Progressive Christian: The Bible CANNOT Be Inerrant!

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Hey guys, Colin here, and welcome back to the channel where the Bible and critical thinking meet to give you real
Christian commentary about the things that matter. Thanks so much for watching, let's get into the video. So today we have a
TikTok video from the Reverend Brandon Robertson. He's a pro -LGBT progressive Christian who's completely out of alignment with Scripture.
In other words, he's a heretic who falsely calls himself a Christian and who advances sin in the world in the name of Christ.
It's shameful and unbiblical in every way. By the way, if you're wondering how on earth a person can have the title of Reverend while at the very same time they actively contradict
Scripture in this way, it's because the title of Reverend is one that literally anyone can apply under their own authority to themselves.
You don't have to pass some sort of legal doctrinal Reverend test to become a Reverend. You can just wear the title like a costume on Halloween.
But make no mistake about it, Brandon Robertson is no more a Christian minister than a child wearing a white sheet on their head is a ghost.
Progressive Christians are simply playing at Christianity, but they don't actually believe it. They have the form, but they don't have the substance.
In any case, in the video you're about to watch, Brandon Robertson is going to tell you exactly why he believes the
Bible is not inerrant, or at least that it doesn't have to be. Watch this. The Bible is a book of human writings that might have the inspiration of God in them, but that doesn't mean they're inerrant, without error.
That doesn't mean they're perfect. It means that God works through broken people all the time, and sometimes we are flawed, sometimes our history is messed up, sometimes our facts might be messed up, or our understanding of God might be inaccurate, but that's okay, because God's grace leads us back to a path where we can come to see
God for who God truly is, a God of love and grace. For those of you who don't know, the word inerrancy means without error.
That is to say, something is entirely accurate and without any mistakes. That is what solid Christians believe the
Bible to be. But Brandon Robertson does not agree with that. You see, Brandon says that the Bible is merely a collection of human writings that may have the inspiration of God in them, but that doesn't mean that they're inerrant.
That doesn't mean that they're perfect. I've said this a lot on this channel, but it really goes without saying at this point, you need to get down to the bottom of things.
Just ask this question. By what standard? By what standard are we judging the
Bible to be perfect or imperfect? That will tell you a lot here. If the Bible is entirely true, and indeed the foundation of truth, then you cannot accurately judge the claims of the
Bible by any other standard than the Bible itself. If, on the other hand, the Bible is not inerrant, if it is not perfectly true and it contains mistakes, then there is some sort of outside standard by which we are judging the
Word of God to be inaccurate. If you say the Bible has a mistake, you're saying God's Word does not align with this particular fill -in -the -blank standard of truth.
And whatever that standard is, whatever you put in the blank, ladies and gentlemen, that becomes your true
Bible. That becomes your inerrant standard by which you compare everything else to truth.
You see, it is not whether or not you have an inerrant standard, it is which inerrant standard you choose. This is very important to understand.
No one is neutral. Everyone has a standard. For Christians, it's the Bible. But as of now, we've only spoken about this in broad theological terms.
Let's make this more practical. First, let's answer the question of whether or not the Bible even claims to be inerrant in the first place, as that seems to be something
Brandon Robertson would disagree with. Proverbs 30 verse 5 says that, quote, Every word of God proves true.
So the Bible clearly says that whatever fits into the category of God's Word is 100 % true.
Now I don't know Hebrew, but I will tell you that I know how to do a Hebrew word study. That word for every in the passage is written as kol in the
Greek, which means the totality of some given thing. So it's referring to all of God's words, not merely some of them.
The word word in the passage is imra, which means speech or utterance. It's not referring to some mystical, ethereal thing outside of the
Bible. It's referring to the actual words recorded in the Bible. Although, of course, what we know of as the
Bible today would not have been fully compiled at that point. And finally, the word true in the passage is tzarev, which literally means pure, refined, without fault or blemish.
So the passage does, in fact, say that every word of the Lord is pure and true. So how can the totality of something be pure and true if it has errors in it?
Obviously, we know that it cannot. So the question then becomes, how do we know that the books that have been compiled into what we call the
Bible are all God's Word? Well, if you're looking for a stamp at the bottom of each manuscript for each book that says
God wrote this book, I'm sorry, but you won't find that. But thankfully, that is not the standard here.
Again, it all comes down to the question, by what standard? Does each book of the Bible have to call itself specifically the
Word of God in order to be God's Word? No. That is an arbitrary standard that's not rooted in God's Word in the first place.
I think the teaching of Jesus demonstrates this perfectly. In Matthew 22, 29, Jesus says, quote,
You are wrong, because you know neither the Scriptures nor the power of God. End quote.
But if knowing the Scriptures leads one to be right, and by extension not knowing the Scriptures leads one to be wrong, according to Jesus himself, then there's a simple line of logic that helps us understand inerrancy.
If the Scriptures have mistakes, then appealing to them as your standard could not have any guaranteed effect of making you right, of making you correct.
It is only if the Bible is completely inerrant that, in appealing to it, you can always be called correct.
Jesus is clearly implying that the Bible is true. Yet not every book of the Old Testament says,
Thus saith the Lord, and explicitly claims to be the Word of God. But Jesus didn't have a problem with this.
He still taught that the canon of Scripture was binding and authoritative and true. Therefore, it stands to reason that if the
Old Testament could be compiled accurately by the people of God without explicit labels being put on each book, the same could be done for the
New Testament. The point here is that the Bible's standard of distinguishing the Word of God is entirely consistent and any attempt to judge the
Bible based on some other ultimate standard of truth is already a violation of the Bible's own standard of truth.
In John 17, 17, Jesus says this, So from this, two things become abundantly clear.
A. The Bible should not be called into question by any standard other than itself, because it is the ultimate standard of truth in and of itself.
And B. The entire canon of Scripture does indeed claim to be the inerrant Word of God, and it doesn't need a label on each book to be classified as such.
Let's watch that clip again now with this understanding of inerrancy in mind, and respond to the specific arguments given by Brandon against it.
Watch this again. The Bible is a book of human writings that might have the inspiration of God in them, but that doesn't mean they're inerrant, without error.
That doesn't mean they're perfect. It means that God works through broken people all the time, and sometimes we are flawed, sometimes our history is messed up, sometimes our facts might be messed up, or our understanding of God might be inaccurate, but that's okay, because God's grace leads us back to a path where we can come to see
God for who God truly is, a God of love and grace. So Brandon says that just because the
Bible has the inspiration of God in it, doesn't mean that it's inerrant. What Brandon does not seem to realize here is that the
Bible does not claim to, quote, have the inspiration of God in it, as he says, rather, it claims to be entirely inspired by God.
2 Timothy 3 .16 says, quote, all Scripture is breathed out by God, end quote.
Then Brandon says that the Bible is not inerrant because it was written by human beings, and God works through broken people all the time, so it doesn't really need to be inerrant in the first place.
Again, he is failing to grasp the actual doctrine here. The fact that God can use other people's mistakes for his ultimate purposes does not mean that every time
God uses a person to accomplish his purpose, like, say, writing Scripture, that person is necessarily making a mistake.
It doesn't mean that. It doesn't logically follow. For instance, God used the error of Joseph's brothers to save the lives of thousands of people and bless
Joseph and his family. See Genesis 50 for more on that. But God working through the errors of broken people in one instance does not mean that when
God used broken people to write his Word, that they must have made errors. If God is all -powerful, and he is by definition, then it is well within his ability to use broken people to write a book that cannot be broken.
In other words, the error of people in no way damages the inerrancy of the Bible. And to suggest otherwise is to demonstrate that you really don't understand these things.
Then Brandon says that as humans, sometimes our history, our facts, and our ideas about God can be inaccurate.
The implication here is that this is the case in some places for the Biblical writers as well. In other words, the history, the facts, and the ideas about God presented in Scripture can sometimes be wrong because, well, people get things wrong sometimes.
Again, we've already established this. Just because people can be wrong and often are wrong does not necessitate that they were in fact wrong when writing the
Bible. In fact, the Bible clearly says that they were not wrong. Second Peter 121 says, quote,
For no prophecy was ever produced by the will of man, but men spoke from God as they were carried along by the
Holy Spirit, end quote. At the end of the video, the absurdity of his argument is on full display.
He says it's okay that the Bible is inerrant because it just shows that God is a God of love and a
God of grace. I have a question though, sir. How do you know that God is a God of love and a God of grace?
Of course, the answer is that you've read about His love and grace in His Word, right? But if the Word of God can contain errors, as Brandon says it does, then who's to say that the parts of the
Bible that talk about love and grace are not also errors? Do you see the problem here, folks? His whole argument about the
Bible not needing to be inerrant rests in the authority of the Bible. And this demonstrates the real problem here.
Once you open the door and say that the Bible contains mistakes, the question then becomes, who gets to say which parts are the mistakes?
In Brandon's worldview, of course, it is he who gets to decide. Oh, how convenient. He uses his standard of ultimate truth to discern which parts of the
Bible are true and which parts have errors that were written down by those broken people. Brandon defines truth.
Brandon is the ultimate judge in this worldview. He knows which parts of the Bible to trust, and therefore he is the standard of trustworthiness.
Do you see what's happened here? In effect, he's made himself God. This is the arrogance of progressive
Christianity. They pay homage to God out of one side of their mouth, while on the other side they undercut the authority of His Word.
Their worldview is hopelessly inconsistent and entirely contradicts the Word of God. 1
Timothy 6 .20 says, Avoid the irreverent babble and contradictions of what is falsely called knowledge, for by professing it some have swerved from the faith.
So stay far away from the charlatans who preach heresy like this, and pray for Brandon that he would repent of this foolishness and turn to the truth of God's Word.
Thank you so much for watching. If you liked that video, please like, comment, share, subscribe, and hit the notification bell so that you never miss another one.
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And until next time, fight for truth, never surrender, and keep your eyes open. Thank you, and God bless.