Todd White Is WRONG About Sickness!

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Hey guys, Colin here, and welcome back to the channel where the Bible and critical thinking meet to give you real
Christian commentary about the things that matter. Thanks so much for watching, let's get into the video. A big shout out to Caleb's channel over at iThinkBiblically.
His video on this topic was great and it actually inspired me to create my own video on it.
I will link his channel and his video in the description of this one, check those out. So Todd White is a faith healer turned pastor.
And for those who don't know, a faith healer is a person who believes that they can heal anyone as long as that person has enough faith to receive their healing.
Todd White gained a significant amount of notoriety through his healing videos on YouTube. Of course, I'm sure he wouldn't want me to tell you that those healings have now been exposed as fake on several occasions.
Check out Mike Winger's video on this topic which will be linked in the description, I think he exposes these things very well.
In any case, I want to talk to you about what Todd White said about sickness and the Christian life, because he makes some arguments that you may have heard before because, frankly, they're really popular in the modern church.
And I think it is my responsibility to contend with those arguments honestly and biblically. Here's the clip.
When someone gets healed, all healing comes from God. All sickness comes from hell. 2 ,000 years ago, all sickness came from the devil.
2 ,000 years later, people have come up with all kinds of things. Well, no, God does it because he wants to make you a better person.
God's trying to build character. Look, God doesn't have to make you sick to build character in you. That's so twisted and so stupid.
Oh my. To deal with Todd White's claims in this video, I would like to use three points.
Number one, Todd basically says that 2 ,000 years ago, we would all agree that sickness came as a result of the devil.
But now in modern times, for whatever reason, many Christians believe that God sovereignly decrees sickness in his disciples to make them rely on him more or to make them closer to him.
He gets his dates wrong here because 2 ,000 years probably isn't the time frame he's talking about. Rather, what he means to say is that the fall of man in Genesis chapter three, which happened way further back than 2 ,000 years ago, caused sickness and death to come into the world.
And therefore, God did not cause those things in any way. In fact, he didn't have a hand in it at all.
Many Christians would agree with this perspective, but then they would also turn around and say that in the 21st century right now,
God actually decrees and is sovereign over sickness. So how can these things both be true?
Todd White is highlighting an apparent contradiction in the theology of many Christians. And actually, I kind of have to agree with him about that.
At least I agree with him about the presence of the contradiction. I don't agree with him on the solution. Modern Christianity is unfortunately full of illogical teachings because of the improper instruction that most modern pastors give.
But as you're about to see, Todd White is no stranger to illogical perspectives or bad theology. His solution to this apparent contradiction is not helpful or biblical in the slightest.
You see, the truth is God is sovereign over sickness, and sickness also happened as a result of the fall.
Both of those things are true because they are not mutually exclusive, no matter how many faith healers want you to believe that.
Let me demonstrate this biblical truth using an example that everyone can relate to, death, because everyone has either died or will die.
When a Christian dies, we rightfully say that God has decided it was, quote, their time to go.
Psalm 39 verse 4 says, O Lord, make me know my end, and what is the measure of my days.
The Bible makes it clear that our days are measured by the Lord. And most of us acknowledge that it is
God who decides who lives and who dies, because that's what the Bible says. But there's just one problem here.
Death, much like sickness, came as a result of the fall. And therefore, according to Todd White, God must have no hand in it whatsoever.
He is not controlling or sovereign over that thing. Romans 5, 12 says, quote,
Sin came into the world through one man, and death through sin. So here's the question Todd White is asking.
If death and sickness are negative consequences of sin, then how is God sovereign over them without being morally responsible for them?
It's simple. God is sovereign and all -powerful, and man is still fully responsible for his sin and the consequences thereof, including death, sickness, and calamity.
This is the Christian worldview, folks, and Todd White doesn't seem to agree with it. In his mind, all sickness comes from the devil, and God is simply, for whatever reason, unwilling to stop that sickness.
Therefore, Todd White will run into the very same problem that we do. He has to explain why
God allows the devil to make some people sick and doesn't allow him to make others sick. In both of our perspectives,
God is completely sovereign over sickness. In both of our worldviews, God is the ultimate decision -maker when it comes to whether or not someone will be sick.
That's the long and short of it. We're just the only ones who are willing to be honest about that. By using this argument,
Todd White is contradicting himself, and he's denying God's sovereignty over all things. This brings me to point number two.
Todd White later says, quote, God doesn't have to make you sick to build character in you, and this is
Todd creating a straw man argument that none of his opponents actually believe. No one who opposes
Todd White actually says that God must make you sick in order to build your character.
Rather, they simply suggest that God is sovereign over sickness and often uses that sickness to build character.
Think of all the people who may not have interacted with Christ in the Gospels if God had not ordained for them to be sick.
The lame man in John 5, the bleeding woman in Matthew 9, the blind man in John 9. There are many more examples than these, but these are all people who encountered
Jesus in a special and unique and transformative way, partially as a result of being sick.
So yes, God can and does use sickness to bring about positive change in character and relationship to him.
There are even situations where God does not heal someone, where he withholds healing in order to share his glory all the more through their difficult circumstances.
This, I believe, happened in the case of the thorn in Paul's side in 2 Corinthians 12, 8 through 9, which says, quote, three times
I, Paul, pleaded with the Lord about this, that it should leave me. This it is the thorn in his side, this problem that he's experiencing.
But he, the Lord, said to me, quote, my grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.
The Bible clearly says that God can bring about weakness to demonstrate his ultimate strength, but Todd White thinks that this is impossible.
And this brings me to point number three. To suggest that God is not completely sovereign over sickness is to suggest that God is not all powerful.
Proverbs 19, 21 says, quote, many are the plans in the mind of a man, but it is the purpose of the
Lord that will stand. If the Lord does not decree in his sovereign will, which people will get sick and which people do not, then by definition, his purpose is not standing.
Someone else's purpose is standing. To say that God is sovereign except for when someone gets sick is to suggest that God is not truly sovereign at all.
Rather, God is sovereign over some things, but the devil is completely sovereign over other things.
And that is not the testimony of Scripture. Isaiah 45, verse seven says, quote, I form light and create darkness.
I make well -being and create calamity. I am the Lord who does all of these things.
God makes both well -being and great calamity. That includes sickness, natural disasters, and even death.
Todd White, on the other hand, rejects this biblical teaching and says that God can only create well -being while the devil creates calamity.
But of course, as we've just covered, that's not what the Bible says. God creates both things.
And the good news is that God is often using these things to build our character and make us closer to him.
James 1, 2 -4 says, count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds, for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness.
And let steadfastness have its full effect, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing.
God does indeed use sickness, death, and disaster to build character in us and make us closer to him, and to suggest otherwise is unbiblical and completely inaccurate.
So pray for Todd White, this false teacher, and all of his followers that they would repent and believe the truth of God's Word.
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And until next time, fight for truth, never surrender, and keep your eyes open. Thank you and God bless.