The Best Video You Can Watch Right Now on Christian Nationalism

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Jon's video:


All right, all right, all right, all right. Welcome back to the channel.
I hope you had a good weekend. I had a really good weekend. I went to New York this weekend. I went to a
Mets game. We won 11 to one, the biggest win I've ever been at, at Citi Field.
And I gotta be honest with you. This is gonna sound weird, but I just have to say it. You know,
I was there at Citi Field and I bought tickets, you know, after the season was basically already over. You know, the team stinks, you know, that kind of thing.
And so I was able to get really good seats for really cheap. And so we're sitting field level.
And I just, you know, when I was there, I'm there with my kids, I'm there with my wife. And my son, you know, we went for batting practice and my son got to go watch batting practice right up against the fence.
And one of the players gave him a ball, signed it for him and stuff like that. It was just a really cool experience.
And then I remember being at the field when I was a kid for the very first time. And it was just so magical.
Everything looks so awesome. But, you know, I had a moment just thinking to myself, just how good
God is, how faithful God is because the last time I was in Citi Field, well, maybe not the last time, because I had my wife at the last time
I was at Citi Field. But, you know, when I used to go to Citi Field a lot, when I was a real degenerate,
I could not imagine, it would not have even have entered my mind that I would be going to Citi Field with not even one son, not two sons, not three sons, but four sons for the first time.
And being like my father was when he took me to Shea Stadium for the first time and just having a really good time and not seeing how drunk
I could get, you know, at the game and that kind of stuff. Not worrying about any of that stuff, just being there and enjoying my family.
It's just amazing. It really is amazing. I never would have thought in a million years that I'd have any sons, much less four, and be at the same place in the same stadium, sitting very close to where I used to sit when
I used to not care about money. You know, I'd spend money, you know, it didn't matter how much the tickets cost back then, but it's just totally awesome.
What an amazing thing. And then the next day we went to the Bronx Zoo and the kids, of course, you know, they love animals and just had a great time.
And so everything was wonderful there. Unfortunately, though, I picked up some kind of a bug when I was there. That's one of the downsides of New York City.
There are some downsides in New York City. And so I was a little sick. And actually I was supposed to be on this podcast with John Harris, Stephen Wolfe, William Wolfe, Nate Fisher, and Josh Abatoy.
Abotoy, Abotoy? I don't really know how to pronounce his last name. Sorry, Josh, if you see this. About the
G3 controversy with Christian nationalism. I was supposed to be on there as well. I decided not to do it because I'm all stuffy and, you know, end of the day, you know, you start to feel really run down and stuff like that.
And I want to save my energy because I'm going to be at the TruthScript Conference this weekend, John Harris's conference in New York, and I'm going to be speaking.
So I want to save my energy for that. I'm really looking forward to that. I really am. And I think my talk will be funny and interesting and all that kind of thing.
So I did not participate in this, but I did want to add my two cents to a little bit of it here.
Do yourself a favor and watch this. If you have paid attention to the G3 and Christian nationalism controversy,
I think you would really get a lot of value out of watching this because this is a real good retelling of how this all went down and how even to this day, like we don't want to fight these guys.
We really don't. And it's very clear that they want to fight us. And there's a lot of hatred from their side.
And I do mean hatred. I mean, they're trying to destroy many of us. Some of us are getting more of the treatment than others, but they've treated us like enemies for a long time.
And it's really not about, they even said this in the video yesterday.
It's not really about them so much as it is when you do this, you start calling Stephen Wolfe a kinist and he's not.
By the way, if you think Stephen Wolfe sounds like a kinist, you should watch this video.
I mean, this is, it's just so, if you just sit down and talk to somebody, you find out lots of things about them.
And in this video, Stephen Wolfe says that he's actually convinced people out of kinism through his work and through his conversations and things like that.
That doesn't really sound like something a kinist would be proud of doing or would even attempt to do.
But Stephen talks about that here. It's not something that he brags about. It's not something that he wants to be known for, but it's something that happens.
And it's just like, if you just sit down and talk to someone, you find out that what G3 has done is has just, it is so unbecoming of a
Christian, much less a Christian leader, much less a Christian leader who touts themselves for being so mature and all this kind of thing.
It's really a sad thing that G3 has decided to do this kind of thing. But I recommend that you watch this because all of the super scary things that Josh Bice and some of these guys that have brought up, oh, the secret society, they've got a secret society and they're part of it and they promote violence.
And you just listen to Nate Fisher talk about this and he's just sitting there, he's very calm. And he's like, there's nothing secret about this society.
I mean, here's what we do at it. Here's what we're aiming for. Nobody promotes violence, but he was talking about violence because historically, the position the
United States is in oftentimes leads to violence and is already leading to violence. There's violence in our country right now.
It's political violence. And we're not saying that's a good thing. We're just saying, you ought to be prepared for that.
If you're a smart person, you ought to be prepared for that. I know I'm trying to prepare for that.
Like, I don't want to see it, right? Like, I don't want to see any violence. I'm not inviting any violence my way.
God willing, I never see it. My kids never see it. But I'm doing my best to prepare myself for that.
You know what I mean? And I'm not gonna say what I'm doing because that's kind of irrelevant, but it is on my mind what happens if there's widespread political violence in the
United States. If you haven't asked yourself that question, then I would, and you're a man, you have a family,
I would argue that you're a fool if you haven't even considered what that would mean for you and your family, how to prepare for that, right?
I don't want to fight. And I've said this many times in the channel. I'm the kind of guy that does not want to fight, but I will.
I'm not scared to. I don't want to do it, but I will. That's the thing.
And so like, I've often wondered, like, you know, and I went to New York, you know, like I said, you know, the other day, and maybe this is why
I think about these things, you know, and just kind of so naturally. Because when I was in New York, you know, I used to be in situations where sometimes
I'd wonder, you know, is this the right neighborhood? You know, that kind of thing. What would I do if I was approached?
You know, how would I handle it? Like, what would be my thought process there? And I've thought about these things many times in my life.
I'm the kind of guy that does not go around picking fights, looking for fights, things like that.
But if you are intent on fighting me, I will oblige you. It's as simple as that.
I don't want to fight, but I will. And I will do my best to win. That's the point.
And so there's just so much of those moments in this video. I recommend it, because if you've heard, oh,
Stephen, it sounds scary what Stephen Wolfe said. You know, Stephen Wolfe said that the civil governing authority should execute heretics.
And, you know, then you find, that sounds really scary to Americans, modern Americans. And what you find if you read the book, but also if you just listen to what he says online or in this video, for example, it's like, no,
I mean, I believe in principle that it would be allowable for the civil governing authority to have a place in enforcing the first table of the law.
I don't think there's anything in the Bible that you could read or in the reform tradition that you could read that would be like, no, they don't.
I don't even know what that would be. Like, you can't point to a scripture that says, the government is not allowed to punish evildoers when it comes to the first table of law.
You won't find that. I mean, you might find something like that in modern legal theory, but you're not gonna find that in the scripture.
You're not gonna find that in the Protestant tradition. Calvin, John Calvin, the genius, everyone agrees.
John Calvin's a genius. He agrees that the civil governing authority could have a place in enforcing the first table of the law.
So Stephen says, I agree with the reformers. There's nothing weird about that. Stephen agrees with the reformers.
And then he says, but in our modern context, I don't know how prudent that would be. I don't know how prudent that would be.
So in theory, I think in principle, sure. But today, would I wanna hand over to the government today the ability to enforce the first table of the law?
Obviously not, obviously not. Were the situation different, would I be for it? Maybe, it all depends.
And so Stephen Wolfe doesn't quite sound so scary when you actually let him speak for himself.
But then you've got these guys, Owen Strawn and Josh Bice, and these guys that are just, they ignore all that.
It doesn't matter what he says about that. It says, no, no, he wants to start executing Baptists.
That's what he wants to do. We've been down this road before. He can execute the Baptists. Look at this scare quote.
And they'll pull up a quote where he says, I'm not a Baptist, so I'm not gonna really try to reconcile what I say with what
Baptists believe. That's, it won't make any sense for me to do that. I'm not a Baptist. See, he's against Baptists, you see?
See, this is not for Baptists. No, it's not really what I said at all. I just said, I'm not a Baptist, so why would
I write for Baptists? When you let the man speak for himself, it's really not that scary.
And so I, there's, you can find, none of this is new information, like the stuff that Nate and Stephen talk about here and William Wolfe as well.
None of this is new information. If you just let them speak for themselves, you've heard this before. But I don't know of a single place where all of the scare tactics of G3, all the hysterical, you know, pearl -clutching, you know, dress -wearing scare tactics of the
G3 crew, all of them have been just completely diffused in one place.
So if you know anybody that's falling for the G3 hysteria, send them this video.
This addresses so much of it in one place. It's really good. I appreciate John for doing this video, for putting this all together.
I know he puts a lot of work into organizing these things, and it's no easy task to get Stephen, William, Nate, Josh, all of them together at once.
I was supposed to be on here, like I said. But I'm actually, in a way, I'm glad I wasn't. I think that hearing from these guys in particular, because these guys have bore the brunt of the attacks, in my opinion.
William, Nate, and Josh, and Stephen Wolfe. I've not really been attacked that much.
I think they don't really view me as a threat in any way, which I'm totally fine with.
I don't have a big head about my influence, you know what I mean? I have an influence over certain areas and certain people, but it's not widespread.
I don't have major influences, so I'm okay with that. I'm okay with that. But I did have interactions with some of these people, and John wanted me to talk about that on this video, and so I figured
I'd just talk about it on this video. So do yourself a favor. Watch John Harris's Conversations That Matter.
It's called Breakdown of the G3, and Christian Nationalism Controversy. It is really good.
And send this to people that are being influenced by these guys. Oh, it's so scary, he's a kid. He's a kid and a false teacher.
He's a kid, he's a kid. That's what, I have a feeling that things, the fireworks are going to get really intense at the
G3 little conference thing that they've got going on. They're gonna probably call some people false teachers, and evil wolves, things like that.
They're gonna ratchet up the rhetoric because they don't, they're not thinking through this logically.
They're not thinking through this as brothers. They think we are the enemy. And that actually brings me to my very first thing.
I had a conversation, a side conversation with Owen Schron early on in the controversy. It was all about the white evangelical tweet.
And I walked away from that conversation knowing full well that Owen Schron was on a holy war.
He, it was as if he heard directly from God himself that Stephen Wolfe is an evil, racist, white supremacist, all these things.
And no matter what anybody said, it didn't matter. He was on a seek and destroy mission.
He told me, Owen Schron told me word for word in hysterical fashion, hysterics, that if I didn't see how dangerous and evil and racist the white evangelicalism is the lone bulwark tweet was, that I didn't understand the gospel.
It didn't matter that I agree, if I agreed with it or not, that was irrelevant to Owen. Like whether I agreed with Stephen Wolfe's tweet about white evangelicals being the lone bulwark for moral sanity in America, you know, based on voting records and things like that, that's what the tweet was about.
He didn't ask me if I believe that tweet or not, or if I agreed with it or not, that was irrelevant to him.
In fact, I told him, I don't know, it didn't really seem like a big deal to me. I mean, did I agree with it?
I don't know. I mean, it depends on what he means. That didn't matter. That didn't matter. The very fact that I wasn't lining up to condemn him over it was enough for Owen to know that I did not understand the gospel.
I'm sorry, let me take that back. He didn't know if I didn't understand the gospel, but he questioned, he wasn't sure if I understood the gospel if I wasn't lining up to get as hysterical about it as he was.
If I didn't think it was as huge a deal as he did, then I probably, maybe he didn't know
I didn't understand the gospel of Jesus Christ. That's how this guy, he's lost his mind.
And I walked away from that tweet. It didn't matter what Stephen said or the clarifications. It didn't matter if you wanted to be nuanced about it, none of that.
He was on a holy war. This was a crusade for him and nothing was going to stop him. Stephen Wolfe must be destroyed.
That was his opinion. And anyone who did not join him on that quest, if you even dared to consider what
Stephen was saying there and you didn't immediately condemn it, because how many times did we get insisted, you need to condemn this.
If you didn't immediately jump on that, you're in question now. You might not understand the gospel.
I mean, I'll give him that. He didn't say I definitely didn't understand the gospel, but he said, I don't know if you do. I don't know if you do,
A .D. You might need to get saved because you didn't condemn Stephen Wolfe's tweet the way I did. Unbelievable.
That conversation was a disaster. It was only a, it was a short conversation. It was on Twitter. He afterwards, he blocked me, you know, that kind of thing.
And it was just crazy. It was just an absolutely crazy conversation. I also had a conversation with Virgil Walker and that conversation went better.
It was a longer, maybe it was because it was on the phone. It wasn't a text conversation. Those are always better. But it did not go well, but it went better than my
Owen conversation. And in the Virgil Walker conversation, to give you an idea of the tenor of this, the way it started was he asked me if I was recording it.
And it's like, what? We're friends.
I thought we were friends. What are you talking about? Am I recording it? Makes me wonder if he was recording it, you know?
But we had this conversation and it just like, again, it just didn't matter.
Like there were times in that conversation when he would tell me, you know, Stephen Wolfe, he's like essentially an evil genius.
You know, he says things in just the right way where it's plausible that he's not evil, racist,
Guinness, white supremacist, ethnocentric, whatever it is, but he really is. He's signaling them.
He's signaling the white supremacist, Guinness, racist, whatever. And I said, you know,
I said, Virgil, like if he's an evil genius, then and he's signaling in just the right ways where it's plausible that he could be okay, why are you saying that he's definitely not?
Why is he automatically the racist? Why does it default to racism? He's a believer.
He's a brother in the Lord. Like, what is the deal? He said, well, that's the thing, you see, because he was a little sloppy.
It's a sloppy book. And I don't remember if I said this to Virgil or if I just thought it,
I can't remember because I didn't record the conversation. And I wasn't, you know, it's just, it's very tiresome to be dealing with people that, you know, you should be friends with, but they think you're an enemy.
I said, but which is it? Is he a genius or is he sloppy? Because different points in this conversation, he's like this uber genius, you know, puppet master.
And then it's a very sloppy book. I remember I told him, I said, look, I had a hard time reading this book.
I told Virgil this, I said, this is not my kind of thing. Like, I'm not a scholar. I don't pretend that I am.
I know I'm an intelligent guy. I know that. My IQ has been tested, you know what I mean?
But I'm not, I don't get off on reading scholarly works. Like, that's just not my thing. It's not, I don't find it fun.
It's just not interesting to me. I can read them, but sometimes they take me a little time. This reading
Stephen's book took me some time. I mean, it's difficult reading. It's not, you know, first level reading, you know?
And I said, you ever thought that maybe like you just don't get it? Hasn't even crossed his mind.
Hasn't even crossed his mind. No, he's got Stephen Wolfe perfectly figured out. He's a genius, but he's sloppy and all these guys.
And it's just like, I was not talking to someone thinking through this rationally. I'm not saying that Virgil is not a rational person.
He is, I happen to think Virgil's extremely intelligent. On this issue, he's not thinking as carefully as he normally does.
And you can see it in the podcast, that one comment about Mayberry. Were there any black people in Mayberry?
He sounded just like, what's his face? With the crazy hair. What's his name?
I forget these characters' names. I don't even think about the woke church anymore. I'm just totally done with it. Who's the guy that started working with Ibram Kendi X?
You know, Jamar Tisby. That's the kind of comment Jamar Tisby would make. Oh, was there any black people in Mayberry?
It's like, dude, what happened to you? Nothing happened to him. He's the same guy he always was.
But when this issue comes to bear, he sounds just like the woke church.
And he uses the same tactics as the woke church and the same rhetoric as the woke church and the same logic as the woke church, which is to say there is none.
There is none. And so, yeah, I had two conversations.
And I remember, you know, Virgil uninvited me to G3. He had initially invited me, you know, and then he uninvited me.
It's just very weird. It's just very strange stuff. And it's like, you know, we didn't start this fight.
We didn't. You guys did. You guys started this fight. And it's just really crazy.
I mean, you know, and I think one of the things that I think is very clear in this conversation, every person in this conversation,
Stephen, William, you know, Nate, Josh, John, we see this thing repeating itself.
And it's like, you attack us and that's fine. We're used to it by now.
We don't, if we used to get our feelings hurt by it, we really don't anymore. It's just not that big a deal when you cancel or attempt to cancel a guy like Nate Fisher or Stephen Wolf or William Wolf or me or John.
It's just not, we don't really care anymore. You know what I mean? Or maybe we never did. But the problem is, and where we really kind of do have a little bit of an emotional investment is we see the damage that what you say has collaterally on the local church.
You know, Owen Strawn saying, oh, you know, if your pastor's been brainwashed into saying this, can you stop? And of course, it's always vague in general.
So you don't really quite know who he's talking about. And the effect that has, this is something that Nate pointed out and I've pointed out many times on the channel.
When you don't name names and you just kind of generally say, oh, the evil kinest out there, the kinism, white supremacy.
And it's like, the effect it has is casting shade on the entire group. And so now, you know, if you have a pastor who's been brainwashed by kinism and white ethnocentrism, you gotta leave your church.
You might have to leave your church and strongly confront him. And what we see happening is that's going to happen in the local church.
You know, pastors who are honest men, good men, you know, they start talking about things that sound a little too
Christian nationalism -y. They're gonna start to get accused of kinism, racism, things like that, just like in Woke War I.
And we know how damaging that was to people, man, in the first Woke Wars.
We know the pain it caused for so many people. Not us, not us, other people.
Other people during Woke War I, I had a good church, you know what I mean? And there was some pain in my story too, no question about it.
No question about it early on anyway. But as the war went on, I had a solid church, a supportive pastor, totally un -woke, you know, that kind of thing.
It was great. We saw the damage it did on the local church level. In G3, you claim to be for the local church and you're allowing this pettiness, this unwillingness to let us speak for ourselves, unwilling to engage us really on the issues, all while pretending that you are engaging the issues.
This hysterical, just, it's woke stuff that you're doing. Oh, it's racism, it's all this stuff.
You're letting this damage the local church by your sloppiness, by your vague accusations, your conspiracy theories.
Guys, you've embarrassed yourselves so much. I don't know the
Haywood guy and I don't care, but Nate Fisher in this video, the whole thing about the
Haywood conspiracy theory with the secret society, ooh, it's a secret society. Nate Fisher just demolishes you very easily.
There's nothing secret about it. Here's what it is, here's what we're doing. This is what people used to have back in the day and we're doing it again because we need that fraternity, we need that brotherhood.
We need to talk through these issues. Guys, your credibility is just, with any thinking person, with the people that aren't, they don't, they're not captivated by our little spell.
It's, if you're dragging it through the mud, man, you're dragging your own credibility through the mud. I don't think there's any stopping it at this point.
I think this G3 conference is going to be the beginning of the end for you guys. You guys are gonna go thermal nuclear on people like me and stuff like that.
It's just a sad thing to see. You guys don't have to do that. You don't have to do that to yourselves. You don't have to just, you guys are a good group and you're just gonna throw it all away for a holy war smoking out the racists.
I mean, it's the same thing over and over. Everything's repeating itself. Everything's repeating itself.
But anyway, I just wanted to add my two cents there. That's all I really wanted to add. Do yourself a favor and watch this video,
Breakdown of the G3 and Christian Nationalism Controversy. If you've had any questions about things that Steven has said, or William, or Nate, or people are using the
Josh Bice weird conspiracy theory, oh, it's so scary, they're calling for violence, and they believe that, just send them this video.
Say, do me a favor, brother, watch. It's an hour long, hour and a half long, watch this video because this addresses all the main points.
Very simple, very easy, and it's not what you've been told it is. G3 has lied to you.
G3 has borne false witness. It's not about disagreements. Every single person here, not only can they handle honest disagreements, but they welcome it because these issues need to be hashed out.
These issues need to be discussed. They need to be refined. We need an honest challenge.
There have been some good challenges to Steven Wolf's stuff that I think are going to eventually help refine some of this stuff, but unfortunately, none of those have come from G3.
G3 has done nothing but put forward the most childish, the most pathetic, the most sad little hysterical arguments that you could possibly freaking imagine.
G3 has put them forward. It doesn't have to be that way, and I could not recommend this video more.
So anyway, I hope you found this video helpful. I will see you in the next one. God bless. God bless.