David Platt Disregarded Elder’s Concerns about Voting Book

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A deleted scene from “The Real David Platt” documentary.


As we approach a presidential election, in such a polarized political climate...
The Seven Things to Consider Before You Vote book, the elders got a copy of that about a week or two before it went to the publisher, and I started reading it.
I thought, boy, this isn't right. Basically, it's okay to vote for liberal progressives who don't have a biblical worldview.
And I don't think that that's right. You know, if somebody's talking about, you know, transgender or homosexuality and women's liberation, if that's what they stand for, and you're voting for that individual,
David said, you know, kind of in a soft way, it's okay. I came back with notes in the margins on this stuff, and I said,
David, did you read my... He goes, yeah. He goes, I did. He said, Craig, thank you very much.
Okay. And then the next week, it was published. Tom, definitely, Mark and I, maybe
Larry, we said, we don't want this book, you know, promoted from the pulpit.
And we don't really want books in the lobby for sale because we just don't think this book is right.
The book came out, and there were thousands of copies put in the lobby. And we said,
David, we told you not to do that. And we just got the look, you know. I got the bill for it, for the publishing of it, yeah.
And so I called Larry up, and I said, Larry, are we supposed to be paying for this? He goes, no, no, no, no, we have an agreement.
No, we're not supposed to be. I said, okay. I said, I'm not going to sign this check. I said,