Highlight: Women and The Importance of Education


This is a highlight of our premiere Webcast Apologia Radio. Apologia Radio can be watched LIVE on Thursdays here on YouTube. In this Clip Luke and the gang are joined by Ben Merkle of New Saint Andrews College. They discuss the importance of women getting an education. Be sure to like, share, and comment on this video. You can get more at http://apologiastudios.com : You can partner with us by signing up for All Access. When you do you make everything we do possible and you also get our TV show, After Show, and Apologia Academy, etc. You can also sign up for a free account to receive access to Bahnsen U. We are re-mastering all the audio and video from the Greg L. Bahnsen PH.D catalogue of resources. This is a seminary education at the highest level for free. #ApologiaStudios Follow us on social media here: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ApologiaStudios/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/apologiastudios/?hl=en Check out our online store here: https://shop.apologiastudios.com/


So this next thing I want Joy to chime in on this, you know us men know that God gives us our wives because we need help and we need to help me and my wife texted me she said you sound like a chauvinist.
I was joking earlier about the knitting and all that. Oh yeah totally. But I want to I want to but she brought up a good point
I want because I want Joy to tag in on this and I don't flatter people just for the sake of flattery.
Ben is a very intelligent man I look up to him he's one of the smartest people I know but you've probably written the least out of anyone into the family you married it to and like you know that includes
Becca your wife and Rachel and let's not forget Nate yeah but I'm focusing on the women specifically because my wife texted me she said you know like Doug has said like to not educate our daughters is to not educate our grandsons and so you know when
I was joking about that earlier my you know my point is like yeah I still want my daughters to not be just dum -dums that stay at home and you know cook things like I still want them to be intelligent be able because they're going to then teach my grandkids and so I just wanted to hear
I thought I'm glad she she brought that up as a great point and I wanted to hear Joy's thoughts on that. Well I mean
I like the distinction that you made Ben about a job versus work and I think that being a wife and a mom or even just a single lady in the church is there's a lot of work for women especially work done cheerfully and faithfully and I do think it's a little unfortunate that we've started to view the tasks and work for women as a job that you kind of clock in and out of and I think it's created well it's created laziness and then
I think there's entitlement that kind of jumps on once the laziness goes by and yeah so I think that obviously
I I think women should be educated I think that you know goes without saying and I think that there are there's plenty of education that can be accessed without attending you know a building sure and so that when whether or not you would actually go attend at an a physical school would be totally your business and I would recommend if you're a lady a young lady listening your father's business certainly ask ask your dad and your mom but yeah
I think that I there's a lot of work for women that may not require you to go to a building but I also think that all the very smart and shrewd women that I know seek more maybe more formally educated work in a clever way as a means to you know obviously there's like people who write books there's that's an enormous contribution
Becca has made an enormous contribution that's Ben's wife for any of you guys that don't know that and then you know you're making it you're making an enormous contribution to the education of your own children but there's also
I mean there's also no problem at all with a woman that is clever in the way that she works to maybe even bring extra money into her household and all of those things do not preclude formal education so that would just be something that you would have to make sure you're you
I mean you would just have to approach school intelligently which I think is something that we just need to do more in general but the thing is if you make that distinction between you know
I have to get this job and or I have to get this degree in order to get this job once you do that then it makes all college education about formal career and employment and if you have a woman who aspires to be a wife and a mom then you've made college education kind of an unnecessary possibly even an impediment but if you say that no no no the college is it's not for everybody but for those for whom it fits with their natural talents and whatnot it's about making you a certain kind of person well then all of a sudden it's a great place for young women to be as well and it doesn't because they have a feminist agenda or whatever career aspiration it could be
I want to be a really good wife and mom and that's why I'm going to college I know that that was really why
NSA was first started was because Becca was the first student my my three daughters my oldest daughter just graduated and actually the funny thing is is she's about to go to cooking school for three months and it's that's irony right there yeah
I know she's treating herself she's going to the cordon bleu because I think she just wants the adventure but but she did
NSA to be a certain kind of person and and you know a lot of this you know is honestly my wife's book even exile
I think kind of captures a lot of what we're describing yeah it was it's a documentary on the cannon out but the other thing is yesterday
I think another documentary just dropped called come and welcome or something like that it's about hosting people it's it's like for women on hosting company the thing is funny about it is my daughter the one who's headed to cooking school she's the one who produced the whole thing she's quite talented and it comes out of that NSA education but it's not because this is you know she's firing to be a full -time in this field yeah all of my daughters are going through NSA because I want them to be this kind of person yeah come and see is what it's called well and then certainly
I don't think it's wrong you know because education is more about the type of person you want to be
I I don't think there's anything wrong with that little 30 % drop -off rate if you do happen to find someone yeah you just you know you're like you said there there's some back -to -back kids and all of a sudden you're like oh this is not
I'm busy continuing this education right now is not a you know but that's that it just goes back to it's so funny because women are painted as this marginalized group but what we're talking about is the free woman that is free to say
I I was going to school and now I can yeah go be a wife and a mom yeah