Ed Litton's Alleged Sermon Stealing

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#FreeMenHere2021 Griffin Gulledge: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Ul9FhOO0Og


Alright, well, first video for the week. The reason is, Monday rather,
I was in New York on some business. Actually, mostly I was in Jersey City. If you don't know,
Jersey City is right across the river in New Jersey, right across from the financial district. So my hotel,
I'll put some pictures up here. My hotel had a pretty nice view of the city, at least the lower part.
And the office I was visiting, one of my customers, had this fantastic view.
And it was so funny because the guy, the CEO of this company was mentioning to me how everyone on the other side of the river in New York is paying like five times as much for rent, and they get a view of Jersey City.
We pay, you know, minimal rent compared to New York, and we get the New York view, which I thought was a pretty interesting way to look at it.
But anyway, but yeah, New York, man, it's gone downhill. Oh man. I used to live in New York.
I lived in New York City for eight years. And you know, it was a lot of fun in some ways.
In some ways it was a disaster. But man, you know, what was interesting, I managed,
I lived in New York for eight years, and I managed to never see a pride parade. No pride parade at all for eight years.
And then I go back to visit, and I had to drive right through a pride parade, which if you've ever seen a pride parade, it reminds me of that scene in Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas when he's in the middle of the reptile zoo.
Yeah, if you've seen it, you know what I'm talking about. But anyway, but it was a good trip, very successful trip.
So thank you for those of you who pray for my business and stuff like that. Thank you. I really appreciate it.
But anyway, so yeah, first video of the week, I wanted to comment on a few things.
This Ed Litton story, oh man, oh man.
I have to say, when I first heard about it, I was just kind of like, eh, no big deal.
He copied someone's sermon illustration. I mean, you know, you shouldn't do that. But sometimes it happens, and you don't even know why it happens.
In fact, this happened to me recently, it wasn't in a sermon, because I don't do illustrations like that typically in a sermon, at least not typically.
But in a video, I mentioned the other Ed Litton controversy, how he might be a heretic formally, like he doesn't understand the
Trinity. And I remember saying that partialism was kind of like Voltron. And in my mind at the time, this was just off the cuff.
I was thinking of saying Megazord, because that's from, you know, when I was a kid, you know, or at least a little older,
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers. But Voltron was when I was young, young, and I thought that would be better for my audience.
So I used Voltron. And somebody told me that the Voltron example was used by that cartoon,
Lutheran satire or Lutheran memes. And I don't think I've seen that video.
However, I know about that thing, because it's a very popular meme. And so I started thinking to myself, did
I just say Voltron because I had seen that before? Or did I decide to say
Voltron because it was better for my audience? And to be honest, I don't know.
I don't know. Like, if I plagiarize that, I didn't intend to. But, you know, it's a very funny sort of example of what partialism is.
It's like the Megazord or Voltron. And so I was like, you know, maybe it's something like that.
Right. You know, I just kind of just set that to the side a little bit, this ad lit in controversy. But man, was
I wrong. Oh, man. Have you seen this video? Maybe if you're like me, maybe you haven't seen it.
This is John Harris. Oh, this is I didn't mean to start you like this, John. Sorry about that.
This is John Harris. And he plays this mashup of J .D. Greer sermon and ad lit in sermon.
And it's it's beyond anything that I was imagining. Also, from what
I understand, this is what I heard on Protestia. Ad Litton has deleted like 100 sermons from his website.
So I guess we can presume that there's like probably 100 examples of him plagiarizing sermons.
And it's like, what? And of course, like, like, like the big, you know, big
Eva circling the wagons, you know, nothing to see here or I don't even know if they're responding to it at all. I mean, that would be like them to not respond to it at all.
That's how they deal with controversy. They just pretend like it never happened. And this is this this is the thing like that's just so gross.
Like if I've ever deleted content and there's actually one exception, we're going to get to that in a minute. If I've ever deleted content,
I've always explained why I'm deleting it, what it said. I'm not trying to hide anything. And I'll draw attention to it, obviously.
I'll say, hey, I deleted this video because I said this in it and I don't agree with that anymore.
I shouldn't have said that. That was sinful for me to do that. So I'm deleting this particular content for that particular reason.
If you have any questions, let me know. Like I draw attention to what I delete. And this has happened very rarely.
I've deleted maybe, I don't know, five videos, six videos, something like that. And I've always drawn attention to it, except for one time.
And that was a mistake. And I am going to explain that in this video. But anyway, if you haven't seen this is remarkable stuff.
This is pretty gross. I'm going to put the I'm going to put the speed to one point two five and get through this quicker.
I couldn't even believe this. Favorably, they're conservative outlet, but it's still going to be unfavorable, just the fact that they're reporting on it.
Now, I want to show you something. This is I'm pull it up here. Sorry for the speed, but I just want to guess this is another sermon.
Reformation Charlotte put this out today. Another J .D. Greer, Ed Litton mashup. And I'm expecting a lot more of this. I don't think 13 minutes is kind of long.
Let's just see how far we get on this and we'll watch it. And this is the kind of thing I think it's going to be coming out more and more as the weeks progress.
And why don't we just do this right now? This is sort of a little uncouth, maybe spontaneous. But if you right now listening at one of our campuses in our church here, if you are employed by the government in any way,
I would include in that first responders, law enforcement, of course, military, social workers, teachers, a representative, elected representative of some kind.
Or if you work for one of those people, if you work for the government, receive your paycheck from them. Would you do us the honor at all of our campuses of just standing up right now to stand to your feet right now, wherever you are, if you work for the government.
All right. Remain standing. Put your hands together. I want you to stay there. Stay standing. OK, stay, stay. Remain standing. If you're at home, please.
I understand you don't have to stand up. But at our West Campus, if you serve the government, if you receive a paycheck from the government, maybe you're a public school teacher, maybe you're a police officer, maybe you work in the tax department, the revenue department.
Maybe you're an agent of one of our law enforcement organizations. And so if you are, would you just stand up for a moment?
And I want to do what Paul says in another place in scripture where he tells us to pray for you. He tells us to pray for those that serve in this capacity because it's hard work.
And you do so as I'm going to show you in some ways as God's representative. And so we're going to pray for you. And I'm going to kind of commission you and what you do.
So if you're around one of these people and you know them, just reach out and kind of put your hand on them. Lay your hands on them. If you don't know them, probably best not to reach out and touch them like that, especially if it's a policeman.
They're going to think you're feeling for their gun. So don't do that. OK, so just reach out if you know they can put your hands on them. And let me voice a prayer on our behalf to God. OK, and I want all of us to express our gratitude for those who serve us in our nation.
First responders, teachers, and we thank you for your work. Father, thank you.
Thank you for these brothers and sisters. That have given their lives in service to make our lives better and to protect us and to serve us and to help us.
We pray that father, they would be able to do this with justice and equity. They would do so with wisdom that comes from you.
They would do so in a way that leads to peace and leads to freedom and blessing for all. We thank you for these brothers and sisters. We're very grateful for them, anointing them in their work.
We pray in Jesus name. And all God's people said, amen. Put your hands together one more time as they take their seat. In fact,
I want to pray for you right now. Father in heaven, I pray for those who serve us through our governments and what we thank you for those who serve on a national level, state level, local level, county.
Lord, we thank you that they serve and we pray your blessing upon their service, that they will care for people, that they'll have a heart for justice and righteousness or give them wisdom in all that they do.
In Jesus name, amen. I don't really think that's a big deal. I mean, it is interesting that it came in the same exact sermon topic and the same exact sermon and all that.
That's a little weird. I don't find that a big deal, but but trust me, this gets funny. You may be seated.
There are two primary things that I believe you and I are to glean from this passage. And if you're taking notes, this will be your outline for today.
The first is we can see the responsibilities of those who govern. We can see the responsibilities of those who govern.
This is, if you will, a kind of job description for the government. I want to talk about two things this morning. I want to talk about the responsibility of government.
The second thing you'll see, and this is the most important part, the responsibility of those who are governed. That's most of us. And I want to talk about the responsibility of the governed.
You think that many of our leaders are batty and for good cause, I might add. But Caligula, who was
Caesar around this time, was a Roman emperor by the name of Caligula. Caligula was unfit to keep a pet, let alone run an empire.
Now, let me just say up front, he wasn't he wasn't worthy of having a pet, much less being an emperor.
Let me just run you through a quick laundry list of Caligula's greatest accomplishments. First thing he does when he's in office, when he becomes
Caesar, he has his mom and brother killed to make sure that they don't challenge his right to the throne. He openly committed incest with three of his sisters.
He frequently would cross dress and go out in public. He installed his favorite horse, Encephalitis. Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa,
J .D. Greer, what's wrong with cross dressing? I thought that the Bible just whispered about sexual sin.
And then later promoted him to pro council. He killed his mother and brother to gain his power. He openly lived in an incestuous relationship with his multiple sisters.
He was a cross dresser. He made he literally made his horse a Roman senator. I have to ask, what had the horse done, a senator that earned him a promotion to pro council, right?
I mean, how do you even vote when you're a horse in the Senate? All in favor say aye. Opposed. Wait for it. Hey, OK, you get it right.
Can you imagine that a horse every time the Senate gathered, a horse would walk in with the emperor's horse when they voted. He would say, hey, often during gladiatorial games, which were cruel enough.
This goes on and on and on and on and on. John stops it there. And that's about right where I would have stopped it as well.
But I mean, the entire thing is plagiarized. It's the same thing. Now, now, have they addressed this?
I don't know. I'm not I'm not really all that interested in this. But what I am interested in is the response, because this this should be the end of Ed Litton.
I mean, obviously, you know, the other day he was a Trinitarian heretic and then he made that disappear without mentioning it.
And then now he's been plagiarizing. It seems like hundreds of sermons, you know, 150 sermons.
I think I think I saw 140. That's like three years worth of work that you should have been doing that now you've deleted from the
Internet, which is really that's the that's that's the conscience of a guilty man. Because if you notice, when
I mentioned Voltron and somebody said, hey, that's from Lutheran satire. I didn't delete it from the
Internet because I don't have a guilty conscience about it. I don't think I plagiarized it. But maybe
I saw a meme or something that mentioned Voltron and I just don't remember it. And all of that kind of thing that happens, that happens.
The other thing about this is that that I that I don't have a guilty conscience about is sometimes what
I'll do is I'll use a word like wizard. This is something that I got from somebody else. Wizardry.
Right. And I applied I applied it to to to woke leaders, but I heard that originally from Owen Benjamin.
He talks about the powers that be. And he says that they're essentially wizards. Right. They're like the Wizard of Oz.
And when I first started using the word wizard, I would reference Owen Benjamin as I got it from Owen Benjamin.
And I think that's a very apt description of the powers that be because they don't really have any magical powers.
They just have this wizardry that they distract you. And, you know, all that kind of stuff. So I used to reference
Owen Benjamin. Now, when I say wizard, I don't reference it anymore because I've already referenced it.
And so now it's just kind of part of my vernacular. And so you might hear the second video and say or the later videos and say, hey, you're not referencing where you got that.
Well, I did reference where I got that. You just haven't seen where I referenced it. Right. So so that's that's
I get that. I'm not that concerned with that. But but but the thing is, like, like to then delete everything.
Imagine if I just deleted all the videos that referenced wizards and I didn't mention anything about it.
Like, that's because I probably was plagiarizing that stuff. I have a guilty conscience and things like that.
So that, to me, is the more interesting part, the reaction of this. It's just like with the Trinitarian heresy thing.
Look, if you made a mistake and you don't really believe partialism, you know,
OK, OK, look, look, everybody makes mistakes. Now, that's a big mistake for a pastor to make.
But everybody makes mistakes. And so you could just say something like this. Hey, you know, I had that on the website.
I should have been more careful with my words. That is a heresy the way I worded it. But I don't believe that what
I believe is this, this, this, this and this. I worded it that way because I heard that somewhere one time and I liked it and, you know, whatever, whatever.
This is not my explanation. This is your explanation. I'm just giving you what you might want to say now.
But no, that's not what happened. What happens is it gets thrown down the memory hole. There's like in 1984 and something new gets written.
And now it's like it never even happened. And that is so disrespectful to your your church, to your your convention, to every
Christian in the world, even it's disrespectful to the pagans because you're now hiding things that you shouldn't be hiding.
You know, I've noticed that the pagan media is even reporting on this plagiarism scandal, which, you know, I can understand why this guy is the leader of the largest denomination in the country.
And apparently he's been plagiarizing hundreds of sermons, allegedly. I don't know if he was, but he's disappeared 140 sermons.
And so that to me is the more interesting part, this reaction, this disgusting, non -transparent, just shady as all get out reaction to this.
I just can't put myself in that mindset where the best way to respond to this is just to disappear everything off the
Internet. Don't mention it. Don't say anything about it. Just pretend like it never happened. This is why these people are wizards.
They're wizards. OK, so so that's why I say that now. I did want to mention a video that I did delete that I'm pretty sure
I did not explain why I deleted this. Now, I may have on Twitter explain why
I deleted this, but I don't have my Twitter anymore, so I couldn't check. And so at the time what had happened, this was a video that I did right around the time when
I had my altercation with Joe Carter, where he said that I was a Holocaust denier and all that kind of stuff.
And if you remember Joe Carter's, you know, his M .O. is that he'll talk to you on Twitter, but then he'll delete all his tweets.
Well, somebody else did that right around the same time. And it was this man, Griffin Guledge.
He's a pastor in Georgia. Now, Griffin Guledge also has contributed to the Gospel Coalition and stuff like that.
And I had never heard his name at the time, but I did notice that in his profile, he's very proud of the fact that he's a
Gospel Coalition contributor and he's got to, you know, all that kind of stuff. So anyway, I did a video where he did the same thing.
He tried to come at me for my tone and I completely dominated him in that conversation, and then he decided to try to do a personal attack against me.
And he did it in the most hilariously face planting kind of way. He basically lied about my church situation.
He said that my church confronted me about my sin and I still didn't stop, which is the exact opposite of what happened.
My church actually sided with me against someone who had confronted me because he thought
I was sinning. Every person, every single person in the church that was part of that conversation sided with me.
And so he got it opposite land. He tried to lie about me and all that. But anyway, that day he deleted a lot of his tweets and then he protected his tweets and stuff like that.
And so I did a video about that because I thought this is just a typical Big Eva type thing where they just kind of delete the evidence and all that kind of stuff.
Anyway, so I did a video about it and then Griffin reached out to me. And this is this wasn't the right thing to do on my part.
But Griffin convinced me that he was not he was not a combatant.
He was just a regular guy, not involved in these disputes, not really a
Big Eva guy. He was just a regular sort of, you know, in the pew type of a person. And so I felt like, look,
I want to follow the example of Christ as much as I can. And I think that Christ reserves his his his most aggressive attacks.
I've said this many times against the leadership that is leading people astray.
And Christ also, he has a lot of compassion for those that are being led astray.
And so he deals with people in different ways. He blasts the leadership. You look in the Bible, you know, the way he speaks of the
Pharisees, the lawyers and stuff like that. He blasts those people. And then regular Joes, you know, lady old lady in the pew, you know, stuff like that, people being led astray.
He's very, very patient with them and compassionate and all that kind of stuff. Now, Jesus is always patient, but you can see the difference in how he talks to and deals with different people.
And so Griffin convinced me that he was one of those being led astray. He wasn't a leader. He wasn't trying.
So so so I took the video down and I don't think I said anything about it. I may have.
I may have. But I couldn't check on the Twitter, so that that's what I did. I deleted
I didn't delete it. I set it to private and called it a day. But since then,
I've noticed that Griffin is definitely a combatant. He is definitely one of these people that is leading people astray.
He is a player. He's an up and comer. His his interactions online get a lot of traction with the typical big
Eva nonsense and all of that. He he fooled me. He fooled me. He is one of those that when he says stupid things, it needs to be exposed.
It needs to be confronted directly. And it oftentimes needs to be mocked mercilessly because Griffin is one of these nice guys, and he is probably misleading and leading lots of people astray because he's got this nice guy demeanor as he's spitting out division war and all of that kind of thing.
I recommend and I'll try to put it in the comments here. I know that's a running joke on this channel. I never do it.
I'll try to put this in the info tab, this video that I did last September about this guy.
So, you know, I recommend you watch this. It's like a 30 minute video. It's very, very interesting. You can see sort of his slimy sort of tactics that he used against me and their screenshots and everything like that.
But yeah, this this is this is this is this this is the video where I didn't, you know, draw attention to me.
I deleted it. I wasn't like necessarily ashamed of the content. But Griffin convinced me and I got fooled.
I was fooled. He convinced me that he was not a combatant in this in this fight. And he most certainly is.
I've seen so many screenshots and I haven't said anything up until this point. But but but at this point,
I'm just I rereleased it and it's out there. And I want as many of you guys to watch it and share it as possible because because I think this guy is extremely dangerous.
This nice guy demeanor. This is what the Bible talks about. People whose words are buttery, but there's war in their hearts.
That's Griffin Goolidge. He's got war in his heart and he is one of these me too, guys.
He's initially he probably wouldn't call himself that, but he most certainly is critical race theory, the whole nine yards.
So I just wanted to draw attention to that because I made a mistake there. There's just no question about it.
And I want to rectify that right now. But but yeah, so this this this and stuff, though, man, boy, just it's it's probably going to get worse, it's probably going to get worse, because as far as I understand,
Protestia has access to the hundred and forty deleted sermons.
They weren't deleted. I think they were set to private. That's there's a difference there. But so I have a feeling a lot more of these mashups are going to come out with him stealing the entire sermon.
Like, could you imagine? Like, I guess if you're like a beginner preacher, I could I can maybe excuse something like that, but if you're like a veteran and this is what you're doing,
I just I can't even I can't even believe it. I really can't anyway.
But, you know, I don't know if we'll do another video this week. I'm actually visiting my mother for the fourth of July weekend.
I'll try to do some stuff, but we will see. And if you haven't seen it, let me recommend also that you watch my latest music video, my latest music video.
Yeah, it's it's about well, it's called Matt Chandler is not a racist, and I think you'll really enjoy it.
I'll try to put the link. Oh, here it is. Let's you know, maybe we'll just listen to it. Every African -American man,
I know y 'all need our help. It can oftentimes come across as paternalistic.
I've been watching too much of the liberal media. I was a Marxist. I certainly cannot be a racist, cannot be a racist.
I am not going to be fired for saying these things. Put them up there because of their color.
Oh, that's a good edit right there. We have struggled to find men who can be campus pastor for a season and lead into being the pastor of an autonomous church down in Dallas, those are my infant son's sunglasses.
I have called every African -American man I know and who you got.
I mean, here's what I need. How do I help me help help me?
So I certainly cannot be a racist. We find an
Anglo eight and an African -American seven. Which one do you want?
I want the African -American seven. So I certainly cannot be a racist. I haven't been accused of blackface yet.
What if we find an Anglo eight and an African -American six, six, six? And then
I said, give me the Anglo eight, because the African -American six will look and feel to our people like the kind of tokenism that I'm preaching, tokenism, tokenism.
I am proud of my white heritage by certain. Nah, nah, dude, nah, that's racist, man.
You can't you can't say that, dude. Nah, nah, nah, that's racist, man. That's right. They cannot be a racist.
What kind of white people come to a conference like this?
Pray for my white brothers and sisters right now. So I certainly cannot be a racist. What kind of white people come to a conference like this?
There was definitely three allegedly black people in that list, but they're pretty much just as much white as they are black.
I've been watching too much of the liberal media. I am not going to be fired for saying.