Men's Retreat with Dr. Russell Fuller

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Hey everyone, it's Jon from the Conversations That Matter podcast. I want to take a moment to invite all of you men to a special weekend retreat with Dr.
Russell Fuller. It's going to be October 28th through 30th in the beautiful Adirondack Mountains at Camp of the
Woods in Speculator, New York. Now, Dr. Fuller is going to be preaching on the book of Jeremiah, and this is a great opportunity for you to get to know other men of like mind and faith.
There's going to be other churches represented there. We're going to have a lot of fun. There's a lot of outdoor things to do.
Even though it is late October, I'm sure we're going to be able to do things like boating and hiking and have bonfires at night.
I think it's going to be an awesome time. Now, there is a limitation. We can only have 100 people come to this retreat.
If you are interested in coming, you're going to want to sign up as soon as possible. The deadline is
October 1st, but it could fill up long before that. You're going to want to sign up your church as soon as possible.
The cost is $176 for the entire weekend. That includes meals. That includes two nights.
I'm going to do my utmost to help with coordinating carpooling for those coming from distances.
If there's someone else in your area who's coming or on the way, I'm going to try to connect you. That's why it's important to sign up.
Let me know where you're coming from, and I'll do as much of the legwork as I possibly can do to make it as easy as possible to get here.
It's going to be an intimate gathering. This is an opportunity to get to know Dr. Fuller.
I'll be there. I know A .D. Robles says he's going to come. I don't even know who all is going to show up, but it's going to be men, and we're going to have a great time.
Check it out. The link is in the info section to sign up for the Adirondack Men's Retreat with Dr.