Had a Moment of Panic About My Content

AD Robles iconAD Robles


please let me know if you want to hear more about this topic.


This morning, when I was exercising, a lot of times when I exercise,
I'll have weird thoughts. But I had a thought that I was kind of taken aback on the inside and kind of had a moment of horror because I don't want you guys to get the wrong idea about my content and what
I'm doing with this content. Because I think there's a false idea in our culture that kind of says, look, if we could only implant the right ideas into people's minds, and we could all kind of agree on these basic principles, and we all have these right ideas, and we all implement these exact kind of laws, then everything's gonna be fine in the end.
Like, it's a war of ideas. And you might get that impression from my content because I deal with ideas.
I think ideas are important, don't get me wrong. We have to have the right ideas about God and about ourselves and about others to do the right things, right?
Ideas are not unimportant. But that's not how social change happens. I wanna make sure that this is abundantly clear in my content.
Social change does not happen when you get the right mix of ideas taught in the school. Social change does not happen when the right
YouTube channels gain a certain kind of critical mass of following. No, it's actually about ethics.
So this is one thing the ERLC has right. I mean, they've got a lot wrong, but they've got this right that really how social change happens in society, in the world, in our society, is through morality, through ethics.
Like, it's a matter of covenant keeping or covenant breaking. If you want blessings, if you want the United States to thrive, you want the
United States to be great again, then we need to start keeping that covenant. We need to start keeping it individually and also corporately.
We need to start obeying Christ. That's essentially what I'm talking about here. If you want bad things to happen, if you want those covenant curses in Deuteronomy 28, then don't do what
God says, don't obey Christ. And this applies to, again, this applies to your own personal life, your own individual, you know, families and stuff like that, but also our corporate life as a country, as a nation.
And so that to me, like that's really what I want to make sure to emphasize. Like, yes, we have to have the right ideas.
We have to know who God is and who we are and what God says, but ultimately we have to obey that law in order to get those blessings.
This is something that comes right out of John Calvin. And this is something that, this is what the Puritans wanted to implement here.
And unfortunately that, you know, we didn't keep that covenant for very long after that.
But I just wanted to make, if you want to hear more about this, shoot me a message or comment or retweet this and I'll do like an expanded video on this.