Big Eva Finally Figures Out How To Shut Up For a Second

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Yes I know there have been 'some' good takes from Big Eva. Im glad for that. Nevertheless.


All right, well, I gotta be honest, I was not gonna do a video today. I was just gonna go fishing instead I've been using these power bait mice tails and I don't know why this is a very weird looking lure as you can see
There's different colors. It's kind of got like a pink bubblegum sort of rubber worm thing here and then like a white
Salmon egg type thing here It looks weird, but trout are going crazy for this
I've caught probably maybe almost 20 trout on these in just the last few days in any case
This is a little yellow perch almost the same size as the lure I thought it was a funny picture
But I was just gonna go fishing and then I saw this supreme court thing and I was like, well I guess I gotta do a video about that Because you know, it's some big news
I mean i'm a little bit skeptical But I can't tell like if i'm just skeptical because I don't trust any of our government institutions at all like in any way
Uh, or if it's really Like legitimate to be skeptical. I think there's something afoot
But you know, I I don't want to make any pronouncements on that. I think i'll just enjoy the day for what it is um but then you know, so but you know my content's about big eva primarily so like I was gonna wait until to get some
Juicy big eva reactions and then i'd do a video. That's what I figured um, but then
I just went fishing instead because There really hasn't been much of a reaction. It's been really
Really weird. This is a fish I caught by the way this morning because I didn't have to do a video Look how beautiful this is.
It's like a this is a brook trout and it's like a golden color It's got little red dots on it.
And then the fins look at the fins It's like this red fin with kind of a black and white tip. I mean, man, this is such an awesome fish in any case um, but yeah, the the big eva reaction
Has been so weird like it's it's amazing like like you remember the covington kid thing and it's like that little white kid, you know kind of looks like a
You know, he kind of looks like a punk, you know what I mean? But he smiles at a at a native american who's just you know chanting gibberish to the demons to him
He smiled the white kid smiles at him and like every big eva person's on it. They're typing away
Oh my goodness, this racism must be condemned it's like they were all over it They got out of bed quick on that one
But then this monumental news and like it's like they got to think through how to react to this It's very very weird
I did see a couple of reactions and i've seen most of the reactions i've seen have come from like uber Progressives and they're they're upset because they don't have their blood right anymore
I mean, it's it's it's so ridiculous. I've seen a bunch of jews that have said oh my goodness I can't practice judaism anymore because judaism requires me to kill my kid
If my life is in any way threatened or hurt or or or in danger or you know
I'm inconvenienced and judaism demands that I kill the baby and it's like no no, that's actually mulloch worship
That's mulloch worship I guess Uh, the jews are still trying to combine the worship of yahweh with the worship of mulloch
In some things never change, right? I mean, I guess this is nothing new under the sun So yeah, they're freaking out that's synagogue of satan stuff.
That's that's some pretty demonic stuff You know, but i've seen some, you know progressive christians that are like oh white people white men are coming for the black people again
Here it is another example and it's like man. This is very very weird take but you know, you expect that they're progressives
But uh, but then kind of like the progressives that are like still pretending to be like theologically accurate
They're mostly talking about how we're not womb to tomb. So we're not Uh consistent, you know, we're total hypocrites because we're not socialists
So you see you can't it's not enough to just not want it to be okay to kill babies you have to also be a socialist to be truly pro -life and it's like it's just so weird because like It's like I love babe.
I love babies because they're made in the image of god I don't want them to be able to be killed with impunity and I also don't want them to be born into a unpayable debt that will never be repaid just because we wanted to do some government programs like You can do both.
I don't want I don't want babies to be killed or stolen from Or sold into slavery, I got you know, that's just me.
I mean, I don't know in any case But I you know, so there's really not much of a reaction to do a video
Maybe tomorrow I got guys like I don't know. I mean if they don't give me the content, what can I do? Uh, but I did uh,
I did want to commend Andrew Walker again, man Like this guy, I don't I don't know what it is
But this guy has just been on fire lately and I gotta say god be with you brother Uh, this guy works for al moeller this guy is a big eva guy.
He's he's part of gospel coalition Well, I don't know if he's part of it, but he's published by them sometimes and you know
He's he's in with all the players and he's just been I don't want to say base because I don't like saying words like that um, but he's been kind of based so andrew like Let me commend you listen to this listen to this lucid and direct and just Delightful, you know tone in my opinion.
This is my opinion right tone is very subjective Andrew t walker man, dude's killing it lately and i'm i'm not
I know you might think i'm being you know sarcastic I'm not i'm like i'm in support of this like reality.
I am in reality in support of this. Listen to andrew t walker The deranged reaction from the left to the supreme court leak
Explains the sacramental like obsession that abortion has in holding together the entire project of progressivism
You're not just seeing a revolt against a ruling but the shrieks of an ideology being undone brother brother walker well said it's it's it's insane like The amount of times religious language gets used to talk about this issue
It and they just they don't do it intentionally it just comes out like I saw a guy that said that we
Emergency because you know, we thought that these rights were written. These laws were written in stone But you know, we got to make sure to protect him.
It's like, you know written in stone That's actually a that's that's talking about the ten commandments where god writes the law into stone
And it's like these pagans are like no No, that's us our god did that and they're they're they're cutting themselves crying out the mulloch and stuff like that And they're just finding out that you know, their god is actually capricious their god is actually um
Not god their god can't write something in stone It's only the word of the lord that endures forever and their victories though.
They've been many lately. They're Temporary they're temporary god is in uh charge god is on his throne
He who sits in the heavens Laughs at all of this insanity, I mean he sees these these these these these these people commenting from the synagogue of satan about how
This blood right is required for judaism And he looks at that and he holds them in derision and he will crush those people under his feet unless they repent and god, uh god willing many of these people will repent and will wake up from this
Uh demonic stupor that that has been imposed on them. I I really hope that that is uh the case
But if they don't repent, um, I hope they perish in disgrace. It's just that simple um
And it's you know, but and then there's of course then there's like the pietist, right? So like the very first comment to this andrew, by the way, andrew good job brother
And if there's anything ever anything I can do for you, uh, let me know I will be praying for you because you can't
Uh stay in big eve along with takes like this it doesn't work that way they're going to come for you
And when they do i'll get your back brother, but anyway, we got oh this seems uncharitable
This is uncharitable people are upset because they see the ruling as significantly damaging to women think it's as simple as that and it's like you know
This very lucid take on the religious nature of this thing and jay's like no No, they're just very upset because they're pro -women and it's like man like, you know, a lot of these pietist, you know conservatives
Uh, and and like the liberal kinds of christians like the only emotion that people can have uh, and it's legitimate
It's either like fear or worry or concern or sadness But it can never be like a joy in pointing out that the false gods of the nations are all falling there there never can be a you know, a
A prophet saying yeah, you know, maybe you should cry a little louder because your god's on the toilet Maybe he's out there, you know relieving himself
There's no there's never any room for any joy that the that the gods of the nations are false idols
They can't hear they can't talk. They can't do anything. They definitely can't write law and um We ought to take we ought to rejoice in that kind of stuff
There's there's almost like a temptation that you can never rejoice in the in the stopping of wickedness
You just have to be sad about it You have to be sad that that the wicked are sad that they can't do their wickedness anymore
Look if my enemy, you know, some kind of disaster happens to his family and he's my enemy I shouldn't rejoice about that, right?
Obviously, I shouldn't rejoice that something happened to my my enemy's family But if my enemy is sad or angry or furious or freaking out, you know in in total fear
Because he doesn't he doesn't get to do his evil deeds with impunity anymore. Um I better rejoice about that I better rejoice about that because that's a good thing that my
My enemy my wicked enemy can't do his wicked deeds with impunity anymore because god is bringing perfect justice
Uh, and so i'm uh, i'm looking forward to to more Uh more of god's mercy more of god's justice, uh falling down upon this nation and I don't think this is going to be
Uh very pretty, uh, but but i'll tell you right now Um, this is definitely a good step at least allegedly
In the right direction and again, i'm kind of waiting for the other shoe to drop here because I don't trust any of this
Um, but at least for the moment We can rejoice in all of that kind of thing um, but man, it's just very weird big evil is just uh, it's just silent
It's bizarre. I saw john harris comment on this as well like Like guys, I had a whole thing planned
I was gonna I was gonna pull up those weird takes from big eva the the sort of like, you know I expected a lot of the womb to tomb stuff.
I expected some of your we haven't won the right way I mean, I did see karen swallow prior say something about trump or whatever.
I don't know. I mean who cares? but um But in any case, uh, maybe tomorrow maybe tomorrow
Maybe maybe a day is enough for big eva to get the memo from george soros on how they're allowed to react
I don't see me. I don't know. I mean, maybe george is uh, george got some other things other fish to fry I mean, there's a lot going on right now.
So maybe he didn't get that memo out to me Well, you know, I saw somebody say that that george soros probably waits to send the memo to the evangelicals last
Because he knows they'll wait In any case god bless you.