Crash Course in Presuppositional Apologetics: The Myth of Neutrality

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Hey everyone, welcome back to a crash course in pre -suppositional apologetics And we're going to be talking about a very important concept today
And that is the myth of neutrality and the reason I say this is very important. They're all important But this is something that most
Christians buy into I would say that the vast majority of Christians buy into The myth of neutrality and it is idolatry.
It is anti -biblical and If you've been buying into it, then this video is definitely for you
I was buying into it at one point and I've definitely seen the light on this one
So here we go the myth of neutrality When arguing with a non -believer
Typically one of the things they try to say is let's look at this neutrally in other words I'll drop my presuppositions you drop your presuppositions and we'll come together on some kind of a neutral playing field
The problem is in Christianity. There is no neutral playing field. Let me demonstrate this for you
Let's look at a couple verses Let's start out with 2nd Corinthians 614 Do not be bound together with unbelievers for what partnership have righteousness and lawlessness or what fellowship has light with darkness?
There is no neutrality between the world of the unbelievers in the world of the believers One's light and one's darkness and Jesus put it this way.
He said that you're either for me or you're against me You can either serve God or you can serve man, and you can't serve two masters
First John 5 19 says we know that we are of God and that the whole world lies in the power of the evil one
So they have a different authority. They are in the power of the devil James 4 for adulterers and adulteresses.
Do you not know that friendship with the world's enmity with God? Whoever therefore wants to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of God And Romans 1 21 says for even though they knew
God they did not honor him as God or give thanks But they became futile in their speculations their foolish heart was darkened and What does
Paul tell? believers and Colossians see to it that no one takes you captive through philosophy and empty deception according to the tradition of men according to the elementary principles of the world rather than according to Christ So you see futile speculations and the the philosophy of the world is what we're supposed to be avoiding
But that's what we buy into when we buy into Neutrality because we've made ourselves a judge we've said
Me and the unbeliever both of us can judge for ourselves what the truth is that's simply not the case
We end up instead of answering a fool according to his folly we go into the father with a fool
We we become like him so That is why we shouldn't be neutral with the unbeliever
Now there's also philosophical reasons that we can't be neutral with the unbeliever all facts are interpreted in light of a worldview and Creation itself demands a reference point in order to be properly understood rocks don't come with dates on them
The laws of nature don't come with explanations saying who made them and why they were made
We interpret those things in light of our worldview, so if we throw our presuppositions out the window
We there's there's no blank space It's not it's not like there's a void that void is filled with the presuppositions of the unbeliever
So we we basically accept his presuppositions and then start arguing with him And then essentially we play the fool along with him and that is why
Neutrality is a myth we don't reason with an unbeliever on his terms we reason Using the
Word of God which has been revealed to us because that is the only logical Rational and firm foundation we have to stand on all other ground sinking sand
So here's a question how do we reason with unbelievers because we are commanded to give an answer to everyone who asks right?
Well the answer is very simple even though there is no neutral ground there is common ground you might say
What do you mean? There's common ground? Well Romans 1 says that God has put in to every man a conscience
Essentially man knows the attributes of God. He knows God exists the problem is he suppresses it and Unrighteousness because he's darkening his understanding as John says the light came into the world and men live darkness and so Essentially when we're reasoning we reason with what we already know that they know
They are relying on God every second of every day to do anything you must rely on God We examine that some of the other videos so we use what we know about them
Essentially to break through that worldview we try to get them to prove their presuppositions to us not using
Evidence not not playing the neutral game, but saying how does your presupposition account for reality the preconditions of intelligibility
How can we get logic and math and science and all the things we require to live out of your presuppositions
That's how we reason with an unbeliever, and that's how Paul reasoned on Mars Hill He assumed that they already knew about God they were just worshipping him in an inappropriate way not giving him the glory