Advice For Pastors on "Anti-Semitism" and Interracial Marriage

AD Robles iconAD Robles



So AD Robles is a very helpful guy and you might not believe it if you don't like me
Especially you probably won't believe it. But at the end of the day I consider my role here on the internet
I'm just here to help Honestly, and I know you think I'm joking because of my tone.
I'm not joking. I'm serious I want to help you and here's some unsolicited advice that I think you really should consider and you should take to heart because the reality is that ignoring what's happening or Or or just kind of spiraling into you're a racist seizure, you know
Like that's that's not gonna cut it because the reality is your congregations are
Going to be talking about these things are going to be searching out answers for these things and you need to pay attention to this
Yeah, so here's a tweet I was actually gonna do a video about this topic anyway But then I saw a perfect tweet from Stephen Wolfe about this and I think it's it's perfect It's absolutely perfect.
And I want to explain myself a little bit. So here's Jacob Den Hollander stay -at -home. Dad. I think
I Retract that I don't know that he's a stay -at -home dad. But anyway, he does answer to his wife
In any case he's uh, he's saying answer a fool according to his folly lest he be wise in his own eyes answer
Not a fool according to his folly lest he use your outrage to amplify his foolishness in the ears who inevitably buy his book
Which is all he wanted anyway, so he's talking about the new Christian nationalism book Which is flying up the charts right now, at least from a
Christian perspective flying up the charts. He's talking about this book I have my own copy already.
I was kind enough to get a Advanced readers copy. I haven't started it yet, but I'm looking forward to it.
I will be doing that soon in any case and this is the thing like Stephen Wolfe says this whether you ignore it or whether you dismiss it as foolish whether you lie about it
No matter what you do. Your congregation is going to be reading it talking about it and sharing it now
I wasn't thinking about Christian nationalism per se when I was thinking about this topic, but I was thinking about a few
Specific things that are happening right now, and I'm just gonna go out and say it Kanye's talking about Jewish people and the
Jewish media conglomerates and And there's a lot of talk about inter -ethnic marriage inter -ethnic relationships and You know as a pastor, here's my advice
You need to get out in front of this and it's not gonna do any good to ignore it And it's not gonna do any good to again spiral into a you know
Like that's not gonna do you any good because your congregation is going to take this stuff seriously
In fact, they already are I'm for some reason 80 Robles You don't know what you might you might you might be surprised to know this
But I'm the guy that my friends and also people that I'm not friends with just people on the internet that know me
I'm the guy that they come to with what they perceive as an embarrassing question or an embarrassing belief
Like if somebody is, you know, not really buying what NASA is spitting out there every day
They come to me to ask me my opinion right when somebody wants to know about you know things that you know again things that that you that you guys would would would poo -poo and and and rip them for even considering things that the media calls
Conspiracy theorists or or think unacceptable ideas like they trust me to get my opinion
They say look and can we talk candidly and I always say yes And for some reason I'm that guy because and I think what
I think it is is because they know that I'm crazier than they Are so they they're they feel safe with me because I'm a little crazier, you know, whatever they believe about NASA I probably believe something even crazier.
So anyway, I'm that guy So I know that your congregations already have a lot of these thoughts.
They're already thinking about this. They're already confused They're already looking for answers and I would argue that you would probably want to get out in front of this because otherwise they're gonna go on YouTube and they're
Gonna talk to me or they're gonna go on 4chan and they're gonna talk to someone on 4chan You might not like what they find out there.
There's two things Interethnic marriage and this whole situation with the Jewish media. You guys got to start engaging with this seriously because your congregation
Definitely is so they're they're wondering why is Kanye West saying that Puff Daddy's controlled by because they're not buying the whole
Oh, he's just crazy Like they they've seen that play run so many times now on People that they know for a fake because people don't know
Kanye right a lot of people don't know who Kanye is Every time he talks he doesn't sound crazy. He sounds reasonable, but they don't know him
But they've seen this smear play run on so many people that they do know. Oh that guy's just crazy
You're like I know him. He's not crazy They've seen it so they know that that's just a play right and so they're gonna start asking questions about this
You probably want to get out in front of that stuff I'm not telling you what you need to say, but I'm pretty sure that spiraling into the the racism spiral isn't gonna help
Screeching like a woman isn't going to help and I shouldn't say like a woman because women don't screech But screeching like a crazy woman isn't going to help and this interethnic marriage thing
You know people have noticed the pattern right like the media and all of our enemies the pagans
They're pushing abortion. They say that if you don't have abortion, you can't be a progressive society.
They're pushing Homosexuality if you can't have homosexuality, you can't be a progressive society
They're pushing transgenderism if you can't have transgenderism and in body mutilation and gender hormones you you can't have a
Progressive society they're pushing these things and they're all evil It's like evil evil evil and then they're also pushing interethnic marriages
Like when was the last time you saw a commercial that didn't have an interethnic marriage, right? And and this is
I'm not against interethnic. I'm in one. I mean, I have a white wife. I love her So I'm in one and I'm not and and and and here's the thing guys like people are noticing
They're wondering why do my enemies think this is so important, right? Why are my enemies pushing this?
Here's the question by the way passage before I could see some of you are starting to seize up a little bit You're you're racist.
I could see it Here's what they're not asking. They're not asking does the Bible allow interethnic marriages pretty much
Everyone agrees that it does pretty much everyone agrees that it's morally acceptable to marry someone
That's a different ethnicity than you people pretty much everyone agrees with that, right? Most people don't though.
Most people don't marry someone of a different ethnicity. That's just common It's just what normally happens right and and there's nothing wrong with that.
There's nothing that we need to debug from that It's not racism. It's just a matter of preference most black men marry black women
Nothing wrong with that most white men marry white women. There's nothing wrong with that, right? So so those are the questions we're not asking right, but you do need to start getting out in front of why is it?
that the The same people that have such poor morality and they have such they mean such such evil for us
They're pushing abortion. They're pushing homosexuality. They're pushing they're pushing transgenderism Why is it that this is also something they're pushing?
What do they see as the bet what why does this benefit them? I guess in other words because they're obviously not doing it because it's the right thing to do, right?
That's that's something that your congregation already knows right they already know that that's our enemies don't push
Interethnic marriages because they're really it's good and they're good people. We understand that that's not the case
So what are they attempting to do by pushing these kinds of relationships? that's a question that I would suggest you get out in front of Because otherwise they're gonna come on YouTube and you know what?
They might not find me and my answer would be would be great and we're gonna have a video about that That's not this video, but there's a video about that that I've got in the works
So they might not find me though They might find someone else and you're not gonna like what they find and so remember when you're answering these questions
Don't rage spiral. Don't racism spiral. I guess is what I'm trying to say and And don't what was this first one?
I said ignore it. I guess I guess ignore it, right? Yeah, don't ignore it because because people are going to ask these questions we're gonna be talking about this amongst ourselves and You probably want to get in on that at the beginning rather than at the end because at the end it might be something you