Jemar Tisby and Dante Stewart Whining on CNN (Fake News)

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They're hurt and traumatized because their pastors wouldn't join their cult. #NoDespair2020


Talking about lawsuits, the Apostle Paul spoke to the Corinthians and he said this,
When one of you has a grievance against another, does he dare go to law before the unrighteous instead of the saints?
Or do you not know that the saints will judge the world? And if the world is to be judged by you, are you incompetent to try trivial cases?
Do you not know that we are to judge angels? How much more then matters pertaining to this life?
Now this is about lawsuits ensuing, you know, brothers and sisters and Christ and stuff like that.
But of course we can apply this to other controversies in the church as well. What do you think the Apostle would say if he found out that some people that claim the name of Christ, some
Christians, were crying to the pagan media, complaining that the other Christians at their church won't join their cult?
I don't know, but it would be pretty spicy. I don't know,
I'm in a spicy mood today, so let's continue this article from CNN. The white lash problem.
Black Christians, the poor, oppressed, black Christians out there are bracing for a white lash.
Because white lash sounds pretty violent and it gets you in with the cool kids to use words like that.
So let's read about Jamar Tisby. He's made a career out of pretending to be a victim.
In fact, that's how he got his jump, that's how he got his credibility.
He did that article where he said he was very scared to worship with white people because they voted for Donald Trump and they're going to beat me up.
I mean, Jamar Tisby is the king of crying to the mainstream pagan media that other
Christians won't join his cult. So here we go. Jamar Tisby, the author of The Color of Compromise, a book about white churches' complicity in racism, calls himself a post -evangelical.
The black Christian historian who left his predominantly white denomination, white, of course, is capitalized, years ago, said he received several messages per week from Christians looking to follow in his footsteps.
He says many write him after their white pastors minimize or try to explain away the devastating incidents of anti -black police brutality.
They ask Tisby, should they leave? Okay, great question. Should I leave my church when my pastor refuses to join the woke cult?
Jamar's advice, ready for this? We are telling them to get out, he says, especially at this moment.
If your churches are not taking a strong stand on racial justice, it's unlikely they ever will. Look, if your church is not going to become a communist and you're a communist,
I think actually this is pretty good advice. Get out of the church. If you're going to insist that your pastor become a pagan like you, get out of the church.
If you're going to insist that your pastor believe everything you believe, exactly the way you believe it, and they have to submit themselves to your authority instead of the other way around, get out of the church.
Because the reality is, I think the churches should have kicked you out a long time ago because you're an unbeliever.
But if the pastor is unwilling to excommunicate unbelievers from their church, which many pastors are, unfortunately, unwilling to kick unbelievers out of their church, then the next best thing is for you to kick yourself out of the church.
That's fine. I think that's actually pretty good advice. If you're upset that people won't join your woke cult, and they won't call something racism that they don't know is racism, and they won't slander people the way you slander people, and they won't adopt critical theory the way you adopt critical theory, they won't read
James Cone the way you read James Cone, if that is too much for you, if that is too traumatic for you to be in the church, then get out of the church.
Get out. That's great advice. Get out. Thank you for coming to my
TED Talk. Even when white Christians say they are committed to addressing racism, their attention can be fleeting, said
Dante Stewart, a writer and preacher in Augusta, Georgia. Who is this? Reject!
I'm in the middle of a video here. Stewart, who was raised in black churches, said he became immersed in white evangelicalism while playing football at Clemson University.
After school, he and his wife worshipped at predominantly white churches. Stewart said he was welcomed warmly, until he started preaching about race.
One church, which he declined to name, my goodness, I don't have time for you right now. One church, which he declined to name, rescinded its offer to hire him as a pastor.
I love that. He declined to name the church, but this definitely happened. I want you to understand that this definitely happened.
You see, here's the thing though. Like, if you actually had courage, and there was a racist church out there that declined to hire you because they're racists, then we need to call them out, because at the end of the day, no
Christian is for racism. So I would surely like to know which of the racist churches out there and what the evidence is, because here's the thing.
We have to do what Paul said, right? Like, we have to try these trivial cases and all of that. And so if you have two or more witnesses, because that's the requirement, right?
Like, if you're going to make an accusation against an elder, you got to have two or more witnesses. Otherwise, I'm commanded to not even entertain that accusation.
Do you understand what I'm saying? So, like, I'm committed to the Bible here. So, Dante, if you're going to say that so -and -so church is racist, you need to have two or more witnesses or some documentation or some receipts.
It doesn't have to be two people. It can be two lines of witness, things of that nature. Otherwise, I'm required to disregard what you say against the elders of that church,
Dante. I know you really don't care what the Bible says. I know that's not really what this is about, but I'm required to disregard what you say.
And so this is me doing my duty as a Christian to disregard what you have said against an elder of the church because not only is there only one witness yourself, but you won't even tell us what the church is.
You won't even give us any option of finding the other side of the story. There isn't even a chance to defend yourself because all you're doing is saying, this happened, trust me, this happened.
Actually, I'm required to not trust you in this situation. That's what the Bible says. So I don't even entertain an accusation against an elder unless it's on the witness of two or more.
You're just one. You won't even name the church so I can find out the other side of the story. So no, I cancel your accusation here.
In fact, I'm not even going to continue reading it anymore because, you know, I am not supposed to entertain this.
This is not something that I'm supposed to entertain. Again, I know, Dante, you don't really care what the Bible actually says about justice, but I'm not going to read your accusation anymore because I'm required not to.
Now, Dante, the other thing is, what I'm willing to bet, because this is the kind of guy that you are, you're a social justice warrior, when he says, until I started preaching about race, what that actually means is, until I started preaching about race like a critical race theorist.
That's what you actually mean because I've preached about race so many times. So many people have preached about race so many times and people hear it, they accept it with joy, they be a
Berean, they look at the scripture to see it. So Vati preaches about race, and that's what people do. Daryl Harrison preaches about race, and that's what people do.
James White preaches about race, and that's what people do. And all of that, and like they accept it with joy.
It's not that they have a problem with you preaching about race, Dante. That is, my friend, a lie.
It's that they have a problem preaching about race like a critical race theorist instead of like a
Christian. That's the problem. See, now, we're not able to check your words out because you haven't given us any witnesses.
You've only told us an assertion. You want us to trust you. And again, let me just remind you what the scripture says.
It actually requires me to not even entertain what you're saying against this anonymous church.
So not only have you not given us the church's name because I'm pretty sure this is not really what happened here. I'm pretty sure they neglected to hire you.
That I'm sure of. But I'm pretty sure it didn't have to do with you quote, preaching about race. No, it had to do with you preaching about race like a commie.
You know what I mean? Like a commie. That's what it was about. And so, I'm not gonna read any more of your testimony until you're willing to give us at least the name of the church so that the person can defend themselves.
And also, you are gonna need more than just your word because the Bible requires me to reject it.
Not even to entertain such silliness. And so, I'm not going to, Dante. Let's move on. All right.
It was a painful and exasperating experience, Stuart said. It was exhausting to stay in the white evangelical space, he said.
They may have been around me but they didn't love me and wouldn't fight for me. That's when
I knew I had to segregate myself and go back to the black church.
You see, Sunday morning at 10 AM is the most segregated hour.
And it's because they won't agree with my cultic ways and they won't agree with my new pagan religion of critical race theory that proves that they don't love me.
And so, to fix the segregation I will leave the gaze of the white man and go back to the black church.
Do you see how this cycle works? Do you see how this cycle works? Like, Dante, white people didn't agree with me and I can't have that.
They don't love me if they don't agree with me. So I'm gonna go to the black church and then complain for the next year about how
Sunday morning is the most segregated morning of all time. Even though it's completely within my power to desegregate myself
I am going to resegregate myself and then complain about how segregated things are because it's everyone else's fault except for mine even though it's completely within my power to go to a white church.
Whatever that's supposed to mean. I'm gonna choose to go to a black church so I can continue to complain to CNN and other pagan media and all of that stuff for the rest of time.
And the cycle just keeps going. Everyone doesn't want to take responsibility for their own paganism their own actions their own fake ideologies and all this stuff.
Dante, we're hip to your game, buddy. We're hip to your game and we're not going to placate you anymore.
It doesn't do you any good. The only thing that you need to hear, my friend Dante is that you must repent of your sin.
You must repent of your partiality. You must repent of your slander. You must repent of breaking the fifth commandment.
You must repent of all of these things. I know you don't care what the Bible actually says about justice.
You just care about what you can twist to make it sound like the kind of justice that you care about. I know you don't care but you should care because God created the universe.
God says what is what. God says what is just and what is unjust. God says what we should do.
That's why earlier when I said I'm not going to entertain your accusation I have to do that. That's not my idea.
It would be much nicer for me to say Oh Dante, you poor dear. How can I serve you?
How can I help you? And then you tell me what you need from me. That would be much easier and I'd get a lot of pats on the back and people would like me a lot more.
But God says that I have to say Yeah well Dante though you're not really giving me much to go on here. The Bible says if you're going to accuse an elder even if you're going to accuse them in this weird kind of half -hearted limp -wristed kind of girly way where you don't even name the person you're accusing like that's so pathetic.
But even if you're doing that it's still an elder and I'm required to not even entertain that kind of thing. You see I'm forced into certain positions from God.
It's not my choice. I don't have a choice in the matter. I didn't create myself. I didn't create the world. God did.
And he tells me how to deal with things in situations in the church and it's not like this. It's not like this.
I can't entertain this and I certainly am not going to run to CNN to complain about someone else who did this without at least naming them.
My goodness gracious! Why would you do this? Because you want to make the church look really bad.
You want to do this anonymously. You're just not going to name names because your actual target is the
Church of Christ. The Bride of Christ is your target. You want to make the Bride of Christ look bad.
And so you don't have to name individuals. It's all about the group. It's the White Bride of Christ that is your actual target.
And so you'll whine and complain like a... You'll whine to CNN against the Bride of Christ because that's really who you're talking about.
You're not talking about an individual. See, I do a video about you, Dante. And everyone can check your words,
Dante. And they can look at this article, Dante. And then they can check out what I've quoted from Scripture, Dante. And they can weigh it out and see if it's so.
They can see, oh yeah, Paul does actually say don't even entertain an accusation unless there's more than two or more witnesses and stuff like that.
They can actually see the receipts. But all you've done is say white people with a capital
W have done this and the white church has done that. So I'm going back to the black church where I can complain about segregation for the next year.
Anyway, I think that's all I wanted to do because I don't know these other people so I don't really want to talk about them.
Oh, and of course it always comes back to Trump. It's the Trump problem is the real problem. You see, this is all about ideology and politics.
It's not really about theology or preaching or any of this stuff or segregation. All of that is just a bunch of excuses.
What this really is is we don't like Trump and without white evangelical support, Trump doesn't get elected.
So let's make white evangelicals look as bad as possible. You see, your real target, my friend, is the church of Christ.
And I won't stand for it and neither will Christ. And so I urge you to repent because if you don't repent, you will perish.
You will perish if you don't repent. So I would suggest maybe give yourself a moratorium of about a year or so.
Stop whining to the pagans about how bad the church is and instead look at yourself in the mirror and say, am
I acting the way Christ has commanded me to act? Am I doing things? Am I solving issues in the church the way
Christ has told me to do it? Or am I just crying to my pagan journal because I know
I'll get pats on the back from them and I just need to take care of myself. I got to look at myself.
I got to pat myself on the back here. Look, at the end of the day, this kind of thing might make you feel better for a time, but it's not going to last.
The praise of CNN and the help that comes from CNN is not going to last.
It's like the Israelites that are hoping in the Egyptians and their many chariots to save them.
It's not going to work. I would suggest maybe not going to the Philistines for help on this one. But, hey man,
I know that you don't really care what actually the scripture says on these things. You know what
I mean? Anyway, I hope you found this video helpful. A little spicy today. A little more spicy than normal,
I would say. I hope you found this video helpful. If you like it, please share it. Please like. Please subscribe. Please comment.
All of that kind of stuff. It really helps the algorithm and helps more people see this content because I think it's valuable.
At least, it is in my opinion. Anyway, I hope you found this video helpful. God bless. Bye. Bye.