Reflections on Ukraine, Culture of Death Update 1984


Reflected on the shelling of the Irpin Biblical Seminary as I taught within its walls a number of times, so seeing it on fire from Russian shelling was saddening indeed. Then we discussed the current issues relating the to Culture of Death and its promotion of homosexuality, transgenderism, etc.

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Well, greetings and welcome to The Dividing Line. My name is James White. Once again, hijacked by Twitter.
I'm still on. A lot of people aren't. There is definitely a purge going on.
We'll talk about that in a moment. But I looked over and saw this tweet.
It caught my attention because it looked pretty serious. First off, I am okay. I was robbed at the
Chevron in Boise. After my hands stopped trembling, I managed to call the sheriff. They were quick to respond and calm me down.
My money's gone. The police asked me if I knew who did it. I said yes. It was pump number five.
And we all go, yeah, yeah, after you see that final tally, you you do feel like calling somebody, but they're all in it together, unfortunately, so it doesn't really do you much good.
Welcome to the program today. So many things to get to.
Woke up this morning and I have, we didn't test these, but I was looking through some old pictures.
I have like 21 ,000 in my iPhoto library. And this is a picture taken in Berlin in 2013.
And I am, so nine years ago, I was teaching, it was June of 2013. I was teaching textual criticism for the
Evangelical Biblical Training Center in Berlin.
And in the foreground is Nick, and Nick is translating live.
You'll notice he has the earphone on one and then he's got the headphone on the other. And the gentlemen sitting down front are from Ukraine and they are listening to him live translate.
And I have commented many times how incredibly difficult that work is.
I mean, I think at the UN, they only ask translators to do that for like 30 minutes.
And Nick did that for eight hours each day for days. It's incredible. It must have been absolutely exhausting.
And you're translating technical vocabulary, textual critical stuff.
It's amazing. So what happened was after getting to know the students there from Ukraine, getting to know
Nick, I was invited to go to Ukraine and to teach.
And at the time, the seminary met at the
European Biblical Theological Seminary building. A couple years ago,
I forget how many years ago it was now, two, three years ago, they went their separate ways. But all the time, every time I was over there, that's where I stayed.
And here's, I think this was a chapel service, as I recall. And one of the things that I have mentioned is my recollection of the first time that we sang as a group in that room to hear these fellow brothers and sisters singing in Russian.
When I grew up, hearing Russian singing meant only one thing.
We had lost the war. We had been taken over by the Russkies. And in fact, it was very common in my youth when you'd say something like, well,
I'll see you Thursday if the creek don't rise and the Russians don't drop the bomb. That was a standard thing.
Everybody knew exactly what that meant. And so it was amazing for me to be there in that room and hear brothers and sisters in Christ singing in Russian.
And that was a real the body is everywhere moment for me.
And this is where the chapel services would be held. You can see the piano over in the corner.
There's a guitar up there. And this is also where I did a one -day conference on grieving
Nick translated my book on grieving into Russian and we did a It's probably the only time it ever been done up to that point in Ukraine And that was in that room as well so it is
With sadness this morning that I woke up to This This is
This is the same building and it has been shelled and is burning there in Irpin There's another one here
There were two pictures that were provided to me this one you can see pretty well
I'm I'm pretty certain which direction this is looking from It's hard to tell but these upper stories where I think where most of the female students were housed
My assumption is probably everybody was gone Had evacuated we'd like to hope so But there you know, there was a theological library there and Some Dorm rooms for the staff and Nick and I would stay
There and sometimes Greg White would stay there as well with us During the course of the week while we were teaching
Somewhere I have a picture of us Teaching when the electricity went out
One of the nuclear power plants probably one that big one that they were talking about just a couple weeks ago Had a fire or something and Started getting rolling blackouts.
So we just be in the middle of class And the lights go off And I have this really cool eerie picture in the classroom
Which is up on the upper levels there Where the only lights are the laptops running on batteries and a couple candles
And we just pressed on and Nick came out of the translational room And did live translation stop start so instead of listening to me and translating live
I'd have to say something and stop then he would translate so on and so forth So it's uh very sad
I I certainly expected You know the thought had crossed my mind early on in the attack
That That's a fairly large structure and Hence would probably be targeted, you know, it's a
Bible school. Um, but yeah, it has been shelled and I don't know what the final result that was
I don't know if Only got hit once and maybe they could put the fire out or if there was anybody there
I'm sure there's i'm sure that there's no way of putting fires out right now. Um, you know when getting shelled there's
That's what happens I couldn't help but think about You know people are talking about war crimes
And you know, how dare you? Indiscriminately shell
Populations and things like that And i'm just i'm i'm reminded by the fact that um, we live in a day where the vast majority of of humans alive now
Have not really experienced war There's been war in africa There's been war in certain areas maybe in southeast asia.
Well, not much there really Um vietnam war was a long time ago now and Those who participated in it are are quite elderly now the vast majority of younger people have never
The only the only thing they've known Have been the Actions in afghanistan in iraq and we've called those wars, but you need to understand something the russians
Have already had more casualties In three weeks in ukraine than the united states had in all of iraq and all of afghanistan
If you go back in history to world war ii and you look at tarawa
Um You look at iwo jima You look at guadalcanal
You look at almost any of those major south pacific invasion situations
We suffered more casualties dead and wounded in a matter of days Than we did in all of vietnam um almost all korea
Um The the numbers are just astonishing and we've never we've never lived
Through times like that and of course There was no cnn.
There was no fox news. There was there were no um Phone cell phone videos anything like that at all
You got black and white grainy video Uh, you know on on tape on on film
And it was closely closely controlled by the government
You didn't see until after long after The stuff that really happened and frequently never even saw that The numbers that were lost in world war ii we were only involved from december
Of 1941 until the conclusion in august of 1945. So only four years other nations much longer world war i the the the the blood that was spilled in single engagements in world war i
It's it's it's astonishing. It's it's hard to even imagine the slaughter
That took place on those battlefields and so we today
Recoil At artillery shells You got to realize
World war one you just You had these massive Massive pieces of artillery.
The germans were awesome at creating guns And they could fire from miles and miles away but It's gonna land where it's gonna land
It's gonna land on a hospital. It's gonna land on a nursery. It's gonna land on an old folks home.
It's gonna land on a church Uh a house. It's just gonna land where it's gonna land And that was war that's the way it was
The idea I mean the united states introduced the idea of smart bombs
We designed them precision strikes that is Go back through the history of mankind.
There's no such thing as precision strikes um It's it's a little bit like you know, let's let's let's go fiction here and and go uh, lore of the rings, okay uh return of the king
You got those big old catapults man. You're just checking rocks at buildings. That's all it's gonna hit where it's gonna hit you
There's no there's no specificity involved And that's pretty much what warfare has been about long long long long time
And I was so thinking about the the war crime stuff Now I wasn't gonna talk about this but since it came up um
In any major war, I mean we all know about the war crimes of japan though Very few people were prosecuted
Oh Read a book called the rape of nanking what japan did in china Wow unbelievable the war crimes that japan was guilty of Just as many war crimes more war crimes than germany was even with the holocaust they they were wow
But they were never prosecuted because we needed them as allies after world war ii
And you just go Oh, wow, really? Yep. Yeah, that's what happened
And But the the side that wins gets to convict the side that loses of the war crimes um people say today
That the bombings of hiroshima and nagasaki were war crimes. I do not believe that for a second
And when people say that I immediately ask them If they have done any reading whatsoever
On the japanese preparation for the defense of the homeland and they never have they have no clue
The the japanese were prepared to defend the japanese home islands To the last man woman and child scorched earth
They were arming the women And teaching them to sneak up behind soldiers and where to stab them exactly where to stab them in the back
Um The japanese had developed a fighter plane
That was superior to anything we had it's still propeller. It wasn't jet driven, but it's like the germans had that Um, but they would not let them be used.
They were holding them for use in defense the homeland Most estimates
Are that by ending the war the way we did we saved more than two million lives both japanese and american two million
That would have died minimally Uh in the invasion of japan and and it's under destruction
But I do believe that the allies committed War crimes and the clearest example
Of a war crime to me Uh was the bombing of dresden? Um The allied bombing the the german bombing of of britain uh with with Literally intercontinental ballistic missiles by the end of the war v2 v1 buzz bombs
Totally indiscriminate And while the allies did try to target they moved to nighttime bombing because they were taking such huge losses during the day and at night
What are you gonna do? You're you're gonna miss And stuff's gonna get hit
But the dresden raid was purposeful The dresden raid dresden had had not been damaged much.
It was not it was not a primary military target at all And the way that it was attacked with the munitions that it was attacked
At the time it was attacked Was specifically meant to break the german will to continue to fight and It was it was right around the time when the assassination attempt took place on on hitler's life that he survived unfortunately
And that was a firebombing raid that the The descriptions what was found after it was over the families children women the scorched
Corpses In the middle of roads trying to get far away, but it was it was still so hot that everything burned
It was it was as bad as dropping a nuclear weapon as far as the destruction was concerned But the death was much slower.
It was just you just cooked everybody There was no reason for it. It was it was purely to break to break the will of the people but the allies won and so I mean, there's been a lot of discussion afterwards
You can find lots of scholarly articles and there's been lots of discussion in these 70 years Not quite 70 years.
Um No, yeah over 70 years since that happened um but Uh, it happened and the vast majority of people today if you ask them
About the firebombing of dresden they have no earthly idea none at all So I think of that cartoon, uh that someone drew long ago, um
Someone's sitting in the library saying yes Uh, those who forget the past are doomed to repeat it
But those of us who know the past are doomed to surround and watch everybody else repeat it Because that's basically true
You can know history you can see it repeating itself and the repetition we see today is
What you do is you turn your populace into a bunch of ignoramuses So that you can run the same playbook second time through And that's sort of where we are
It's amazing So yeah, it was it was tough to see that. Um, let me make a a very very important announcement.
Oh, by the way, i'm wearing my my uh Reformation wears a t -shirt today. Thanks folks for my post -meal t -shirt today um
I've actually ordered another t -shirt that i've made myself that i'll tell you about when it when it gets here. So um
I'm making a special announcement everyone. There's been much speculation and many people contacting us news outlets
Just driving rich crazy, uh reporters outside the door and everything else Asking am
I running? for president of the southern baptist convention So I want to I want to lay aside all all confusion all question marks
Uh, I am not running for presidency vice presidency
President of the pastors conference, uh president of publication department president of webcasting um
President of the janitors nothing. Um, i'm not i'm not running for any of those things just so you know um and uh
But from what i'm reading online uh, tom askell is
And voddie balcom is running for president of the uh pastors conference I'm, not sure what a president of a pastors conference is to be honest with you
Or exactly what you do Um, if it involves jujitsu, I would suggest everyone else just simply step aside
Don't bother don't even go there Uh, he may not have competed for a while, but it don't matter it doesn't no you don't
No No, voddie voddie grabs your hand and and all you're left with is a stump and it's just that's the end of that um but um
As some of you may not know, uh that ed litton has chosen not to run, uh
The tradition is the presidency is a Um, you get two years, um, some people got three because of covid, um
And um We all know why that took that happened but there is a uh
Deep state candidate that's running guy named willie something And um now tom askell has thrown his uh his hat in the ring according to what i'm seeing on twitter and uh
Uh, the only thing I can uh, I can say um, the only thing that I can let people know
Um And uh I shouldn't be reading things while i'm while i'm on the air
Just wondering if it's someone's correcting me about something i've said. Oh, by the way, jason lyle did correct me
Last week I somehow said titan was one of the moons of jupiter. Oh my goodness Um, I do know where titan is
I even posted a picture of a wall in my home where I have a beautiful shot of jupiter a beautiful shot of titan
Oh jupiter, see I did it again beautiful shot of saturn a beautiful shot of titan circling saturn and then
I have the hoigans um Pictures from the descent when it when we dropped in was that 2004?
We dropped a probe in onto titan it lasted I think 72 minutes On the surface the surface is is a rough place
It it it rains ammonia there. Um, that gives you an idea of how rough it would be on anything uh
But um, they are planning on going back which I think would be awesome and great as long as NASA doesn't continue its
Absurd um Equity equality Gender madness.
They've been infected deeply by it Which doesn't help you land anything on any moon anywhere anyway
Um, so I want to correct What jason lyle caught me at I know where titan
Where titan is I really really really honestly do But thank you jason for making me feel like a complete idiot.
Anyway Uh, no, I'm gonna set it and it's as as my mom used to say
My tongue got in front of my eye teeth and I couldn't see what I was saying so, um Think that went through for a second.
It's another midwestern thing um So I uh
The one thing I can tell you about uh, tom askell I have I have something on tom
I do I haven't offered this to the opposition um
If I was smart i'd tell them i've got something and see what they'd be willing to give me But they probably wouldn't trust me anyways but um, it wasn't long after Tom earned his nickname sparky
That um, we went on a trip up to alaska together And alaska is a big place it is a very big place
Uh, I am very concerned that joe biden in a senior moment is going to sell it back to putin um because I I think
I think he'd probably be fairly easily talked into that Yeah, then we could get oil from it.
You're right. That's good. That's good um But that's true.
Uh, anyway, we we just talk about a beautiful place unbelievable
Believable and We Stopped the the vehicle we were traveling in Along a riverbank
And did some shooting And I had one of my shooting irons with me It is a smith and wesson m550 caliber magnum which
If you're old, you still think the 44 caliber harry callahan Is the most powerful production handgun in the world.
It is not um the m500 is Uh, it can fire a 440 grain slug.
It is a full 50 half inch 50 caliber Uh, it has the power of a 30 -06 and a handgun
So it kicks like a mule but it also weighs five and a quarter pounds so The kick isn't actually
I sort of feel like the kick is more controllable than than the 44s is but anyway but we got out we got shooting and um uh
Set up some we didn't have any targets So we set up some like uh branches little twig type things and amongst the rocks next to the river
And I have some video and some pictures of um, tom askell shooting my m500
Now that might hurt him in states like california um
But it would almost assure his election in mississippi Or georgia, uh or tennessee or texas or yeah, we can just go on and on on uh
So I do have that so, you know, it's the highest bidder i've got i've got the pictures. Um And tom's gonna have to admit that um after he shot a few times
I got up there and um, and I vaporized the stick um, but of course it's my gun
I I'm a little more accustomed to it than Than he would have been so I know where it's gonna hit.
Um, but yeah, we did have some fun doing that and i'm not sure I'm, not sure if that was the trip.
I I don't think that was the trip where I I got my bear Uh, I think that was the next trip. I went up to alaska
Uh, but yeah, anyways beautiful beautiful place alaska. It really really really is but i'm not running
For president of the best convention, I just want everyone to want to lay aside all the all the speculations and the concerns about that, um
Next we've got this. Um We have uh pope francis
I invite every community And all the faithful to unite with me on friday the 20th of march the solemnity of the annunciation
For the solemn act of consecration of humanity, especially russia and ukraine
To the immaculate heart of mary so that she the queen of peace may help us obtain peace and um so we have a picture of francis looking at a idol statue
Of mary over there notice the queen queen of peace And she's wearing a very large large crown
Um Which I can assure you not only did she never wear in life, but she has not worn afterwards.
Um, and uh Does not have any idea thankfully that um
Any of this is going on because it would break her heart Uh, her heart is not well, it's immaculate now.
She's perfected um, but All the saints are um,
I sort of wonder at times honestly Exactly how francis holds all this stuff together.
We know that he is as far to the left Theologically, he's a liberation theologian He he can tell little kids that their atheist father went to heaven because he had his kids baptized and you don't have to believe in god and Homosexuality comes up homosexuality comes up.
Who am I to judge? Um, you claim to be the vicar of christ on earth um And this kind of stuff and yet he's in the trappings of the office and so you've got the the stuff with mary but I Just don't get the idea that he believes
Because see the people that defined the dogmas believed the dogmas they
They had a different worldview Than any liberation theologian is going to have
And so to For for francis to use their words
It just seems like he fills it all with a very different meaning really does and We do pray for peace between russia and ukraine
But we don't go to mary because she's not the queen of peace She's not the queen of anything
She was a humble servant Who was blessed to be the mother of the messiah?
And as such She is a wonderful example of obedient faithfulness and submission to the will of god
But to turn her into the dispenser of graces that rome has to Have her bodily assumed into heaven to have her a perpetual virgin to have her
Immaculately conceived by a preemptive application the merits of christ and all the rest of this kind of Stuff that no no apostle ever dreamed of wrote about taught on Is to do such disrespect to her such disrespect
And There is all sorts of fascinating Religious aspect to what's going on in russia and ukraine that doesn't have anything to do with rome primarily has to do with uh, eastern orthodoxy, but um
The solemn act of consecration of humanity to the immaculate heart of mary So that she the queen of peace may help us to obtain peace.
So you've got to do this so that she can do that I mean It's um, it's fascinating to think about um
I wrote an article And posted it a few days ago uh
Called the trend of rend on our on our website And it was about this graphic which um man, um,
I This would His the response by chris llewellyn would would be okay on twitter
But what kv ministries did i've seen a bunch of people big names You know babylon b
And other people who have been banned from twitter until they remove
Their statements not so much About um
Will thomas that's who that is. That's will thomas He competed as will thomas in swimming
And then a couple years later all of a sudden decides that he's leah thomas um
So your your feed and my feed probably have both been uh, rather clogged with um
Memes and discussion either about Um will thomas or richard levine dr.
Richard levine Um Who was made a admiral?
in the public health service I didn't know that there was an admiralty but there is in the public health service
And kv ministries had Put up this man won the women's swimming championship.
And did you hear today? What they did in florida The governor of florida
Um He can't do this But she is
I guess from the university of florida, isn't she? And so he basically said she won.
She's a champion. We are going to treat her as a champion in florida because She was the fastest woman in the pool
And he's exactly right Absolutely spot on yes, see if I can remember how to do this.
Um It has driven me crazy the last few weeks Listening to all these guys
Comment on this And they and they all they all call her her they one of them not only called him her
But also leah, so it's either they use the term leah or rachel or whichever And oftentimes they'll try to avoid saying her
But on a very very, um Uh, shall we say eib kind of uh program today?
They referred to leah and her Repeatedly and it's like you guys are radical hypocrites
You you you you keep feeding the narrative and you somehow think that it's okay
You're still objecting but not really objecting kind of It's just yeah
No, there are a number of people are who are pointing out the rather obvious fact that if you capitulate on the use of language
Then there you have nothing left with which to argue You're you've given in You've you've accepted the assertion that a male
Should be and can be and is properly referred to as a female simply because they choose to to do that and by the way, i'm well aware of the fact that This male swimmer's female teammates
Have made it clear that he is still physically possessed of all the attributes of maleness um and as such um
I just point out that were he to make the choice to uh, change that Surgically all that makes him is a mutilated male
That does not make you a female Does not make you a woman The insanity of our culture at this point
Is becoming the watershed issue and trust me The iranians the chinese the russians all of our enemies
That see this going on are greatly encouraged Because they know that no nation that cannot tell the difference between male and female
Is going to long last and be able to field an army and do anything else um
So this is greatly encouraging to them very much so so Just just take that one to the bank
But um KB Ministries Has specifically
Put this up and then everyone has seen the graphic it's a quotation from 1984 now if How long has it been now?
Since i've been saying You need to read 1984 And in fact, you might need to reread it
Even if you read it in high school, like I did that was 40 years ago
Long time i've seen the the video since then the movie adaptation of it
Um, but i'd highly recommend it to you. I really would Because the quotation that is put here is the party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears
It was their final most essential command The party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears it was their final most essential command
And when you think about that line it is It there's something very important there
Because what the party is demanding is ultimate fealty It's it's claiming ultimate authority
And so you can see something But the party says if it's something else no
And so I looked it up I have it in kindle as well as my
I think I still have come to think of it the paperback that I read in high school
Forget which year that was might have been That sophomore year sophomore junior year high school
Which would have been 79 80 somewhere around there um Maybe as early as 78
Here's the section it's toward the end of chapter 7 The party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears.
It was their final most essential command His heart sank as he thought of the enormous power arrayed against him
The ease with which any party intellectual would overthrow him in debate The subtle arguments which he would not be able to understand much less answer
And yet he was in the right They were wrong and he was right The obvious the silly and the true
Had got to be defended Truisms are true. Hold on to that The solid world exists its laws do not change
Stones are hard water is wet objects unsupported fall towards the earth's center With the feeling that he was speaking to o 'brien and also that he was setting forth an important axiom.
He wrote Freedom is the freedom to say that two plus two make four If that is granted all else follows
Now if you know The story You know that later on in the story when he is being tortured
This that he wrote is brought up to him and he is agonizingly tortured
When he answers that two plus two is four And that's what this is all about It wasn't the torture that eventually broke him.
It was a it was his most primal fear That eventually did break him it was a sad ending to the story but Freedom is the freedom to say that two plus two make four if that is granted all else follows
In other words, there is an objective reality There is an objective reality that exists
That is not defined by powers Of man the state may say yes two plus two is four, but it's not four because the state says it's four
And if the state starts to say as the state has started to say in our day That there might be other answers to that question
And in fact Insisting that two plus two equals four that might be racist
That in fact might be an expression of white supremacy now outside of just a few of the most
Muddled befuddled classrooms in berkeley, california
The vast majority of americans up through 2015 Maybe even a little beyond that Would have struggled mightily
To understand how any mathematical equation Especially a true one a given one a basic one could be identified as white supremacy because for the vast majority of us, the only time we'd ever heard the phrase white supremacy was in a you know discussing
The kkk trying to get a permit to march In a city or something like that Or some ranting and ravings of a lunatic in some old video or something the idea that emphasizing
Mathematical Um accuracy and consistency
Could be considered white supremacy Had not crossed any of our minds at that point in time it had crossed the minds the fervent minds of The most distorted of the left
But now it's been mainstreamed and it has been injected with the assistance of the mainstream media
Into the very bloodstream of our society. I didn't grab it um
In other words, I forgot to transfer it to the cloud so i'd have it here on this computer But I did uh grab the video from austin, texas
That was posted yesterday or the day before Now I I will confess
I was a homeschooled No, I was not a homeschool. I was a public schooled kid and That started in the 1960s
So I graduated high school in 1981 So I was in school in the late 60s and through the 70s
And during that time I Struggled with my faith
I Had to deal with science and religion. I had to deal with the evolutionary theory
And I was allowed to do that. I was allowed to write papers defending my perspective
Um, I was allowed to express my viewpoints It helped that I was
Normally the best student in the class. I was class valedictorian junior high school class valedictorian in high school
Didn't get a b in all of high school um So that gave me
A little bit of a advantage I think With my teachers and things like that But I was formed
By that fight I was formed by um especially the last two years of high school being a
Open and committed christian. I carried a bible on top of my books. They called me billy graham white
Um and I would Engage in debate with my biology professors teachers
They would photocopy college level articles on natural selection and everything else for me and Um That formed me
And I would have been different had I been homeschooled but nobody
Nobody was homeschooling in the 1960s And There was a christian school at I'm, pretty certain.
Yeah, there was a christian school at bible baptist church. Not sure if it had started when I was that age There may have been some other options had we chosen to do that, um, but my parents didn't
And so I was a public school child And though again, the context was very very different and I had christian teachers
At times during that experience most were not Most were not but I did have some
To this day. I find myself dealing with Ways of thought that were the combination of that public school education and the fact that in the
Fundamentalism of my youth there was very little actual christian worldview formulation
We had accepted the myth of neutrality that the state was a neutral the everything over here that was just you know, you had your religious aspect over here and then you had the stuff out here in the world and there was a
Uneasy balance, but it was a there wasn't any warfare going on and that wasn't true, of course
But that's how we lived and and that's how we approached it Fundamentalism had drawn back from any type of engagement with the culture and drew a very thick line
That said here and no farther Not so much from them coming at it after us, but us making claims for christ going that direction
And uh, so to this day There are times when I just have to go Why did
I think that well because sort of how I've always thought and but why? And you have to examine that biblically and consider where where'd that come from?
so When you we started encountering as we were having kids the home school movement you know,
I looked back on my own experience and realized how important it had been for me to defend my faith and to Have been sent to the principal's office for passing out tracks on the playground and uh
The you know being picked upon for being the christian and stuff like that and how that how important that had been in my spiritual formulation but Things have changed so radically now that I don't know if you saw it
But did you see this video the pride parade at the middle school in austin?
There is a video put pride parade middle school austin, I bet you it'll pop up um
Isn't it amazing how we What I just said would have meant nothing in 1998
It'll pop up what And yet majority of people alive today all understand exactly what
I just said. It's interesting um but here's a cell phone video
Of these middle schoolers, so sixth seventh eighth grade And There's rainbow stuff all over the place and everybody's dressed in rainbows
They got little rainbow flags and the teachers have rainbow face masks on And they're they're doing a pride march down the hallways of the school for the lgbtq
Lgbtq Spp aac plus I'd have i've lost track of it
And and it literally is getting that long. I'm not sure if you've tried to keep up with it. But now you've got to do
Two spirit Anyway, and here's all these kids and I I think back to my
To my sixth seventh and eighth grade years That didn't happen um
It could never have happened If anything even close that happened every single person associated would be fired instantly
But yeah, it's been more than 40 years
In fact for that level of grade 45 coming up on 50 and That's the educational system today it's not
How to think it's what to think um The test scores have you noticed that no one's talking about this?
I had I had uh something in my files and I apologize for not having it
But I think it was it was one of the governmental agencies that Does stuff in regards to education and development over time
Without any notification they changed When you should expect your children
To be able to be forming complex sentences they moved it Back by over six months
Since the lockdowns and the masking Because kids can't speak as early as they used to Because they're not seeing other people's mouths move
Because they're in masks And so they're they're not learning To speak and to enunciate and to understand what other people are saying
I went I just got a single a day of single at wendy's
Running in here real fast. I was running late. So I just needed Something to keep my stomach from making undue noises
Um This is the second time i've gone through there recently They still force their employees to wear masks and the same lady same shift
Says something after I give my order. I have no earthly idea what she says. I just go. No.
Thank you I don't know what she's offering me. I've got I don't have a clue. I can't understand her I can't understand her
Um These changes are going on in our society and We are being told to close our eyes
To the truths in front of us And they're truths that are given to us by scripture Will thomas is a man
The mosaic law would identify him as a man would treat him as a man When there is distinctions in god's law between men and women he would be treated as a man
He would not be treated as a woman There is nothing in god's law that allows a man To claim to be a woman
Nothing or vice versa and so what we're being told now and twitter is being very straightforward on this
Um, you will not refer to richard levine You will not say that richard levine is a man
If you gave him a genetic test If if you dug up His corpse a hundred years from now
What would the analysis of the bones? Say because we can do that We've done that forever
We've done it for a long long time What would the analysis say? That he's a man But as long as he says he's a woman
You must agree With the lie And repeat the lie and you must celebrate the lie
That's what time is telling us when time magazine Lists him as one of the women of the year any real woman
Should be offended To no end At the absurdity
Of what's going on in our world today, yes, sir, it would refer to him as a poisoned man
A what poisoned? Are there not chemicals? Floating through his body and man a poisoned man if you dug his bones up There would be evidence of poison in his system
Well the fact that that our society our science thinks that it can chemically reverse
It's it's this idea of chemical castration it never was real when they experimented on prisoners it didn't work yeah the um, the number of stories coming out if you've not read
Irreversible damage again by abigail schreier, please do so especially if you're a father um to protect your daughters
Uh, and as my daughter said recently if you want to destroy your child's lives give them a smartphone especially young girls um the the number of detransitioned girls is massive
But the damage done is irreversible The vast majority of them will never have children and that's the point
That's the point If you can get them for just long enough to destroy their ovaries
Destroy the reproductive system You've done exactly what you want because remember behind all of this behind all the abortion and the infanticide and homosexuality and gay marriage and transgenderism
There's something behind all of it and we christians know what it is It's a culture of death Because all those things lead to death not just simply because you are rebelling against god's ways, but they lead to death the the impact
Of inserting Uh testosterone into the into the female body at the levels they do is
Astonishing what it does The result is a much diminished lifespan
You are you are fundamentally damaging the body and reducing life
And hence reducing life itself it's culture of death what you want you want death you want shorter lifespans you don't want reproduction
And the people back here behind all this stuff. They want only three billion people the most on the planet anyways
And we're at 7 .5. So How do you how do you one of the best ways?
to reverse that is to Stop people from having families
So they are they are hunting your daughters they are hunting your daughters online
Don't you dare give your kids access to the internet
Um, it's just It's not a safe place for them If you're there, there's lots of neat stuff to be able to access but not when you're not there
Not when you're not there can't do it can't do it cannot do it at all So, um, yeah, uh
Go read the article uh, the trend of the rend because this
I didn't get to it, but Chris Llewellyn of Rend collective said however, you feel about the implications for sports a wider conversation for sure
Calling a trans woman a man is hateful unkind don't participate in this kind of speech history won't be kind to you
That is a christian band from northern ireland Calling a trans woman a man is hateful
There's no such thing as a trans woman And what is hateful is identifying a man as a woman
But that's what happens when you don't have a biblical worldview Um that causes problems is something you wanted to say before we wrap up.
Yeah, i'm Looking at my facebook feed here and a long time viewer long time fan of this ministry
Just posted something on facebook. It's a photo And facebook has false information.
It's blurred out Same information was checked by another post by independent fact checkers james.
No such thing. See why? Or see photo click the photo it is a picture of uh
Rekka I can't pronounce her last name. I'm, sorry Uh, my final spot was stolen by leah thomas who is a biological male until we all refuse to compete nothing will change
Thanks for all the support retweets and follows. I won't stop fighting facebook says false information
What they're saying I happen to know about this one what they're saying is that um
She was banned from twitter for posting that But there's
I didn't dig too much on it, but there were a number of people said no that's not her account It was a false.
It was a fake account. So That's what they're probably referring to so Just so you know, um
There's there's all sorts of stuff out there. Um, but I can guarantee you babylon b's being kicked off and the guy with the political guy, um
Can't remember his name Uh, he likewise they're all being told you must delete the tweets where you spoke the truth
That's what you're being told to do That's what we're up against. Anyways kids. It is four o 'clock our time
Whatever time it is wherever you are and who knows what they're gonna do with daylight savings time Oh, I hope that not permanent just just cancel the whole thing.