What does it mean that love is not rude (1 Corinthians 13:5)?
What does it mean that love is not rude (1 Corinthians 13:5)? What does "love is not rude" mean in terms of how I show love to others?
Source article: https://www.gotquestions.org/love-is-not-rude.html
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- What does it mean that love is not rude? We're going to answer that question.
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- You can discover more on GotQuestions .org. The description of love in 1
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- Corinthians chapter 13 includes a list of what love is not.
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- We read that love is not rude in verse 5. Love then has good manners.
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- The Greek phrase could literally be translated does not act unbecomingly or does not act inappropriately.
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- Christian love does not seek to cause problems and it does not belittle others.
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- Christian love involves choosing appropriate actions and responses that help other people.
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- Rudeness is finding more and more acceptance in today's culture. Public behavior and words that were unthinkable a generation ago are now commonplace.
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- We live in what essayist Merrill Markow in the Wall Street Journal calls a renaissance of rudeness.
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- The fact is that rudeness is rooted in selfishness. Manners are meant to reduce the friction of human interaction.
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- Discourtesy reveals a lack of consideration for others. The ill -mannered person is communicating that it's all about me.
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- Love, by contrast, cannot be selfish for the simple reason that love is concerned for the other person's well -being.
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- Therefore, love is mannerly. When Christians give testimony to what they believe and defend the faith, they are to do so with gentleness and respect.
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- In other words, we are to witness in a loving, courteous way. This is not to say that Christians should never speak negatively regarding the actions of others.
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- The gospel message condemns sin and calls sinners to repentance and faith in Jesus.
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- However, there is a right way and a wrong way to do anything, and speaking against sin need not be abrasive.
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- Christians are called to speak the truth in love, and as we know, love is not rude.
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- A husband who loves his wife will not treat her rudely but with courtesy and respect.
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- A pastor who loves his congregation will not speak of them condescendingly to others.
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- A Christian who loves his neighbor will remember his manners and act in a decorous, fitting way.
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- A life of love is shown in our words and actions and will impact others to bring glory to the
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- Lord. That answers the question, what does it mean that love is not rude? On our website,
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