Order of End Time Events from the Book of Revelation

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Snow day livestream 2/9/2025. This brief overview should help us in our study of the Olivet Discourse - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLdqA7iMo4tYwOLQ1x2AEBs_HXUGWJP6mv


Hello, and thank you for watching. I've titled this video, Snow Day Livestream, right? Church got canceled today, but I want to keep these topics fresh in your mind and keep your mind engaged.
So let's kind of go over Bible prophecy and what's going to happen. I'm preaching through the
Olivet Discourse in Matthew 24, but today I'd like to give a brief overview of the book of Revelation.
Before I do that, every Sunday, what do we pray? We pray our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name, thy kingdom come, right?
We're praying for the kingdom to come and we pray thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
So we're praying for God's will to be done on the earth. Well, that's going to, that prayer is going to be answered and the book of Revelation tells us how that's going to happen.
So an overview of the book of Revelation in chapter one, John receives the vision.
Revelation is the revelation of Jesus Christ. Jesus is giving the message to John to give to the church and revelation means what it sounds like.
It's a revealing. Jesus is revealing what's going to happen in the end of days.
So John receives the vision in chapter one. The church is on earth in chapters two and three and the letters to the seven churches.
They had a first century context and a lot of those things.
Yes, they were for the first century. However, a prophetic statement was made in chapter three to the faithful church at Philadelphia and Jesus talks about his return.
So now he's jumping ahead to his return at the end of days and he says,
Jesus says in revelation three, 10 and 11 to the faithful church, he tells them he will keep them from the hour of trial, which is coming upon the whole world.
Behold, I'm coming quickly. So what's he talking about? I will keep you from the tribulation and that's exactly what we see in revelation for John is caught up to heaven at the sound of something like a trumpet.
Many see that as a picture of the rapture. Either way, John sees the church in heaven as depicted by the 24 elders.
Almost all commentators agree the 24 elders represent the redeemed of God or the church.
So John is caught up in chapter four. The church is in heaven and chapters four and five and then the tribulation starts in chapter six.
So the church is in heaven. The church is brought to heaven before the tribulation. That's the pre tribulation rapture.
Okay, so the tribulation is revelation chapters six through 18 starts with the seven seal judgments, then the seven trumpet judgments and things just get worse and worse and you have the seven bowl judgments.
Now during that time through the ministry of the two witnesses and the 144 ,000,
I mean the church is in heaven, so God now returns to dealing with his covenant people, the nation of Israel.
Okay, this is Daniel 70th week. That's a prophecy given to Israel in the city of Jerusalem.
That's Daniel chapter nine. So now God is working with Israel. Okay, these prophecies for Israel are now going to be fulfilled.
So through the ministry of the 144 ,000 and the two witnesses, many
Jewish converts are made and Jesus returns at the end of the seven year tribulation to deliver the nation of Israel.
That's Matthew 24 Luke 21 and that happens in revelation in chapter 19.
So again, a prophetic statement is made about the church being kept from the tribulation in chapter three.
John is caught up in chapter four. The church is in heaven in chapters four and five. The tribulation is chapter six through 18
Jesus comes back in chapter 19 fights the battle of Armageddon. He then sets up the millennial kingdom in chapter 20 so that's for Israel as the apostle said to Jesus in Acts chapter one,
Lord, will you at this time restore the kingdom to Israel? Well, Jesus said, you'll not know the times or the seasons, but he didn't correct them.
Yes, the kingdom will be restored to Israel. They're grafted back in as Romans 11 says.
So the kingdom is set up in chapter 20, but here's the thing. Yes, it's for Israel, but the church we share in the promises, right?
We're grafted into. So Jesus comes back at the end of the tribulation tribulation is chapter six through 18 chapter 19
Jesus comes back. The kingdom is set up in chapter 20 during that time, the kingdom
Satan is bound in the bottomless pit for a thousand years at the end of the 1000 year kingdom of God, the millennium
Satan is released from his prison, the bottomless pit. He goes and stirs up one final rebellion at the end of history, which is immediately put down, it's crushed.
And then Satan is cast into the lake of fire, him, the beast and the false prophet, the antichrist there in the lake of fire.
Then there's the final great white throne judgment. All unbelievers are cast into the lake of fire and then eternity begins.
So in revelation 21 and 22, you have the new heaven and new earth. So it's all very, very clear.
The church is raptured, taken to heaven and revelation chapter four, the tribulation begins chapter six through 18.
Jesus comes back chapter 19. The kingdom is set up in chapter 20. You have the new heaven and the new earth chapters 21 and 22.
And that is when actually it's during the millennium chapter 20. That's when God's will is done on earth as it is currently being done in heaven.
So church, I'm just saying, be encouraged, be hopeful because this prayer that we're praying every
Sunday will be fulfilled. All the craziness in the world right now. Once all these things, these end time events start happening,
Jesus is going to deal with all of it. So be encouraged. Christ is coming back to deliver his people.
He will write every wrong and we have eternity with God and with one another to look forward to.
So that's a message of hope and I hope that encourages you for today.