Jemar Tisby is a Gift to the Church

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So I think that Jamar Tisby is an absolute gift to the church. But obviously not in the way that he thinks.
Now, you know, Jamar Tisby, the reason why he's a gift, I actually, if I've been on record, he's one of the very few people that I've said this about.
I don't believe his profession of faith. I don't think Jamar Tisby is actually a Christian. He, the way he conducts himself, the things that he gets angry about, it reveals to me that he doesn't know the first thing about forgiveness.
He doesn't know the first thing about the grace that he's been shown. And so obviously he's gonna get love and all that very twisted up.
So that's not what this is really about though. This is about how I think that despite the fact that Jamar still is pretty weaselly, he's more direct than a lot of people.
His beliefs are exposed and more raw than a lot of others that would believe the same things as Jamar, but aren't willing to just come out and say it.
And so I'll show you what I mean. This is an article that he wrote yesterday or two days ago rather, and it's called
Southern Baptist Seminary Presidents Reaffirm Their Commitment to Whiteness.
Now that is quite a statement. I'm not gonna read this whole article because that's really, I don't really care. But what he does say is he's talking about the statement that the six fathers of the
Southern Baptist Convention, whatever, they said that critical race theory is not compatible with Christianity.
That's what he's talking about. So to him, he interprets that as reaffirming their dedication to whiteness.
Now, if you notice, that is quite a crazy way to interpret what the six patriarchs of the
Southern Baptist Convention actually did say. But I wanna read two paragraphs to you.
This is the first one. I want you to hear this because I believe that a lot of people in the social justice movement do believe this, but they're just too cowardly to say it.
So I give Jamar a lot of credit for this. So he says this. He says, the seminary presidents could have simply acknowledged the 20th anniversary of the
Baptist faith and message adoption and stated that they remain dedicated to its doctrines.
Instead, they focused on critical race theory and intersectionality. By highlighting critical race theory, intersectionality, and any version of critical theory as particularly acute threats to Southern Baptist orthodoxy, the seminary presidents take aim at virtually anyone who advocates for racial justice beyond hugs, handshakes, and symbolic statements.
That is an amazing admission because what Jamar Tisby is saying here is that if you're against critical race theory or critical theory in its other forms and intersectionality, then that is tantamount to being against any kind of anti -racism or any kind of fight against racism.
To him, fighting against racism is critical race theory. Like if you don't embrace critical theory and critical race theory and intersectionality, then you're not fighting against racism.
I believe that a lot of social justice warriors and woke church advocates believe that very thing, but most of them aren't, they don't have enough guts to say it.
So I actually do admire Jamar Tisby for his guts to just say something so outlandish and stupid.
So you see, this is the point. To him, the fight against racism is a fight for critical race theory, critical theory, and intersectionality.
Those are connected. You can't pull them apart. This is part and parcel of the woke church movement, and I reject that.
In fact, I say critical race theory is racism. And so if you're going to actually fight racism, then you have to fight critical race theory and intersectionality and critical theory.
But to Jamar Tisby, that can't be done. It is synonymous.
Fighting against racism is embracing critical race theory. He proves that in this paragraph.
I think some people will say maybe he didn't mean it that way, but that is what he's saying here. If you come out against critical race theory, then you are taking aim at anyone who advocates for racial justice.
Jamar Tisby is a communist. He's a socialist. I think he's been open about this. I'm not 100 % sure because he's still, like I said, he's still somewhat weaselly.
But I have to say that Jamar Tisby, I think, gets it. It's completely ideology for him.
It's a foreign ideology to the scripture, and he's sold his soul to that. And so for him, you cannot take these two things and pull them apart.
They don't come apart. And I believe that many woke church advocates feel the same way, even though they'll kind of obfuscate and say, well, you know,
I don't really care about critical race theory. Jamar Tisby makes no bones about it. He cares about critical race theory.
In fact, this is the whole thing for him. It's critical race theory or nothing for Jamar Tisby.
He wants your money. He wants your endorsements. He wants your platforms, and he wants you to reject your whiteness.
Now, the second thing I want you to point to you here, and again, I believe Jamar Tisby is a gift to the church because he reveals how ridiculous and how racist this movement is.
He says, if you notice the title, he says that the Southern Baptist presidents were reaffirming their commitment to whiteness.
And that's supposed to shock you. That's kind of click bait -y. And I agree, it is kind of shocking to say that if you're against critical race theory, then you're just committed to whiteness.
And what he does here is he tries to define what whiteness means. And listen to what he says here.
He says, for many who may not be familiar with what is meant by the term whiteness, theologian
Willie James Jennings offers a succinct explanation in his new book, After Whiteness. Quote, whiteness does not refer to people of European descent, but to a way of being in the world and seeing the world that forms cognitive and effective structures able to seduce people into its habitation and its meaning making, unquote.
That's gobbledygook, obviously, first off. Jamar Tisby comments, he says, whiteness is the illusion that what is deemed white is better, central, and superior to the beliefs, cultures, and peoples coming from different racial and ethnic groups.
The practice of whiteness can be overt, as in the heinous practice of race -based chattel slavery, or more subtle, as in the subordination of any theological tradition that is non -white or non -European.
In this case, a commitment to whiteness shows up by naming a framework developed within legal studies as an imminent threat to the integrity of Christian witness in the
United States. And so he doesn't agree with being against critical theory, and so that's whiteness.
And in other words, whiteness is everything that a critical theorist disagrees with. And he says, it's not connected to your skin color or your
European descent, it's just a way of thinking about the world. And so you think that white theologians are better, so that's whiteness.
But that's crazy because, as you can see, it is connected to the skin color. So I know you're saying it's not connected to the skin color, but it most definitely is.
Because here's the thing, you could just say oppression or oppressors or oppressiveness or something like that, but it's very important to you to call it whiteness.
Now imagine if I were to call a certain negative trait blackness, stealing or something like that, or killing your infants or killing your babies.
And I said, that's just blackness. And then you got all mad at me, what are you, a racist? And I said, no, no, no, no,
I'm not saying that it's connected to being African or to having black skin, it's just a way of looking at the world.
You don't care about the future, you'll steal anything you see. It's just a very bad, I call that blackness.
You would be, well, dude, you're a racist, man, that's a racist thing to say. And you'd be right, because of course,
I would be connecting it to a skin color. You can't just say, well, I'm just calling it whiteness, it's not connected.
Of course, it's connected to being European and being white. In fact, in practice, it always is.
This is why you can get somebody like Tim Keller saying, even if you immigrated to the
United States after all this racism, you're Scandinavian or something, and you immigrated to the
United States just last year, you didn't have anything to do with the slave state or anything like that, but you're still complicit in the racism.
You still must repent of the racism of whiteness. So it's like, of course, it is connected to the skin color.
Nobody would buy it if I did it the other way around. And I said, well, look at the black community. I mean, there's murderers in the black community, so therefore, murdering is an example of blackness.
Nobody would buy that, that would be very racist. And I would agree to try to connect that to a skin color or an ethnicity as if it's the only ethnicity that's ever done these kinds of things.
That would be racist, and it's just as racist here. And so Jamar Tisby is a racist, and he's showing you that he's a racist in this article.
By coming out against a foreign ideology that's actually evil, that actually overturns key aspects of the
Bible, which my book that's coming out soon is going to demonstrate. These ideas of the woke church are actually antithetical to what the scripture says.
So it's not just that they come from another culture or another ethnicity, it's that they come from a culture that is not in step with the law of God, which is the definition of what love is.
And so we look at critical theory, we can see obviously that's not love, that's obviously against what
God laid out in his moral law. To him, that's a dedication to whiteness, that's what he hates more than anything.
And so what he ends up doing is he ends up showing you not only is he a racist, not only does he recognize that critical race theory is the whole thing, you either accept it or you're his enemy, but by doing so, he sets himself up as an enemy of God.
If you think that critical theory goes against the scripture and you can demonstrate it in the scripture, Jamar wants you to know that that is an example of whiteness and he's against what the scripture says at those points.
He won't tell you that directly because like I said, he's still kind of weaselly, but he's obviously an unbeliever, he needs prayer, he needs someone to stand up to him, but instead what we're getting from all of our evangelical leaders is platforming him, recommending his garbage books and all of this kind of thing.
Jamar Tisbee needs a friend and he won't listen to a guy like me, obviously, but if you're his friend, you need to confront him for his wickedness.
He's an unbeliever and he's spreading foreign pagan ideologies and in the process, of course, he's bearing false witness against six seminary presidents that are actually quite sympathetic to his nonsense cause, but because they're not completely given over to it, they're his enemy.
It's all or nothing for Jamar Tisbee. You're either with him or you're against him and I would say that any biblical faithful Christian ought to be against him.