Bethel Church Found The Fountain Of Youth!

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Hey guys, Colin here, and welcome back to the channel where the Bible and critical thinking meet to give you real
Christian commentary about the things that matter. Thanks so much for watching, let's get into the video. So Bethel Church is a charismatic megachurch located in Redding, California, and is led by Pastor Bill Johnson, who is truly one of the worst teachers in the modern church, or at least what calls itself the modern church.
He consistently preaches unbiblical doctrine, and his fellow Bethel pastors follow suit. You see,
Bethel often get people sucked into their movement by using their music, because they make some of the most popular worship songs out there, many of which you've probably been singing in your church.
But take a look at Bethel's theology, a deeper look, and you may find yourself changing your mind about them.
Let me show you a video here of a man invited by Bethel Church to speak to their congregation. Watch this.
How many want to be ten years younger? How many want you to be ten years younger? Father, I release youthfulness in this body.
As a sign and a wonder of all of Redding and of all of the regions, the people here get younger and younger looking and younger looking.
At 80s, you look and feel and act like 40s. Father, I release that divine youthfulness on your sons and on your daughters.
Come on, all the baby boomers, come up front, all the baby boomers. I want you to come.
Listen, young people. Make room for the, make a tunnel, make a tunnel for the baby boomers.
Baby boomers, it is your day. You're getting younger. You're looking younger.
Life. Life. Life. Younger. Looking younger.
Lord, release hair. Hair is beginning to grow supernaturally.
So in the video you just watched, a Bethel -affirming teacher has decided to speak to the congregation of the church and show them how to reverse their aging.
He wants to help them supernaturally look and feel younger. That's his main goal. And we're going to respond to this foolishness using three biblical points.
Number one. The Bible has clear instructions for worship within the fellowship of believers. Of course, there is some leeway in how different churches and denominations work this out in practice, but there are a few non -negotiables.
This is described on multiple occasions, but let me point you specifically to 1 Corinthians 14, just for instance.
1 Corinthians 14, 40 says, quote, but all things should be done decently and in order, end quote.
The things we do in the church are to be done in an orderly fashion, and this does not make our services devoid of emotion, but rather it helps us channel our emotions while worshiping
God in a way that does not distract others or take away from their opportunity to worship decently and in order.
But if you watch many of Bethel Church's services, you will quickly see that there's very little structure, and that is because Pentecostal Christians often want things to be what they call spirit -led.
To them, things that are biblically spirit -led must be exciting, spontaneous, and extreme. They must be unplanned.
They can't be scheduled beforehand. But we know from the Bible that a proper worship service is done decently and in order.
But that's just one of the many ways that the leaders of Bethel Church sacrifice sound teaching on the altar of emotionalism, and it's a serious problem.
And this brings me to point number two. The message of this man is that Christians need to look and feel younger, A, as a blessing to God, and B, as a sign to the world.
Old age is being looked at quite negatively here, and there's no way around that. And it's true that old age is a side effect of the
Fall, technically. And with old age comes much of the physical hardship that a person will experience in their entire life.
You see, as we reach our later years, our immune systems are worse, our senses begin to dull, and our bodies are more vulnerable to injury.
That's true, and it should be a stark reminder to us of the fallen world we live in. However, let it also be said that old age is not exclusively bad.
The Lord can use old age to bless people in extraordinary ways. Proverbs 16, 31, for instance, it says this,
Gray hair is a crown of glory. It is gained in a righteous life. Old age is a blessing from God.
Living many years means you get to spend more time with your family. It means you've had more life lessons to share with others, and it also means that you've had more time to love and serve people over the course of your life.
So here's my point. We don't need a fountain of youth. What we need is to be more content in Christ, regardless of what our age is.
He is our focus, and He is our greatest consolation in this fallen world. But unfortunately, all of that important context and teaching is lost in this ridiculous activity in Bethel Church.
This brings me to point number three. Notice how the man leading this whole thing is yelling things out, like, Look at you, you're getting younger, you're looking younger, your hair is starting to grow.
He's not encouraging them to seek the blessing of youthfulness, and even that would be controversial. Instead, he is confidently declaring that he has already received this blessing, and he's already given it to them, which is another common theme at Bethel Church.
He's telling them that they're getting younger and looking younger, and that their hair is starting to grow. But none of that is actually happening.
How do we know? Well, because there are several bald men in the crowd, and there's not a single one of them that is growing a noticeable amount of hair.
Not one of these people got a single day younger. Not one of them looked a day younger as a result of this exercise.
So what's my point in stating the obvious, though? My point is that this man is lying to them. Whether that was his intention or not, that's what he's doing.
He's confidently telling them, from a position of spiritual authority on stage, that something is being given to them by God, when that is clearly not the case.
Contrast this with Colossians 3 .9, which says, quote, So in conclusion, not only is this little episode at Bethel Church unbiblical, it's also a total fraud.
Not only does it not line up with Scripture, it doesn't even work. It is an exercise in futility and a monumental waste of everyone's time.
And unfortunately, this kind of thing is only becoming more and more common in Bethel Church and the broader movement that they're a part of.
And if anyone from Bethel is watching this, I want you to know that I love you, and I would love nothing more than to see you leave this movement and leave this falsehood to find a doctrinally sound
Church. So let's pray for Bill Johnson and for Bethel Church, that they would repent of this falsehood and turn to the truth of God's Word.
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And until next time, fight for truth, never surrender, and keep your eyes open. Thank you, and God bless.