The AND Campaign is The Leadership We Deserve

AD Robles iconAD Robles


It's a campaign for the malakoi. A movement for the wimps. A statement for the beta. Grow a pair. Excerpt from AD on FLF Network - "The Father of Lies"


I was thinking about whether or not I should do a whole video about this, but I don't know. I don't think
I should. This was, I found this, this is a statement on social justice, essentially, from the other side.
So, you know, it's about the 2020 presidential election. It's from an organization called the AND Campaign, which pretends like it's sort of like this impartial sort of nonpartisan group, but really it's, this is
Democratic Talking Points. This statement is a disaster. I mean, the best way to describe this statement, you read it for yourself, go ahead to the
AND Campaign, read it for yourself, but this is just a mishmash of weasel words. There's weasel words all over this thing.
It's awful. And you could just go through it and essentially, except for one thing, it's just Democratic Talking Points.
Democrats, Democrats, Democrats, except for one thing, okay, one thing, and even that is a lie.
It's an absolute lie. It does, it's, it's, it's, it's doing the same thing that, that, that, that the egalitarians are doing.
It's not going all the way, but they might as well go all the way because it's the same fundamental lie.
I want you to read this vile, disgusting filth from the, from the
AND Campaign statement on social justice for the 2020 campaign of election. And I guess the beauty, by the way, this makes a fool out of you because here's a statement that you said that there was no social justice movement because we don't have a state.
Well, here's a statement. This is the section on health care and abortion. I want you to hear this.
Okay. I want you to hear this. First of all, think about all the weasel words, and then I want you to see if you can identify the lie.
I mean, there's a lot of lies here, but, but here we go. Says this, we believe in building a society that respects human dignity at all stages of life, including the unborn.
This includes accessible and affordable health care for everyone. Americans should not go bankrupt because they get sick or die because they get sick or die because their medication is exorbitantly expensive.
This includes policies that support maternal health and address our nation's high rate of maternal mortality, especially among black and native
American women. It includes vigilant prosecution of pregnancy discrimination in education and in the workplace.
It is essential that the sanctity of human life at every stage, in particular, the womb is defended vigorously.
Abortion is a tragedy, not a social good. That should be vehemently discouraged rather than promoted.
On first blush, you might be like, well, that sounds pretty good. That sounds pretty good.
But where's the lie here? Where's the lie? Because the culture,
Satan is telling us, well, there's really nothing special about creation. Therefore, you can kill your kid in the womb, right?
You can kill your kid in the womb. So that's the big lie. That's, that's the one that should be obvious that the fact that it's not obvious means that we're under judgment by God.
He's made us stupid. God has made us evil and stupid, but, but, but, but listen to this.
Abortion should be discouraged. Let me give them their credit vehemently discouraged.
So it should be, you know, vigorously discouraged rather than promoted. Would they say this on any other topic?
You know, rape isn't a social good and we should really vehemently discourage men from raping instead of promoting it.
You know, you know, you know, shooting black and unarmed black men, it should be discouraged.
You see, this is the wimpy, limp -wristed, effeminate, you know, just sort of awful leadership that we have been given.
This is exactly what we deserve as a nation. People that are so limp -wristed, they cannot say that abortion is murder and should be treated as such.
It should be criminalized and anyone who accomplishes or procures an abortion should be executed because they are killing an image bearer of God.
Because my sons know that God created men, male and female, after his own image.
God created man, male and female, after his own image. That includes the unborn. And so when you say that killing the unborn should be just discouraged, it is just like saying, if I were to say, you know,
I know white officers shoot black, unarmed black men at ridiculous rates, and we should just discourage that rather than promote it.
You're out of your mind. You're out of your mind. So you're not going all the way, and I'm grateful you're not going all the way and promoting abortion, but this is not enough.
Grow a pair and stand for truth. You see, here's the thing, in a nation full of lies, as Christians, what we need to do is to believe the truth and the truth is in the scripture.
You see, none of this, there's so much here that's just gobbledygook. And I mean, obviously this is just a statement, so there's not going to be scripture here, but we could take this point by point, we could take it apart with the scripture because the truth of scripture is clear and it doesn't take prisoners and it's no holds barred and there's no compromise with it.
Let God be true though everyone were a liar. The truth of scripture is what matters.
And so when, if you want to be able to discern the lies and resist the lies, then you need to believe the truth of God.