Fear of Evangelism – Just Do It

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Andrew is traveling but talks about the fear of evangelism. Rapp Report Daily 0347 This podcast is a ministry of Striving for Eternity and all our resources strivingforeternity.org Listen to other podcasts on the Christian Podcast Community: ChristianPodcastCommunity.org Support Striving for Eternity at http://StrivingForEternity.org/donate Please review us on iTunes http://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/rapp-report/id1353293537 Give us your feedback, email us [email protected] Like us on...


Welcome to The Rapid Bull, Daily Edition, where we provide a quick Biblical interpretations and applications.
This is a ministry of striving for eternity. So let's talk evangelism.
Does that word alone drive you to fear? You know, for many people, it does.
Evangelism is a thing that causes many people to really be afraid. What are we so afraid of when it comes to evangelism?
Well, for many of us, we're afraid that people may reject us. Wait, stop there for a moment and think about that.
You're afraid that someone you don't know and will probably never meet again might reject you?
Does that sound silly? Well, that's actually what a lot of people are afraid of. When we go out to do what we call cold evangelism, evangelism to people we don't know, we're afraid that someone may reject us and we'll probably never meet them again.
And yet, we're afraid. We're afraid sometimes that we may not have the right answers.
Don't ever fear that, because a perfectly good answer is,
I don't know. In fact, when you tell someone, I don't know, they actually gain respect for you because they realize that you're not trying to fool them.
So it's perfectly right to say, I don't know, when you don't know. So you don't have to fear about not having the right answer, because you don't need to.
Other things people fear are things like getting beat up, that doesn't really happen, and a lot of other things.
But don't fear evangelism. Just go and do it. This podcast is part of the Striving for Eternity ministry.