe one because it's like an original vaccine.
I recommend the Johnson & Johnson one. That's who allows us to gather. It's when we get vaccinated.
I mean, Moderna, Pfizer, all these guys, that's how we know we can go back and meet for church when we get vaccinated.
Guys, if you go to a church like this, you gotta find a real church. This is a great reset church. And by the way, this is what
I wanted to ask you guys about because I have my own ideas. But why is it that every church that promotes the vaccine also is woke, right?
Like, why is it that every church that promotes the vaccine, the vaccine, the vaccine is also woke?
This is, look, let me just take the mission statement here. No, that's not the one I'm looking for. Hold on. Oh yeah, here it is.
Race and ethnicity. They've got a whole section on their website talking about how, you know, everything's gotta be racial reconciliation and this and that.
We gotta have a multi -ethnic church. Like, it's all, everyone is doing the same stuff, right? Every company that's woke is also mandating vaccines.
Every church that's woke is also vaccines. And they're all pushing the narrative, right?
And I think, and this is my theory on this, is that ultimately the woke stuff and the
COVID stuff, ultimately it centers the government as sovereign. You know, the government allows you to meet for church or not.
Not God, not the Lord of glory, not the king of kings. It's actually one of those other kings that is besides God.
That's the one who lets you go, Moderna, right? And it's the same thing with the race stuff, right? Like the race stuff, ultimately when you come down to it, it's central planning.
They think that we ought to be planning, you know, the economy in a certain way to make it more equitable or whatever.
And we actually have the ability to reconcile the races instead of the gospel changing hearts.
No, no, we can engineer things through central planning to actually make things better in that way.
And it's the same thing with this COVID stuff. We can engineer things, you know, to kind of force people into the vaccine, to make everyone healthy and thriving and stuff like that.
Instead of, you know, the gospel changing hearts and God blessing his people for meeting and laying hands on the sick and stuff like that.
Look, vaccines and medicines and stuff like that, that can be a gift from God. But this particular one, trying to put this narrative out there that, oh yeah, totally, we have to meet for church so we have to get the vaccine.
It's a gift from God, love your neighbor. By the way, guys, that when you say that, this pastor said that,
Reverend Walter Kim, every time he said that, he was adding to the law of God.
Let me find a picture in here. First, you say your name and spell it. I'm God, G -O -D.
That's blasphemous. All right, we're not gonna be watching that. Every time this dude, let's get that good picture here.
This guy right here, this is a Pharisee. This is what a Pharisee looks like in our modern culture.
A Pharisee. And what I mean by that is he's adding to the law of God things that you can easily accomplish to be uber holy.
And the vaccine is one of those things. You see, this is what the Pharisees were up to, right? They would add laws to the law of God to make it very easy for them to follow and to be admired by everyone.
You see, this is the thing. Like, when I went to Sunday school, I assumed that everybody hated the
Pharisees, right? What a bunch of jerks, right? That's not how it was. The Pharisees were admired. The Pharisees were loved.
The Pharisees got pats on the back from the propaganda promoters and stuff like that of their time.
They were loved. They were used as tools. And what they would do is they would add laws to the law of God to make themselves look good.
And that's every single time this guy or anybody else says this is a matter of loving your neighbor as yourself, this is a way to show neighbor love, this is a gift from God that you can show neighbor love, what they're doing is adding to the law of God because what did
Jesus say? Jesus said that the law of God is essentially this, love God, love neighbor.
Those are summary statements of the law of God. So when Walter Kim here, the propaganda great reset
Pharisee says, well, you're getting the neighbor to get the vaccine so we can be allowed to meet for church.
He's saying, I've got no king but Caesar, or I guess maybe Fauci. No king but Caesar.
So this is how I know I can meet for church. You get the vaccine and it's totally safe by the way, get the vaccine and it's pro -life as well.
And every propaganda term is being just recycled into this. You see, this is a bunch of propaganda.
And the reality is when he says it's a matter of the law of God, he's saying, if you don't get this vaccine, you are in sin.
He thinks he's God. He thinks he can add to the law of God. He thinks that if he can manipulate you enough, it's totally safe, it's pro -life.
I'm gonna use every buzzword I'm allowed to use or I'm told to use here for the great reset. If I can do that, he thinks he can actually create this law that makes you look really good to the world.
He's gonna get pats on the back just like the Pharisees did and he's happy to do it. We need to be allowed to meet again.
I've got no king but Caesar. Christ doesn't tell me to meet. Caesar tells me whether or not to meet.
And if he puts a stipulation like the vaccine, it's totally safe. I mean, leading ethicists. Look, it doesn't matter if leading
Christian ethicists say that getting the vaccine is required according to God's law. It's not.
You need a citation for that. You notice the woke preacher clip. See, you need a citation for that one. Yeah, it doesn't matter if a friendly, well, he's probably
Korean, a friendly Korean pastor gets his holy robes on and says, this is a matter of loving your neighbor as yourself.
And by the way, it's pro -life. Doesn't matter if he says that. It's not in the book.
Look, it's not that big a book. You can read it cover to cover and you're not gonna find anything in it that says that you need to inject yourself with chemicals if Caesar tells you to to avoid a disease that you're almost guaranteed not to get or get sick or go to the hospital or die, right?
Even if you were guaranteed to get sick and go to the hospital, you still wouldn't have to inject yourself with chemicals should you choose not to, because that's not in the book.
Look, I mean, it's a lot of words, but you can read it cover to cover in a couple months and you're not gonna find anything like that in here.
I can guarantee that. I can guarantee that. And so the question is, like, these great reset guys, like, are they just accidentally doing this?
Are they just, you know, whatever CNN says, they trust it, or are they getting orders from somewhere? That's what I'd like to know.
What is your opinion? Why is it that everyone woke is also pushing the vaccine?
Like, some people like the vaccine that aren't woke. I'm not saying that everyone who likes the vaccine is woke, or I'm not saying that everyone woke, you know, is necessarily pushing the vaccine, but certainly the leadership and the institutions.
If it was a Venn diagram, it would just be one circle. This is how normal Venn diagrams are. If it was the
Venn diagram in this case, pushing the COVID vaccine and being woke in the church, it'd be a
Venn diagram like that. I don't even know if that counts as a Venn diagram. But anyway, this is kind of a scattered episode.
I hope you found it helpful. What I will say, though, is that, look, I have... Look, if you walked into a church and you saw, you know, this mess of chairs, because everyone's terrified out of their minds of a mild disease, like, if this is what you saw, and you're like, man,
I'm not going to church. Look, please hear me. There are faithful churches out there, and there are churches that love the
Lord and trust the Lord, and they are able to live in harmony with some people that get the vaccine, some people that don't.
They don't require it. They don't pressure you. They don't twist the scripture. They don't make up laws to make it seem like whatever
CNN's pushing is the law of God, is loving your neighbor. Like, it's unbelievable. Like, they'll even say the
Black Lives Matter stuff is loving your neighbor. It's like, there are churches out there that don't do that, that don't play fast and loose with God's word.
And so find one of those, man. It might take you a number of weeks to find one, but it's worth it.
Like I said, I had a fantastic Lord's Day yesterday, and I want that for you as well. So I would argue, if you're not in church today, repent of that sin, because that's a sin to not be in church.
And go do whatever it takes to find a good church. I hope you found this video helpful.