David Platt Disregarded Elder’s Concerns about Voting Book
A deleted scene from “The Real David Platt” documentary.
- 00:00
- As we approach a presidential election, in such a polarized political climate...
- 00:06
- The Seven Things to Consider Before You Vote book, the elders got a copy of that about a week or two before it went to the publisher, and I started reading it.
- 00:15
- I thought, boy, this isn't right. Basically, it's okay to vote for liberal progressives who don't have a biblical worldview.
- 00:26
- And I don't think that that's right. You know, if somebody's talking about, you know, transgender or homosexuality and women's liberation, if that's what they stand for, and you're voting for that individual,
- 00:41
- David said, you know, kind of in a soft way, it's okay. I came back with notes in the margins on this stuff, and I said,
- 00:51
- David, did you read my... He goes, yeah. He goes, I did. He said, Craig, thank you very much.
- 00:57
- Okay. And then the next week, it was published. Tom, definitely, Mark and I, maybe
- 01:04
- Larry, we said, we don't want this book, you know, promoted from the pulpit.
- 01:10
- And we don't really want books in the lobby for sale because we just don't think this book is right.
- 01:20
- The book came out, and there were thousands of copies put in the lobby. And we said,
- 01:28
- David, we told you not to do that. And we just got the look, you know. I got the bill for it, for the publishing of it, yeah.
- 01:41
- And so I called Larry up, and I said, Larry, are we supposed to be paying for this? He goes, no, no, no, no, we have an agreement.
- 01:50
- No, we're not supposed to be. I said, okay. I said, I'm not going to sign this check. I said,