Cindy Jacobs' Inadvertent Admission that She is a False Prophet


Chris Rosebrough of Fighting for the Faith ( examines Cindy Jacobs' Inadvertent Admission that She & the Apostolic Council of Prophet Elders are False Prophets


Cindy Jacobs is one of the premier teachers within what's called the New Apostolic Reformation and this belief that They are going to literally take over the world it's their job to Basically make it so that Christ come it can come back
He can't until they've taken over the world with their seven mountain mandate and all that kind of stuff So anyway with that, let's talk about what we're gonna do with this update here.
Okay, so Mm -hmm. If you're not aware of this Cindy Jacobs has a
Yeah, I don't know if you want a Television program she does I don't know where it airs exactly except for the
Internet and the name the name of the program is called God knows Sometimes sometimes they just do you so many favors when you know themselves anyway
Yeah, I mean seriously Cindy Jacobs with a television set entitled God knows so Well, God knows what it is that we're gonna be hearing today
But what I find interesting as I was listening to this in preparation for the program today is that she is so Biblically illiterate that she doesn't even recognize the fact that during her conversation about Past prophecies in this
Apostolic Council of prophetic elders and stuff like that that she Unwittingly proves herself to be a false prophet by the biblical standard.
No joke Absolutely, no joke, but I want to play this for you and I'll put in the biblical teaching, you know along the way
So that you can kind of get what I'm talking about. But here is Cindy Jacobs and her husband discussing this
What they're calling an Apostolic Council of prophetic elders and their recent meeting to discuss
What we need to do to prepare for the challenging times ahead because all of these the members of the
Apostolic Council of prophetic Elders have deemed that the well, there's challenging times ahead.
Yeah, listen in This is gonna be a very important show always, you know, because people know that's her husband
Mike co -hosting with her God knows and they say well, what is the Lord gonna say for the next year?
What does he? Want us to prepare for and the good news is that we have just spent several days with 38 respected prophetic voices who respects them as prophetic voices some are actually international and in Knowledge and fathers to the prophetic movement because the
Apostolic Council prophetic elders ACP we've been meeting as a group since 1999 and Mike this is like Bishop Bill Hammond James God This is like a star -studded cast of some of the worst heretics out there
James Gaul It hangs out in the Patricia King gang that she required. Oh, man,
Dutch sheets again heretic writings from Israel black from England Stacey Campbell from Stacey Campbell heretic
She Stacey Campbell was one of the the gals who was there to install Todd Bentley in his prophetic
Office before he went off the rails, but okay Canada, you know and I apologize if I don't name all their names
But many we wouldn't have time for a program if we write many many respected prophets And so what we do is we've been kind I don't respect any of them or see them as prophets
There's no reason for me to believe that they are I mean together yearly and we seek the Lord and we bring what we
Individually know together and what we've heard from the Holy Spirit and then we make a compilation and we have what we call an axe 13
Antioch word at So you call it an axe 13
Antioch word Unbelievable Antioch there were prophets and teachers meeting together and the
Holy Spirit spoke to them to separate out unto them Barnabas and Saul Yes, any of that was very important That's one of the most critical factors of the the whole
Apostolic Council because as you know, they're different prophetic streams Maybe you don't know there are different prophetic streams out there really where does the
Bible talk about all these different prophetic streams? I'm not familiar with this teaching from Scripture and there's a tendency for each prophetic stream to hear
Here's something from God and it's true what they're hearing, but it's not everything God's saying
It's not the whole complete picture And so what we found and one of the reasons that we found a
CPE to be so valuable is when we all come together Just as they did at Antioch when we all come together the no, no
What's recorded in Acts 13 is not the coming together of different prophetic streams that text doesn't say that at all
Lord takes what we all have as our own pieces and he puts together something that's much more
Comprehensive and understandable because that way you don't have different prophetic streams Speaking what they hear as if it were the the total of what
God is saying which causes confusion Yeah, and in fact Every prophet prophesies in part and you have different kinds you have seers.
We have some of the groups that are more visionary It's very Multi -ethnic as well and we each come and we hear according to our giftings and then we put it together
So we can't possibly tell them I can this show You know all we heard in those, you know, two and a half days that we spent together
But you know Peter Wagner is there with us Man Peter another heretic, it's an apostolic view, which is always very helpful.
Yeah, he claims he Peter Wagner claimed to have been at one point an apostle That automatically makes him a heretic.
There are no living Apostles today and so then we distill this and we bring it together and Hear from the
Holy Spirit from the Latino community the african -american community Asian and so forth and it's a really good good
Sound council. Okay. Now I'm gonna stop right there. We're gonna take a look at the what the
Bible teaches regarding Prophets. Okay, we're gonna look at several different passages to kind of you know, weave this all together, but the
Bible itself Gives you the ability to test whether or not somebody is a true prophet or a false prophet
Okay The understanding is this is that God the Holy Spirit can whenever he wants
Speak to whomever he wants to reveal whatever he wants to do. You can't say to the
Holy Spirit No, you can't speak to somebody. Okay, you know God the Holy Spirit can do what God the Holy Spirit wants to do when he
Wants to do it. He's God. We're not but God himself has given us tests. So here's the deal anybody who claims to be receiving direct revelation from God well
According to the biblical mandate we got a test him that means you got I you got to separate them number one
Okay, you don't let somebody speak prophetically Until they've been tested.
Okay, because you don't want somebody who's teaching a false prophecy To you know have basically, you know say thus saith the
Lord when the Lord hasn't thus saith So anyone claiming to be a prophet automatically you got a quarantine them and then you got a test him
Yeah, got a test him. You got a test him You got a test him and they've got to meet up with the biblical standard for a prophet and if they fail in one point
They are not a true prophet end of story They're not to be listened to they're to be rejected as false prophets.
Okay now Deuteronomy chapter 13 verse 1 we're gonna take a look at one of these tests
Deuteronomy chapter 13 verse 1 says this if a prophet or a dreamer of dreams arises among you and gives you a sign or a wonder and the sign or wonder that he tells you comes to pass and If he says let us go after other gods, which you have not known and let us serve them
You shall Not listen to the words of that prophet or that dreamer of dreams
For the Lord your God is testing you to know whether you love the Lord your God with all your heart with all your and with all your soul so if a prophet arises and they say something that's gonna happen and it happens or they perform a
Wonder or a miracle and it happens and they're teaching you falsely about God You're not to listen to them for instance, okay, we just heard the the
Benediction at Obama's inauguration by the the dr. Reverend Louise Leon, okay clear he doesn't believe in the
God of the Bible the God he believes in is a God who you know has certain details are carefully made to look biblical
But there's other details that are not right. He actually believes in an idol Okay, so if the reverend, dr
Louise Leon were to get up and perform a miracle and prophetically utter something and it came to pass or he performed the miracle, right?
You are to reject him as a false prophet why because the details about the
God he's proclaiming matter Okay, let us serve a God that you don't know Well, I only serve and worship the
God who's revealed in Scripture And if you're if the details about your God don't match up with the
God of the Bible We're not worshiping the same God Okay, you're in fact if you're the details of your
God don't square with Scripture You're worshiping an idol of your own making doesn't matter if you've
Cut out cut down a log of not and turned it into a tiki that you bow down to you know Most idolaters nowadays are far too lazy back in the old day old -school idolaters
At least they had the gumption to you know Do some hard work and actually make the God they they created in their mind into something
You know at least so show some craftsmanship and their idolatry nowadays We just you know, we are very abstract in our thinking and as a result of it
We you know people have idols But they are just way too lazy to actually go out and cut down a tree and turn it into a tiki that they bow
Down to so they just prefer to do the couch potato version of it But the problem is is that their eye their their
God is an idol nonetheless. Okay, let me give you another test here Deuteronomy 18 verse 15 the
Lord your God This is this is a very important part here the Lord your God will raise up for you a prophet like me
Like this is Moses from among you from your brothers. It is to him. You shall listen
This is a prophecy regarding Jesus Just as you desired of the Lord your God at Horeb on the day of the assembly when you said let me not
Hear again the voice of the Lord my God or see that great fire any more lest I die and the
Lord said to me they are right in what they have spoken I will raise up for them a prophet like you from among their brothers and I will put my words in his mouth and he shall
Speak to them all that I command him and whoever will not listen to my words that he shall speak in my name
I myself were required of him Okay, pause there for a second. Okay, so in this coming second test here in Deuteronomy There's a there's a kind of a preamble to it and that's this the one you're supposed to be listening to is
Jesus because he's the fulfillment of this prophecy by Moses Okay, and this kind of folds very nicely with Revelation chapter 19 verse 10
Which basically says this okay, and here's then I fell down at his feet This is the angel to worship the angel, but he said to me you must not do that I am a fellow servant with you and your brothers who hold the testimony of Jesus worship
God for the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy see
Revelation 1910 this angel makes it very clear that the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy True prophets are not going to point you to themselves.
They're gonna point you to Christ that's who they're gonna point you to and they're gonna point you to what he really has said and what has
Really been revealed. They're not gonna point you to themselves or to angels or other entities or Abstract concepts like the glory or anything like that.
They're going to point you to Christ because according to Revelation 1910 This testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy and that I think is what's going on here in Deuteronomy chapter 18
Verses 15 through 19 this idea that the you know, okay The God's gonna raise up a prophet like Moses and were to listen to him
That's who were to be listening to now. Here's this. Here's the next test Okay, verse 20 of back back to Deuteronomy 18 verse 20
Here's what says but the prophet who presumes to speak a word in my name That's what says presumes to speak a word in my name that I have not commanded him to speak or Who speaks in the name of other gods that same prophet shall die and if you say in your heart
Well, how may we know that the word of the Lord that the that the the Lord has not spoken?
Here it is when a prophet speaks in the name of the Lord if the word does not come to pass
Or come true. That is a word. The Lord has not spoken The prophet has spoken presumptuously you need not be afraid of him
Okay the biblical standard for all prophets
When it comes to their predictions is not 50 % It's not 60 %
It's not 70 % 75 or 80 % or even 90 % or 95 %
It's 100 % Accuracy God himself makes it clear if a prophet comes along saying that Sutton such and such a thing is gonna happen
And it does doesn't happen They are not a true prophet. God has not spoken to them
In fact, they're only presuming that God has spoken to them and you don't have to fear that person
End of story and this makes perfect sense Why because here's the deal when a prophet speaks they're not speaking their own words they're claiming to speak with the very authority of God and If God has spoken to that prophet
You must must obey because the authority doesn't reside in the prophet
It is God himself who's doing the speaking? Okay, or as dr Duncan put it so wonderfully last week on fighting for the faith
You know when somebody claims to have a vision from God, well, that's the 13th commandment now
You've got to obey it because that you know, that's God who's speaking right? But here's the deal
If they're saying that this sign or this wonder or this prediction or you know God told me this is going to happen and that doesn't happen
God didn't tell them that did he of course he didn't and they didn't hear wrong
They didn't hear from God at all God doesn't stutter and God doesn't lie if God says such and such a thing is going to take place.
That thing is gonna take place End of story and if it doesn't take place
Then the person claiming to have received the prophetic utterance of the Lord Didn't hear the prophetic utterance of the war of the
Lord And if they have a proclivity for not getting it right or only getting it 60 70 or 80 percent of right, you know, whatever
They're not a true prophet. They're not really hearing from the Lord because God wants you to be certain of his word
So if somebody comes along teaching false doctrine, you know, basically teaching a false
God Doesn't matter if they're a hundred percent accurate or not. They're teaching they're they're not a true prophet
That's Deuteronomy 13 makes clear Deuteronomy 18 also makes it clear that if someone doesn't get 100 % accuracy on their
Predictions, they're not a true prophet. They're a false prophet. You're not to listen to them
End of story. Okay. These are the two primary tests of a prophet and if a prophet isn't truly a prophet
They are going to have sound doctrine Proclaim the real Jesus and they're the testimony of their prophecy is going to point you to Christ not to yourself and Or to them.
Okay, and Everything they say is that is gonna take places. It actually is gonna happen It's gonna happen because it is not them speaking
It's them speaking in on behalf of a message that God has asked them to deliver got it
So now we're gonna see whether or not Cindy Jacobs is a true prophet or if she's a false prophet
And she's going to tell us this using her own words Let's listen a little bit more and so over the next few programs
Which will take us, you know way some into the new year But we're going to be telling you
What God spoke to us and the reason we couldn't get it out sooner is that we at the time we meet in the year
It takes a little while to distill it and get it out to you program Well, you know one of the things that's important also for our viewers to know
Cindy is that God speaks in seasons He doesn't just do calendar years 12 -month calendar year.
So when people say, oh what's gonna happen this year? It's it's really more difficult to prophesy in a calendar year
Than it is to understand that there are why would it be difficult for God to speak in a calendar year?
I? Mean serious Is I know that God's not bound by years and yes biblically there's times when
God talks and gives prophecies through his prophets for particular Seasons no problem with that but if God were to say listen in May of the year 2016 a tsunami is gonna strike
XYZ town and you know somewhere at this particular ocean or whatever God can get
God can get very specific with his prophecies He can get specific down to the very year or month or week
God is capable of doing that. So I find that already we've got a problem and that is is that you'll notice that Mike Jacobs here is
Throwing a little bit of dust up You know The idea is you kick a little dust or turn on the smoke machine just a little bit in order to fog things up So that they are not required to give accurate
Specific prophecies. Let me back that up again. Listen to what he's saying and you know again It just doesn't make any sense biblically listen, so over the next few programs, which will take us
You know way some into the new year But we're going to be telling you what
God spoke to us And the reason we can get it out sooner is that we at the time we meet in the year
It takes a little while to distill it and get it out to you program Well, you know one of the things that's important also for our viewers to know
Cindy is that God speaks in seasons He doesn't just do calendar years 12 month calendar year
So when people say oh what's gonna happen this year, it's it's really more difficult to prophesy in a calendar year
Than it is to get listen to the wordy. It's more difficult to prophesy in a calendar year
Prophets Being a prophet is as simple as listening. There is nothing difficult to being a prophet
You hear what God's God said and you speak what he told you to say and don't add anything to it
Don't subtract there's no difficulty involved you getting understand that there are seasons that God has for example one of the things that That we looked at this year as we met was that the word that the collective word or understanding that was given for 2012
Seem to be being reiterated again like this what God said last year is still a a
Trend God speaks in trends many times and that trend is continuing now It got stronger.
In fact, and as we know if for 2013 we believe that some of the trends that were spoken of by God in the season for 2012 or beginning in 2012 are continuing into 2013 and even intensifying and if we go back to the very first time now
There was a time when we had our very first meeting in 1999 it was late in the year and those of you who are old enough will recall
Everyone was concerned about what they called y2k. In other words, they thought they're going to be these massive computer crashes
It was going to be very disruptive to people. There was a lot of fear about people trying to prepare right because in the year 2000 the computers were not
Programmed where they could handle that and thought everyone thought everything that relies on a computer is gonna crash Elevators will stop and then they just went on and on with all these
These difficult scenarios and so obviously as we met for the first time one of the topics was
What's gonna happen as it relates to y2k and if you'll recall Cindy the prophets did didn't dismiss it
They said actually that you know, there may be some things that happen from this some disruptions that happen from this
So people should number one not be afraid you remember that do not be afraid Secondly that there were some things that were worse that were coming
But the third thing that even we hear maybe is a theme now is During times of disruption the body of Christ should be prepared.
Okay. Now notice what he just said that when the Apostolic Council of prophetic elders met in the 90s late 90s to discuss y2k
God didn't say listen, it's gonna be a total non event. In fact, not only will it be a non event
It's gonna be a non event the likes of well the the Mayan calendar coming to a close.
It's gonna be that silly It's gonna be such a non event No, if according to Mike the
Apostolic Council of prophetic elders Well, let's listen again to what he said that they said so that you can hear for yourself and see if this pans out with What the reality was regarding y2k
First time now there was a time when we had our very first meeting in 1999 it was late in the year and those of you who are old enough will recall
Everyone was concerned about what they called y2k. In other words, they thought they're gonna be these massive computer crashes
It was gonna be very disruptive to people. There was a lot of fear about people trying to prepare right because in the year 2000 the computers were not
Programmed where they could handle that and thought everyone thought everything that relies on a computer is gonna crash
Elevators will stop and then they just went on and on with all these These difficult scenarios and so obviously as we met for the first time one of the topics was what's gonna happen as it relates
To y2k and if you'll recall Cindy the prophets did didn't dismiss it
They said actually that you know, there may be some things that happen from this some disruptions that happen from this some disruptions
They didn't dismiss it Don't you think if they were really? hearing from God That they would have dismissed it because as y2k panned out it panned out to be a completely nothing
Absolutely a non -event what disruptions were there according to Mike Jacobs?
The with the first meeting of the Apostolic Council of prophetic elders in 1999 Yielded a word from God that well
Was false. There were no disruptions. So what's their Explanation for this.
Let's listen a little bit more So people should number one not be afraid you remember that do not be afraid
Secondly that there were some things that were worse that were coming But the third thing that even we hear maybe is it worse than y2k?
Listen I have a hangnail right now and my I have a finger that's infected my infected hangnail is more problematic than y2k was
Okay, because y2k Was a non -event there Thing now is during times of disruption the body of Christ should be prepared.
You should be laying up provisions not hoarding Not not, you know because Joseph laid up provisions for in Egypt But to lay up provisions so that if there is a disruption
There is a place for people to turn not if there is a disruption You don't sound very sure here
Is there gonna be one or not? Don't you think God knows? He's capable of revealing it to don't you think only your local church or your family?
But even your community and so we could say that that theme is a theme even for today
Yes In fact, you know when I meet as I chair the prophetic roundtable every year
I go back and I will pull out the prophecy from the year before Because if we're prophets and we need to look and see if we got it, right
If we didn't did not get it, right. We need to go back and correct it Did you hear what she so if she chairs this prophetic roundtable at the
Apostolic Council of Prophetic Elders and she Pulls out the prophecy from the year past and if they didn't get it, right they have to correct it
She just admitted that she is a false prophet the biblical requirement for a prophet is 100 %
Accuracy you can know that you're not hearing from God when something they've predicted
Doesn't come to pass so Cindy Jacobs here has just Confessed to being a false prophet by the standard laid out in Deuteronomy chapter 18
Back this up just a smidge. Yes In fact, you know when I meet as I chair the prophetic roundtable every year
I go back and I will pull out the prophecy from the year before Because if we're prophets and we need to look and see if we got it, right
If we didn't did not get it, right. We need to go back and correct it Again, if you're hearing from God, there's no reason for you to not get it, right?
so just as a matter, of course, I've done this and We talk about economies that will shake of course
I don't think you had to be a prophet to know that but the scriptures That everything that could can be shaken will be shaken and that certainly happened then we quoted
Hebrews 12 27 to 29 we received a Kingdom that cannot be shaken and one other thing that we gave that was very interesting
Is we said that we need to be prepared for crisis? crisis preparedness last year and this so the prophets who've already proven themselves by their own admission to be
False prophets are telling us that we need to be prepared for a crisis You know when
I lived in Southern, California This was constantly the message because you never know when that eight deal that San Andreas fault was gonna go off yeah, it's a good idea to be prepared for a crisis, but I don't need a false prophet
Confessed false prophet to tell me that sure. Yes. Yeah. Well and even back in 1999 now, here's the explanation
I was referring to earlier. Okay, we're going back to 1999 So the first meeting of the
Apostolic Council of prophetic elders, they God the Holy Spirit didn't dismiss
The y2k event but told people to be prepared for a crisis that never happened
Oh and that there'd be worse things that coming but there was nothing that happened at y2k at all
So yeah, I mean just like I said, my hangnail is worse than y2k So what's your explanation for this listening?
Yes Well, if you think about even 1999 Mike when and we y2k rolled around and we had said it's okay
If you want to heap up some kind of emergency provision, so the prophets at that time said it's okay if you want to heap up emergency provisions
Which turns out to be a complete waste right? Well when 9 -11 came, oh yeah, see cuz
I mean just a a year and nine months later 9 -11 happened you see
I mean what could have happened was people could have prepared Yeah, yeah, see cuz everybody knows that after 9 -11
There was no food in the grocery stores And that there was rioting in the streets and and there were people being shot in bread lines
And there was no drinkable water anywhere You notice the sarcasm none of that happened either so what was their explanation
God the Holy Spirit said it's it's okay If you want to store up supplies for a bad day, you know, that's coming.
It didn't happen at y2k It was a complete nine a non -event. So now she's saying well, maybe it was
God the Holy Spirit preparing people for 9 -11 But when 9 -11 happened there was no food shortages no water shortages or anything of the sort by her own admission and By Mike Jacobs own admission
They are nothing less than false Prophets and according to Scripture and let me read it again
Deuteronomy 18 verse 20 But the prophet who presumes to speak a word in my name
That I have not commanded him to speak or her and her kit in her case Who speaks in the name of other gods that same prophet shall die and if you say in your heart?
Well, how may we know that the word that the Lord has not spoken when a prophet? Speaks in the name of the
Lord if the word does not come to pass or come true That is a word that the
Lord has not spoken. The prophet has spoken presumptuously you need not be afraid of him and When did this first false prophecy occur by the
Apostolic Council of prophetic elders? answer the very First year that the
Apostolic Council of prophetic elders met they issued false prophecies
So what does that tell us about the Apostolic Council of prophetic elders it needs to be renamed to the the the non -apostolic
Council of false prophetic elders is what their name needs to be changed to because That's what they are
They're all false prophets by Mike and Cindy Jacobs own admission and confession on the air on their own
TV show entitled God knows All right, we're up on our second break when we come back
We're gonna be listening to a couple of very good sermons that point us to Christ preach the gospel Correctly give us law and gospel in the right categories for the right reasons.
Don't want to miss it We'll be right back if you like to email me regarding anything You've heard on this edition email address talk back at fighting for the faith comm facebook is facebook .com
forward slash pirate Christian Twitter at pirate Christian Stay tuned some of you on the other side of the break.
We'll be right back Because only good theology leads people to heaven you're listening to fighting for the faith
Enough of the sissy pansy cannon for the written music you have the audacity to call worship
Men put this entire girly praise bed in the boo box That's wheel in the organ and get some real worship music underway