Rick Warren's Saddleback Church Kicked Out of The Southern Baptist Convention Over Female Pastors

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Article: https://disntr.com/2023/02/21/souther... egalitarianism


Hello, in this video I'd like to cover what is a pretty big news story that Rick Warren's Saddleback Church has been kicked out of the
SBC. If you've been following Southern Baptist Convention news, then you know there is a liberal drift in the convention.
So for them to kick out Saddleback Church, that says something. This is from the
Dissenter .com website, Southern Baptist Convention boots Rick Warren's Saddleback Church for Lady Pastors.
The article says, Last year, Saddleback Church, a Southern Baptist megachurch formerly pastored by Rick Warren, made headlines after Warren ordained three women to the pastorate at his church.
Warren justified his actions by pointing to Acts 2, 17 and 18, which has nothing at all to do with the office or function of a pastor or elders in a local church.
Since then, Warren retired and has been replaced by Andy Wood, his hand -picked successor, former pastor of Echo Church, another
Southern Baptist megachurch of a similar mind as Saddleback. Like Saddleback, Echo Church has ordained women to the pastorate, and as soon as he took over the pastorate at Saddleback, Andy Wood named his wife,
Stacey, as teaching pastor. So, Rick Warren defied the
Southern Baptist Convention Statement of Faith, Andy Wood goes against Southern Baptist Convention rules, so because of that, the
SBC has kicked out Saddleback Church. But really the bigger issue is not so much that Rick Warren and Saddleback is going against Southern Baptist Convention rules, the bigger issue is that they are defying the teaching of scripture.
The Apostle Paul, in 1 Timothy 3, when giving the qualifications for a pastor, he says that if a man desires the office, he desires a good work.
He must be the husband of one wife. So the office of pastor is open to men only.
Jesus chose 12 men to be disciples, he didn't choose any women.
And for 1 ,900 years of church history, up until the 20th century, only men were pastors because it was understood that's the clear teaching of scripture.
Paul, in 1 Timothy 2, says, I do not permit a woman to teach, nor to have authority over a man, but to remain in silence.
And that wasn't cultural. If you read it, Paul actually appeals to God's creative order, that Adam was created first, and then
Eve. So, clearly Rick Warren and Saddleback are going against scripture,
Andy Wood going against scripture, and because of that, they have been kicked out of the
Southern Baptist Convention. The article also says since then, that all this has come to light,
Andy Wood is not only disobedient to scripture when it comes to the pastorate, thedissenter .com
says that he is also extremely confused when it comes to homosexuality.
In one video that surfaced, Wood and his pastor wife, Stacey, said they didn't know if a gay couple who comes to Christ should get a divorce.
After all, God hates divorce. And of course, Rick Warren, if you go back to his statements with Elton John and how
Rick Warren, Rick Warren and Andy Wood think alike when it comes to the matter of not only female pastors, but also homosexuality.
They are open and very much inclusive of homosexuals, open homosexuals who want to go and attend
Saddleback Church. Very inclusive. So Andy Wood and his wife were asked a question, what happens if two men, they're married to each other and then they come to Christ, do they have to get a divorce?
And Andy Wood said, well, yeah, I don't, I have no idea. He said, because after all,
God hates divorce. So he said, it's a gray area. Of course, in reality, they're not actually married before God.
So does Andy Wood not know that? Well, he does know that clearly
Rick Warren, Andy Wood, Saddleback, the compromise on the issue of female pastors, homosexuality.
It's kind of a sad state of affairs. But some encouraging news that the
Southern Baptist Convention surprisingly kicked them out. So we praise
God for that. At least, at least somebody, a few people in the Southern Baptist Convention still care about upholding the teachings of scripture.
So praise the Lord. Okay. My name's Michael Grant. Until next time, may the Lord be with you.