Highight: David Bahnsen on Supply Chain


This is a highlight of our premiere webcast Apologia Radio. In this clip David Bahnsen gives a synopsis the economic climate. You can get more at http://apologiastudios.com. Be sure to like, share, and comment on this video. #ApologiaStudios You can partner with us by signing up for All Access. When you do you make everything we do possible and you also get our TV show, After Show, and Apologia Academy. In our Academy you can take a courses on Christian apologetics and much more. Follow us on social media here: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ApologiaStudios/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/apologiastudios?lang=en Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/apologiastudios/?hl=en


the biggest thing on my mind right now is is how the the cookie mandates are going to affect the economy we're seeing all these people losing their jobs we're seeing ships just stuck out at sea we got railroad possibly going on strike we got the airline pilots going on strike the military's like it's it seems like nationwide it's affecting like 30 to 35 percent of like everyone and so like the biggest question
I have right now is how do you foresee this like immediately you know affecting the economy a lot of people are saying we should stock up on food and toilet paper and all that like what
I'm just curious what your thoughts are on that in the limited time you have left with us yeah you know if we need uh a couple extra minutes
I'm I'm okay that listen um if you're referring to specifically vaccine mandates and their effect on this or just the larger yeah yeah
I think it's going to prove to be a very very small impact when all said and done but a lot of that is because I'm not really sure that they're going to go through with it yeah
I think it's entirely possible that it will end up amounting to be a press release that never ended up getting actual
OSHA enforcement and and they can probably get away with that how do you get away with that because the media won't calm out on it but here and also because the
COVID numbers have dropped so much you've had this happen a lot throughout the COVID moment that all of a sudden politicians intensified some of their overreach right at the moment where they knew the overreach was least needed or least effective or least appropriate to the conditions and the mortality numbers hospitalization numbers and even case numbers which is an utterly worthless statistic have dropped so much that I think that at this point the risk reward and the cost benefits even for them are very unlikely to go through with it but when you look at those different things
I'd love to paint with a broad brush and and and maybe you want me to I don't know I don't want to read into it but I think like when you listen to some of the cable news where you only get two minutes instead of us spending a half hour together you know there's kind of narratives like CNN wants you to believe that the reason why there's
COVID is that there's these kind of crazy right -wing conservatives who won't get vaccinated and I think on the
Fox side of things too they want you to believe that anything going on might be related to some of these specific things that the right doesn't like whether it's vax mandates or something else but I'm just being truthful with you that it's more nuanced than that the thing with the ships is different than the thing with the trucks which is different than some of the other areas are having trouble getting skilled labor some of these things predate
COVID there's a real problem of unskilled labor we're not excuse me of skilled labor we don't have the laborers that have the conditions ready for some of the different positions that are necessary yeah the minimum wage thing is cause and effect the additional federal supplement is cause and effect when they were paying people over a year after the pandemic for six additional months this was something that President Trump had started and extended and then and then
Biden extended it again paying beyond state unemployment coffers on top of that additional federal monies so then you think okay well that ends finally and then people are going to jump off the couch and go back to work look the truck driver thing
I'm just going to tell you guys because I know from talking to executives of these companies the guys can't pass the drug test that's the reason they can't get people back to work these guys these guys need 30 days because they've been smoking weed for six months that's
California yeah well all in a lot of other states too right right yeah it's just it's just very very sad but um will we end up getting to a point where with the military and and with some other positions that are kind of following it in pop culture with the
NBA and other some hip -hop artists talking about the vax mandates could it become more systemic economically
I wouldn't rule anything out but I don't suspect that and the reason being is that these people the political politicians they're acting in their self -interest too and these guys have a funny way of pushing just as far as they possibly can and then figuring out where they can't push any further and I think they're entering that zone you're right
David yeah and it's interesting too because I only recently learned this because I didn't see because we've been so involved in trying to help the
Navy SEALS and other people who are part of the military FBI DEA other organizations any federal
ATF border patrol the the about 30 percent who are who are saying no you you're not going to make me take this and um
I didn't get a chance to really pay attention to after the press conference that um the president gave uh there was no law made right there was no official mandate it was a press conference and we're going to play some of that when we let
David go here a little bit from uh Biden's uh talk today just in terms of him still waiting on the labor um to actually produce you know the the restrictions and mandates for that for the 100 and above employees um but it's interesting yeah
I mean uh to to see a press conference telling everybody do this everyone's sort of falling in line but now you have to sort of wait to see like like you said
David like wait to see or is anybody actually going to go through with this and I'm hopeful that the answer will be no and that we won't see the you know ultimately devastating effects on the economy that that would have just losing a lot of those skilled people in those various work um forces.