Homosexuality and the Bible



Let's pray and We'll begin the lesson Father in heaven, I thank you for your word And pray that as we seek to open the word today that we would be true to what your word teaches us And that you would keep us from error.
I Pray especially Lord on a subject like this that you would anoint me with your Holy Spirit that I would have him as the guide and the teacher and That ultimately you would use this as an opportunity for your people to be edified and as in Christ's name we pray Amen there is Something that I think a lot of people do not realize it only takes a second to speak an error But it can sometimes take hours To correct the error that has been spoken this happens a lot in politics someone will say something and You have to go back and really Dig to demonstrate why what they said was an error or why what they said was in opposed to the truth And this is very difficult When you only have a minute with someone I Remember there was a lady Jehovah Witness had a little stand set up in a Hardee's I don't know why Hardee's the the owner I guess just didn't care but she had all her little tracts and literature there at the table and You know I sat there.
I was eating breakfast my wife I sat there looking seeing what she was doing so I said you know what I I know she won't take a gospel track from me That's typical of the Jehovah Witnesses.
They won't receive literature from you I said, but maybe she would read some Bible verses if I gave them to her and so I wrote some Bible verses down I walked up, and I Played played the Apostle Paul for a minute.
I said I can see you're very religious This is the act 17 You know statement, and I handed her a gospel track or handed her I said I said would you please read these Bible verses and spend some time thinking about them and and and then she said well if you'll read this and she wrote down a Bible verse of her own and When I got back you know later, I opened up what she gave me, and I read it and I Just remember thinking you know this is this is an easily refutable Verse that she's handed me But in that second or two of interaction I would not have been able to Fully expound to her the error that she was assuming in the verse Because the verse was based on an assumption of her Unitarian view of God which is what the Jehovah Witnesses hold to and so I just remember thinking you know what? That's the problem with our world everything comes in sound bites and People have become more Willing to be taught by Quick Short Statements which may or may not be true than they have fully fleshed out ideas and thoughts and We really haven't seen a dumbing down of society where it really has become that that people only receive Information if it comes to them in 140 characters or less and if you're not familiar with that that's a tweet Tweets come 140 characters that means spaces and everything has to be less than 140 characters Yes, video age versus the print age Absolutely, we don't take the time to sit and read We want everything given to us.
I you know a lot of the arguments that go out about theology out in our world are all based in things people hear from Newsmen or television shows one of the most popular Arguments, and we're going to be talking in a moment about homosexuality one of the most popular arguments from those who would support homosexuality being Something that's not unbiblical or something that Christians can participate in is from the TV show the West Wing You guys familiar with the West Wing it was I never saw I've never seen the show I've never watched an episode But you know what it is a television show about the presidency in the television show a woman comes up and says something about the Bible says Homosexuality is wrong, and he turns around to and he says well holding pigskin is wrong So you can't play football and wearing mixed fibers is wrong So you can't wear that outfit you're wearing and this and this and this and he starts naming off all of these Levitical laws And that has become From that show it really has become what we call the West Wing answer If we're talking to someone about homosexuality They will a lot of times bring out that answer, and it's interesting to know from where it came that really was taught to thousands of people at one time simply from watching a television show No They do absolutely they do wrong Matthew Vines has an entire book That he takes and twists Romans one on its side, so don't say that I have anything I gotta do it yesterday with two.
It's a god-made homosexuals And then finally after arguing with him on a natural level for a while, maybe I did Romans one silence Yes in TV sitcoms the left that can laughter Affirms everything that's absolutely absolutely gives affirmation to it mm-hmm just humorous absolutely So what I want to do today there's a graphic that has floated around cyberspace and Says the title of the graphic is so you still think homosexuality is sinful question mark and Then it goes on to say here are some things to think about if you think homosexuality is sinful Here are some things to think about and and so what I want to do is I'm gonna I'm gonna read what they say we need to think about and then I want to Respond and give and try to give a biblical response try to give a thoughtful response not just a quick.
You know quick response the first one is Jesus never condemned Homosexuality so it must not be a sin That's if you've never heard that it's a very common argument well, I don't believe the Apostle Paul I believe Jesus this what people say I know Paul said in Romans 1 and Paul said it in other passages but I Believe that Jesus is my model And this is the groups that will say I you know the red letter is the is the is the it's all you know the most Important part of the Bible, and they'll say that Jesus is my answer and Jesus never condemned Homosexuals, so homosexuality must not be wrong So how do we respond to such a question well the first thing that we have to concede is that It is true that Jesus never spoke specifically to the issue of homosexuality In the sense that he never condemned homosexuality as a practice Specifically, but he also never condemned rape as a issue Specifically he never said you know thou shalt not rape and yet No one would argue that Jesus would say that rape was not a sin I mean yeah, you know if we're going to be if we're going to be Silly and start saying that Jesus didn't condemn such a thing or Jesus didn't address such a thing what we have to say Is that there are so many things that aren't addressed tax evasion well? I guess you could say Jesus had to render under Caesar with Caesars But I mean there's all kinds of things that you could say Jesus never addressed We don't have every word of Jesus Christ in the Gospels We have what the the Holy Spirit ensured that we would have so that we would understand his teaching and his ministry But let me just say this on top of that the Bible does tell us that Jesus spoke about Things that Involve the relationship of husband and wife and I would point to Matthew 19, and I would invite you to open your Bibles there Hi, Leandra.
How are you in Matthew 19 Jesus is? confronted by the religious leaders of the day, and he's being confronted about the relationship of Man and wife and the subject of divorce During the time of Jesus there were two competing schools of thought there was the Hillel School and the Shammai school which both taught different things about marriage and divorce one believed that divorce was legal in any Circumstance they were pretty much the liberals of the group of the of the society They said you know even if your wife's cooking didn't please you you could divorce her because that was just it was whatever Whatever was necessary you could divorce and then there was the more conservative school that said that there was no reason for divorce outside of You know adultery, you know the extreme circumstance, so Jesus was basically challenged To ask is there a reason for divorce can this happen and so he was asked in verse 3 and the Pharisees came to him And tested him by asking is it lawful to divorce one's wife for any cause He answered have you not read that he who created them from the beginning made them male and female and said therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife and the two Shall become one flesh So they are no longer two But one flesh what therefore God has joined together Let not man Separate I've said those words many time when preaching Funeral marriage ceremonies, sorry And he goes on to talk about divorce and the the issue that Christ calls us to fidelity in marriage and to not Divorce that's later in the text, but right here.
What we see is Jesus's outline for what marriage is supposed to be gives the outline for for the the natural way in which God created man and woman to interact with one another in the bounds of Marriage so you could say that Jesus never condemns homosexuality In the sense that there's never a phrase where Jesus says you know homosexuality is a sin But we can say that he gives the positive Perspective as to what is a proper and wholesome marriage relationship and certainly there are other passages Which would say that any type of intimacy outside of The marriage relationship meaning any sex outside of marriage would be considered fornication and would itself be a sin So certainly the marriage relationship is where this act of sex is supposed to be bound within and Jesus says that that is done between a man and a woman and He gives us a very clear identification here.
However, I want to just add Another thought because the question when someone says Jesus never condemned homosexuality to say that Is to have a fundamental misunderstanding of the doctrine of the Trinity Because the doctrine of the Trinity says that God is one in essence and yet he is three in person That God is Father that God is Son that God is Spirit these three are co-equal Co-eternal they have always existed.
There was never a time when Jesus was not We do we understand do we agree? There was never a time when Jesus came into being Jesus didn't come on the scene in Bethlehem Jesus has always existed The Holy Spirit has always existed.
The Father has always existed in these three have always existed in one accord So when we go back into the Old Testament and we see the judgments which were leveled against homosexuality Jesus stood in full agreement with the Father in giving those judgments so to say that Jesus never condemned homosexuality is to make the argument that Jesus was not present in the Old Covenant or under the in the Old Testament is to say Jesus was Separate from the Father when Leviticus 18 was written is to say Jesus was separate from the Father when Sodom and Gomorrah was destroyed to say that Jesus was separate from the Father when these moral laws were given and so we do have an issue with their understanding of simple Christian doctrine so again, like I said, it's quick to say an error and it may take a few minutes to Expose the error, but the error is there by the way Landry.
I know you just came in a few years ago this graphic came out and it says Do you think homosexuality is sinful and it gives what they call biblical arguments to say that it's not and I made this as a response It's a little graphic that I created and I just brought it in with me this morning.
I'm I'm not the normal teacher in here Mr.
Byron is out.
So I thought I would do something a little different and obviously this week with everything That's going on.
I felt this is an appropriate Lesson.
Yes, sir Absolutely true and and you know, I've had this conversation.
I've actually argued I don't like to argue but it happens and I've argued very firmly With folks who would say that Jesus words are more Precious or more important than are the words of the Apostle Paul or John or anyone else? And I you know, I I say first of all Jesus didn't write anything Everything that Jesus said was written by one of the Apostles that you know, or by Luke So we know that what Jesus said because of these men who were who were given by the Holy Spirit to write these things down Jesus never wrote anything and to the same Holy Spirit that inspired the writing of those Books the first four was the same Holy Spirit that inspired the writing of Joel Inspired the writing of Jude that little short book was inspired by the same Holy Spirit So yes That's a very good argument a very good point That to say that Jesus's words are more important than the Apostle Paul's are to say that the Holy Spirit gave us Levels of revelation, which I don't think we have I don't think that we can set one part of the scripture up and say this part is the most important and this part here Is not important because this is what Jesus said and this is what everyone else said so and they're not contradictory You know, the scripture doesn't contradict itself All right.
Let's we'll move on to Move on to another Those who use the Old Testament this is objection to those who use the Old Testament to argue against homosexuality Do also themselves rejected in other places specifically in dietary laws issues of slavery Clothing etc.
So they're hypocrites.
This was the West Wing argument.
This is what we talked about earlier.
I Want to read to you what I wrote because again, this is I want to make sure that I'm clear Theologians have long believed that the Old Testament law can be divided into three different types of law moral law ceremonial law and case law Moral law would constitute the command or condemnation of moral actions Ceremonial law governs the way in which worship and sanctification were to be maintained Case law gave specific descriptions of circumstances by which judges can ensure their decisions were just The ceremonial laws were specifically given to Israel as a nation to show that they were separate from other nations around them There's some debate some debate as to which laws fall into each category However, these are of secondary importance when the entire law is understood in context God's law was given to Israel to make them a sanctified people His law was based on his covenant with them as a people There were certain aspects which the New Testament clearly tells us were not intended for all people at all times like circumcision or dietary restrictions however, this does not mean That the moral commands forbidding repugnant actions like murder theft incest bestiality homosexuality or anything else are Abrogated these prohibitions still describe the heart of God regarding issues of personal moral holiness So the issue becomes one of when we look at the Old Covenant We certainly see that there are laws which were intended to be Ceremonial in nature and to separate Israel as a nation, but that we could never Say that murder thou shall not commit murder.
The Sixth Commandment was simply a ceremonial law Murder is a moral law.
And why is why is it a moral law? Mm-hmm.
Well that well, that's what Genesis 9 tells us that that's why the capital punishment was enforced upon murder because the person killed somebody who was in the image of God and Because they're in the image of God that the highest penalty comes for murder because they have taken the life They've affronted God by killing another human being Unjustly, so yes that that's that's absolutely true Yeah, thou shalt not murder and that but we could say that's not a ceremonial law that is a moral law Moral law is simple and I'll give you how I understand how we understand moral law is very simple Moral laws are the laws which are innate in our conscience and given to every man Even those who don't have the scripture the Bible says the law of God is written on our hearts that does not include anything about mixed fabrics That does not include anything about dietary restrictions, but what laws do people know naturally? Don't steal, lie, murder.
Those things which are natural.
Now somebody might argue and say well, what about homosexuality? Let me ask you this in every culture from the beginning of the world Homosexuality has been seen as a And a diversion or a divergence from the natural.
Why? Well, you say a perversion yes, but but it's it's divergent from the natural, but why? Yes, because it's a violation of the created natural order You have to force certain things in certain ways that are not designed to do those things And I'm not wanting to get in any way graphic but you understand that the body is not intended to behave in the way that it is forced to behave in these acts and thus even up until the 60s in the psychological textbooks Homosexuality was seen as a mental disorder Only as recently as the 60s that was it changed to no longer be considered a mental disorder Why would it be considered a mental disorder? Because it's not natural.
It's an it's the same as the person who says that I believe That I'm a woman And I don't want to get into the whole transgender thing But you did they are the person who says I believe that I'm a woman.
What do we do with that? Well now we celebrate it.
We say well, of course, you're a woman.
You don't have any other woman parts.
We have to take scientific Extremes to make you appear like a woman.
We have to use Photoshop to make you look like a woman, but Okay, you say it.
So it's so and it's only recently that we've had to say Okay There's nothing abnormal about did you know there's a mental disorder? where people Get angry and upset with their limbs and they demand certain body parts be removed No, no, it's it's a serious thing There are people who have demanded that their arm be removed because their arm causes them distress If I'm lying, I'm dying you go look it up.
It's obviously a mental issue There's nothing wrong with their arm.
It doesn't have any physical ailment.
There's no cancer.
There's no no, there's there's no There's nothing there are not broken or damaged or messed up, but they've demanded the removal of completely Healthy body parts because these body parts bring them mental distress And you know, there's whole groups that are intended to support their right to do that Because who are we to tell them they're wrong? And that's where moral relativism has brought us.
Yeah, I didn't know about that.
But yeah Wow well, like I said to To simply go to the Old Testament say well God commands that we can't you know It is the same book that says homosexuality is an abomination is the same book that says That clothing with mixed fibers is something that God's people shouldn't do so because you're wearing mixed fibers You're a hypocrite.
We can say that it has this is not something that we invented as Christians It has been that we have always understood God's law to have been given to us With certain purposes and the one purpose of the ceremonial law of God was to separate Israel as a nation and to demonstrate their Sanctification as a nation and one of the ways they did that was eating differently Another way was dressing differently another way was worshiping differently These were all done and they were given these restrictions and a codification of that in the law of God But it was not intended for all nations at all times.
Yes Yes case law Yes case law is law that would in you know, the Bible says if a man's ox tramples another man's Field then he is to pay him whatever restitution and that becomes a Standard of law by which judges can look at it and say here is how this is to be treated and how it is to be Appropriated so it might not be an ox It might be a horse or a camel or something else that tramples instead of his field that might trample his you know his You know the garden in his backyard or something.
So it becomes the case.
It's just like, you know in our modern times you'll hear They'll say well in people versus Johnson this sets a precedent and that's what case law was intended to do in Scripture sets a precedent now on the issue of stoning We could say yes, there were times where stoning was necessary It's interesting that it says stoning was even necessary for disobedient children Disobedient children could be murdered Not murdered put to death executed for having disobeyed their parents, you know, it never says it happened Maybe it's because it was maybe it's because children read that and said well better straighten up fly, right? But um But we know that it was possible that the issue of stoning was possible Mm-hmm Yeah We would still say adultery was wrong, but we would say because we are no longer under a theocracy We are no longer under and and we're not now that the church is a theocracy in the sense of the church is ruled by God But we live under the rules of the nation of America and the Bible tells us from Romans 13 that we are to obey those laws So because of that we no longer live under the theocratic system whereby adultery is punished by Stoning the adultery is now punished by what? nothing And what happens? adultery is rampant Yes No, and that's what's a adultery is still a sin the church would put out someone if they were committing adultery unrepentantly We would exercise church discipline, but we would not stone them because it's not it wouldn't be legal to do so okay, so then in the case of Well, that's not the only reason I do think that we are in the New Covenant and under the New Covenant We are given in the we are given an expectation of grace and that we are no longer to live with the demand of You know in the Old Covenant if you were if you did not live under the demands such as the man who was cutting wood On the Sabbath, he was stoned for having cut wood on the Sabbath In the New Covenant under the New Covenant, we no longer Would practice that even though there are some have you ever heard of theonomy? Okay.
Theonomy is simply means God's law.
Namas is the word for law.
Theos is or theos is God theonomy is the is is a system Rush Dooney and Bonson and a few other guys who are very Very supportive of it Argue that the law of God the entire Old Covenant is still bound on the New Covenant believer just in a different way, but that all the laws the Old Covenant laws are still in force and Because of that things like stoning are still would still happen If the laws Allowed it, but they don't so their view is that yes stoning would still happen my perspective Looking at Scripture looking at the heart of Christ for the sinner and the call to repentance and the gospel in Christ would be that because we are no longer under the theocracy of Israel because there's not an attempt to sanctify a Nation but rather we're sanctifying God's people within a nation That the sanctity becomes pursued through the call to repentance Sanctification and church discipline not the sword of the government, which is what Israel had we no longer have the sword of the government and I think the purpose is is that we don't we the necessity of exercising it is not there We don't have the sword of the government.
We have the sword of church discipline and Even that has become somewhat tenuous Because how can you exercise discipline if The church down the road willingly receives someone who's put out of the church.
I Mean that's that's a serious issue If let's say a person in our church Was committing adultery and was unrepentant and a person went to them and said, you know sister Sarah But I have a Sarah do it.
We do well a little bit So I don't make sure nobody thinks I'm calling out sister Sarah or sister Whoever they go to sister Sarah and they say Sarah you're committing adultery and she says I'm not going to repent two or three Witnesses go talk to her call to repentance.
She refuses to repent She's brought before the church and she's removed for having committed adultery and and doing so unrepentantly That is how church discipline supposed to operate according to Matthew 18 and that's supposed to be how the sword is exercised by the church the sword of Cutting away that the cancerous person as Paul tells us in in first Corinthians that the person becomes like a cancer there They're harming the body by being participating in the body and that we're not even supposed to eat with that person That's the thing.
We don't think about a lot anymore in church is the idea of Excommunication to put a person out not even eat with such a person, you know, that's we don't often practice that but that's what it says And that's how the sword is exercised under the New Covenant not in physical stoning but in the practice of separation I Would argue so and that's where I would have issue with things some of the things I like Greg Bonson I so we'll make sure my theonomist friends if they ever hear this don't freak out on me I'm not saying they're wrong on everything, but that's one of the issues.
I would have is the logical extension of the law came to Moses Grace and truth came through Jesus Christ.
What do we see in Christ is grace? So if a person comes to me in sin I'm not going to condemn them to my punishment of stoning or whatever else but I will call for their repentance and if they refuse to repent I will have to separate from them if they're if they're identifying themselves as a believer now if they're not a believer and this is nothing Paul dresses if a person's not a believer and They're committing sin.
They're simply living in accordance with their nature We can't expect them to do anything else and that's the thing about the homosexuals people say What would you do if a homosexual came into the church? Well, I wouldn't welcome them into membership of a person's living in outright sin But I also wouldn't tell them to leave Necessarily if they're not a believer if they're looking for the truth If God is working on their heart to bring them to us to hear the truth My prayers for their repentance and I wouldn't say leave And I hope none of us would I hope we would say we call you to repentance But but in the same way that I had a couple come to me once Man came sat in my office and he said I want to join your church and I said, that's great Tell me about you and your wife.
Well, she's not my wife.
It's the old man older man He says she's not my wife.
I said do you guys live together? Yes, I said do you live as husband and wife? I mean, you're not roommates.
Yeah, I was thinking maybe maybe they're roommates You know, maybe they're both just older couple He said no, we live as husband and wife, but we're not married.
I said, why aren't you married? Well, we don't want to get married my She's she doesn't want to give up her name.
Oh, we'll go through a legal bubble really odd Odd circumstance and I just told him I said well as much as I like you you're a nice person I really do think you're a nice individual We cannot welcome you into membership unless you repent and I would do the same thing with a homosexual if they came I would say, you know, you may be a nice person You may be a lovely person a person that I would want to be friends with but your your sin is an affront to God and we cannot say that it's not simply to placate your conscience or to say it's okay and so Or to gain a new member and that's what's happening a lot of churches what's my time I'm out of it All right.
Yeah, we're out of time Well, let me get just a few more things just This is the last one.
I went there's a couple more on here.
Anybody would like a copy I'll give it to you, but this is All people who caught this is the last objection I'm gonna deal with all people who call themselves Christians sin How is it different to be gay than it is to be a person who tells lies or gossips or has divorced? These things are allowed in the church.
Why not homosexuality? Here's the simple answer.
This one's huge.
You will hear this one a lot Here's the simple answer while all Christians do sin There are no movements to create churches which glorify theft lying gossip or divorce these behaviors are all identified as sinful and discouraged in the church No one is attempting to establish the first church of liars or the first church of thieves or murderers or anyone else That's what makes the homosexual movement different People who are engaging in homosexual behavior and their supporters want the sin welcomed into the church and glorified by the church And that's the difference.
It's not that the sin is worse than lying or gossip or anything else In fact when I teach on Romans 1 this morning I'm going to show that there are a lot of sins that are in the same list as homosexuality such as gossip hatred Disobedience to parents all kinds of things that we would say are equally sinful, but the difference is this No one's trying to start the first disobedient Church of America And that's isogenesis the relationship of Jonathan and David There's a lot that are there that they and that's really the main one that I'm familiar with and again It's isogenesis to argue that That David was a homosexual especially after his issue with Bathsheba, but okay Yes, sir Yes, there is a difference and I and and let me close with this because I do get a good point I'm not saying all sin is the same in the sense that every sin is equally repugnant to yourself or even as equally Repugnant to God the Bible says that all sin is the same and that all sin is a breach of the law But we know as we all would know I would rather somebody punch me in the face than stab me in the heart You know There there there are sins that are in them since In what they cause in guilt and what they cause in pain what they call them suffering are more than others And this is why when Jesus talked about the Pharisees and he talked about the Sadducees He said he was talking to Pilate.
He said, you know those who turn me over to you have the what? Greater sin and that amazing that Jesus would use the term greater sin Because you did this in ignorance and you're doing this coerced politically, but they did it fully knowing what they're doing and hating me You wash your hands of this they are doing this Saying put the blood of him on our heads and those and our children.
So Jesus said their sin is greater So we have to take that into consideration not to say that That all sin is not a breach of God's law because it is but not all breaches of the law are the same And so that's a that's a whole other issue that we could spend time with but just to simply say this Paul says that sin which is done sexually is sin Which is done against the body and makes it a specific type of sin.
That is not only repugnant to God But it's harmful to us.
Yes Yes, I Think that marriage and this is this is gonna this could take a little time remember question kid question come up and they take a little Marriage is I believe a divine Allowance or we could say a divine gift to all men Not just to believers.
This is why I have practiced the right of marrying two unbelievers together I won't marry a believer to an unbeliever and I won't marry a Believer to a person who is of another faith But if two unbelievers come to me and I'm confident that neither one of them know Christ I will exercise the ordinance of marriage for them simply because I believe that it was given in the garden and thus is universal It's something that all men can participate in That you might want to argue with me at some point that I do believe that the gift of marriage is given to all people I think I think that a person who is an unbeliever And this again, I don't want I open up a huge can of worms here person who is an unbeliever can still make a Make a covenant with another person with God as their witness Even if they're not a believer, they may not they may not agree believe in God But God is still witnessing that they're agreeing with another person that they're doing this Yeah Yeah, and that's what I'm saying God is still witnessing the joining of these two people if two Unbelievers come to me and one of them get saved and the other one's still a believer.
I don't tell them to get divorced Because the scripture tells me that they believing spouse is to sanctify the husband in her belief or vice versa So in that sense, that's another thing that I would use to argue that the covenant of marriage extends even outside of the believer Because here you have two people if it were the case that only believers should get to enjoy the covenant of marriage then then that Particular passage to me wouldn't make sense because she now is a member of the covenant the new covenant the the believing covenant.
He's not But there but Paul tells us that supersede the marriage covenant supersedes it because they're supposed to stay together So so I like I said, there's a lot to it and I could get into a whole thing on marriage ultimately the goal Believers Would be married one marriage For life, you know, that's the goal man one man woman one marriage one, you know one man one woman one marriage That's the goal and huh? So death do us part Yeah And and and that's you know, I use premarital counseling as an opportunity to share the gospel with people I have four hours of time that I get to do whatever I want and What I do is we start with the gospel And I have a little triangle that I use You hear your husband here wife and Jesus is at the top I say now if you you will You will either try to come together or you'll both look to Christ and if you both look to Christ, you will naturally come together and So it's just a little thing that I do but I gotta pray they get out here father Thank you for your word.
Thank you for the truth.
I pray that this has been used to glorify you in Christ's name.