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The Greatest Evangelical News Show in History is GOING LIVE during the 2024 Presidential Election. Come join Foskey & Friends for the conversation! 
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Welcome back to Church Soup, the greatest evangelical news show in the history of the internet.
I'm Keith Foskey, the Harbor Freight Doug Wilson, King of the Amillennialists, and little known fact, doppelganger for J .D.
Vance. Hey guys, how are you all doing tonight?
This is our first ever live Church Soup. We're calling it Foskey and Friends.
I have two people in the studio with me, my wife, the love of my life, the most beautiful person in the world to me, and to my right, someone who's beautiful in his own right,
Uncle Rich, the Reformed Baptist from all of my denominational videos.
And not only do I have these beautiful people in the studio, but I have a entire selection of wonderful people coming in from around the
United States to talk about this election night. And I'm gonna bring them in now.
Boy, look at that. It is a crowd of folks here. We have, starting right to my left, or your right,
I don't know, I don't know what, we have David K. Martin. He is a audio book narrator, a good friend of the show, been on several times, and one of the funniest memesters in all of the internet.
He is a meme lord, and I'm glad to call him my friend. Hi, David, it's good to have you.
Hi, Keith, thanks. Yes, do you hear that buttery voice? It's awesome. I don't have a voice like that. My voice sounds like I'm whining all the time.
Beside him, we have the man, the myth, the legend, the man whose name is always on his screen,
Andrew Rappaport. Andrew is the head of Striving for Eternity Ministries, and he looks like he's been around for eternity because of all the white in his beard.
Andrew, how you doing, buddy? Stop your whining. Yeah. You are always in such a good mood.
You came in tonight like somebody kicked your cat, man. We don't know who's won the election yet.
You can save your disappointment for later, okay? Next, yes. Or squirrel.
Did somebody steal your squirrel? Yeah, somebody killed a squirrel, Keith. Did someone shoot your peanut? Justice for peanut. Yeah, someone kidnapped my squirrel.
My squirrel and my raccoon. They took it out back and shot it. Okay, justice for peanut.
Down on the next row, we have Parker. This is Parker from Watch Well Podcast, quickly becoming one of my favorite people in the whole world.
Parker is, I don't know if you guys saw that, but he clacked the time.
What's that thing called again? It was just a clapper. The clapper, yeah, yeah. We were playing with that at Fight, Laugh, Feast.
I got to spend some time with him last week at Fight, Laugh, Feast. Had a good time. Parker's, along with his cousin,
Nick, run the Watch Well Podcast, which is where they talk about the theology from movies. And he has said publicly that that's the podcast
I should have done. That was like - Actually, correction. So I have said publicly that the only person that does our podcast better than us is you,
Keith. I was gonna say, who knows more about movies? That's the correct quote.
Okay. Well, thank you for that wonderful vote of confidence there. Beside him, we have
Corey Wing from Civically Minded. He's a Presbyterian, so halfway through this broadcast, he's gonna get drunk.
He's also muted. Is he muted? He's got to unmute himself. That's the thing,
Keith, I forgot. I was supposed to have a fake cigar for you, so we could all be
Presbyterian here. Oh, okay. I wanna start a pipe. Corey, are you there? Did I lose you?
He just has to unmute. Oh, I'll unmute him. Okay. Now it's muted. Yes. Yes, you are live.
Thank you. I can't be as buttery as David already was, but yes,
I can drink more than all of you Baptists, so there is that. But no,
I'm happy to be here and I'm in the battleground state of North Carolina. Awesome, awesome.
Sorry, I'm answering a quick question here. Spencer Smith is supposed to be jumping on with us here soon. I'm just throwing out.
He's asking me when. I'm saying now. Pop in whenever and for however long. Greg just asked for the link too,
Keith. Oh, okay. I'll drop it in for him. I sent it to him. Oh, you did. You're awesome.
See, this is what it's like. I shouldn't worry about it. Now, right beside Corey, at least from my screen,
I am looking at one of the most glorious men in all of Calvinism. One of the friendliest, nicest, sweetest.
And I have to tell you about this guy. When I was, I preached at his church a couple months ago. And the day
I was getting ready to drive home, my car wouldn't start. Claude Ramsey had one of his elders come, change my alternator in the driveway.
Oh. Did all the work. Wouldn't take a dime for it. Well, his wife is wonderful too.
Brought breakfast for us, sat and talked to my... I just wanna say, nobody is nicer than Claude Ramsey.
So Claude, thank you for coming on the show today. I know you didn't wanna get praise for that, but I just wanted to say,
I'll never forget the kindness that you and your church showed us that day. That was so wonderful. So thank you. Praise the Lord.
Oh, that was Kenny Christopher is the man's, the elder's name. So he gets ready.
And skillful. I mean, to change an alternator in a driveway. It was awesome.
At an Airbnb. Yeah, at an Airbnb. And rounding out the bottom row all by himself, but certainly not alone in the area of my love.
He is loved by me so much. And I'm gonna say, he's my not yet Calvinist friend,
Matthew Henson. I think you're the only one in this group that's not yet a Calvinist. That's quite all right.
Some of the precincts we canvassed for amendment four, I felt very much the same way. So that's okay.
Used to being outnumbered, but in much better company and much better spirits tonight. Well, praise the
Lord. And he's a Calvinist in eternity. So he's got that. I hear that a lot. That's okay. That's all right. I was gonna say, you didn't know this
Matthew, but we're actually, we're not gonna talk about the election. We're having an intervention. I knew it. I knew it.
A different type of election. That's right. A different type of election. Well, let me go get my, it's not in the background.
And yes, I know I look like I'm operating from a supply closet. It's just the place I have to work from. But I was gonna go get my reform dogmatics off the shelf and say,
I'm at least reading. Okay. So, you know, I'm working on it. I am gonna do one thing. I'm gonna pull just you up.
I want you to show everybody your shirt. Oh, that's right. Yep. He's wearing a shirt with my face on it. That means he's awesome.
And Richard's face. Yep. And Jake, who couldn't be with us tonight. He was invited. Jake Korn.
One of the original guys from CWAC, what we used to call conversations with a Calvinist. Yep. And that's my man.
And you will note that this shirt is very worn out because I wear it all the stinking time. You love to have my face on your chest.
Okay. Not weird at all. Nope. We're gonna go a different direction now. Let's go with Greg Moore from the
Dead Men Walking podcast. He was on the cross politic and he decided to jump over here with us.
So I just want to say thank you for coming down from the ivory tower and hanging out with the common folks.
I'm very thankful that you're willing to - The Harbor Freight election night. Yes, the
Harbor Freight. Hey, Dollar General Jeff Durbin had to show up. Set you guys straight. What's going on?
That's so weird. Yeah, man. You was hobnobbing. We was at Fight, Laugh, Feast. I'm seeing pictures of you with Doug and you just hanging out with all the people.
Oh, please. I really enjoyed that interview with Dusty and Doug that you did at Fight, Laugh, Feast.
That was great. And - Did you see the picture? Did you see the picture with Doug and me and Dusty was in the middle?
Yeah. I said that was a Doug sandwich with a Deaver filling. Okay, that sounds very
Harris Waltz -like. That's gross. See, you had to make it weird.
That's why we invited you. I'm just saying, Waltz, he looks like a guy that eats bananas for the shape and not the taste.
So I'm coming in hot. But we got Andrew. We got your covenants. Hey, is there other - I'm gonna give you my happy covenants.
Oh, I hit the mute button. I didn't mean to do that at all. Okay. Yeah.
He is also Presbyterian. Can I just say that? You can say that. Well, you missed the part where we said
Corey was gonna be drunk halfway through this broadcast because he's Presbyterian. And Cooley Gregorian. Hey, maybe,
I've got champagne here on the desk. So maybe I'll join him. Who knows? No, always in measure with our drink and our smoke, how we think, how we talk.
We reflect Christ in everything we do. Bring glory to God. Except for that last joke I said. Sorry, Lord. But Claude Ramsey, good to see you too, brother.
Haven't talked to you in a while. Good to see you, man. Well, guys, I do wanna have some fun tonight.
We're already having a little bit of fun. We got comments all over the place. We're gonna be trying to respond to comments if we can.
Dollar General Jeff Durbin. That's hilarious. Yeah. Oh, you didn't hear that? That was the original joke.
That's so funny. Me and Greg were together at the original Tulahoma Conference, the first one.
That's where we met. And they took a picture of me dressed as Doug. And he was in his suit, but it was that red velvet suit that you have.
And it looked very Durbin -esque. And we said we were the Harbor Freight, Doug Wilson and Jeff Durbin.
That picture went out. A lot of people thought it was funny. And that began the joke. That's so funny. So it's, yeah.
We were gonna start a thing called Off -Brand Theology. And we were gonna have, was it
Sam? Sam Say was gonna be the Harbor Freight votey?
No, he was gonna be the Teemu votey. Teemu votey. That's what it was. Or the wish votey.
I don't know which one. Was Samuel Say the one that put the bread up on his face and made himself a sandwich during the podcast?
Yes. Yes. He said, am I a sandwich? That was when I debated him on whether or not.
Okay. Real quick. We'll ask everybody to vote on this. Is a hamburger a sandwich?
David? Sure. Andrew? Well, it depends on definition of a sandwich.
No, no. It doesn't. It's a yes or no question. You obfuscating man, you.
Say that again. What is a sandwich? Instead of what is a one. Okay, listen here.
You take, okay. Parker? Sure. Cory, is a hamburger a sandwich?
Yes. Thank you. Claude? Yes. I'm gonna go with no just to be opposite all you guys.
All right. Matthew, is a hamburger a sandwich? I'm gonna have to go back to what someone else said earlier.
By what standard are we judging a hamburger as a sandwich? He stole my line. Dang it.
I said you were one of my best friends. Quickly backing that decision up.
I will say you have two pieces of bread and something tasty in between. It counts as a sandwich. I'm not. Hank Smith said that.
Hank Smith already. This is Hank Smith. Two slices of bread. There he goes. Something in between makes a sandwich, which means if you put bread on both sides of Walt's head, you'd have an idiot sandwich.
Yep. I would say according, technically according to Earl Sandwich, who invented this sandwich because he didn't have enough room on the table to play poker.
Yes, it is a sandwich. Earl Sandwich. Was his name Earl? 100%, go
Google. Or was he an Earl? Like the Earl, like the dude. Hold on, hold on. Two things can be true at once.
Google now, not Wikipedia. Okay. His usual source is
Wikipedia. No, just at 1 a .m. in the morning in Waffle House and you're annoying me. I didn't ask my two co -hosts that are with me.
Richard is a hamburger sandwich. Yes. Jennifer, she who is both beautiful and wise.
No, just kidding. I was going to say in our house, your decisions have to be my decisions.
I'm, you know, it's a patriarchy here. You're going to decide the way I tell you. It sounds like the same thing. Heath, it is nice to see you with your beautiful wife and your bodyguard tonight though.
Yeah, it is. This is my bodyguard. As I become internet infamous, I'm going to have a guy to take care of me.
You know, he is supposed to be coming to Tullahoma with me. That's the plan. I mean, last year, you know,
I didn't have anybody ride with me. I'm going to hopefully have Richard ride with me. So according to Google, yes, a hamburger is technically a sandwich.
So - Why do I feel a butt coming on? The definition of a sandwich in Merriam -Webster's dictionary.
So there you go. Big, big tech tampering in our podcast tonight. I just can't believe it.
I love this. How long should we - Is a Big Mac a club sandwich? That's James. That's my buddy from church,
James. That was a great question. Is a Big Mac a club sandwich? All right.
Okay, so how are we doing in the election? Let's actually get to what we're supposed to be talking about tonight, because if not, we're just going to keep going off the rails.
So far, Trump has been called in several key states. My own state, specifically.
I want to ask this question, go around the room. Does anybody think that it's possible that any of the major states that have been called,
Florida being one of them, Texas as well, does anyone think any of these are going to be reversed? Last year, we saw this big deal that happened in the middle of the night.
You know, there was that, you know, the lines were going up and then there was that big jump. Does anybody see anything changing in Florida, Texas, or any of these other major battleground states?
Matthew's shaking his head no. Why don't you tell us what you're thinking, buddy? Well, Fox News was absolutely infamous for calling
Arizona like seven weeks before the election or whatever last year. Basically, I saw some jokes about that when
Trump was, when Trump, like at the Republican National Convention, when he won the nomination for the Republican Party, there were some tweets out there that like,
Fox News has just called Arizona for Joe Biden, you know, like that earlier or whatever. And no,
I don't know that we've ever seen a major organization reverse a call, because what they're doing is they're running basically space math and witchcraft on the remaining vote outstanding.
And they're saying, all right, if there's 80 % in and 20 % remaining, where is the 20 coming from? Which is why a lot of races in Florida were called.
Even when amendment four was looking like it had right at 59 and change, the panhandle hadn't reported yet because they're an hour behind.
So people were already calling amendment four as a failure because the panhandle is so conservative. So they're taking into account all that kind of information.
Pensacola. Sorry? Pensacola. Thank you. Every single time it's like, oh no, we might lose by a point.
And the panhandle comes in like Helms Deep, like, nope, we're not doing that. Love it. Yeah. Hey, I wanna just, real quick,
Andrew's got something for me to pull up. What is this I'm pulling up here, Andrew? That is the current decision desk right now.
New state to call is that there is another, Trump is, according to the decision desk, leading by 226 electoral points to 108 for Paris.
Montana just went for Trump. So they are still predicting a
Trump win. Predicting a Trump win. What were the numbers? Because I can't, it's too far away from my eyes and my eyes are getting really bad, y 'all.
What's the number for Trump? Say that again? It's called getting old. Yeah, been doing that for a little while.
What's the Trump number right now? 226. 226 for Trump, 108 for Harris right now.
And the magic number is 270, am I right? 270, yes. All right, all right. Yeah, but it's all down to seven states because California's gonna get called,
Oregon's gonna get called, Washington's gonna get called. It's just their Pacific time zone so they haven't even reported any results.
Well, North Carolina, some have called it, some haven't, but it's going into the night.
It's Georgia, North Carolina, Arizona, Nevada. Trump wins those and then he needs
Michigan, Wisconsin, or Pennsylvania, one of the three. That is the only real math that matters at this point.
So right now Trump is probably trending half of percent in Michigan, in my home state.
They look like he's trending a percent in Pennsylvania. So both of those are close, but very winnable for him.
The New York Times - I will say this, right now he's trending in Pennsylvania, my home state. He is trending in Wisconsin.
Now, the interesting thing with Wisconsin is that Wisconsin is a state where RFK sued to get himself removed from the ballot and they would not let him off the ballot.
So if that difference between Kamala and Trump is the difference of RFK, you will know that that might've been a factor.
Yeah, that's a really good point, Andrew. Just to let you know, he's on the ballot in Michigan too. And right now he's at 0 .4.
So he's at that half percent margin to where Trump would actually be predicted to win by a full percent.
So it's very slim margins in the swing states and not pulling Kennedy off the ballot might come into contention.
You know what's interesting about that? I just want to throw this out. I don't know how it works everywhere else, but when I walked in today, they printed the ballot.
Like it wasn't, like they printed it and handed it to me. Every ballot is printed. Where'd you go to vote at Toys R Us?
What are they doing down there in Florida? Did they do this for you? Did you print it today? Matthew, did they do it?
Matthew, you're in Florida. Yeah. See some old lady on an Epson printer. I actually think it was.
Don't be hating on Epson. I will have you know that Florida is the third most populous state in the nation and we knew who won by 9 p .m.
So I don't want to hear it, okay? We got all of our stuff done. Signed, sealed, delivered. We knew who our amendments were going to.
We knew who our electoral votes were going to. We were done in time for Jeopardy tonight, y 'all. But what
I'm saying, the only reason I brought up the printed ballot is they could have taken somebody off at any point because it's digital until it becomes paper, right?
Yes. Why is this whole, why are they keeping somebody on who says I'm no longer running?
No, because the Democratic secretaries, here's Trump's biggest thing to overcome. Five out of the seven states that he needs to win, and he doesn't need to win all seven of them, but the pool of the ones we're talking about.
Five out of the seven have a Democratic governor and a Democratic secretary of state running the election. And at a 5%, 10 % margin, that doesn't matter.
Down around a 0 .1, 0 .2, 0 .3 % when we're getting into some hanging chads, oh, you better believe that's going to matter.
So it's a hanging chad situation. I will just say too, the New York Times has an excellent election dashboard up and they've got this needle, right?
That just causes all kinds of people anxiety and stuff. It's currently predicting an 80, that is eight zero percent chance of a
Trump victory right now over the whole election, right? So not any particular state. So Keith, here's a couple interesting things to note.
You see in Wisconsin, Michigan, you had Colonel West who is a
Democrat who is also running for president. He has, he sued, they sued to get him off the ballot while they also sued to keep
RFK on the ballot in those states. Now, here's an interesting thing on the decision desk right now is that New Jersey went from Kamala Harris to leaning
Kamala Harris. I will say that if Donald Trump wins New Jersey, this election is over.
Okay. I'm hearing some sound. Somebody in comment said that we're getting some feedback.
I'm not sure whose microphones are done. I hope it's not mine. I'm gonna mute myself out. Hey, Parker, what do you think?
Is Trump going for Ohio? I think he's leading there, isn't he? Yeah, I was actually just looking at that.
It looks like it's leaning Ohio. I was actually gonna ask you, Greg, does he have any chance of winning Michigan? Because I was seeing reports that Trump is winning 18 to 29, 18 to 29 -year -olds by 5 % in Michigan.
So that's his saving grace there. So at eight o 'clock, when I started on the CrossPolitik livestream, we had 8 % reporting.
She was at 56%. When I jumped over to you guys, she was down to 51 % with 16 % reporting.
So the trend is down. You gotta realize that 16%, most of that's Wayne County, which is Detroit, which is heavily
Democratic. So I feel good if she's up five or six points in the first two or three hours of reporting, that always levels itself back out because Wayne County is one of the first to start reporting with the largest amount of ballots.
The whole middle of the state, which is all red, has not even been reported. So I think I saw a
New York Times or Wall Street Journal said they're predicting Trump by half a percentage point in Michigan, but it is going to be extremely close.
I wanna throw something up here. We just got a good comment that came in. This is from Sheldon, no last name given.
I'm just gonna go Sheldon said, Trump was also winning until 2 a .m. in 2020.
Corey, you haven't said a whole lot tonight. I wanna hear your thoughts. Do you think we're gonna see a repeat of last year?
And I already kind of asked this question about the battle states, but overall, do you think that there's a surprise coming in the middle of the night after we all go to bed and wake up in the morning with a
Kamala presidency? Yes and no. Do I think that they're gonna try to cheat?
Do I think there's a surprise coming? Of course, they're crooked and they're evil. So yes,
I absolutely think that they're going to try anything they can to cheat. That's why
I think - Corey's not an artisan by the way, absolutely. Straight from the middle. You can tell from what I'm wearing.
I am at all, people around the floor. That's right. They're gonna try to cheat, but that's why it was so important to get the vote out and to do the groundwork that we needed to do, especially in swing states like Ohio and Greggs, Michigan, my
North Carolina, because it's vital that we get the numbers up high enough to where ballot dump at two in the morning is not gonna be as powerful as it was back in 2020.
But again, North Carolina, where I live, is one of those weird swing states where there's no doubt
Josh Stein's already won the governorship, who's a Democrat. Robinson was just too inflammatory.
He was too, there was too much, it's too much to overcome. But even where I was just watching, just called it for North Carolina as well.
So it looks like we're gonna go Trump for president and then a Democrat for governor. So I mean, there's a lot of weird stuff still to play out tonight.
So I don't wanna get overly excited, but I think she's even more unlikable than Hillary Clinton.
And so I think we're heading more towards a 2016, liberal tears, weeping from Russell Moore, things like that than what we saw in 2020.
Hey, Keith, can I jump in here for one second? Cause I gotta jump back over to the cross -politic live stream. I just wanted to comment on what he said very quickly.
Is that okay? Yeah, go ahead, man. You got the floor. Oh no, you don't have to give me the floor. I would just say too, that this is a different situation than 2020 because actually for the first time, the
GOP and the Republican voters have taken full advantage of the early voting to where exit poll voting has said we're up seven, 8 % in just about all voting in the early vote.
So it's actually backfiring on the Democrats, the extended voting in early voting times.
Now, what we have to watch for that though, is are we just chipping into the normal bump we get on election day?
Because on election day, the Republicans, there's always more votes. It has always been that the Democrats lead in the early voting and then the
Republicans kind of even it out on day of. But now for the first time, Republicans are actually leading in the early vote.
So we just need to know, did more people that were going to vote on election day from the GOP go, ah,
I'll just go vote early. Or did we actually make that swing by, you know,
Trump and Vance kind of courting the alternative Republican, meaning the Joe Rogan and the
Theo Vaughn and the Tim Dillon show, you know, voters that went, you know what,
I can't stand Harris. You know, I can't stand the craziness. I saw these guys on the
My Favorite podcast. I'm gonna go vote for them. So that's really what it's gonna come down to. And I think it might make the difference, the
Gen Z vote in probably five of those seven swing states. Awesome.
That is, that's, yeah, that's an encouraging thought. Now, hey, before you go, cause you said you got to go back to the ivory tower and we understand, we understand.
You've slummed it long enough, but before you go, I wanna give you an opportunity cause somebody just asked this question in channel.
Somebody said, hey, who's, what's the Happy Calvinist channel? So I'm gonna give each of you a minute to tell everybody where to find you.
I know not everybody here is a podcaster. David's an audio book narrator, but you can still talk about your website. Everybody go around the room.
We'll let Greg go first cause he's probably gonna drop out after he does his part. And then we're gonna, we're gonna give everybody an opportunity to share.
Real quick, they just called Georgia for Trump. No, they called Georgia for Trump. Let's go.
Hey, in fact, while we're doing this, some, y 'all shout it out. If you see something and it's solid, shout it out.
Okay, Greg, you, you, you're on man. Give us - All right, very quickly before I take off, my name is Greg Moore.
I'm the host of the Dead Man Walking podcast. You can find me at dmwpodcast .com.
But if you're trying to pick a new podcast, put me low on the rung. I want you guys listening to your
Calvinist. I want you listening to Watch Well with Parker Brown. I want you listening to Happy Calvinist with Claude Ramsey.
And I want you listening to Striving for Eternity with Andrew Rappaport and Civically Minded. You guys have a great group.
You're having a lot more fun on this stream than I am, but go do it guys. Have fun. Well, God bless you, brother.
Thank you for coming in. We love you. And we'll see you. Love you too. See you guys. Love you, man. All right, my friend.
Now, Matthew, I know you're not a podcaster. You're one of my team. You're my team member. But you're also an elder at your church.
So do you have anything you wanna shout out for your church? I spent 13 hours on my feet today, guys.
I'm surviving off the adrenaline of the fact that we killed Amendment 4. So that's like, listen,
I care about the presidency. I care very much about the Senate. This matters to me. But like, that was the thing for me, living here in Florida, is we had to kill that one and we did.
And so, as I did in pre -show, because I still have some in here, this is a mini bottle of champagne and a toast to be poured to the fact that we have defeated this amendment.
Now, something that was said, because I went right to an elders meeting after that was, pray that God would grant us repentance because 57 % of our state said this is a good idea, right?
So we've got some work to do, all right? They'll be back in two years. They're coming again. So I'm happy.
I'm elated. We beat the Weed Amendment 2, which is great. But at the same time,
I recognize that it's just one small part of a much larger piece. This was the first time our church, just a shout out,
I go to, I'm an elder at Switzerland Community Church in St. John's County. It was the first time we had really engaged a political issue, so to speak, because to be quite honest, whatever ology you want to put on the end of it wasn't all that great in understanding how the state is supposed to respond and all of this kind of stuff.
And I know that gets into the CN stuff and I'm not interested in going there, but we finally got it distilled down to where it was.
This is one issue on a ballot. It's not a candidate. We're not having character debates. We're not having policy debates.
We need to stand on truth here. And so every single elder from the stage, when they discussed it said, go and vote no on this abominable thing, go take it down.
And that's exactly what we did. And it was a real turning point for our church and I appreciated it. Amen. Well, thank you for sharing about that.
And if anybody's in the Switzerland area, not Switzerland, you know, do that.
Another neutral. Okay. Switzerland, south of Jacksonville.
I would like to point just two things out that I've noticed sort of hot election news decision does projecting
Republicans have a 99 % chance of taking the Senate, which is very, very good because even in a
Kamala presidency that would blunt any Supreme court stupidity that might happen. Number two is that betting odds, which are very sketchy and should not be relied upon for any kind of prognostications, both have
Donald Trump well over 90 % likelihood of winning the night. The New York Times is sitting at about 82 right now.
Nice. Nice. All right, Mr. Can I just jump in real quick? Yeah, please. I think
Florida liberals right now. I'm part of your team. You're on my team. This is my team.
This is my beautiful team. I'm just saying liberals in Florida now, I mean, they lost the presidential election, amendment three and amendment four.
So there are a lot of crying liberals. They lost the weed, they lost abortion and they lost the presidency.
Can I point something out about that? What was fascinating where the vote came from. So everywhere in Florida, amendment three, for those who don't know was the legalized weed for all time, all places, all cases.
And it was horribly written and a bunch of other stuff, right? And then amendment four was basically like Molec or us.
That was like that amendment. Okay. And so they were running about, sorry
Andrew. This is what it is. So they were running about, they were running about even everywhere you had amendment three and amendment four results coming in.
And they were within about a point of each other except for one place, Miami -Dade County. And I do not know why this is.
I'd love to hear sometime. Everywhere else, if it was, they were within a point. In Miami -Dade County, amendment four, which would have made all of the abortion available at any case for any reason, ran at 60 % yes, but the weed amendment only ran at 40 % yes.
There was a 20 point split in favor of the abortion amendment and against the weed amendment. And it was only in Miami -Dade
County. And I will be chewing on that data for days to figure out why. Awesome.
Let's keep going around the room. Claude, tell us about yourself. Cause somebody asked, where's the
Happy Calvinist Channel? I want you to tell them how to find you. All right. I am Claude Ramsey.
I'm an elder from Outer Baptist Church here in Knoxville, Tennessee. Also a host of the Here I Stand Theology Podcast that can be found there on the
YouTubes. It's Here I Stand Theology Podcast.
Yes. All right, my friend. And he is part of the Truth Love Network along with you,
Keith. Yes, we are part of the Truth and Love Network. Yes, very much with several other great podcasts.
All right, Corey, tell us about Civically Minded. Yeah, sure. I am host of the
Civically Minded Podcast. We do practical theology for everyday life. I am a elder at a
PCA church here in North Carolina where Florida, Georgia, South Carolina send all of their women who want abortions up to us.
I'm not proud of that, but it is the truth, sadly. And so, yeah, that's where I can be found is at Civically Minded.
And be sure to read the spelling at the bottom cause it is not spelled like you think it should be, civicallyminded .com.
All right. Thank you, brother. I also wanna mention Spencer Smith just sent me a message said he's having an equipment issue tonight, will not be with us.
So those of you who were hoping to see Spencer, I tell you, I'll give you this promise. I'm gonna have him on the show soon.
So he won't be with us tonight, but he'll be on another time. We'll come in and crack wise another night.
So sorry for those who came to see Spencer. And somebody mentioned in the comments a few minutes ago, hey, they were sad that, let me see if I can find it here.
Somebody said they were sad that Cody Fields isn't here. Well, Cody Fields is a great friend of mine. And I did invite a bunch of people and I did honestly forget to send him a link, but I just sent him one.
So, you know, he might jump on. We'll see. This is a anything goes show.
So moving right along to Parker. Parker, I already mentioned WatchWell Podcast, but tell people how to find it.
Well, we're on YouTube. We run the podcast on YouTube and you can follow me on X at Real Parker Brown.
And then my co -host is at Nick Sloan on X. So yeah, follow us on X, subscribe to our
YouTube channel. We engage movies biblically. That's essentially what we do.
In a fancier way, we apply presuppositional apologetics to film. And we pull the theology out of film and we review the movie.
And then we, like I said, we try to engage it biblically. So we're bringing death to the passive consumption of entertainment.
We wanna engage actively and watch well. Awesome. Hey, you sent out your link to your
Doug Wilson interview. Is that out yet? Not yet. Not yet. I'm gonna, I posted it. I scheduled it for Thursday, so.
Oh, okay. Okay, I clicked on didn't work and I was wondering what it was. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So Brandon actually gave me some advice.
He told me to take it down so that it wasn't competing with all the election stuff. It was like four o 'clock, five o 'clock.
And I was forgot that the election was happening. Cause I voted like, I voted a week ago. So. Yeah, that's a good point.
Brandon, the man he's mentioning for those who don't know Brandon Wood is the producer of Eschatology Matters and a good friend to most everybody in this room.
So. Brandon's awesome. Spent some wonderful time with him at Fight Left East as well. All right, Andrew Rappaport. Does anybody not know
Andrew? Andrew's been around, you know, he was friends with Methuselah. He's been around for a while. But Andrew, tell us where people can find you.
And you know, if anybody thinks I'm being mean to Andrew, y 'all should hear us at a Buffalo Wild Wings.
I mean, honestly. I got raptured. I didn't pay the bill. That's right. Yeah, he was the model for that video that I made where the dispensationalist raptured.
And to his credit, Andrew always tries to pay the bill. So we love Andrew. Hey, hey,
I'm trying to fit in. I got my reformed beard on, you know, that counts.
I'm not dispensational anymore. I got a beard. By the way, that looks great on you.
Keith is making fun of it, but it looks good on you. No, no, you tell him, Andrew. Did I not tell you that you should keep the beard when we were together?
You did several times. You even offered to call my wife and convince her. She doesn't want you to keep the beard.
What do you think, honey? You think Andrew's better? Well, you met him in person? Okay, it's hard to tell from this small.
Even if I make him bigger, it's not gonna do a whole lot. So don't do that. Yeah. All right, so tell people how to find you, buddy.
Well, the best place to find anything I'm doing is strivingforeternity .org. As far as the podcasts, the two main podcasts
I do is Andrew Rapaport's Rap Report. That's rap with two Ps. So just search for Rap Report.
That is a weekly podcast where we deal with things of, you know, really what we're dealing with is things that are dealing with interpretations, applications for the
Christian life. And then on Thursday nights, I do a live stream, Thursdays, 8 to 10 Eastern Time, where we do
Apologetics Live, and you can get that at apologeticslive .com. Nice thing about that is you can ask me your most challenging question you have about God and the
Bible, and I guarantee that I can answer every question that everyone has about God and the
Bible. And if you doubt that, you just come on in, ask me your hardest question, and just remember one thing, I don't know is a perfectly good answer.
Silver tapers. I don't know. All right, I thought you were gonna say you were gonna give them my email address.
Well, you know, I usually save that for the hate mail, actually. But I am a native of,
I'm watching this, I will say this, I'm watching this with New Jersey, a native of New Jersey, and it is getting closer and closer between Trump and Harris.
And I'm just saying, if Trump can win New Jersey, if he gets the electoral points of Jersey, I think it's gonna be toast, because I mean, if the solidly blue state of Jersey goes for Trump, it'll be interesting.
But right now, it's leaning. I mean, according to the decision desk here, it's leaning
PA is in Wisconsin right now, and that's all he would need. Trump is up to an 86 % chance of victory on the
New York Times needle. And for the Senate, right now, a decision desk is calling for the
Senate. There is, and just so people realize, just the way this sometimes works, there were more
Democrats that were up this year than Republicans, because they do every six years and they alternate.
So right now, that's 48 Republicans to 37 Democrats. So it is looking like there is going to be a majority of Republicans in the
Senate. Okay, I'm gonna let David talk, but just real quick, before you do, David, somebody asked a good question.
They said, hey, Keith, do you think true Christians can be Democrats? I'm gonna let a few of you guys answer that question if you have something you wanna share, but I do also wanna mention somebody else jumped in and said, hey,
I did a podcast about that with John Root. So if you wanna hear me talk more about that question and hear
John Root's answer to that question, look it up on the channel. I appreciate the person who threw that out there.
That's awesome that you remembered that, and thank you. And John was a great guest. Okay, David, take it away, buddy. Hey, I am
David K. Martin, and you can find me at davidkmartin .net. Isn't that a coincidence? I live in Pennsylvania, where I am told by a reliable source that the
Amish are voting for the first time in many cases. And what I was told was that at least has something possibly to do with the federal crackdown on raw milk, but I haven't heard all the details on that.
But I'm an audio book narrator. This is what I'm - Oh, worship table. Yeah, awesome.
Keith just interviewed Matthew Everhart about this book. You can see it coming out on Audible, hopefully over the next few weeks, whenever they get around to actually posting it.
You can hear samples of my audio recording work at davidkmartin .net. And I'm also on X, I'm on Facebook and all those sorts of things as David K.
Martin. Thanks. Awesome, thank you, brother. And I also asked all of you guys to bring a joke.
I don't know if you remember that, but I did say, hey, bring a joke. And so be thinking about what your joke is.
We're gonna keep going here and we're gonna bring one more guy in. Mr. Cody Fields.
Hey, Cody. What's up, Cody? What's up, guys? Westminster Effects and the
Doxology... Oh, what is the name of your show? I know it's the Doxology Podcast. What is it? Yeah, the Westminster Effects Doxology Podcast is the only podcast in the world that's theology -based and hosted by a guitar gear builder.
Is he another Presbyterian? Are you Presbyterian? Cody, are you Presbyterian? No, I'm actually
Baptist. He's biblical. It's just that... So I actually have a pedal proving that I'm Baptist called the 1689 because Westminster Effects sounds a whole lot better than Second London Baptist Effects.
I like that. So there's my joke. This is all off the cuff for me.
Well, 1689 is nothing more than a baptized version of the Westminster Confession, right? Right, right.
It's total homework. Cody, can you... I'm not sure if your mic is turned low, but can you bring yourself up at all in your sound system?
I sure hope so. Let's see. Are you just coming through your headphones? Yeah. You can go into the audio settings, go to settings, audio.
And if it is set to automatically adjust your mic, you can change that. And bring it up there if you need.
All right, so I haven't asked my in -studio guests any questions yet.
We're just ornamentation at this point. Well, you guys are... Look at this. This is beautiful. I wanna ask you though, going back to the question about...
And I said, people can go look at my podcast. People can hear what I have to say. But if somebody... For those who don't know,
Richard is a deacon in his church. Richard's a Bible teacher. Richard's one of my best friends in the world and somebody
I trust. And Richard doesn't normally mince words. Sometimes he can be mean to me.
No, no, no, no. I'm just kidding. He loves me, but he's honest. He's an honest man.
Richard, if somebody asked you, can a Christian be a Democrat? How would you answer that question?
That's a tough one because it depends on where they fall on certain things.
Because you have... I know Democratic folks that, they don't necessarily agree with abortion and all that, but they kind of vote the party line.
So, I mean, from a biblical perspective, they would agree and line up with a lot of what we would as conservatives, yet they still vote blue.
So, I mean, can you just broadly generalize all
Democrats and say, well, if you're a Democrat and you vote Democrat because they're the party of death, so to speak, then that means you're not a
Christian. I'm not gonna broadly say that. But if I also, like my wife was talking about before I came here tonight, she's got well -respected friends of hers who claim to be
Christian, claim the name of Christ, yet agree with abortion and say it's okay.
Yeah, it's hard to believe. And in that scenario, it's hard for me to believe that they're truly an adult believer because unless they just don't understand that that is a human life.
I mean, there could be that disconnect because they've never been taught. They haven't got the spiritual maturity yet to understand that that is a human life in the womb and it's the same as taking a life outside of the womb.
So, I mean, it just, it would be a case -by -case basis. I'm not gonna broadly generalize it and say that all
Democrats are not Christian just because they vote blue. I'm not gonna say that. But anyway, that would be my answer to the question on the fly that you made me go first when you got this crude.
Well, to be honest, and this is an easy question to simply give.
Well, sure, the answer is no. But I was asked the same question, not just two weeks ago.
I was on Charismatic Cheetah. I don't know if you ever heard of him. Charismatic Cheetah had me on his show and somebody asked the very same question.
In fact, the question was asked differently. It was asked this way. It was asked, would you discipline someone in your church if they voted
Democrat? That was the question. And I thought that's an even more difficult question because now you're actually saying, okay, there's a sin involved that I can name,
I can point out, and I can pull an ecclesiastical, ecclesiastical right of pulling somebody before the church and say, this person has sinned, right?
That's difficult. I wanna ask Corey, because I know, Corey, you're not a man who minds sharing your opinion either.
And I don't mean that in a bad way. I just mean, you and I spent, boy, we spent almost two whole days together.
And I heard you certainly are very strong in your opinions and very wise in many things.
Would you discipline someone in your church if they voted Democrat?
I know you can't do that. You're not the person who disciplines it. It's the church that does it. And you're Presbyterian, so you guys have, obviously have to consider the
Presbytery as well. But do you think that's a church disciplinary offense? So the churches do have autonomy to discipline our own cases in -house.
So we could, and I have been on cases where we've had to perform discipline. And as anyone in the chat would say, that those are the worst and kind of best days of being in that position, because you love the person enough to do it, but it's hard to do.
But again, and I don't mean to, this is gonna be a difficult thing to answer, and it's gonna be kind of, it's gonna feel like I'm giving a weird answer, but I'm in the
South where historically, the old terminology of Southern Democrat is, that's a very real thing in the
South, that after FDR, who gave all of these reforms after, of course, the
Great Depression, one of which was the Tennessee Valley Authority, and that helped a ton of Southerners who just were devastated by the depression to kind of dig out of that, whether it was through sharecropping or any other number of things, that converted a ton of even
Christian Southerners into long -term Democrats. I actually ran into a guy at the
Fight Left Feast Conference. I met him last year at the ARC Encounter when we were up there. We've been friends ever since.
He watches my channel faithfully. And he said, again, I'm voting for Trump, but I am a
Democrat. And that's how he framed it. He's in the Nashville area. He's an old Southern Democrat, but he voted for Trump this time.
So it's a very challenging thing here in the South when some of those things, especially for, say, an older congregation member who's 60 and above, and they've always voted
Democrat, and they don't really understand because maybe they don't keep up with the trends. They don't understand the modern
Democrat party. And so they don't understand how far removed from what they understand as the
Democrat party has changed. So when you look at the convention that happened in Chicago just a couple of months ago now, and there was an abortion clinic literally sitting just outside the building, at this point, they've so identified themselves with anti -Christian and pro -death that I would certainly sit them down pastorally and say, let's have a talk about, let's have a talk about where the
Democrat party currently is and why you think that they're a valid option for a Christian. But I don't know that I'd go so far as church discipline unless that conversation went a certain way.
Sure. And that was very, very pastoral, very thoughtful. And I appreciate both of you men answering because that's a difficult question.
Well, I'm gonna stir a hornet's nest for a second, maybe. Oh, no. Is it possible that they could turn it around back on us because Trump and Vance have both been pro -choice to a degree in the sense of rape and incest?
We're voting for a candidate who says abortion's okay in certain cases. Could they spin it back on?
And because Trump's an immoral person. But that's not the only thing. I mean, first off, the argument of him being an immoral person is also what, 20, 30 years ago.
They ignore the immorality of Kamala Harris's husband who strikes women in public because someone looks at her, impregnates his nanny, right?
There's been no talk about that. So, we have to keep in mind when people say that he's immoral, okay, when?
I mean, because the one thing that we see with Trump is he is a family man. You can't say that about Kamala Harris.
Well, okay. And I agree with you on this, I'm not a man who knows anyone. Sure. But I think,
I mean, I think that, can you be dogmatic on it? No. Because you do have people who are, they would identify as Democrat because they're
JFK Democrats. They're, they don't know any better. We have a young lady in our church who
I don't think is saved, but she just started coming to church and she's a Democrat and she admits that she's got, she's got difficulty being, you know, she claims she's a
Christian with the abortion position that Democrats take. We brought up a whole bunch of other issues though.
It's not just, you know, the abortion issue with the Democrats, they're, you know, they are supporting a very anti -Christian position.
I would argue that if they were to win, they would be looking to outlaw
Christianity if they could. Only because what they, what you get in power with, you stay in power with.
And it's no different than, you know, I know everyone refers back to Hitler, but you can look at it with Mao, you can look at it with others.
Everyone gets a scapegoat that they blame. In Hitler's case, it was the Jewish people.
When you do that, well, you can't stop going after those people. Otherwise, guess what happens?
All the people come after you. And so what you have is a case where, you know,
Kamala Harris and Democrats have been going after Christians. They will only stay in power by continuing to go after Christians.
And so, you know, as a Christian, you're voting for a party that stands against everything you hold to.
So can you? Yes, you could be ignorant. And I do have a call to make here for the
Senate. We do have from the decision desk, the Republicans now, according to the decision desk, are at 49
Republicans to 37 Democrats. I want you to know I'm not laughing at you,
Andrew. I promise. The comments are, I'm watching the comments as they come in.
This guy is, he says, stop the whole podcast. These jacket sleeves are driving me nuts.
And yes, my jacket is short, but if I take it off, it's okay.
It wasn't, it wasn't short. Love you. That was, now I keep my hands below the desk.
This is the serious nature. Actually, you know, Hugh has a comment there, if you put that up, which is very interesting.
It's the one where he says Trump had an affair with a porn star, Stormy Daniels. Yes, I saw that.
That's a really interesting comment because the reality is both Stormy Daniels and Trump denied that there was any affair when it was brought up.
She signed a nondisclosure, but the reality is that she was offered $300 ,000 to say she did have an affair.
And that's when she suddenly had an affair with him. So the argument that she had an affair is questionable at best because she denied it for many years and then only admitted to it when she was offered $300 ,000.
I think she denied it on real time when Bill Maury asked her straight up and she denied it on the program. So yeah, there's video of her denying it.
So someone is saying I'm being ridiculous. All sins are equal for punishment and Trump has many.
Okay, does Harris have many or is it only Trump? Real quick,
I think about the parable in Matthew chapter 21. It's around verses 28 to 30 or 32.
And the parable is Jesus says, man has two sons and he says to the one son, go out into the vineyard today and work.
And the son says, no, but later he goes out into the vineyard and works, even though he'd said no to his father.
And then the other son says, sure, dad, of course, I'd love you, I'll go. And then he does not go into the vineyard and work.
He disobeys. And he says to the Pharisees, which of the two was more obedient? And they of course rightly say, well, the one that went.
And that is what I view of Trump. So does Trump have rhetoric that drives me absolutely batty?
Yes, yes, he's uncouth and he's grotesque at times.
He's sophomoric and just, he's unbelievable. But when the rubber met the road, did he give us three judges that overturned
Roe v. Wade? I mean, did he say, no, I'm not going to the field and work? Yep. But did he, when the rubber met the road, go into the field and work?
Yes. He was the best actual president of my 46 year life for Christians and for the conservative movement.
And let me just say, you know, you bring up the way he speaks on Twitter, whatnot. He's told us why he does that.
I still remember when they asked him, why did you have to call her horse face? And he said, because you would never have report that I won the court case had
I not done that. That's his way of making the media report that. By the way, another update, the
Senate is now at 50 Republicans, 37 Democrats. So one more seat and they will have the
Senate. William Wolf said earlier that he believes that we're going to end up at about 54
Senate seats for the Republicans tonight. I tend to agree with William. He is probably one of the best, most informed young Republicans I've ever met.
They are predicting though, that the house will go to the
Democrats by one person. So that is the prediction at least. I hope it's wrong.
I wanna ask this question very quickly and then we're gonna move on to something more fun cause
I like to have fun. No. Have any of you, cause we got a variety of churches and only just speak up if the answer is yes, cause
I don't think that anybody's gonna answer yes. Have any of you ever been in a church where someone was under the corporate discipline of the church for a political position?
Cause that was the question asked. Remember I said that was the question asked to me. Would you put somebody under discipline for voting Democrat, right?
It was accused that there was a pastor who said that he would. And somebody said, do you agree with this pastor? I said, well, we went through the conversation sort of like what you did,
Richard. We talked about that. Is there any of you of the seven, eight, nine people in this room that have ever been a part of a church that has or even threatened to put somebody under church discipline because of a political position specifically voting
Democrat? No. No. No. No. Okay.
I was just curious because again, that question has come up a lot and specifically, I didn't think so.
So I wanted to see if that had ever happened. I actually think it's really interesting that you brought that up, Keith, because it kind of hit me this morning and I posted it on X and I hadn't seen anybody else post that but that I specifically asked on X, I've made a post and said, would you play, like calling the pastors, would you play someone under church discipline if you found out that someone voted
Democrat? Yeah. That's an interesting question. All right. I asked you all to bring a joke.
I said, you know what? Part of my life and online is to make things funny and to enjoy what we do.
And I love humor. So I said, I wanted everybody to bring a presidential joke. Now, Cody, you are the last person to come in and I apologize to you.
I should have sent you the link earlier. That was my bad. I'm so glad you're here. If you don't have a joke right away, we forgive you.
But everybody else, I asked to bring a joke. So who brought the best? Now I'm looking at you, Memelord David.
I missed the memo. I'm sorry, I didn't bring a joke. Oh, you didn't bring a joke? My wife loves your humor.
How about this? Tim Walls. Oh, Cody, you stole the show. All right.
All right. That was, hey, see? See, you're the kind of guy whose humor just drips off of you. That's why
I look for every Friday for his memes to drop. I got one. We do, we look forward to David's memes.
And I even messaged you, can I share this? I'm like, I want this. Most of them
I stole from somebody else. So of course, go ahead. Didn't you post about a car that was found that was like it was over a parking, was that you?
Yeah, yeah, yeah. I posted that. That wasn't a joke though. I mean, it just, yeah, it was just bizarre.
It got towed away. Yeah. Okay, tell me what happened. Cause now I'm down in a. Oh, no, it was just here at my local supermarket.
I drove in one day and there was this car that was like parked over the little barrier median that they have there for the light stanchion.
And it was just, the car was up and over it and straddling it and had just been left in.
No one, nobody there. How did they get there? They just abandoned their car in the parking lot with what looked like the front axle was busted.
It was bizarre. Okay, now I need you to go and find that and do like what
Andrew did. Put it on the screen so I can show it to everybody. Do you know how to do that? I don't, sorry.
Okay, don't worry about it. I've never seen it. Just get it and hit share or present screen or share screen.
All right, Mr., we'll go to Claude. Claude, did you bring a joke for us? Yes, so in what state was
George Washington born? Is this a joke or is it a quiz?
You asked for a joke, right? Yeah, I did. I asked for a joke. What state was George Washington born? Washington born.
Naked. Naked, just like the rest of us. Is that what it is? Yes. Did he get it?
Yes, he did. My man. Rich, my brother. Hey, that reminds me of something funny.
I remember one time hearing a conversation about the Bible talking about naked you came, or somebody, is there a
Bible passage that says naked you came into the world, naked you will return or something? Something like that. Job 121. Yeah, naked
I've come into the world, naked I shall return. The Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away. Blessed be the name of the
Lord. Okay, I thought so. I thought, just couldn't think of what it was right off. Corey has the whole
Bible memorized. Exactly. I do not. He is the smartest man in the room. Well, I don't know.
I would wrestle him maybe between a few of you guys, but he's a pretty smart guy. But I just remember hearing people argue about whether or not that means you should be buried naked.
That verse, because it says, naked you came into the world, naked you will return. And they're like, what? Because that's the important part.
I want what that do to open casket funerals. That's what I was thinking. It's like, I just made the funeral a whole lot more interesting.
All right. Oh man. Jennifer, did you bring a joke? I did not. You did not bring a joke.
You didn't even know about it. I forgot to tell you. What's the problem with political jokes? They get elected for president.
Oh. I think we're on the same page.
I got one that sort of came about organically today, Keith. Okay. It's me and my buddy
Rob were out. That's what I said. We were out from 6 .30 this morning until polls close at seven doing poll greeting and sign waving.
And I had a megaphone and we were doing all kinds of stuff out there advocating against amendment four. And midway through the day,
I had this idea for a joke and I kind of wanted to see if it would work. And I said, we're both waving at everybody and all that.
I said, Rob, I think only women are going to vote in favor of this amendment.
And he says, nah, man, there's got to be a few men who are going to vote yes. I said, indeed, women of both genders. Nice. See, you're going woke on us.
All right, Parker, did you bring a joke? Well, I guess my joke was something along the lines of if any stream, any live stream was going to stream until Trump was, the election was going to call for Trump that the stream would break all streaming records because the
Democrats won't certify the election. Which I don't know how funny that actually is.
That's too real, that's a little too real. Yeah, too real, too real.
All right, Andrew. Well, the only thing funny about me is my looks. So I'll go with trivia instead.
So who do you guys think was the first president born in a hospital?
First president born in a hospital. Ronald Reagan. Wrong. Okay, I just guessed.
I thought it was going to be ridiculous and I thought that sounded ridiculous, so. What do you guys think?
JFK. I was going to say that. That's what most people think, it is still wrong. Teddy Roosevelt.
Wrong. George Washington? I mean.
I think David is the only one that hasn't answered. You're on mute.
Jimmy Carter. You are correct, sir. Jimmy Carter was the first president ever born in a hospital.
There you go. Very, very cool. And if you've seen him recently, he needs to be in a hospital.
Keith, some election news here. I know this is going to shock everyone, but they just called
California for Kamala Harris. I know that's a shock. What? Colorado was also called for Kamala Harris.
And Utah was called for Trump, giving him now 246. So he's getting closer and closer.
Who didn't get to do their joke? I know we haven't gotten to Cody yet. Oh, Corey, okay. I brought an old
Ronald Reagan joke. So Ronald Reagan once said, well, politics is supposed to be the second oldest profession.
I have come to realize that it bears a very close resemblance to the first. That's a pretty good
Reagan, actually. Yeah, I was going to say that was a good Reagan and a good joke.
Thank you. This past few days, I've learned a lot about the different accents that Corey can do.
He can speak perfect Spanish, by the way. And that is, let me tell you something. When we go to eat at a
Tex -Mex restaurant together, and he just starts talking in Spanish, and I didn't know what anything was.
So you're saying he speaks in tongues. I think so. Do you think he was Pentecostal for a minute? He just starts talking, and he asked for some kind of rice milk drink, looked like a white
Russian. I don't know what it was. And then he let us all drink out of it to try it, which
I think is really cool. It's like common cup communion. How do you know what a white Russian is?
All right, so moving on. No, it was the
Spanish accent, or it was the Spanish that was in the
Scottish accent that got me. That's what got me. Yeah.
So, okay, who didn't get to do their joke? I need a joke. Cody? Well, the first thing that came to mind was a historical, or supposedly historical story about Calvin Coolidge, our 30th president, who was president about 100 years ago, and was literally the exact opposite of Donald Trump.
Like, he was known for not speaking a whole lot in public settings, and there was one time he was, while he was president, he was at a dinner party, and a woman said,
I bet I can get you to say three words in conversation to me. And he said, you lose, and walked away.
And that was it. He didn't say anything else the rest of the night, just to spite her. Whereas, if somebody said that to Trump, we would still be hearing about it on Twitter.
You lose a lot, like you're the greatest loser ever. You're gonna lose really bad.
It's gonna take, nobody's gonna lose like you. I can let Cory be the only one who does an impression.
Okay, Jennifer's got a joke, y 'all. It's not a joke. Okay, more trivia. Which president was known for a large amount of cheese?
I know the answer, but that's a terrible way to ask that question. How do you ask it? What would you say? No, no, that's fine.
It's fine. You guys have any idea what she's talking about? I'm gonna explain it.
Oh, David knows. David knows what you're talking about. Who is it? Give it to us, David. Oh, I forget the president now.
No, I just remember it from the West Wing. I remember the whole discussion, the whole monologue on the subject, but I forget which president it was.
You may have any idea what she's talking about. You may know what she's, other than David. No. All I can think of now is
Martin Sheen, since he mentioned the West Wing. Yeah. Okay. On February 22nd, 1837,
President Jackson had a 1 ,400 pound block of cheese, like his bust,
I think that's what it said, delivered to the White House for an open house with thousands of citizens.
And they discussed the issues of the day while carving off pieces of cheese for the people. I mean,
I was trying to picture that. If Trump - We've actually talked about this a lot today.
Okay, Matthew Easton has a pretty funny joke here. He asked the question, what do you call a black man that flies a plane?
A pilot, you racist. We've got to let,
Andrew has to stop going into the comments. Take Andrew's ability to go into the comments away.
All right, so I, was that everybody? Did everybody get their joke? Matthew, did you do a joke? You did, or did you?
Okay, did anybody not get to do their joke? All right, I didn't bring a joke.
I told everybody else to bring a joke. I have a story to tell you. And this kind of goes along with Jennifer -
You set the rules and then you break them? Well, it's - Okay, Kamala Harris. Hey, can anybody else figure out how to call somebody with their phone camera?
How to what? That was random. What are we doing? You guys didn't see that video of Kamala where she was pretending to call somebody and then she showed the thing.
It was her camera. I've been trying to figure that out and I can't figure out how to do it. Oh man, this guy totally got my story.
Mgek has just left a comment and he said, did you know Andrew Jackson went into a duel, got shot in the chest, carried the bullet in his chest for the rest of his life.
Because Andrew Jackson's life, even though it's not a joke, it's one of the greatest.
People talk about Trump and say, oh, Trump is so, he's so crazy and his behavior is so erratic.
Andrew Jackson was in over 100 duels. Like real duels, not like arm wrestling matches.
He shot at other human beings on purpose over a hundred times.
And in one of the duels, he said, I'm gonna give you the first volley. What kind of a nut says,
I'm gonna let you shoot first. The guy shot him, he survived and shot and killed the dude.
And that bullet stayed in him the rest of his life. He must've known that other guy wasn't a very good shot. Dude, Andrew Jackson was a beast.
Somebody tried to assassinate him. Yup. Pulled out the gun, pulled the trigger, it didn't fire.
So Andrew Jackson, who was also called Old Hickory because he carried a Hickory stick, beat the man so badly with the stick that his security had to pull him off of the dude.
Later, they tried the pistol, the gun shot fine. The gun was scared of Andrew Jackson.
Yes, absolutely. I remember that story. Saying he's the original Chuck Norris. Yes, that's it.
Chuck Norris jokes are now gonna become Andrew Jackson. Cody, you were too slow on the draw, brother. I was,
I was. Caz Walker is a local favorite around here in Tennessee.
He actually, back on public news channels, like in the seventies, aired a commercial that basically invited folks to come to his grocery store.
And he told them, and I'll use the word here. I know we're not using Christian cuss words, but it's funny.
So he basically on public TV, which would never happen today, told the thieves and robbers that had been coming to his store.
He said, you come on down here. He said, we'll whip hell out of you and swear. Look that up on YouTube.
Caz Walker whipped the hell out of somebody. I will tell another
Andrew Jackson awesome story. He actually - First of all, what was that thing in the hand that just went by,
Corey? You just picked up a giant book. I will show you. Andrew Jackson paid off the national debt completely in 1835 as well.
So all national debt under Andrew Jackson was completely eradicated. So I mean, Andrew Jackson was just an amazing man in all ways.
So this is one of three bound editions of Harper's Weekly that I have.
So for anyone watching that doesn't know, before the - Yes. I'm sure they've picked up on that already.
So before there were national newspapers of like the kinds that we have now, there was
Harper's, which is still Harper's Bazaar, is the same company. But back in the day, it was
Harper's Weekly. And every week they would put out a newspaper. And then at the end of the year, they would do a bound edition of 52 newspapers in bound editions.
So this is, oh, let's see. This is from - Wow. 1865.
This is the year that the Civil War ended. So inside this - You are starting to scare me just for the record.
You're welcome. You're welcome. So this is actually from 1865.
It actually has what's called a woodcut of the funeral procession of our 16th president, of course,
Abraham Lincoln. And so a woodcut is before there was photography, they would actually get artists to carve into the wooden or the pulp of the paper.
And so in here is a woodcut of the funeral procession of, yeah, of the president.
And I have one from 61, which is the first year of the Civil War, and 63. And in 63, there is a copy of the
Emancipation Proclamation. So I'm kind of into this stuff, needless to say. You think?
I thought you were gonna pull out Andrew Jackson's Bible there for a second. Yeah, I wish.
I wish. I do, however, have a Geneva Bible from the 1580s. I was really wanting,
Keith, I'm so glad you put that on the screen. I was hoping you would remember that. Is this civically -minded person where you get your
Presbyterian meme character? It is now. I ever wanna know what a
Presbyterian would say, I'm just gonna send Cory a message. All right.
One other quick, thank you for sharing that. Did you, I don't wanna cut you off. Did you have something? No, no, my nerd fest is over.
Okay. Another president. No one believes that. Just another presidential fact. I brought several presidential facts here.
Teddy Roosevelt, according to this source that I was looking at, was shot during a speech.
It was a 90 minute speech and he was shot. And he said, I quote, it takes more than that to kill a bull moose.
And he kept going and finished his speech. That's a man right there.
Teddy Roosevelt got shot, kept going. And I thought that was pretty awesome.
That's actually why a lot of people were referring to Trump as being like Teddy Roosevelt, that he got up from the speech after being shot and raising his fist in the air saying, fight, fight, fight.
That was the reference, why they were saying he's like Teddy Roosevelt. One other note on Andrew Jackson.
At the end of his political life, one of his most famous quotes was, so this is, he would, you talked about him dueling people and beating an assailant so much that the guards had to pull
Jackson off of the assailant. One of his most famous quotes was, I only have two regrets in life.
I did not shoot Henry Clay and I didn't hang John C. Calhoun. Commentary. I didn't kill enough people.
Commentary, that's right. In a life rich with murdering people for little to no reason, Jackson's only regret was that he didn't kill quite enough people such as Calhoun, who it should be noted was his own vice -president.
I mean, who among us here hasn't felt that way? Let's be honest. Well, I think Joe Biden felt that way, but you know.
Dude, this tweet right here, I'm sorry, I just got to throw this one in here. Kamala can still win if Mike Pence has the courage.
Mike Pence just needs to do the right thing. That's right, that's right. Guys, I want to ask this question because I haven't even looked.
Where are we at on the numbers for this thing? Right now, for president,
Kamala Harris is at 169, according to Decision Desk HQ, and Trump is at 246.
It has stayed that way for a bit, waiting for, you know, there's gonna be more polls closing at the top of the hour.
For the Senate race, it is still 50 Republicans to 39. Democrats have lost two seats that the
Republicans picked up, which does look good. They only need to pick up one more to be able to have control of the
Senate. And in the House right now, you need a 218 for majority, and Democrats have 149 to Republicans 171.
And again, two seats lost and two seats gained by the Republicans. Harris just went up to 177.
Yep, California is notoriously slow for House districts, especially. I think it was
Kim Steele or something like that, or maybe it was Valadao in California. Literally, we did not know until December whether or not they had won.
It was that, it took that long. Now, the presidency and the Senate races were never in question. It's California. But California has a lot of Republicans.
And so there are a number of Republican districts, and we did not know that until the earth had almost transited the sun again, because California does not know how to add or subtract or anything.
Look, man, math is just chock full of white supremacy. You gotta give them a break. I did not take that into account.
Thank you very much for reminding me. Matthew Easton threw this out there. He said, don't go to sleep. Everything will change.
I'm really nervous that he's right. Listen, I hear that, but the thing is, something that never happened,
I think in 2020, was you never had your sort of blue chip, mainstream media,
New York Times, NBC, everyone with their predictions all over into the Trump camp. They never did that.
They were always 60, 40, somewhere in the middle. Oh, could go either way. The New York Times needle is at 89 %
Trump right now. It would be a shocking turn of events for that to turn around.
Again, 2020 chicanery was what it was. I'm not gonna say it can't happen, but. You know, a lot of people, so let's do the evaluation of that.
There's a lot of people in the past three weeks that have been saying that where typically the polls will go for the
Democrats, there was a lot of discussion on the fact that the polls might've actually been going the other way in favoring
Trump because they don't wanna have the effect of what they had last time. So there was a lot of discussion that the polls were actually favoring
Trump and going into this. So there is that. I think that, you know, we have to take into account the fact that, you know, there is gonna be a lot of stuff that won't be able to be done that was done in 2020, right?
You now have a case where when you have Republicans that are poll watchers, they're not gonna be told, oh, there's, you know, there's a flood, you all have to leave, but the
Democrats can stay back. I don't think anyone's gonna be leaving anymore. So it's also gonna be a little bit harder to, you know, with the absentee ballots, as I think someone here mentioned, the fact that the overwhelming number of ballots early voting were
Republican or, now that doesn't mean they voted for Trump. It just means that they were registered
Republicans who voted early. So that actually might say that you could end up having the reverse overnight.
Not saying that they won't suddenly find some ballots in someone's, you know, I think who is the comedian that won the
Senate? I forget his name.
Al Franken. Al Franken who, I don't know if you guys remember that, but the way he won was that someone discovered ballots in the trunk of his car and Al Franken won by one vote and a judge wouldn't hear the case.
That election was legitimately stolen, like actually unequivocally stolen. Yeah, I remember that.
Serious question time, guys. If Kamala loses, will we be unburdened by what has been?
No, we will be burdened with nonstop riots like we have yet to see.
If Black Lives Matter did $2 billion of insurable damage, I predict that between, if Trump wins and they will be arguing that it shouldn't be certified, they'll argue for everything they said was stealing, was an insurrection in 2020, they will be doing and we will see,
I think, riots like we haven't seen before. And so I should mention that two of us are wearing some wonderful hats here.
Make, you know, the black and the red make America Christian again. So just saying.
And Keith, I wanna also give a shout out. You asked the question earlier about can Christians vote for Democrats?
I wanna encourage folks, if they want an answer to that, they could go to lets .church,
lets .church, L -E -T -S .church, and you can ask the question right there.
You will find where Keith has spoken about that. You'll see where I have spoken about that and many other podcasts that are in that.
It's a great app that both Keith and I use. I don't know if any of the others here are using it.
I encourage you to do it. Yeah, pull those sleeves down, Keith. He was busting on me all week.
I have to get back a little. But lets .church is a great search tool that a lot of us are using to be able to find, transcribe messages from our podcasts.
And Ken, the guy who's behind it does a really great job and he's working hard to make that a premier place where all of our stuff will be housed and not ever taken down.
That's the thing. Because I worry sometimes how easily I could be deplatformed from YouTube or I've been threatened already on TikTok because everybody knows
I have a TikTok channel. Jennifer knows this. I've had several times where they have told me, this is strike one, this is strike two, this is strike two and a half of things that I've done.
And none of it's been outrageous. It's just stuff that seems to be fine everywhere else, but TikTok seems to be a little bit more sensitive about it.
And so I have to be a little bit more careful. And I just imagine eventually I'll probably lose at least one or two of the platforms just because of the things that I'm willing to say.
And so I'm glad that lets .church is out there providing a backup for all of these things. And so Ken's doing a great job, for sure.
So you're saying the Chinese don't like you? Maybe you should start trying, eating more Chinese food or something.
Or he could just be Eric Swalwell and well, we won't finish that joke. But those who know, no. I had to take a video on TikTok down two or three days ago.
It was a video of a voting machine. And the person was, I'm sure you guys saw it in Kentucky where the person was clicking on Donald Trump and the voting machine wasn't allowing the person to select
Donald Trump. And then at the very end, he clicked on Donald Trump one final time and Kamala got selected.
Yeah, I saw that. And then they made me take it down. So with that, Keith, let me share a different thing for folks.
What we had in Pennsylvania, while you and I were at the
Fight Left Feast Conference, this actually showed up on the, if I'm sharing, let's see, yeah.
So if you put this up. Okay. This was actually on the, this was the second time
Pennsylvania did this, but this was days before the election. Channel 16 declared that Kamala Harris won
Pennsylvania by 5%. Whoops. Yeah. And now
I want you to notice, this is during a NASCAR. The first time it was during a reporting of some news.
So this is - Wait a minute. Wait a minute. That is Formula One car, my friend. Oh, well, okay.
Just to be clear, just to be clear, if you've seen the Ballot of Ricky Bobby, you will know the difference between Formula One and NASCAR.
So just continue. Yeah, but I mean, the thing being is, I think that's when you'd have more
Republicans, you know, watching. So by the way,
Chance from 1689 Cigars just sent me a text. He said, if Trump wins,
I am smoking a cigar tonight. I wore that hat when I voted today.
So he wore the Make America Christian Again hat while he went to vote. So 1689
Cigars, they were there at the conference this week providing some cigars to folks.
So if you smoke cigars or Presbyterian, go to 1689cigars .com.
I love how you just conflated being Presbyterian and smoking cigars. Wait, since we're talking about all kinds of -
Notice no Presbyterian disagreed with me. Hey, and Chance is a great guy. 1689 Cigars is great.
And since we're talking about stuff like that, don't wanna forget I'm sponsored by Tiny Bible. So throw that out there.
Go buy yourself a Tiny Bible and use Keith as your coupon code and you'll get a percentage off. And the guys over there,
Martin specifically, the guy who sponsored the show is a wonderful man and he sells the smallest printed
Bible on the market. It's cool. And many of us who listened to your podcast came up to you and said, hey, can we see this
Tiny Bible you said you would bring? And I want you to know, Andrew, I wasn't gonna mention that I forgot to pack the
Tiny Bible. The one thing that I could have packed very easily, I forgot. But thank you for letting everyone know that, everyone in the world who's now listening to this, that I did forget.
So, all right, I'm gonna see you in a couple of months and I'm gonna noogie you good. I'm gonna, I don't know if you've ever had a noogie.
I imagine in your middle school years, it probably happened. Did you ever get a wedgie?
It's gonna be the battle of Jiu -Jitsu versus karate. No, it's gonna be a battle of three times your size.
I think I can outrun you. Yeah, now that I think. Hey guys, we are at one and a half hours.
I didn't say how long this was gonna go. I do think we could keep going and I'm cool to hang out for a little bit.
I know my wife's getting tired. Here's what I wanna do. I'm gonna play something that I think is important.
This is a gospel message that I put out on my videos. If any of you guys want to check out at this point, you are welcome to.
If you don't wanna check out at this point, we'll stay on for another 15, 20 minutes, see how things go and just have like an after show for the next 15 or 20 minutes.
But if you do decide to leave and you wanna leave, I wanna thank everyone for being here right now, just in case anybody drops out.
Jennifer, I think you're probably gonna drop out at this point. Thank you, Keith, for hosting. Hey, I'm glad.
Thank you all for coming. You guys are my friends. I'm very thankful for every one of you, David, Andrew, Parker, Corey, Claude, Matthew, Cody.
You guys are awesome. Cody, I wanna say this, man. I've only been around you twice, the two times at Fight Life Feast, but I feel like you're a real friend, man.
I really enjoy being around you and thanks for jumping on tonight. Are you there? Did I lose you? I think he's frozen.
I think he's frozen. He didn't hear me tell him my - Man, a wonderful compliment that he didn't hear. Don't even count it.
It was recorded. Yeah, he'll hear it. That's right, that's right. I'm saving that part where he called me a friend, so I'm saving that for -
Yeah, I love all you guys. So I'm gonna play this. If anybody wants to drop out, you can, and God bless you.
And hopefully tomorrow we'll all be celebrating. Hey, guys, I just wanna quickly say thank you for watching this episode.
And if you're enjoying it, please hit the thumbs up button. If you're not enjoying it, hit the thumbs down button twice.
Also, if you haven't already, please subscribe to the channel. It really helps us out. And some of you've asked about how to support the channel.
If you'd like to support us, you can go to buymeacoffee .com slash yourcalvinist and leave a donation.
Most importantly, we wanna make sure that everybody who hears this podcast hears the gospel. The word gospel means good news.
And that good news has to be preceded by some bad news. And the bad news is this, that we are all sinners.
Sin is breaking God's law. So we stand guilty before the Lord of the universe. But the good news is
God sent his son into the world to pay the penalty for everyone who would believe in him. Jesus came into the world, lived a perfect life, and he died a substitutionary death for everyone who will believe.
And he calls us all to repent of our sin, to turn from our unbelief, and trust in him as Lord and savior.
And if you've never done that, I encourage you to do so today. Now back to the show. Awesome.
Well, we dropped a couple guys, but Cody's got - Real quick, Keith, I just got word that Bernie Moreno won the seat in Ohio.
Awesome. And I mean, let me back up. Is that good or bad? That's a good thing, yeah.
Okay. That's a good thing. Is that awesome? Like, you sold me on it, whether or not it was -
I would assume that if I was saying it, it would have been a good thing. Yeah, I was like, awesome. And then I was like, wait a minute, maybe
I was - That's a flip. That's important because that was Sherrod Brown from Ohio is a
Democrat and will no longer be the Senator from Ohio. So that's a pickup for the Republicans. Welcome back,
Matthew. Oh, thank you, yeah. Something, I had a sleepy wife that was like, can you come say good night?
Cause I don't wanna, I don't care. It's just, you men do politics stuff. I was like, yes, ma 'am. So we were apart all day today.
So I appreciate the ability to do that. Something that just occurred to me that was pretty funny.
If, and we are not counting our chickens before they're hatched. If Donald Trump wins the presidential election, the vote has to be certified by Congress.
And the person who presides over that is the president of the Senate, who would be -
Kamala Harris. Kamala Harris. Which will be quite interesting because she wasn't, she was not in the
Senate when she was certified to be vice president. I don't -
Yeah, she resigned as a Senator before that happened. Yeah. No, no, no, no. She wasn't in. So she was, we can get into questions on why, but she was, at the time that they were doing that, she was in the
DNC. She left the Senate and went to the DNC. I'm sorry, when?
What are we talking about? On January 6th, she left the, here she's gonna make history.
She is going to be the first black woman vice president.
You'd think she would want to be there in the Senate to hear that being certified, but she left the
Senate to go to the DNC. Very strange behavior. Could it be that there was a fake bomb outside of the
DNC at the time that she was inside the DNC? I hadn't considered that.
I was just thinking like, you have to preside and conduct a meeting in which you declare yourself a loser, which is kind of funny because DeSantis' press secretary said it's pretty funny how the
Florida Democrats changed their logo or whatever to a Florida Panther because they're an endangered species.
That's pretty good. I'll say that again. The Florida Democrats' new logo has like a artistic, whatever, silhouette of a
Florida Panther. And DeSantis' press secretary is like, that's awfully appropriate considering the Florida Democrats are an endangered species.
Ooh, nice, nice. Thank you. Thank you, Keith, for letting me be on with you all.
Thank you, men. It was good to meet some of you all. Good to meet you. Thank you, sir. Bye -bye. God bless you,
Claude. I love you, brother. Let's do something soon, huh? Yes, sir. Am I gonna see you in Tullahoma? Are you gonna be there?
Yes, sir. Okay, well, I'll see if I don't. And I'm sure I'll talk to you between now and then, but I love you, brother.
I look forward to that. And Keith is referring to the Open Air Theology Conference called the War Conference in Oklahoma there that is put on by Jeffrey Rice.
You can check out, just search for Open Air Theology Conference. You'll find it. This year will be on sanctification.
Yeah. And Andrew, I may need to get some advice because he's got me in that first slot this year.
So I need to know how to approach that. It's good to get it over with early so you can relax the rest of the time.
It's good for me. Love you all. Bye -bye. Love you, brother. See ya. And real quick,
Keith, Harris just jumped up to 189 to Trump's 246. Yeah.
What states matter at this point? I mean, all states matter, but what - Well, I'll let the guys that know more about it.
I mean, the big ones that matter are gonna be Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, and Arizona.
That's it. It's Georgia, Arizona, and then if Trump wins,
Georgia, Arizona, Nevada. Then he's down by one electoral vote. Georgia, I'm already seeing
Georgia being called for Trump. Pennsylvania would almost wrap it up at this point. I think if Trump wins -
No, Pennsylvania would. If he wins Pennsylvania, this is, it's a done deal. There's no, Kamala has no path to that other than winning.
No, Nevada and Arizona doesn't do it for her. She has to have Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania.
And I don't think it's gonna happen. I'm just saying it's pretty interesting. It's highly unlikely.
William Wolf asked earlier today on X, where everyone thought people would land. And I said,
I thought Trump, first thing this morning, I said, I thought Trump's gonna hit 300. I think that's still possible.
And I mean, if he hits 300, I mean, this is, as far as elections go, this is an absolute blowout.
Ooh, Michigan, excuse me, Wisconsin, Dane County, which is where Madison is.
It's the biggest vote sink for the Democrats is completely reported in. They have run out of ammo in Michigan.
I'm sorry, in Wisconsin. So that one's ticking over towards Trump.
And again, he only needs one Rust Belt state. If he wins everything in the Sun Belt, which is probably gonna happen, he needs one
Rust Belt state. So define the terms for folks who don't know Rust Belt. So the
Rust Belt refers to, in this context, it refers to Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania, so -called because that was the former industrial heartland of America that has most of those factories have been rusted and that's been shipped, jobs have been shipped overseas or replaced by other stuff like that or things like that.
And Trump has a unique appeal in the Rust Belt that no other Republican presidential candidate ever really has.
Romney didn't have it. George W. Bush didn't have it. McCain never had it. So the path to victory, we say the
Sun Belt, we refer to everything in the lower latitudes. So that would be Georgia, Arizona, Nevada, and North Carolina.
Trump has locked up North Carolina. Basically, everyone except the New York Times is now saying he's locked up Georgia.
Arizona is still kind of knife edge, but well, I don't know. New York Times says 75 % on that one.
Here's the thing, here's the electoral math. If Trump wins the Sun Belt, he is one electoral vote short of winning and he then has to get one more state and the only states remaining would be
Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania. That's the math. Yeah, it seems to me that if he wins
Pennsylvania, he'll win. It's done. It's a done deal. Because also, Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania always vote together.
They have since 1988. So if you win Pennsylvania, you win the other two or vice versa, however. Interestingly, and I do just wanna point this out because it is a possibility we get there and God help us if that's the case.
The Commerce Department under Donald Trump botched the 2020 census. They completely screwed it up and Florida should have had two more electoral votes.
Texas should have had one or two more. Rhode Island should have had one less. Basically, there were several - New York should have had one less.
Say again. And California should have had less. New York should have had one less. Delaware should have had one less.
And a big part, look, for folks that don't realize, 2020, Trump fought to not, in the census, not count non -citizens.
So they, when you look at the Electoral College right now, the reason you have so many in New York and California is because non -citizens are included in that, which should not be the case because they're not voting or they shouldn't be, right?
It's illegal for them to vote, although they seem to do it anyway. So realistically, what you're seeing is the blue states where they have more non -citizens are getting a unfair
Electoral College bump. Yep. Now, where this matters is because that would shift the math some.
If Donald Trump does not win Wisconsin, Michigan, or Pennsylvania, he will end up with 268 electoral votes.
That is one less than needed. Well, technically two less, because 269, 269 would be a contingent election in the
House, but we're not gonna go there. What that means is that if only one of those errors were corrected, if Florida got its two more
EVs, then instead of 30, it would have been 32, then Trump doesn't need the Rust Belt. Now, based on the data
I'm looking at here and what the New York Times is saying, he's 60 to 70 % likely to win
Michigan, 60 to 70 % likely to win Wisconsin, ditto Pennsylvania. So it's probably gonna be academic, but man, you'd feel a lot better if you didn't have to rely on those.
And it would have changed the entire campaign. Trump probably would have ignored them and just spent time in Arizona, Georgia, Nevada, and left those to whatever.
Well, and then Elon helping out in Pennsylvania has gotta do a lot too, so. They're so mad at -
And the Amish, the Amish have been coming out. No, the Amish, goodness gracious. Come on, they got Trump flags on their buggy.
People have been saying, oh, look, the Amish are turning out for the first time since literally Romney, okay?
Like it's a thing every year. It's cool. I think it's neat. They're riding their horse and buggies to the polls. Like, I think that's neat, but they're not turning out any more or less than they ever have.
It's the same story. It's cool, but it's not a big wave or anything. So right now - I made a funny short video about it and I played
Amish Paradise by - That's a good one. Right now we're at 204 for Harris, 246 for Trump, according to the decision desk.
So in Pennsylvania, Allegheny County, which is Pittsburgh, is tapped out. Harris cannot gain any more from that.
Philadelphia County, and I mean, only the Lord himself knows how many legitimate ballots are coming out of there, because it's
Philadelphia, has 78 % of its vote in. And Trump is currently leading in Pennsylvania by 200 ,000 votes.
I don't think there's enough vote out there for Harris to win Pennsylvania.
And if that's the case, that's the game right there. Yeah, it's looking really good for sure. So we're thinking
Donald's gonna win. Donald, like, we're first name basis. That's right. No, buddy.
Wait, you're not? Yeah, he's got it. I do have a friend who actually -
That's a 2CV. I do know someone that actually does know him.
That's 2CV. It was the president's turn, did it just get me? Yep, that's what I said, 2CV.
Yeah, and that's kind of what Greg said when he was talking about Michigan, where a lot of votes for Donald Trump was gonna come in late, right?
This is funny. Bubblegum said, the Amish joined forces with Elon Musk.
Talk about strange bedfellows. Yeah, well, okay, so here's some other things to think about with this, is that Trump has doubled the number of, at least what they're saying, the number of black votes that he got from last time.
He has gotten where the Democrats used to vote, or blacks used to vote for Democrats, like 95 plus percent.
And he's now cut that down to the 80s percent. He doubled the amount of Hispanic votes that he got before.
And so those two groups are what Democrats just take for granted. I think it's very interesting that they,
I think that it will be very interesting if Kamala Harris loses Pennsylvania, because Kamala Harris had a chance to have someone that actually would have been good for her ticket, and that's our governor here, who's a
Democrat, but a well -spoken Democrat, but he's Jewish, and she was so desperate to win, you know, she wanted to get the
Muslim vote there in Michigan, or in Minnesota, that she gave up having a
Jewish, you know, a Jewish vice president that could have helped her. So if she loses
Pennsylvania, a lot of it's gonna be because of who she picked for her running mate.
I agree, I agree. Shapiro's probably the most well -spoken and probably the most impressive
Democrat governor in the Republic. Yeah, for sure, yeah.
The tremendous irony of this election is that Donald Trump, the guy who the media and Big Eva, et cetera, has said is literally the most divisive person since, insert whatever other world leader with the funny mustache or whatever, he's actually technically been more of the unity ticket.
This has been a permission structure election with getting Elon Musk, Joe Rogan, even Mark Zuckerberg complimenting him.
That wouldn't have happened four years ago. Whereas it's basically been a, almost like a nineties
Democrat ticket running against communists and or morons.
I didn't know that. Here's an interesting thing for you. Do you know that Democrats have referred to Republican presidents as Hitler?
Forever. Yeah, so every president since Goldwater was referred to as Hitler except for George H.
Bush, every Republican. So yeah, it's nothing new there.
Oh yeah, absolutely. But if, I mean, if they end up, if they end up losing
Pennsylvania, which I hope they do, a lot of it will be because of her pick there.
And it's really interesting, Minnesota, they're not giving the numbers there, but it was quite interesting that Trump was starting to pick up a lot of the
Muslim vote. And so if, I think it would be wonderful if Trump wins
Pennsylvania and Minnesota where they were desperate to get that Muslim vote.
If they lose the Muslim vote and the Jewish vote and the Pennsylvania vote, their policy of divide and conquer,
I think this election, if Trump wins, will be shown to be the failure because they couldn't get, they divided, divided, divided.
Now they're like desperate to get real men voting for them, but they put out commercials of what they consider real men.
So what do you guys think Joe Biden's doing tonight? He is, he's getting ready to pop the cork when
Trump wins. He's already asleep. I kind of agree with you, I think that might be right. Okay, so he hates
Kamala Harris, almost as much as Obama hated
Joe Biden. So there's a hatred there, but they kind of got stuck.
Each of them got stuck with one another. If you look, I mean, Joe Biden has been doing everything he can to undermine
Kamala Harris. The only time he's been actually coherent is been when he's like undermining
Kamala Harris and doing things like calling all the Trump supporters garbage. And then they're trying to mop that up and stuff.
But he's, I think he wants, because at a recent funeral for Kennedy, RFK's mother, you had
Biden and Obama and several different lip readers have confirmed that basically
Joe Biden walked up to Obama and said, you know, she's losing, I would have won this.
So, you know, it seems that he's a little bit hurt. It's hard for me to believe he put that many words together in a sentence.
I'm just on various left -wing subreddits right now, just like feasting upon all of the despair.
It's beautiful, I'm sorry. I need some information. Another one? Trump had 247.
Yep. Okay, I need some information. I know that Florida defeated amendment four, but there were other states that were also fighting the same battle.
And I've seen a few comments that made me think maybe not all have had the same success.
So anybody know what I'm - Well, Matthew's probably gonna respond to that. Let me, I do want to jump in with some before Matthew goes.
Cause I want to give the background for why this was the case, okay? You have
George Soros that found that he could fund, he could get money in on ballot initiatives and go over the limits that he would not be able to do otherwise.
Abortion, he tried to get abortion on every state to get that to be a ballot initiative because typically even in red states, when abortion's on the ballot,
Democrats win. And so I think the reason Florida didn't go is because, well, what
I think we're gonna see is everywhere where there's integrity in the elections, we see a red wave. Yeah, first of all, citizen ballot initiatives are the stupidest thing ever and no state should have them.
Okay, beyond that, the news is grim, to be honest with you.
Every single state that has had an abortion rights referendum has passed it.
States that have attempted to pass referendums that clarified that our constitution does not provide a right to an abortion, those have failed.
There were eight of them on ballots tonight and six of them are very likely to pass.
The one that stings the most, I think, is Missouri because the abolitionist rising guys and a number of others were up there really hitting it hard to try and drive that one down.
But Associated Press has called that one with 53%. It'll win 53 -47.
Now there's simple majority. Florida, by some act of the loving God himself, is 60%.
So that is what saved us, of course, on this one. Yeah, the yes votes still got 57 % in Florida, which is pretty concerning, right?
So we got work to do. And if you want to know exactly why that did not pass, let me tell you something about these other states and this is where I will get on my hobby horse for a minute.
The Republican governors of these other states really did just shove their hands in their pockets and said, well,
I guess it's on the ballot now. Let's just see what the citizens decide. And there was one governor that did not and his name was
Ron DeSantis. And he said, I am not going to do this and we're not doing this.
And you could be, because I followed him and a lot of his staff on Twitter, you could be forgiven for thinking that he just wasn't the governor for the last eight weeks and his sole mission was taking down these two amendments.
I mean, event after event after event, doctors in white coats, why you should vote no on four.
I mean, he even was like going after places that were airing deceptive ads and was accused of misusing the powers of the governor's office.
And I'm like, I already like the man, you don't have to sell me on him, right? So, you know, so like all this criticism and stuff, like pushed the bounds of the governor's office to the limit to kill these amendments.
And he succeeded. Kristi Noem in South Dakota, where they are the abolitionists and the pro -lifers are fighting for their life to keep this thing out of their constitution.
Kristi Noem did Jack diddly and squat about this amendment. Trump's gonna win that state by 30 points and she spent all her time campaigning for Trump and they were begging her for help to try and get some sort of events to say, don't vote for amendment
G, which is what it is up there. And she did absolutely nothing. So it is a Missouri here at 53%.
If that governor had dug his heels in and actually had some balls to fight back against this thing, you would have seen this come a lot closer and perhaps not even pass and he didn't.
And the children of Missouri are gonna suffer as a result. And it just, it pisses me off when you have guys that are given executive power and don't use it.
Well, so I understand you're, you know, you're a Baptist and you've had champagne, but let's keep the scatological.
I think I invited Jeff Durbin on here or Doug Wilson. I should have talked about pisseth against the wall.
That would have been better. It does, it does bring to mind though, just again, kind of a pastoral question.
If, is there, I mean, cause the Christian vote is historically low.
Every four years, Christians don't do a very good job of getting out and voting.
And if Christians even, and again, there's a theological debate as to, you know, we could have on actual
Christians versus just Christian in name only. But even if the people that call themselves
Christians would get out and vote in any kind of real numbers, none of these races would even be close.
I mean, we would trounce the Democrats in every major state, in every major vote.
So it does bring up the question. If I agree with Matthew, if it's good for governors to wield some of their executive authority, is there a place for pastors to speak out at least to the moral subjects and say, look, here are,
I mean, again, not saying down ticket bizarre stuff, but you know, when it comes to moral, you know, certainly abortion, abolition, or other large moral topics.
I mean, what say you? Should pastors be speaking on more political subjects?
Is that sort of a summary of what you're getting at? Correct. What do you say pastor? What I would say is
I actually just, I just taught a class called biblical worldview at my church at 9 a .m. during our
Christian ed hour. And I had to think through a bunch of things that I didn't really want to think through in the past because an election's coming up and I don't get to shove my hands in my pockets and say,
I don't know. Y 'all just vote how you want to, right? Like that's not acceptable as an elder in one of Christ's churches. You can't do that.
So I had to dig into this stuff and what is the role of the state? What does scripture say about this? How should
Christians vote on amendment three? How should they vote on amendment four? Those were both tough, not for the same reason.
Three is a tough case biblically, to be honest with you. There's just not a lot of data in there about it. Four was tough just because it's hard to even go there emotionally,
I guess. But I said to them, and I said from the pulpit when I was preaching a sermon on Psalm 16, and I said, there's something about not going after making blood offerings to the other gods in the land.
This was nine weeks ago. I said, I want you all to know that the opportunity for us to offer blood to the gods of our land is coming up to us on our ballot in a few weeks.
And I want you to know that we have the opportunity as Christians, as citizens to stand against this, and we should.
So I don't have any issue with saying that we should stand for moral issues when people try and call them political.
And I'll give you another example. Marriage did not used to be a political issue. It just wasn't. Marriage was marriage, and that was it.
There wasn't really anything to it. Only since various states started doing it, and then it got turbo accelerated with Obergefell back in 2015.
Then the state starts coming into my sphere and telling me what I will and will not recognize as a marriage.
And at that point, when I speak on it, if someone goes, hey, well, man, you're getting political. I'll say, excuse me. I wasn't the one that moved the boundary over here.
They're the ones that brought the fight into my sphere. And so now I have to deal with this biblically.
And no, Caesar, you do not get to come into this space, and you do not get to say these kinds of things. I'm not a classical liberal, like let's just all live and let live.
I do think sphere sovereignty, like how Dr. Boot defines it, is a great way to think about it.
And so when those spheres overlap, I'm happy to talk about it. But when they don't, then
I'm happy to say this is the role of the church in this case, and this is the role of the state. I shouldn't be throwing criminals in prison, and you shouldn't be telling me what
I can and can't preach. I'm comfortable with that. Which is why, well, nevermind, go ahead.
Well, I agree with everything you just said. I think the one small qualifier
I would put on that is the pastor needs to preach on what would benefit his congregation the most, right?
According to the word of God and all that kind of stuff, where my church is in the buckle of the
Bible Belt in the upstate of South Carolina, and it's extremely conservative, and there might be one or two people who aren't on board with conservative moral issues, right?
With recognizing marriage as one man, one woman, the life issue, et cetera. And so it's,
I think it's, what's happening? Is it God of just the church? I'm so confused.
Who's coming in? Somebody's got sound playing something. No, no, that was my wife coming in with some hot takes off camera.
Oh, okay, well. Apologies. Hi, Mrs. Wing. She was,
I was, hot mic, hot mic. Apologies.
I just wanted to shout out Jacob Glass for representing Ohio. I'm from Ohio and the last election that we had, all of this was happening in Ohio.
And he's right. Like there seemed to be outside of a few churches, like my church,
Redemption Church, we were doing the whole bring awareness and everything, but there just didn't seem to be from the top down,
Republican or conservative leadership down. There didn't seem to be any help in terms of ads or anything like that to vote no on codifying abortion into the constitution, so.
So just two updates we got here. Give us updates, but I want to go back to Cody because he was talking and we sort of cut him out, so.
Oh, sorry, Cody. Yeah, we kind of did, didn't we? Yeah, I want to go back. By the way, we're at 300 viewers at two hours.
So there are 300 people watching this right now. I have a hard time saying let's cut it off, but I am getting a little tired.
We're going to have to cut it off eventually, but I want to hear what Cody had to say and then Andrew can give us the update. Yeah, well, I think it just depends on the discipleship needs at that moment for that church, right?
And so I think everybody would agree. We're not going to universalize like what Eric Metaxas tried to do on X a couple of weeks ago of saying, if your pastor doesn't preach this
Sunday on XYZ, then you need to leave, right? And so like, man, my church is like, we're actually fairly politically active already.
It would be wise perhaps on our pastor and elders' parts to maybe say, hey, also let's not be high strung.
Let's make sure everything's seasoned with grace. Let's make sure we're not trusting in horses and chariots. Let's make sure we're trusting in God who is sovereign over all of this.
So that would be the one qualifier I would put on that while agreeing with everything that you said.
Awesome, thank you. Yeah, I agree with that. Metaxas did that. Another guy, Todd Starnes, did that.
And it was actually James White that put him in his place on Twitter. It was after the assassination attempt. And it was like, if you don't preach on this or mention it, then you need to find a new church and James White was like, how dare you tell the elders of Christ's churches what they will and will not preach to their own flocks.
Get back in your lane, sir. Todd Starnes regularly be clowns himself in that way anyway.
So bless his heart as we say in the South. I mean, one of the things that we did on like say
Wednesday nights, when it's more your really devout crowd anyway, the ones that aren't the hardcore
Wednesday night crowd. I mean, we were going through some of the psalms, especially some of the more messianic psalms. We did a whole prayer day leading up to the election, which again, then opens it up to, if this is something that does concern you, if you're someone that really is more politically charged, then, hey, we're doing a day of prayer, come out and pray.
And again, that lets you feel like you're both being involved, but you're also, to Cody, to your point, you're not trusting in horses, you're not trusting in chariots.
You are saying, Lord, we're putting this whole thing in your hands. Obviously the word says that we can come to the throne with boldness and certainly make our requests known unto
God. So we would request, Lord, that though we probably deserve Kamala, I mean, and I'm the first to admit it, we probably deserve a
Kamala Harris presidency and much worse. We probably deserve whatever the equivalency of Assyria or Babylon is today.
We deserve that. But Lord, we're asking for mercy. We're asking that you would move by your spirit, bring reformation, heal our land.
And I've thought much about, I think it's Daniel chapter nine in recent weeks, where it says that Daniel was repenting of his own sins and the sins of his people.
And I think it's incumbent upon us, especially as pastors, but even just as Christians, to certainly humble ourselves before the
Lord, repent of our own negligence, of our own lethargy, but also repent for the sins of our people.
You can find that in Job as well. Job is repenting for the sins of his own children. I think there's a biblical case there that we sometimes overlook because we don't understand.
And again, I'll speak as a PCA guy. We're so afraid of federal vision as a doctrine. And again, there's huge problems with it that I disagree with, but we're so afraid of that federal idea, where we have any kind of actual federal authority that we just kind of throw the baby out with the bathwater.
Dude waited until two hours in to bring up federal vision, just so that this comments would explode now about Doug Wilson.
Way to go. All right, Andrew, it's your turn, buddy. You've been wanting to tell us the update and I've been waiting to hear it.
Yeah, well, first I'll just say this. Now that we're down to six people, we can now finally see at the bottom of the screen, it says support the show, go to buymeacoffee .com
slash your Calvinist. So I encourage everyone right now to go out there, buymeacoffee .com
slash your Calvinist and make sure that Keith gets enough coffee because he's getting a little tired.
He needs to get juiced up there so that he can stay the rest of the night. So we now have 51
Republicans in the Senate. So the Senate has turned and we have officially flipped the
Senate to the Republicans, at least according to the decision desk.
Is it Montana or Pennsylvania? Which one was called most recently? Do you know? I didn't see which one they,
I missed which one it was, was the last one, but I can share this and you could look if.
That'd be great. Yeah, because Nebraska is having an unusually close race with Deb Fisher out there.
There's an independent named Jim Osborne that ran against her that's like within a point of her. And that one's gonna run all the way down to the wire,
I think. So I shared it. Keith would have to, there we go. So that's the
Senate race right now. Okay, so they've called Montana. Okay, only 14 % of Montana is in, but okay.
Montana is not called. Oh, okay, so where's the flip? When, I'm sorry.
Well, there are two seats that flipped earlier. The most recent one that - Oh, Nebraska. They've gone ahead and called
Nebraska. Okay, all right. Even though that one's tight. That one's very, very tight. The Associated Press has also called both
Nebraska seats for the Republicans. Okay, that's good to know. And that just came in. Thank you much.
And so polls did close top of the hour. We haven't seen much change. Jersey. New Jersey is now officially, according to Decision Desk, is for Harris, which
I kind of find interesting because it's still quite, the numbers didn't change that much. To Matthew's point here in Pennsylvania, Pittsburgh, which is one of the big areas, is 94 % is in.
So there's not much room to do much there. Harrisburg is a big
Democrat area with 67 % counting. But the real one to watch is gonna be here in Philadelphia.
They got 80 % reporting now. So it really does become a thing where there might not be enough room for them to steal.
It'd be kind of hard. Swamp the vote. Yeah, I don't see him losing
Pennsylvania at this point. I don't know. It still may be too early, but my hopes are much higher than they were before.
So in terms of how the candidates are feeling about this, this is from the Associated Press of, so Kamala Harris has a watch party at Howard University and they've turned off CNN.
Oh! And just started turning on music. Oh! So they don't feel very good about this at all.
Ouch, that's bad. So what's going on at Mar -a -Lago? Matthew, what's going on at Mar -a -Lago is
Trump is probably eating a well -done steak with ketchup with a side of McDonald's. I was gonna say
McDonald's steak. I love it, I love it. I would love some McDonald's fries right now. I would too.
I haven't eaten McDonald's in six months. I do see some things happening on Twitter where people are complaining that ballot boxes are still showing up in Detroit from cars that have
California license plate on them. I'm sure nothing untoward is going on.
Nothing, yeah, no. It's probably all fair. What's unusual about that? They're gonna see an AMC pacer back up filled with boxes.
I don't know why that makes me happy, but it would just, the ballots coming in through an AMC pacer.
I just wanna say what Matthew said. He's leaving us tonight and he said, good night, brothers. Whatever the results,
God is sovereign. And I agree. My sermon Sunday, the title of my sermon was,
God will still be on his throne Wednesday. Well, it is Wednesday and God is still on his throne.
It is 1210 in the AM. John F. says, make America less
PCUSA again. I like that. Amen. Core PCA guy.
I did see someone had a map of the U .S. I like this. I saw it on Facebook and it was orange.
And they had the legend said where Jesus, where Jesus reigns and the whole
U .S. was orange. Yep. That's right. So just over my shoulder here, there's the blue, well,
I gotta orient my thumb, right? So there's the blue neon. That's my logo, civically minded.
But then next to that in the other thing there is the original, it's a reprint, of course, but it's a copy of the original letter that we wrote to the
PCUSA telling them that we were leaving to form the PCA.
So that came from our 50th anniversary, which was just a year ago at the general assembly.
Nice. We had, when we were out doing a poll greeting on Saturday, one of the
Duval County precincts here in Florida, I was working with another guy and this lady had a cross hanging from her rear view mirror, but she pulled up to roll her window down and we had some abolitionist rising stuff out there.
And she was very upset. Let's just leave it at that. But she was like, y 'all are being so judgmental.
And why do you say that Christians can't support abortion? I know plenty of Christians that do. And my friend said, no, you don't.
Then she drove off and I just, I don't know. I just looked over at him.
I said, PCUSA, ELCA or UMC, what do you think? And we rock, paper, scissors for it.
And eventually we decided ELCA. Well, guys, we are at 315 people, but unfortunately we do have to wrap up at a certain point.
And I, like many of you do have to get to bed eventually and working on.
I am getting up in three hours. Well, thank you for staying this late. Gentlemen, I wanna give each one of you an opportunity to close us out with any final words you have to say.
Unfortunately, we do have to bring it to a close. So I'll let you start
Andrew and we'll go around the room. We'll go Andrew to Parker, to Corey, to Cody, and then
Matthew, and then Richard and I will say a final word. I'm glad you were gonna include Richard there.
Well, I mean, we just real bad for a while. It's fine.
I've actually learned a lot by just sitting here with you guys. So I've been happy just soaking it all in.
And so I've just enjoyed being here. So it's cool. I'm just, I'm just ornamentation. I'm the bodyguard as I was sold earlier.
So I guess you throw a mean baseball in his theme song.
So there you go. And we are working on the denominations by softball. Yes, that's gonna be great.
I know Greg's not here, but he would be happy to know his state Michigan is now leaning
Trump. So we'll hope that, so that went from leaning Harris to leaning
Trump. So that's some good news. I'm starting to think Corey's right on his prediction of 300 or more.
Yeah, I'd like to know. Parker, are you willing to give Corey a cigar if he's right?
Sure, I'll buy him a cigar. 1689cigars .com. All right, so Keith, I do appreciate you having all of us on.
This was a lot of fun. I would argue, as I said online, that this was probably the funniest election news anywhere on the internet.
I think we achieved that. Informative, educational, and a lot of fun.
So I'm glad to be here. I was glad to be invited. If anyone wants to check out anything, the stuff
I'm doing, just go to strivingforturning .org or thechristianpodcastcommunity .org. Thank you.
Thank you, brother. Thank you for coming on. Parker? Yeah, I wanna thank you for having me as well.
You know, I met a lot of you at Fight Left Feast and it's been a blessing to know you guys. And I think it was
Matthew who said that, you know, God is sovereign and I just wanted to leave us with that as well. Just trying to remind us that, you know, whether it's
Trump or Kamala, it was in God's plan and he elects those into power. And, you know,
Christians shouldn't fret or worry or whatever because ultimately God's in control.
And if you guys out there listening are interested in movies and theology, you should check us out on YouTube, The Watch Well Podcast.
And you can follow me on X at Real Parker Brown. Thanks again.
I don't wanna be the one jerk that doesn't say thank you. And then you guys will all say the Presbyterian's a jerk. So that'll work into a
Keith Foskey video. Superior theology does not require a thank you.
That's right. We can go from a superior theology to a garage theology with Steve Cruz over at The Regular Man Podcast.
So, yeah. So thank you for having me on. Again, if you like this type of thing,
I do a lot of politics on my channel, but a lot of just practical theology from a pastoral slant.
So you can find me at civicallyminded .com. YouTube channel is also civicallymindedX. Instagram, all branded civically minded.
So if you're interested in these topics, that's where you can find me. And again, wonderful reminder from everybody tonight that the
Lord is in control, no matter how we wake up tomorrow morning. And boy, did you guys give me a wonderful, wonderful few days there in Fort Worth.
Thank you for your friendship and for the encouragement and just the brotherhood of guys that understand what this weird world that we all live in is like.
He's even sovereign over the cheating. Yeah. Yeah. Again, Keith, thank you.
And thank you for ruining my Facebook post that I made earlier saying, hey, most election coverage is a waste of time.
Don't watch it. And here I am contributing to it. Where you should be, brother.
Yeah, go buy stuff for your guitar at westminstereffects .com. Subscribe to the Westminster Effects Doxology Podcast on Apple, Spotify, YouTube, et cetera.
And Jesus is indeed on the throne. Amen. Amen. Matthew?
I gotta be honest. I invested so much, just pent up hand -wringing and prayer into Amendment 4 that now that it's dead,
I'm just like the rest of the night's like, cool, we get the presidency too. That's nice. So, I mean, obviously not everyone lives in Florida.
Obviously, I'm not so myopic as to think that only the stuff going on in my state matters, but I already feel like we've won the big one tonight, at least where I'm at and for what my value system counts.
But I do pray that God would show mercy on the country in who wins in all these other different offices.
That is the White House, but it is also the Congress. It is also even down to our state legislative races.
I've got this big list on the second monitor that I'm looking at. So, I'm exhausted.
My day started at 6 .30 and I was on my feet for 13 hours with a bullhorn. So, I think I'm gonna go to sleep too and we'll wake up and see who the president is.
Amen. Richard, any final thoughts? Well, I appreciate you giving me the invite and I've enjoyed coming out here.
I didn't add much, but hey, I'm at the low end of the totem pole with this group. So, that's cool.
But yeah, I appreciate the invite. Now, I echo what everybody else said. God's sovereign, God's still on the throne and I'm with Matthew.
I'm very glad four was knocked down today because killing babies ain't good.
So, anyhow, appreciate the invite and maybe I'll see some of these guys into a home if I can make it out there with you later on next year.
So, anyway, you got it. Awesome. Well, again, thank all of you guys for being on and I wanna thank you viewers who've been out there.
Man, 300, still almost 300 people watching right now and that's just such an awesome thing to have you guys join us at midnight to be able to do this show.
I do wanna throw out one small plug for something that I'm doing. I am very close to 30 ,000 subscribers on YouTube and I have said
I want to hit that number by Thanksgiving. So, if you are not subscribed to your Calvinist podcast, you can do me a huge favor by going ahead and hit that subscribe button and it's gonna just help me make a great
Thanksgiving to say, hey, thankful for what little time we've been doing this show to be able to hit that number. So, go hit the subscribe button if you haven't.
Also, if you liked this episode, hit the thumbs up button and if you didn't, hit the thumbs down button twice.
Thank you for watching Church Soup and we will see you on the next show. God bless.