Which Priest are you? by Brian Young Creation Instruction Association


Unless you study the Bible you may not know that there are 2 Priestly lines, one to server the people (Eli) and one to serve God (Zadok). https://creationinstruction.com/products/homosexuality-isnt-what-you-think-which-priest-are-you [email protected]


And then I've got the Facebook, which is, there we go.
Okay. I'm Terri Kammerzell, and I'm here on behalf of Creation Fellowship Santee.
We're a group of friends bound by our common agreement that the creation account, as told in Genesis, is a true depiction of how
God created all life, the world and all life, in just six days, several thousand years ago.
We've been meeting on this online Zoom platform since May of 2020, and we've been blessed with presentations by over 70 different speakers.
We've had scientists, doctors, pastors, prophecy speakers, and so on and so forth, all who have a message to share about the truth of God's word.
You can find links to most of those past presentations by typing in tinyurl .com
forward slash CFS archives. That's C like creation,
F like fellowship, S is for Santee. You can also visit our page that has our upcoming speakers by typing in tinyurl .com
forward slash CFSantee. Santee is spelled S -A -N -T -E -E.
You can also email us at creationfellowshipsantee at gmail .com. And we promise not to spam, but we will send you links to all of our upcoming speakers.
So with that tonight, we're blessed to have with us, Brian Young. Brian's been with us several times before, and you can find videos of his presentations by visiting those pages.
Brian is an internationally known speaker and author. He was a teacher and principal for 10 years before becoming director of Creation Instruction Association and the
Semisaurus Mobile Creation Museum. He has now been doing high energy talks on the topic of creation and biblical authority for over 25 years, doing debates at universities, going into prisons and sharing at churches, schools, and camps around the world to kids and adults alike.
His Semisaurus Mobile Creation Museum is a state -of -the -art self -guided audio tour through a semi -truck providing facts and evidence that take the creation evolution debate head on.
He uses scientific demonstrations and high energy talks filled with scripture and science, all to share the gospel of Jesus Christ and to lift up biblical authority in every aspect of life.
And if you have questions for Brian during his presentation tonight, whether you're here in Zoom or you're watching on Facebook, you can put the questions into the chat or comments and we'll ask him at the end of the presentation.
With that, Brian, I'm happy to turn it over to you. All right. Thank you. I'm gonna go ahead and share my screen here and hopefully that all works out for you, that you can see that.
We can. Okay, perfect. But what I wanna do tonight, we're going to be talking about which priest are you.
And this is going to be kind of one of those things that is more challenging to have people look at themselves and kind of see the way the world has gone, the way the church has gone, and to just kind of examine where they stand.
We're gonna kind of begin here by looking at this verse here in Ezekiel chapter 22.
And this is a very important verse. It says this, her priests have done violence to my law and have profaned my holy things.
They have made no distinction between the holy and the common, neither have they taught the difference between the unclean and the clean.
And they have disregarded my Sabbaths so that I am profaned among them. So here's a verse that we're seeing in Ezekiel and it's talking about the priests, how they made no distinction between what was right and wrong, ultimately clean and unclean.
They weren't keeping the Sabbath. And I see that that very thing is going on oftentimes in the churches today.
It's very sad to say that the Bible tells us that the church would become apostate in the end times.
And when we read in Matthew 24 five, it even tells us that Jesus, when he's speaking about end times, he says, you know, many are gonna come in my name claiming that I am the
Christ deceiving many. And I think for years, we've kind of interpret that saying that there's gonna be all kinds of people coming and saying, hey,
I'm the Messiah, follow me. But I think there's another interpretation there that as time goes on, seems to be more and more convincing to me.
And that is this, that Jesus is saying in the end times, many are gonna come in his name, in the name of Jesus saying that Jesus is the
Christ. Because remember, Jesus is the one speaking there when he says, I am the Christ. So that many are gonna come in his name claiming
Jesus is the Christ and deceiving many. That there is going to be this compromise that on one hand, we'll have the name of Jesus, but on the other hand, not following his word or holding to it, having a form of godliness, but denying its power.
I think that that's much more in context of what we see throughout the scripture, whether it be the parable of the mustard seed, the parable of the yeast and the dough,
Jesus saying many are gonna come before him saying, you know, Lord, Lord, we perform miracles in your name. We cast out demons.
And he's gonna say, depart from me, you worker of iniquity. I know not who you are. And that's kind of what we're seeing here is that it's the priest, it's the church, it's the godly people who are basically not doing what they have been called to do and make a distinction between right and wrong.
And so just because somebody is a pastor, just because somebody is a priest or whatever today does not mean that they're godly or that they're on the right track.
And we really need to be careful and watch for that. So when we look at false teachers, the
Bible tells us that there were going to be false teachers that would come among us. We see in 2 Peter 2, verses one through three, it says, there were also false prophets among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you.
They will secretly introduce destructive heresies, even denying the sovereign Lord who bought them, bringing swift destruction on themselves.
Many will follow their shameful ways and will bring the way of truth into disrepute.
In their greed, these teachers will exploit you with stories they have made up.
And so here again, he's saying that these false prophets, these false teachers, they're not gonna be the ones that are obvious.
They're going to be right there in the church. They're going to be the ones that are secretly in there, is casting out demons, performing miracles in his name, but something's gonna be off.
And what's off is holding to the word of God. And today we see this in every way, whether it be the progressiveness in the churches, the denying of creation, the acceptance of the practice of homosexuality to the list goes on and on.
And so this is a serious issue here. We also see in 2 Timothy 3 7 -8, he says they were always learning, but never able to acknowledge the truth.
You know, I know a lot of Christians out there who are learning, they're reading constantly, but they never can really grab onto the truth of God's word.
They get their truth kind of from the parts that they like, and they distort what the truth is.
And he says, just as Jonas and Jambres opposed Moses, so also these men oppose the truth.
And there are gonna be a lot of people who will oppose even what I'm talking to you here about tonight.
But again, we need to find truth by what the word of God says, not by our experiences, not by some scientific interpretation, not to say that science doesn't support the scripture, but science does not interpret the scripture.
And so this is kind of the warning that we see. Today, the Bible tells us as well that we are all priests.
And so when we talk about which priest are you, I'm talking to you because this is what the
Bible says. We read in 1 Peter 2, 4 -5, as you come to him a living stone rejected by men, but in the sight of God chosen and precious, you yourselves like living stones are being built up as a spiritual house to be a holy priesthood, to offer spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ.
And so here we're seeing that because of Christ, through Christ, we are a priesthood.
We are the ones that are to be serving God. And it says here in Revelation 1 -6, him who loves us and has freed us from our sin by his blood and made us a kingdom of priests to his
God. So we are a kingdom of priests. And as we move forward on that,
I want you to kind of keep that in mind because it just, I guess, strengthens the idea that this message is for you.
It wasn't just for the Levites of the time in the Old Testament. This is speaking to you today.
Now, one of the purposes of the temple, I find fascinating that if I would ask nine out of 10
Christians, what was the purpose of the temple or even the tabernacle in the
Old Testament? I think most people would tell me, well, that's where all the sacrifices were done. That's where the forgiveness was seen and so on.
Some might even say, well, it was a model of heaven. That would be true. All of those things would be true.
However, it's interesting when we look here as well in Ezekiel chapter 43, it shows us that part of the design of the temple, part of what that was for was to bring shame to the people, to convict them of their sin.
Look what it says here, as for you, son of man, describe to the house of Israel, the temple that they may be ashamed of their iniquities, that they shall measure the plan.
And if they were ashamed of all that they have done, make known to them the design of the temple, its arrangements, its exits, entrances, its whole design, make known to them as well, all its statutes and its whole design and all its laws and write it down.
And so I think that's very important because if we are the temple, which is also what scripture says, not only are you a priest, but you are the temple in which the
Holy Spirit now lives, then that means that you are what are to bring shame to those who look at you, who consider the design, who consider the
Holy Spirit that is in you, that your very presence is going to bring shame to people.
And I've seen this, I have seen that some people don't like Christians simply because of the holiness and they say, oh, you're just holier than thou and you think you're so arrogant and so good and all of these kinds of things.
But bottom line is that's the spirit pricking their conscience because they want what you have, but they know that that's not who they are.
And therefore it brings shame to them and it's uncomfortable and therefore they want to put you down to make themselves feel better.
But we are to bring shame to people. When we stand up for creation, there are gonna be others in the church who say, oh no, he's just some holy pious, thinks he's something else, whatever it might be.
When we deny ourselves sinful pleasures, they look at you as if you're crazy, but that's because it's easier to point the blame at you than to look at their own lives.
And this is what it's saying though, consider the plan, let them, show them the design of the temple, show them me in you so that you can consider this.
And then if you're ashamed of all that you have done, he's gonna reveal that plan to you in much greater ways.
And so really a beautiful verse kind of talking about that, that we in a sense are that measuring line because we are the temple of God designed to bring shame to people's lives.
And so sometimes as well, I tell people, don't be afraid to offend people.
Not that that's our intent, not that we're trying to be rude, we don't wanna be rude, we wanna be loving, but it doesn't matter if you are loving and as tactful and polite as possible,
I guarantee you the word of God, truth offends people. And so don't be ashamed to offend people with truth because you are revealing the temple to them.
And that is part of what it is for. Anyway, moving on here, we wanna look at the
Ezekiel 44, the very next chapter. And this is gonna start to get to the heart of what we're going to be discussing here.
It says that the Levites who went far from me, going astray from me after their idols, when
Israel went astray, shall bear their punishment. Notice these are Levites, these are priests, these are people who are pastors of the day.
It says that they went astray, it says they shall be ministers in my sanctuary, having oversight at the gates of the temple and ministering in the temple.
They shall slaughter the burnt offering and the sacrifice for the people, and they shall stand before the people to minister to them, because they ministered to them before their idols and became a stumbling block of iniquity to the house of Israel.
Therefore, I have sworn concerning them, declares the Lord God, and they shall bear their punishment.
They shall not come near to me to serve me as priest nor come near any of my holy things and the things that are most holy, but they shall bear their shame and the abominations that they have committed.
Yet I will appoint them to keep charge of the temple, to do all its service and all that's to be done in it.
Okay, notice this so far. God's saying these Levites who have compromised, these pastors who aren't holding to the truth,
I'm going to use them. They're going to serve me, but they're going to serve the people. They're not going to come into my presence.
They're not going to come near to me. They're going to be outside serving the people, doing what I want them to do, but they're not allowed to come near me because you see, they're not holy.
They're not coming near the holy things. They're not going to understand the holy things.
They're going to be outside. It goes on here in verse 45, or actually chapter 45, verse one, just continuing on.
But the Levitical priests, same thing we saw before, the Levites, but there's two different types of Levites, those that have compromised.
And then here, the sons of Zadok, who kept the charge of my sanctuary when the people of Israel went astray from me.
They shall come near to me to minister to me and they shall stand before me to offer me the fat and the blood.
And so here we have two different lines of priests, the priests of Zadok, and as you're going to see, the priests of Eli.
Zadok, the priests of Zadok are going to minister in the presence of God for God's heart.
But those who went astray, the priests of Eli, they're going to minister before the people. And so I want to show you where all of this began because it is so important to see this.
What we find out is if you go all the way back to 1 Samuel 3, verses 13 through 14, we see that there was this priest named
Eli. Now you remember Eli, we'll be talking a little bit about him, but Samuel, Samuel's mom brought
Samuel to him. And at first she came because she couldn't have a baby and she was praying,
Eli thought she was drunk. And she says, no, don't think that of your servant.
I'm just in great torment of my soul. And I just, you know,
I want a baby. And basically what ends up happening is Eli says, man, you know, whatever you've been praying for, let
God grant that. So she goes home, she gets pregnant. And she, but she says that I'm going to dedicate this child to you,
Lord. And so when the child was old enough to be weaned, she brings Samuel to minister before the
Lord in the temple, but under the guise there of Eli.
Now it says here, and I declare to him that I am about to punish his house forever. Now this is when the
Lord God came to Samuel. Remember the story as it went on, one night Samuel goes to bed and he hears somebody say,
Samuel, Samuel. And anyway,
I'm having a brain thing here. Anyway, he says this and Eli basically, he comes up and he goes to talk to Eli.
And Eli is like, I didn't call you, go back to bed. And so he goes back to bed.
Pretty soon he hears his name called again. And then he goes back.
Eli says, I didn't call you, but he finally figures out the Lord is speaking to you. So next time say, speak
Lord for your servant is listening. And so this is where we pick up here. And it says, and I declare to him that I am about to punish his house forever.
The iniquity that he knew because his sons were blaspheming God and he did not restrain them.
Therefore, I swear to the house of Eli that the iniquity of Eli's house shall not be atoned for by sacrifice or offering forever.
Now, this is huge. A little more of a backstory that's important to understand is that Eli had a couple of sons that were not distinguishing holy from unholy, clean from unclean.
And as a result, they were sleeping with the women at the 10th of meeting. They were taking food from the sacrifices that they shouldn't be taking.
And Eli went to them and said, hey, stop, this is a bad report. I'm not hearing anything good about you, stop.
And that's all he did. And he went on with life. What Eli should have done was he should have kicked them out of the priesthood, kind of a church discipline type of thing that the
New Testament talks about as well. And because Eli did not do that, did not kick his sons out, this is the message that Samuel has to go and give to Eli.
That message being, I'm gonna strip you and your children out of the priesthood.
Because why? Because Eli considered his sons more holy than he considered me.
You know, that's so often what we see in families today that we know the Bible speaks against homosexuality or abortion or pornography or whatever.
And then we find a loved one that kind of has that sin in their life. And rather than dealing with it and dealing with it tough love, we tolerate and we accept it.
And we just say, this is not good, but it's okay. Let's just pretend that nothing's going wrong.
And what was the result? Eli and his family are removed from the priesthood. Compromise creeps in.
As a matter of fact, his two sons are going to be killed. What we see in Proverbs chapter 21, verse 17, here on your screen, it says that he who loves pleasure will become poor.
Whoever loves wine and oil will never be rich. Eli, there's a very interesting thing stated about him.
It states that Eli was a very fat man because what's going to end up happening is, first of all, he's sitting in the temple.
That shouldn't happen. If you study the tabernacle or the temple, there were no chairs there at all, but he's sitting down.
This is telling us something about Eli's character. The fact that he was a very fat man may also tell us something about his character.
The Bible isn't recording that message just to shame him. It's telling us something about Eli.
And so his place of comfort, this chair that he's sitting in is going to become his place of death as we will see here in a moment.
The other thing is that I want you to understand that Eli refused to be a father to his children.
He was a dad, but he refused to be a father. And what do I mean by that?
Well, I'm gonna give you a verse here coming up in just a moment that's going to explain it, but I just want you to think about that because I think that we have a lot of pastors today, but not many who are willing to be fathers to their congregation.
And I'm not talking about Catholicism or anything like that here either. So moving on here, let me just show you what
I'm talking about on this. We see in 1 Corinthians 4, verses 15 and 16,
Paul says this. He says, for though you have countless guides in Christ, you do not have many fathers.
For I became your father in Christ Jesus through the gospel. I urge you then be imitators of me.
This is a big deal. And this is what I mean about Eli not being a true father. He wasn't willing to hit the hot topics.
He wasn't willing to be the hard disciplinarian that he was supposed to be as a leader in the church, as a priest.
Don't forget you are called to be priests as well. You see today, many pastors refuse to be fathers and talk about homosexuality.
They refuse to be fathers and talk about pornography, talk about divorce, talk about the hard topics that are going on that seem to be just swept under the rug today in many churches.
But to be a father, and this is what Paul is saying, you got many guides, but not many fathers.
And that I love this. He goes on to say, therefore, through Christ Jesus, I became your father in the gospel.
And therefore I urge you to imitate me. Do what I do. Can you imagine any pastor saying, hey, you need to imitate me?
I mean, wow. You wanna talk about somebody who has confidence in Christ. Paul had it.
And this is the kind of thing we should be. We should be living a lifestyle that, oh, we'll fall, we'll fail.
But when we fail, we get back up and we say, I sinned, I am sorry, we repent.
And we grab onto the forgiveness that Jesus gives us. We're a model of what failure looks like.
And in so doing, you're a model of what success looks like, what a father looks like.
And we can say, imitate us, because you see, I know that this is wrong and I'm gonna preach against it.
Even though I might struggle with certain things in there, I'm gonna confess those things. I'm not gonna sweep it under the rug, but I'm gonna confess it.
And we're gonna hit these hot topics. And we're gonna call a spade a spade, sin, sin.
We're not gonna call the holy things unholy and the unholy things holy and so on.
So again, we need to be fathers to the world in a sense.
Well, 1 Samuel chapter two, in verses 35 through 36, God promised us.
He said, I will raise up for myself a faithful priest who shall do according to what is in my heart and in my mind.
And I will build him a sure house and he shall go in and out before my anointed forever.
This is in the message that God is giving to Eli. And he says, though you are priest, he says,
I'm gonna make a priesthood that's better than yours. One that has a heart for me. And in essence, he was pointing to the fact that I'm gonna make another priesthood.
It was a prophetic message that there was another priesthood coming.
And do you know that we're not gonna see that for years and years and years?
I can't remember what the exact thing was, but I think it's like a couple of hundred years before you're going to see the fulfillment of this promise of God.
Not until the time of David do we actually see this really being fulfilled.
But for now, there's a prophetic message that there's another priesthood that is coming.
When is this in David's time? It is when King David, we see that while he is reigning, there are two priests.
Now this was the unusual, that wasn't the normal case. But in David's early years, we see there were two high priests.
Remember, David had a couple of sons and two of them are going to go through major rebellions.
Well, when Absalom, the first son that rebelled, when he rebelled against David, basically
David had to flee Jerusalem and Absalom stayed back and was sleeping with his concubines and doing all of this stuff while David fled.
Well, these two priests are gonna follow David. They're gonna go with David.
They're gonna be loyal to him. Now, keep in mind as well, David is a picture of Christ in scripture.
And so all of these things, these priests following David is a picture, a foreshadowing of people being loyal to Christ.
It says, and all the land wept aloud as all the people passed by. And the King, King David crossed the
Brook Kidron and all the people passed on toward the wilderness. And Abiathar, who was one of the priests here, came up and behold,
Zadok came also. Zadok is the other priest. So the two priests are Abiathar and Zadok.
And it says, with all the Levites bearing the Ark of the covenant of God, and they sat down on the Ark of God until the people had all passed out of the city.
Then the King said to Zadok, carry the Ark of God back into the city. If I find favor in the eyes of the
Lord, he'll bring me back and let me see both it and his dwelling place. But if he says,
I have no pleasure in you, behold, here I am. Let him do to me what seems good to him. Don't you wish people had that attitude rather than blaming
God saying, whatever God sees fit. This is my lot in life. Anyway, it goes on.
The King also said to Zadok the priest, are you not a seer? Go back to the city in peace with your two sons.
And it says, wait there. So Zadok and Abiathar carried the Ark of God back to Jerusalem and they remained there.
So both of these priests are faithful to King David. Zadok, a valiant warrior.
And what's important to know is when you trace his line, we see that he is in the direct line of Samuel.
Now, Abiathar, the other priest was in the line of Eli. And you can trace that back scripturally as well.
So God is basically, he has from just like Samuel and Eli were together, we now have those two lines serving
David side by side. Remember Ezekiel said, there are gonna be two types of priests serving me.
One that's gonna serve the people and one that is gonna stand before me. Right now, both of them are standing before King David.
Well, one of them though is about to be taken out fulfilling the prophecy that God gave to Samuel to give to Eli.
And so a huge connection here to the book of Samuel and the prophecies that were given there earlier.
The second son that rebelled against David later on, because we know that Absalom, if you go read the story, you see
Absalom is going to be killed. David is welcomed back into town and it's not too much later.
And we see another son rebelling against his father David and his name was
Adonijah. And it says this, that Adonijah the son of Haggath exalted himself saying,
I will be King. By the way, kind of an antichrist picture here as well. He prepares for himself chariots and horsemen and 50 men to run before him.
His father had never at any time displeased him by asking why have you done thus or so? He was also a very handsome man and he was born next after Absalom.
He conferred with Joab, the commander of the army, basically the son of Zariah with Abiathar the priest and they followed
Adonijah and helped him. But Zadok the priest and Benaniah the son of Jehoiada and Nathan the prophet,
Shimei and Re and the David's mighty men were not with Adonijah. So here we see
Adonijah rising up. He's the newest, he's the greatest, he's the rock star of the day.
And we see many of those type of pastors rising up today in some of these mega churches.
You know, they're rocking it out and they've got all this huge following. That's Adonijah right there.
And what I want you to see is that exact same self -exalting lazy spirit of Eli is now going to be right here with Adonijah and Abiathar the priest.
Zadok chose to be with David, to follow the Lord's anointed, to be faithful and loyal when things are looking down.
Because keep in mind, David's an old man. And here's this priest and he's thinking, man,
David being an old guy, my dad's about to die. We need somebody new.
And Abiathar is looking at Adonijah and thinking this guy's got it. I mean, man, the people love him.
This guy is definitely gonna be the leader. I wanna get on this wagon. I wanna follow this because if I don't,
I'm gonna be out. And so he was looking for himself, that self -exaltation.
He was looking for his own opportunities to build his own kingdom here on earth.
So that's important to understand because Zadok is the opposite.
He chose to be with the Lord's anointed. What happens, happens. If David's not gonna be king anymore and I don't get to be priest, so be it.
But I'm gonna be loyal. I'm gonna be faithful. I'm not gonna compromise and try to build my own thing, my own kingdom here on earth.
I'm gonna be faithful. Well, 1 Kings 1, we see this.
King David said, call to me Zadok the priest, Nathan the prophet, and Benaniah the son of Jehoiada. This is now when
Adonijah has rebelled and David is once again in trouble. And Adonijah is gonna proclaim himself king.
And you can go read the story a little bit more here in 1 Kings if you'd like. But what ends up happening as we see in verse 34, he says, let
Zadok the priest and Nathan the prophet there anoint him king over Israel, talking about Solomon.
Because when Adonijah was trying to proclaim himself as king, word gets back to David.
And David says, nope, Solomon is going to be king. And so let's get this done right now.
And as the story goes, giving you some of the details, we know that all of a sudden everybody's praising that Solomon, the trumpets are blowing.
He is king. And the people that were with Adonijah that had followed him hear all of this noise and they're going, what's going on?
What's going on? And they go, oh, the king just anointed Solomon as king. And they're like, oh no, what are we gonna do?
So that's what's going on here. And the point being that's important for you to understand is that Zadok the priest was faithful to David.
Zadok goes and he anoints Solomon then with oil. Even though the culture was following Abiathar, the culture was following Adonijah, the culture was following these young hip compromisers.
Zadok chose to stick with the Christ figure, to stick with what was right, what was true.
And this is where we have to ask ourselves, what are we willing to do? The culture is trying to get us to compromise on our values to say, oh no, we're not gonna stand on creation.
Or, oh no, no, we're not gonna stand against homosexuality. We're not gonna stand against abortion.
Oh, pornography, it's okay, as long as it's within a marriage. No, these are all compromises.
These are all the self -exalting lazy spirit of Eli. And these are the priests who will not be serving before Christ, before God himself.
So what are you gonna do? Are you gonna go with the culture or are you going to go with truth?
Now, we read on here and it says, it looks like my slide's a little bit messed up, but it says to Abiathar the priest, the king said, go to Anathoth to your estate for you deserve death, but I will not at this time put you to death because you carried the ark of God before David, my father, because you shared in all my father's affliction.
So Solomon expelled Abiathar from being priest to the Lord, thus fulfilling the word of the
Lord that he had spoken concerning the house of Eli in Shiloh. That very prophecy that I gave you earlier, it says this is being fulfilled.
And so this is a major deal after hundreds of years, but Abiathar, notice he wasn't put to death.
He says, you're kicked out of the priesthood. Go home, go to your estate.
You deserve to die, but I'm not gonna kill you because you served David when he was at first, but you've compromised, you've grown tired.
You chose to follow the upcoming rock star, the culture of the day.
I see many in the church doing that. They're tired and they see all this old traditional stuff, whatever, even though some of it's biblical or what, we're done with that, we don't wanna do that.
We need something hip, we need something hot. We need something that's gonna grab people's attention. We need to have it your way, make a
Burger King church. That's Abiathar. So another interesting thing here, when
Solomon became king there, this was the first time that he becomes or is anointed king.
If you read on, you're gonna see Solomon is going to be anointed king twice. That's important because Solomon too is a
Christ figure and Christ is going to come twice. So kind of just another
Christ picture in this story. I think sometimes we focus so much on the kingship of Solomon, but we should be actually looking here at the priesthood of Zadok and Abiathar.
Solomon, again, did not put him to death, as I said. In essence, you might say that spirit is still alive today.
God is still allowing corrupt priests, shepherds of the spirit of Eli to pastor churches today.
And so keeping all of this in mind that we are priests, that we have to ask ourselves, what spirit are we following?
And not always looking at what the pastors are doing wrong, but asking, what am I doing wrong?
What has God asked me to do? Am I standing up against sin in the church? Am I standing up against falsehood?
And so again, take this personally. I think it's important to do that. Moving on here as well, this is another good verse.
It says this, but to the Levitical priests, the sons of Zadok, going back to Ezekiel 44, who kept the charge of my sanctuary when the people of Israel went astray from me.
Again, the picture that you see of David being a Christ figure here is so plain that the sons of Zadok kept the charge of the sanctuary.
They were holding to truth when everybody was going astray. They were gonna minister before me, before David, King David.
They shall teach my people the difference between the holy and the common and show them how to distinguish between the unclean and the clean.
I don't think there's many people in the church today who can do that, who knows what is clean and unclean, what's holy and what's unholy.
The Sabbath, are we keeping it? Oh, those are the 10 commands. We don't need to do those things anymore.
When did Jesus say that the 10 commandments were gone? He never did. Matter of fact, he said not one jot or tittle is gonna pass away as long as heaven and earth remain.
And somehow we have allowed a spirit of lawlessness, which is exactly the spirit of Eli and Abathar and all these others, a spirit of lawlessness to creep into the church.
Now, don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that the law saves you, it never can. You can't keep the law, but you should have a heart for it because God has placed it in your heart.
When we read in Jeremiah 31, a prophecy of the new covenant that was to come, it says this,
I'm gonna make a new covenant with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah. It's not gonna be like the covenant I made with their forefathers when
I took them by the hand to lead them out of Egypt because they did not remain faithful to my covenant. This is the covenant
I'm gonna make with them at that time declares the Lord Almighty. I will put my law in their hearts and in their minds.
And by the way, that is quoted in Hebrews chapter eight, I believe it's eight through 10, where we see that promise of the new covenant and the very foundation of the new covenant is to have the law in our hearts and minds, a desire to be holy, a desire to be clean.
And this is exactly what the priesthood of Abiathar is trying to avoid.
But the priesthood of Zadok, they have a heart for God, a heart to stand and minister before God, not a heart to just live in this world, build a kingdom here.
So a clear distinction needs to be made between the clean and the unclean.
Ezekiel 40 verses 45 through 46 says, "'He said to me, the chamber that faces
South for the priests who have charge of the temple and the chamber that faces North is for the priests who have charge of the altar.
These are the sons of Zadok, who alone among the sons of Levi may come near to the
Lord to minister to him." Again, not in the presence of the people, in the presence of God.
And I love that. Now, by the way, you go read Ezekiel 40 through 48, those chapters, almost everybody seems to suggest that those are things that are future events.
It has not happened yet. And so here is a future prophecy talking about these priests of Zadok.
That means right now that we have priests of Zadok, those that are standing up for truth in a world that is filled with compromise.
These are priests who have a platform for God, not a platform for themselves and say, hey,
I'm gonna ride on that wagon and hopefully gain some kind of fame or whatever the case might be, maybe money.
Being in Christian circles, I see this a lot. We have all of these desires to do networking.
Oh, we got to network, we've got to do this. We've got to run the church like a business. And we run things as the world runs things rather than letting
God take care of things, rather than trusting in him. Well, Jeremiah talks about, cursed are those whose strength is their own.
And when we're in ministry and all of us should be in one way, shape or form, even if your job is a garbage collector, you're in ministry because you're a priest of God, you are a temple of God and you're to bring shame to those who see your holiness.
That we are to not have a platform for ourselves and we are not to be building it with our own strength, but we build it with the word of God and truth alone.
You see, today we've got people like Jen Hatmaker, Nicole Nordman, both of which have come out and supported gay marriage among many, many others.
And then you got this middle of the line group called like Andy Stanley. They don't wanna lose their congregation.
So rather than talking about the tough issues, being fathers, they choose to be merely guides and avoid all those tough issues.
And I'm gonna give you a couple of examples of what we see as these type of priests of ABA are here.
This is Pat Robertson, okay? Again, I believe he's a brother in the
Lord, but I believe he was a priest of ABA, why? Because of his compromise.
Listen to hear what he says. This old earth, new earth, the truth is, you have to be deaf, dumb and blind to think that this earth that we live in only has 6 ,000 years of existence, it just doesn't.
I'm sorry, I've got some interest in oil and you're now drilling in the
Jurassic zone 65 million years ago when those dinosaurs were here, they were rotting in the earth and making oil.
And there's no question about it. There's no question that there were dinosaurs and no question that radiocarbon dating, there were 65 million.
There's no question that some of the other things were much older than that and we have so many geological records.
Now, the question is, if you look at a day, day one, day two, day three, what is a day?
Well, a day is how long it takes the earth to revolve on its axis. But what about a solar day?
Well, that would be how long it would take the sun to travel around the galaxy we're in.
Well, what about a galactic day? That could be how long it takes a galaxy to transverse the universe.
And so now you're talking about billions of years. You don't know how long it is. So day one, day two, day three, it's all accommodated if you look at it that way.
But the idea is that you first have Adam and then you've got a billion years and then you get
Noah or something. That's nonsense. I think what we're looking at is that there was a point of time after the earth was created, after these things were done, after the universe was formed, after the asteroid hit the earth and wiped out the dinosaurs, after all that, there was a point of time that there's a particular human being that God touched.
And that was the human that started the race that we are now part of. And I think prior to that, who knows?
Again, we can see here just, he doesn't really quote scripture at all to support these things.
He's just talking, he's let science interpret scripture for him and that God just touched this particular creature.
In other words, he put the soul, a special spirit inside a monkey and ooh, there's
Adam. This is the kind of thing that he's saying. This is a compromise. This is to be relevant to the culture of the day, not to go with the priest of Zadok and hold on to King David, even though he may be outdated, he is
God's anointed, he is truth. And this is where the church has gone.
Look at this, we see even somebody who seems to be very solid in the word, John Piper.
Listen to what he says here. Separating out water and earth and then when it's all set and prepared, he creates and puts man there.
And so that has the advantage of saying that the earth is billions of years old if it wants to be, whatever science says it is, it is.
But man is young and he was good and he sinned and he was a real historical person because Romans 5 says so.
Again, if the earth is billions and whatever science says it is, it is, right? How about whatever the
Bible says it is, it is. But instead we see a compromise here, a way of trying to, again, be relevant with the culture.
Again, I'm not saying these men aren't believers. I'm not saying that I won't be with them in heaven. I believe
I will be. I believe both these men love the Lord dearly. However, we see a compromise where they're not holding to the truth of scripture but wanting to have a foot in the new and most relevant and upcoming rock star of the day.
And this is what we get when that happens. How about Andy Stanley?
Okay, Charles Stanley's son. This guy has gone far off the scene here, but watch what he says and I'll explain a little bit about it afterwards.
The foundation of our faith is not the scripture. The foundation of our faith is not the infallibility of the
Bible. The foundation of our faith is something that happened in history and the issue is always who is
Jesus. If we really believe that God is the creator of the universe, that all time, space, and matter, all time, space, and matter were created by God, and we take seriously what science has told us, that it all began with a singularity.
That's what it's referred to. Right before, there's not such thing as before the big bang because before it's time and time began. So if we go to the singularity, that was the big bang, that unfurled the universe, that continues to expand, religion and science conflict.
At the end of the day, if you are an honest person, science must win. Here's the deal.
Your Sunday school God probably could not be reconciled with science. I understand that.
Your Sunday school God, the guy that your church left you with as a child or even a middle schooler or high school and it never went beyond that, that God probably cannot be reconciled with science.
Jesus loves me, this I know, for the Bible tells me so, is problematic for adults.
And here's why. Because the implication is the Bible is the reason we believe.
The Bible is the reason we believe. Went to college with a, the Bible says it, that settles it. And then a professor got up and says, well, there's problems with the
Bible. And they begin to talk about things that maybe aren't true or historically verifiable.
And your smart son or daughter that you spent thousands and thousands of dollars to get them educated come home and suddenly they're smarter than you.
And they already thought they were smarter than you, but now they have a professor saying, hey, you really are smarter than your Sunday school teacher and your parents.
If the Bible is the foundation of our faith, here's the problem. It is all or nothing conversation.
Again, I mean, I could go on. This goes on for about three or four more minutes, but bottom line is some of the things he's saying is that the foundation, you know, the inspiration of scripture is the foundation of truth.
It's not the Bible. He says that when religion and science conflict, if they do, science wins.
We're gonna believe science. And he goes on to say that we can't reconcile God with science.
That, you know, I wouldn't be able to reconcile these Sunday school stories with science. Well, where?
Why? I do debates at universities and I'll talk about science all the time. And I've never seen any piece of science that goes against the
Bible in a young earth. He doesn't know any better, does he? We even see that he's going on here at the end to talk about, you know, the
Bible. The problem with the Bible being the reason we believe is that the Bible can be proven wrong.
And he supports that. No, the Bible does not get proven wrong by science, but that's what he has allowed to happen.
Now, let me be fair to him and say what his intent was.
His intent is we gotta stop using the Bible and science as the reason people believe.
We just need to preach the resurrection because, you know, the resurrection is where it's at. And he's gonna go on and talk about the disciples.
If, you know, they sat down and Peter was around the campfire and, you know, they were talking about Noah's flood and whatnot,
Peter's gonna say, I don't know anything about that, but you know what? I saw my Lord and I know that he's alive.
And so that's what really is convincing to Peter or whatever. Well, the problem is this.
Jesus himself said this, if they hear not Moses and the prophets, that's
Genesis, by the way, neither will they be persuaded though one would rise from the dead.
In other words, they're not gonna believe in the resurrection if they don't believe in Genesis. If you can't believe the
Bible is a foundation, then you've lost it all. When he says the problem with it is it's all or nothing,
I couldn't agree more, but he's saying it's all or nothing. And since it can't be all, let's just let the
Bible slide to the side. No, let the Bible be all.
Let it be the foundation for every aspect of not only science, but morality, our thinking, the way we decide which job we're going to take, the way we decide what church we're gonna go to, the way we decide how we're gonna raise our children, the way we decide how
I'm going to be a godly spouse, the way we decide every decision in our life, the
Bible is all. And the sooner we realize that, the more we become priests of Zadok.
And so these are so just glaring examples of what trying to be relevant with the culture has done to America and to the church.
When we move on here, I want you to see this verse in Luke 16, 31 that I just quoted.
If they hear not Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded that one would rise from the dead.
Second Peter 119 says, and so we have the prophetic word confirmed, which you do well to heed as a light that shines in a dark place until the day dawns and the morning star rises in your hearts.
You see, the prophetic word of God has been confirmed, not only by the scriptures themselves, but also by yes, the resurrection and the historical accuracy of it.
But also I believe even by science and the scientific accuracy of it. You see, science isn't the problem, it's the interpretation of the science that's a problem.
It's being interpreted by godless, atheistic, humanistic fools who deny
God. And no wonder they're coming up with the wrong interpretation of science. But the
Bible tells us that we can see God through science, doesn't replace the
Bible, it's not an added book to the Bible, but he says that you're without excuse because you can see
God's invisible qualities, his power, his divine nature, through that which has been made so that men are without excuse.
We are without excuse because the prophetic word has been confirmed in every way, shape and form.
And so in closing here, I just want to kind of sum up in this, which priest are you?
In the line of Zadok or in the line of Abathar, do you seek to please man to kind of get on the next bandwagon that's coming along?
Or are you willing to settle for the old and the outdated, but the one that is godly and sure and biblical without compromise?
Are you going to be swayed by that culture? Or are you going to follow the attractive, culturally relevant adonisia of today?
And there are many of them out there. Like, as I said, those that are saying, you know, well,
I always thought gay marriage was wrong, but now I've got a gay son. And so, you know, I think now it's okay.
I always thought that kids talking back to their parents was wrong. And then I had teenagers and well, they all do it.
No, they don't. They don't all do it. Well, you know, 50 % of the marriages are going to end up in divorce.
So you might want to prepare yourself for that. No, they don't have to. Not if we're following God's word seriously, rather than compromising and just trying to add
God into this secular philosophy when it suits us and when it's appropriate.
Let me tell you this. You cannot expect the joy of your salvation if you're going to live out your
Christian life as a priest of ABA are filled with compromises, watching the same filth on TV that the rest of the world watches, listening to the same garbage on the radio that the rest of the world listens to, watching the same, you know, godless humor of the world and the jokes and whatever that the rest of the world does.
You need to separate yourself and you need to distinguish between the holy and the unholy.
Do not even speak of what the ungodly speak of even in private, the
Bible says. So are you willing to stand for truth and make that distinction to be separate, to be different?
Okay, if you have a platform, will you use it to speak for the
Lord or are you going to use it to build your own fame and your own fortune?
Or do you use that platform, even being willing to lose the platform to use it to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ?
So do you desire that name for yourself or do you desire the name of Jesus, the name of Yeshua, Yahweh, to be lifted up and glorified, to have his brand over your brand?
And I think that one of Satan's greatest tricks is to always to have us point at others and, you know, saying that they're doing something wrong rather than looking at ourselves.
It's easy to blame the church. It's easy to blame, you know, the pastor of that church, but what are you doing?
What are you doing to change those things and to stand against those things in some cases?
So examine your heart and ask yourself, which priest are you? And so with that,
I'll open it up for any questions that people have, but I'll stop my screen here. That was, when
I watched that on your video, it was really good, but I've been reading through the
Bible every year now. You know, I do the app that takes you through the
Bible and I just finished reading about ABA Thar and I never, it kind of like puts a new spin on what
I was reading. So that was really good. Yeah, I think as the world goes worse,
I'm starting to realize that we really are the light and we really need to be the light because the world is really dark.
Yeah, and again, God expects the church to be different. He expects the ungodly to live in ungodly ways, but he expects the church to stand against those ungodly ways.
And so while the world is evil and dark, I don't think God is so concerned about that.
What he's concerned about are those who are coming in his name, claiming he's the Christ and deceiving many, that, you know, the church is not holding to truth.
Yeah, I am. I appreciated your presentation and that it's just what you just said about that we have to hold to the truth.
I mean, when you brought up Andy Stanley, my skin crawls a little bit because of how compromised he is and like you said, like how you say that things are wrong until you're faced with it or until you decide that this is the culture, this is the way the tide is turning or whatever.
And Andy Stanley is like on the forefront of that. He has a whole conference for parents of kids who have come out as, you know, trans or, you know, homosexual and to embrace them and to encourage them in their service still in the church and how this is, you know, their calling and God has okayed this.
And so as parents, we need to okay that also. And I know, you know, you've come before and talked to us about that topic and it's just so discouraging to see supposedly
Christian pastors coming out with stuff like that, but so far from God's word.
And I really encourage anybody that's just listening to this and did not hear that message on homosexuality to go and listen to that one because we're not addressing that in this presentation outside of the fact that yes, homosexuality, the practice of that, absolutely sin.
So how do we, you know, treat and deal with those who are struggling with this sin?
There's a loving way to do that. And I think a very important message for those people to hear.
So please go and listen to that as well. And just to follow up, you can find a link to that.
It is, I believe that that one is not on YouTube, but it is on our other channels.
And so you can find a link at tinyurl .com forward slash CFS archives.
And then just, I think you're the last speaker on the page, but only because I listed them alphabetically.
And so, you know, people can click on the Y to jump to the bottom of the page. You've been with us four times before.
And yeah, that one was a very powerful one. So. That message on homosexuality.
Brian, I'm wondering what you think. So there are people, I've been following prophecy with Tom Hughes and, you know, a bunch of prophecy speakers and they talk about these apostates.
And there's a church where they just recently baptized a transgender, somebody, you know, somebody living in some fantasy world.
And I would think that that affirms them, but we don't want to offend or, you know, we don't want to scare them off.
What is the proper procedure? Well, again, we need to remember that many of them don't even know the
Lord. And so when the Bible warns us about, you know, excommunicating and so on, he's talking about those in the church.
When we read in first Corinthians five, it says that, you know, if anyone among you is sexually immoral, greedy, an adulterer, a whole list of sins with such a man do not even eat.
But he starts it by saying, if anyone calls himself a brother, if anyone's a
Christian and it goes on, he says, aren't you to judge those within the church? As I was saying before,
God expects the ungodly to behave in ungodly ways. How can they know any better without the spirit of God?
It's like, you know, the gospel is foolishness to those who are perishing.
The natural man cannot understand the spiritual things of God. And so first thing is, is we need to be loving towards them.
But then the second thing is, is that we need to be giving them the truth. And that there's,
I think I'm gonna say almost the entire church body is failing to give the truth and showing people to be, not allow the world to give the identity to these people, but rather let
Christ give them their identity. And so what's happened is they've believed a lie. We need to expose the lie and replace that lie with what truth is.
And that truth is found in the scriptures. And then you're gonna see that these people who are struggling with these sins can have hope, can have joy, have purpose, a great purpose, and can find a blessing in who they are, not the so -called curse or deviant or whatever the case might be.
Sin is deviance, but the people themselves God loves and he wants them to get the deviance out of their lives.
I think that this thing going on now is like a social contagion, because now they're saying like the homosexual population is over 20 % when historically it's been two to 7%.
And this idea that you can be transgender is catching like wildfire.
And I'm just concerned. You know, if we don't get raptured, we're gonna be living with these nut jobs.
And I... Well, I think we need to remember that there's no reason to be concerned.
We need to always have hope and joy in the Lord because the battle has been...
We know who wins. I always point to the Esther. I think I even spoke to you guys on Esther once,
I think, in regards to... It looked so dim and gloom, doom and gloom, because Haman, he's got the government's power.
The edict has been there. Everybody, the Jews are gonna die. And it goes right up to the end, but all
God was doing was allow Haman to build his own gallows to bring upon his own destruction.
Do not think for a moment that God is out of control and that these evil people of the world are gaining.
All that's happening is they're building their own gallows for the Lord to destroy.
And we don't need to be without hope. We don't fear what is to come.
We should be excited and looking forward to the Lord's coming. And even if he doesn't come in our lifetime,
I really believe he's going to. But even if he doesn't, it doesn't matter because we have a purpose and we should find joy in that purpose.
And the more ungodly the world becomes, the more important and the more opportunities we have and the more joy we ought to be able to find.
I've been in countries where Christian persecution is a real thing. And it's far worse than it is here in America.
And I've seen joy in the lives of the Christians there that far surpasses the joy
I see in this sleeping church in America. It's hard to balance those sometimes.
The joy with the discernment, with just the sorrow that comes from watching people you love get swallowed up by the people who are.
So, I mean, we know that as the end gets nearer, Satan doesn't know when it is, but he sees the signs too.
And so he gets all the more anxious and he gets all the more busy,
I guess. I can't think of the right word, so we'll just use that one. But he's working harder and harder.
And so we see that, like, you know that personally, I know that personally, like to watch our loved ones just get pulled into that.
And we even several weeks ago had somebody come and talk to us about human trafficking and one of the comments that we got was how the whole like transgender ideology is a sort of that, because you see these people who have this agenda to just drive people away from God and to make our society so godless and they're sucking in these young people.
And it's a kind of a form of human trafficking. So it is hard, it's hard to see that, to see government agencies, government funded agencies that are underwriting these kinds of things.
And also, oh, and you know, you can go and look for therapists.
I work for a therapist. I was checking out some other websites today too. And among the things, the specialties that are listed,
I saw one of them, deconstructing your religion. If you need therapy for that, you can go and find somebody who will help you do that.
And I'm not advertising that by the way, I'm saying this as a sign, you know, of how we're watching people that we love get pulled by that force of the culture.
And it's hard, but we also know that we have joy and we also know that God has finally, you know, that God is in control.
We also know for people who do believe in the rapture, especially if you believe in the rapture before the tribulation, we know that there's gonna be a time where people like that who have heard the gospel all along are gonna have some come to Jesus moments where they're gonna go, oh, it was true, you know?
So we pray for that. We pray for that, especially for our kids. I mean, that's some hope that I'm trying to give also, but then the discernment of knowing, like we have to know the
Bible so that we aren't led astray by these other people. So I know that was a lot to say and not necessarily questions, but maybe you wanna weigh in.
Oh, I wanna quick say about reading the Bible. You know,
I just started reading the Bible daily three years ago, and I have found so many things that I believe that people that I heard in church or heard
Christians say that are really not in the Bible and they're wrong. So, okay, I'll turn it back over to you,
Brian. Yeah, no, you're so right. And even just with a lot of what you're talking about here,
I'm gonna just kinda share this. If people wanna go to patreon .com forward slash creation instruction,
I do weekly Bible studies on there and we are just kinda getting close to wrapping up the book of Revelation.
And we see so many of these things as well as the joy that we're supposed to have in that book of Revelation.
I think so many people think it's a scary thing, but actually it's a revelation of Jesus and there's so much hope and excitement that can come from that.
And so there's a lot of other things on this too, but like I said, Revelation is getting close to wrapping that one up, so.
Great, I'm glad that you brought that up. I wanted to ask you to share one more time.
And we also wanna bring this back. I mean, we are a creation ministry and so it wasn't just about just all of that stuff.
We see our culture and we see so much of it falling apart and we also take it back to Genesis because we know, like you said in your talk and how
Andy Stanley is so keen on saying, ignore the Bible in lieu of science, although he also say, but all you need to know about is the resurrection as if that doesn't defy science, but he's really confused.
But anyway, but we do. I mean, we understand the importance of Genesis and of taking seriously what
God says so clearly in his word about creation. And so we're glad that you touched on that as well.
And I think we're gonna kind of wrap things up here for the public side of things because I think there's a few people here in Zoom who would like to speak a little more freely with you.
So Brian, one more time, tell people about your ministries and tell people how they can find you and support you.
Yeah, so like I said, you can find, just listen to a lot more things here on Patreon, our website, creationinstruction .org.
We have another museum that we're putting together here right now that you could definitely keep us in prayer for.
It's a brick and mortar one in Broken Bow, Nebraska. And so we're hoping to have that done in a couple of months.
It's been taking us a lot longer than I had hoped, but nonetheless, keep that in prayer and just that God would continue to provide for that.
If people wanna help support that, they can just get in contact us.
You're through creationinstruction .org, creationinstruction at gmail .com
or give us a call or whatever. So, and if you want
DVDs, that kind of thing, just give us a call or email at creationinstruction at gmail .com.
And we still have some of those sets that you can have for $50 of the full set of DVDs.
Great, and we also have a link to your ministries website on our page. All of our speakers, we have links to their ministries.
So be sure to check out our pages. We have two pages. We have our archives page and we have our upcoming speakers page.
The easiest way to remember is tinyurl .com forward slash C -F -C -N -T -E.
That's C like creation, F like fellowship, C -N -T is S -A -N -T -E -E. And with that, we're gonna go ahead and sign off for tonight.
And we hope that you will join us next week. Although I don't, Robin, can you tell me, remind me who we have with us next week?
I was just looking that up too. It's Myles, is it Michael Myles? Matt Myles. He's gonna come and talk to us about dinosaurs.
Yes, dinosaur talk. So back, I consider Brian's talk tonight creation.
I'm sorry, but when you have Andy Stanley and Pat Robertson, big names saying that, the big bang created the earth, this is how important creation is.
Yeah. Okay, I'm done. I'm stepping down from my seat back. All right.