The Apostle John
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Apostle of the Week: John, the brother of James, son of Zebedee
-Recommended Resource: Twelve Ordinary Men by John MacArthur
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- The Apostle we're going to be looking at this Sunday is the Apostle John. John is one of the most prominent disciples of Christ.
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- He wrote five New Testament books, including the Gospel of John, the
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- Epistles of 1st, 2nd, and 3rd John, and finally the book of Revelation.
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- John, in his Gospel, refers to himself as what? The disciple whom
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- Jesus loved. And he is often referred to that way in history. People have called him the
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- Apostle of Love. Unfortunately, though, during the Renaissance era, starting with Leonardo da
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- Vinci, he painted the Apostle John in his famous work, The Last Supper.
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- He painted John intentionally to look like a woman. And even now, if you search the
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- Apostle John online, all sorts of images appear of feminine looking men, and probably women.
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- And that's just the way they depict him. So I'll say it again based on 1st
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- Corinthians chapter 11. Not only did Jesus not have long hair, John didn't look like that either.
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- Okay, so John was not like that. He was not effeminate as they portray him in Hollywood and pop culture.
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- Far from it. John was a fisherman. He had a bit of a temper. And as I shared last time, him and his brother
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- James got a nickname from Jesus. And what was that nickname? Sons of Thunder.
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- So I don't know where this comes from, but that's sort of how history is. They try to distort the image of who
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- Jesus was and who his apostles were. We also have the idea of the stained glass apostles.
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- You know, this idea that they walked around with a halo above their head.
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- You know, that's not true. They were average, ordinary people just like us. The difference is they were chosen.
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- And their time with Jesus and the filling of the Holy Spirit, that is what turned them into the great men that they were.
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- But John was unique in a few ways. Being so close to Jesus, that has to be the most significant thing.
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- Along with the fact that he was the only disciple to not forsake
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- Christ as he stood with the women at the cross while Jesus suffered and died.
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- All the other disciples, you remember, were in hiding. But John was there. And perhaps it's for that reason that Jesus allowed
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- John to live longer than any other disciple. There was even a rumor among the twelve that John would never die.
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- And he would live until the Lord returned. Of course, that was not the case.
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- Because John, likely being the youngest apostle, he lived, we believe, at least until the year 95
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- A .D. Where, according to tradition, he was the only apostle who died of natural causes.
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- But before he went home to be with the Lord, he wrote the final words of Scripture in Revelation 22.
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- John ends the Bible with these words. He who testifies to these things says,
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- Surely I am coming quickly, speaking of the Lord. Or this is Jesus saying, I am coming quickly.
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- And John replies, Amen. Even so, come, Lord Jesus.
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- the Bible ends. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. Amen.