Answering a Fool: Isn’t It Easy to Avoid Being Cancelled If You Don’t Say Anything Racist?

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Isn’t it kind of stupid to complain about cancellation? If you don’t say anything racist, you have nothing to worry about, right? Isn’t this all just more evidence of white fragility? We will answer these questions and more on this episode of Answer A Fool.


Warning the following message may be offensive to some audiences these audiences may include but are not limited to professing Christians who never read their
Bible sissies Sodomites men with man buns those who approve of men with man buns man bun enablers white nights for men with man buns Homemakers who have finished
Netflix, but don't know how to meal plan and people who refer to their pets as fur babies Be your discretion is advised Of heaven the issue is that humanity is in sin and the wrath of Almighty God is
Hanging over our head. They will hear his words They will not act upon them and when the floods of divine judgment when the fires of wrath come
They will be consumed and they will perish God wrapped himself in flesh
Condescended and became a man died on the cross for sin was resurrected on the third day
Has ascended to the right hand of the father where he sits now to make intercession for us
Jesus is saying there is a group of people who will hear his words They will act upon them and when the floods of divine judgment come in that final day their house will stand
Welcome to Bible bashed where we aim to equip the Saints for the works of ministry by answering the questions.
You're not allowed to ask Listen and enjoy this midweek installment of answering a fool as pastor
Tim Answers a fool according to his folly lest he be wise in his own eyes in these shorter episodes pastor
Tim answers objections from internet trolls in an effort to help them go home and rethink their lives
Troll hunting is hard work, but hey, someone's got to do it now without further ado
Here's pastor Tim on this episode of answer a fool. We will be answering the question Isn't it easy to avoid being canceled if you don't say anything racist?
Now this is a comment that we received in response to our recent episode on how to become canceled proof and essentially the genius troll
Informed us that it's quite easy to avoid being canceled. I just don't say anything racist.
It's just as simple as that Now the problem with this is this this kind of comment or this kind of reaction
Betrays a remarkable lack of self -awareness Betrays a remarkable ignorance about the nature of the claims of critical theory itself
We're now living in the kind of society where every single ethnic or racial interaction is essentially problematized
In the proponents of CRT are telling us with their words with their mouth
They are telling us and we have ears to hear what they're actually saying That the question is not whether or not racism occurs in any given interaction
The question is how does racism manifest itself and every single interaction?
so we're moving away from the old definitions of racism, which viewed racism as essentially hostility towards members of different ethnic groups or conscious prejudice towards members of ethnic groups
Or, you know a scientific notion of racism where one Group of people essentially viewed others as almost subhuman categories of people
So we're moving away from the old definitions of racism. And now we've moved into These new definitions of racism where racism essentially is the air we breathe.
It is this Specter which hangs over every single societal interaction that we come come come across Racism has gone from conscious prejudice against members of a different race to now is being viewed as simply a system of a
Societal system that's operating almost at an unconscious level. So we talked about racism as unconscious bias towards members of a different race which
Essentially props up this system which advantages one group over and against another and so in in this kind of society in the site
We were living in right now every everything that Individual of a perceived dominant group is going to do is going to be in some sense a manifestation of racism
So, you know if you seek to listen to blacks and ask them questions You're going to be exercising patriarchal dominance over blacks
If you refuse to listen to them, then you're going to be silencing their voices If you practice what
Martin Luther King jr. Advocated color blindness Then you're going to essentially that's now viewed as problematic and that's just a way that Whites keep blacks down and keep them from advancing in the world
But then if and then if the opposite if you operate on the basis of conscious ethnic prejudice
Then you're also going to be accused of racism Depending on how that manifests itself in any given situation
So right now there is no scenario where you're not going to be accused of racism in some way shape form
And everything that you say to an ethic my minority is essentially going to be problem problematized
And that's not just you know, white fragility talking. That's just listening to what the the
Advocates of critical theory are actually telling us and applying what they're saying in a logical way
If racism is the norm on the ordinary state of affairs and every interaction is going to be in some sense a manifestation of racism
There's no way to avoid saying anything that's racist And so this kind of reaction, you know, it's easy to avoid being canceled
So long as you don't say anything racist what that actually amounts to is just it amounts to An individual saying the way to avoid being canceled is just to shut up and don't say anything at all
Problem though is that if you were just to take that advice and just shut up and not say anything at all You're still going to be accused of racism.
So there's no way out. I mean, this is just a witch -hunt Which you know operates on the level of there's there's no it's unfalsifiable.
These are claims that are unfalsifiable There's no way to prove your innocence in this kind of scenario because everything that you
Do or say or don't do or say is going to be used as a weapon to essentially prove your guilt in any amount of Protesting on your part is not going to help you.
It's just gonna dig the hole further, you know so if you try to defend yourself and You are the guilty person who's trying to defend yourself if you're the person who doesn't defend yourself then it's because you were up to no good and You have no defense to offer and so that's the situation that we find ourself living in at this
Kind of point in time and essentially this idea, you know It's easy to avoid cancellation if you don't say anything racist
What that actually amounts to is just is it amounts to essentially the thought, you know
If you want to get off the hook in these areas just shut up and do what you're told and so whatever we tell you to think you think whatever we tell you to say you say if we tell you to Give away your job you give away your job if we tell you to hire this person you hire this person
And that's essentially what? The rules of the game actually are in this kind of scenario.
And so as long as whites Enjoy What you might describe as more socioeconomic advantages over blacks
Then there is always going to be in the minds of those who are advocating critical theory this notion that the only reason why these socioeconomic disparities could possibly exist is because of systemic racism and there's nothing that can be done at that point except for just to you know
Give away your jobs Give away your money and give away your house give away your property until somehow everything is all equal and the egalitarian
Dream is realized and you know, even then that probably won't be enough. And so as you think through this kind of simplistic
Response to our episode one of the things you have to realize is that this This response really is remarkably ignorant and short -sighted and prejudiced
And you know if you really are listening to the things that are actually being communicated at this very point
You'll realize that there really is no way to avoid Being Cancelled at that point by not saying something that's racist
So there's there is no path to avoiding cancellation in that kind of way you know and what that essentially amounts to is just shut up and do what you're told and give people exactly what they ask and Believe everything that they're saying and give excuses across the board in society for you know
Any failings along ethnic lines and so there's there really is no way to avoid
Being called a racist in this society this has been another installment of answering a fool with Bible bashed as Always if you would like to be included in one of our answering a fool episodes
Feel free to respond to us on our Facebook Twitter or gab posts with a disrespectful
Sarcastic often off -topic comment that shows you did not thoughtfully engage with anything
We have actually said and we will do our best to include an answer to your trolling comment Keep in mind the days are short and trolls are an abundant supply