Evidence of Necromancy & Heresy? The Chosen / Jesus Revolution (Discernment Warning)


The Scripture tells us in 1 Thessalonians 5:21 to "test all things, and to hold fast what is good." The purpose of this video is to test the spirits (1 John 4:1) and to generate a discussion within the body of Christ and to warn of potential false teaching coming out of Dallas Jenkins TV show "The Chosen" & Greg Laurie's film "Jesus Revolution" about Chuck Smith, Lonnie Frisbee & The Jesus People Movement of the late 1960's - 1970's. The video evidence presented is Jonathan


Hello, in this video, we're gonna talk a little bit more about the Jesus Revolution movie and The Chosen, which is a
TV program. Both of these are having a major impact. They're very popular with evangelicals.
And you know, a lot of professing believers don't go to church. They don't have a pastor that they're getting sound doctrine from.
They're not necessarily reading and studying the Bible themselves. So people are getting their beliefs from TV and movies.
And that's a big problem. I already did a few videos on The Chosen and the
Jesus Revolution film. So you can go back and watch those, but something else has come to light.
The actor who plays Jesus on The Chosen, Jonathan Rumi, who he is a
Roman Catholic, which is a whole other issue, right? But he's in the film, Jesus Revolution.
He plays Lonnie Frisbee. A clip has surfaced where the charge is that he is essentially practicing necromancy, which is just another word for witchcraft.
Deuteronomy chapter 18 talks about how there shall not be found among God's people anyone who practices witchcraft or those who are a medium or a spiritist who calls up the dead.
You remember King Saul, when he sought out the witch at Endor, what did he want the witch to do?
He wanted the witch to get a sign, contact the dead,
Samuel, and get a sign. Saul wanted guidance from someone who was dead.
And that's what Jonathan Rumi is doing, that's what it looks like here in this video.
So just watch. Oh, he didn't realize he's buried there too. Oh yeah, he's buried there, yeah.
Oh, well, I'm gonna have to go take a look at that. Yeah, it's powerful. In fact, I sat down and I prayed with him.
The space just to his right is empty, so I got to sit down or lie. At one point,
I even lied down because I just thought it would be kind of interesting to try to connect in some way. That's probably more information than you need or may even wanna publish.
I don't understand how these people think they're going to connect with someone who's dead.
But that said, you know, it's the truth. And so I finished praying with him and I said,
Lonnie, I wanna honor you with this film. And I really want to bring justice and the testament to the gifts of God's grace and powers that you displayed while you were on this earth.
And so if this is a good idea that I do this film, have somebody give me a sign.
Give me a sign, have God give me a sign. So folks, he's actually praying and speaking to dead
Lonnie Frisbee and asking this dead corpse to have someone give him a sign.
This is witchcraft and according to Deuteronomy 18, Jonathan is detestable to God.
But then a sign comes. And the minute the words left my mouth, behind me there was a door open to the cathedral and this giant cord rang out for about five seconds.
And then - From the organ. From the organ. Wow. I hadn't heard it before. And that's the very organ that used to be there when it was the, it's the same organ that when it was the
Crystal Cathedral. It was sent out and refurbished and whatnot, but it's the same one. So I heard that and I was like, okay, thanks for that.
So Jonathan really believes that dead Lonnie Frisbee in some way made that door open and the organ play.
This is divination and a very serious matter. Okay, so I wanna be as fair as I can.
I know some people would say, well, you've probably gone to the grave of a loved one and you've talked to them and that's no big deal.
He's not trying to practice witchcraft or necromancy or anything like that. And I would be inclined to give someone the benefit of the doubt that, yeah, he's just going there and he's talking and he doesn't really think he's communicating with the dead.
Normally, I would want to give someone the benefit of the doubt. But, and by the way,
I got that clip from the YouTube channel, Revealing Truth. So thank you to that channel.
But based on what Lonnie, yeah, Lonnie, Jonathan Rumi, who played
Lonnie Frisbee and plays Jesus in The Chosen, based on what he says is he actually got in contact with Lonnie Frisbee.
So that's the issue here. Do you realize the claim he is making?
He's claiming that he did get in contact with the dead and the fact that he was kind of laying over his grave.
Some have said that's grave soaking. That's something that Bethel Church does.
And yeah, that's what it sounds like. So normally I would say he was just talking.
He's not trying to actually do anything like necromancy. But the fact that he claims that he did get in contact with Lonnie Frisbee and that Lonnie Frisbee opened up the door of the cathedral and a cord rang out and that was a sign from beyond.
I don't know how you get around it. So that's very, very concerning.
So Jonathan Rumi, he's also, as I said, the actor who plays Jesus in The Chosen.
And The Chosen has a whole different set of issues. The people on The Chosen are not just ecumenical, but they are interfaith.
So the creator, Dallas Jenkins, creator of The Chosen, and again, I already made a video or two on this.
You can go back and watch those. But Dallas Jenkins claims that Mormons are true
Christians and that they love the same Jesus as we do. And that Mormons are brothers and sisters in Christ.
And Dallas Jenkins and Jonathan Rumi have gone to visit Pope Francis and they both seem to be on board with all of this.
So is that true? Is Mormonism, is the Mormon gospel, this is the real question, right?
Is the Mormon gospel efficacious for salvation? That's what Dallas Jenkins is saying.
And I'm gonna show the video in one moment, but Dallas Jenkins says that Mormons love the same
Jesus, they're true brothers and sisters in Christ. That's not the case. Not everybody is a child of God.
According to John 1, 11 and 12, says that Jesus, he came unto his own, but his own did not receive him.
But as many as received him, that is by faith, to them he has given the right to become children of God.
So only born again believers who believe the true gospel and trust in the true
Jesus of scripture are children of God. They are brothers and sisters in Christ.
And yet Dallas Jenkins says, no Mormons are brothers and sisters in Christ too. They love the same
Jesus. While the apostle Paul warned about those who preach another Jesus, 2
Corinthians 11. Because the Jesus of Mormonism is the spirit brother of Lucifer.
He is the spirit child of a man named Elohim who lived on a distant planet near the star
Kolob. In accord, that's all true, you can check it out. Mormons believe that God was once a sinful human being living on another planet.
And that he and heavenly mother had a celestial sex and produced spirit children among them were
Jesus and Lucifer and Jesus and Satan in that sense are brother. This is a totally different God, totally different Jesus.
And Mormonism, the founder, this is a cult by the way, Mormonism, the founder of Mormonism, Joseph Smith, he said that all
Christian churches and Christian creeds are an abomination to God. So this is not Christianity, never has been, never will be.
And yet listen to what Dallas Jenkins says. Part of it was, well, be careful because of the common misconceptions about our different belief systems, but also just protecting the show.
Like, will the audience be bothered by the fact that there are
LDS people involved? Personally, I didn't really care because I've worked with people of all different traditions, or I mean,
I've worked with atheists. I've partnered with people who've distributed my movies who had zero desire to, or connection to Christ and couldn't have cared less about it.
So even if I had significant disagreements with the LDS community, which I've learned
I have fewer than I thought I did. But even with that, I was okay, I was comfortable with that because as long as they're treating the show properly, that's all that matters.
So it's been, I can honestly say it's been one of the top three most fascinating and beautiful things about this project has been my growing brother and sisterhood with people of the
LDS community that I never would have known otherwise and learning so much about your faith tradition and realizing, gosh, for all the stuff that maybe we don't see eye to eye on, that all happened, that's all based on stuff that happened after Jesus was here.
The stories of Jesus, we do agree on and we love the same
Jesus. That's not something that you often hear. Sometimes it's like, oh, they believe in a different Jesus than we do.
Yeah, no, it's the same. I mean, I'll sink or swim on that statement and it's controversial and I don't mind getting criticized at all for the show and I don't mind being called a blasphemer.
I don't like it when my friends are and I made it very clear that if I go down,
I'm going down swinging, protecting my friends and my brothers and sisters and so I don't deny we have a lot of theological differences but we love the same
Jesus. Okay, so based on what we saw from Jonathan Rumi, the actor in Jesus Revolution who plays
Lonnie Frisbee and plays Jesus on The Chosen, based on what we heard from him, you heard him in his own words.
This is not me, you know, well, I heard a rumor. No, you saw him in his own words. You saw
Dallas Jenkins in his own words. My friends, this is very, very dangerous that Christians are getting their beliefs and their doctrine from shows like The Chosen and Jesus Revolution, very, very serious.
So as a pastor, I want to warn the body of Christ. You need to find a good Bible believing church and you need to sit under a pastor who knows the truth and teaches sound doctrine because necromancy, interfaith, hey, all religion,
Catholic, Mormon, you know, we're all saved. We're all brothers and sisters in Christ. This opposes the teachings of the
New Testament. So very dangerous indeed. All right, thanks for watching. Till next time, may the Lord be with you.