Get Ready For What's to Come

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All right, so one more video. I'm actually taking a few days off So I won't be able to make videos for a few days, but I just wanted to say one more thing this week just as a way to just encourage people because you know when all this stuff happened with the election and then the insurrection thing
It's so funny, it's so stupid to even call it an insurrection, but that's how people understand it But the thing that happened on January 6th
When that was all going down I remember doing a video about just the the intensity of the propaganda, right?
Like it was so clear to me that there was just a different story every day
You didn't know what was what and you knew that some of this was lies You knew probably most of it was lies, but it was you know, very difficult to sift through and I had never seen
Propaganda so thick and so consistent and just everywhere Then I I'd never seen that kind of thing before and I I couldn't imagine that it would get worse but it is worse like you know
Propaganda surrounding the economy and just the state of the country in general and of course the coronavirus stuff as well
And I don't care. I mean, you know people don't even say that word on YouTube. I really don't care to be honest
But but all the information that you see around these topics is just so Muddled and convoluted and it's not a matter of people being too dumb or not understanding like I saw on I was listening to Peter Schiff and he had mentioned a clip of Alexandria Ocasio -Cortez that I had seen where she tries to explain why we shouldn't worry about inflation even though Inflation is going up ridiculously
And really that our big problem with prices wasn't inflation. It was that it was supply and demand
There's too much supply and there's not enough. There's too much demand rather and there's not enough supply There's been some supply shortages and there's too much demand and all of that.
So you shouldn't worry about inflation and When I saw that clip initially and and Peter Schiff said the same thing
It's like she just described inflation like like Alexandria Ocasio -Cortez just explained what inflation is.
It's an over It's an over amount of demand because everyone has way more money than they then they know what to do it because the government's
Giving it out like they're just creating out of thin air But the government can't create goods and services out of thin air is what he said
So what happens is there's always way more demand than there is supply and there's always shortages in Inflation because that's what that's what inflation is.
Everybody has a lot of money. The money isn't worth Enough to purchase the goods that you need and all of that kind of thing
So Alexandria Ocasio -Cortez is essentially saying you don't have to worry about inflation because the our big problem is inflation
And I don't think she's an idiot, you know, I mean, she's not as smart as some people granted But you know,
I don't think that she's misunderstanding that I think that she's just confusing you on purpose She wants to do what she wants to do.
And so she wants you to think that everything's fine The economy's strong, you know, we got a few kinks to get out
But we'll get them out and everything will be fine and that couldn't be further from the truth guys I think it's so clear that the economy is not fine last
Friday a jobs report came out and You know the financial markets responded as if this was real.
There's some huge recovery, right? there's a huge recover more jobs were created than ever before and this and that and and it's like So we're expect we're getting these these messages and they're mixed messages and they're intentionally mixed messages
Let's just face it. It's like the economy is going great, but we still need stimulus we still need you know quantitative easing and and no zero interest rates really negative interest rates to prop up the
Economy and we still need all this supports in place because the economy is so great, right people need to you know
To have the eviction moratoriums and they don't have to pay their student loans because the economy is great.
Everything's going great We're in a huge recovery gangbusters all around and look you've been to the stores lately.
I've been to the stores We see how many businesses have shut their doors and have never opened up and they're sitting vacant, right?
They're telling us the economy is great, but their store sitting vacant I went to get a replacement light bulb for my car a headlight and I went to the store the the auto store and luckily there's like four auto stores in my town
I went to one of them. It was closed in the middle of the day. It was closed because they can't find workers, right?
There's because people are making money staying home and all this kind of thing It's it's the economy's not fine.
Even though the stock market is making record highs You see this is the mixed messaging that you're getting right? The the stock market is making record highs but at the same time people are going into debt to buy essentials and either stimulus they need all the stuff and it doesn't make any sense at all and You know, even with the the infrastructure bill right the infrastructure bill 1 .2
trillion dollars I think it ended up being with another three trillion dollars coming behind it guys.
We can't comprehend this amount of money I mean hardly anybody can can I mean a trillion is a number too big to comprehend.
It's just that simple and so There's never been more money printing than there's been right now inflation is here.
It is here to stay and they're playing word games with transitory and moderately and like the
Federal Reserve is is Absolutely doing this intentionally and so the whole purpose of this right you're getting this propaganda
You're getting this mixed messaging all the media over and over is gonna tell you that things are fine. Things are fine.
Things are fine And there is going to be some kind of a correction I'm not a prophet but there's gonna be some kind of correction and there's gonna be a lot of suffering
I think for people who aren't prepared, you know to lose their job or to you know
Some events happen like that some kind of a black swan event I mean, I think what what you what you need to do is ask yourself, right?
What would you be how long would you be able to survive with your family? If you couldn't get whatever you wanted to get at the store like you do right now, right?
How long could you survive with your with your family if you lost your job? Right right now you had no income, you know for the foreseeable future
How long would you survive right and a lot of people think well, you know, they'll be something that'll come up You know the government will save us, you know, we'll get the stimulus
We'll do that because that's what they've always done in the past and and I just don't think for number one I don't think the government really wants to really help anybody.
That's not really what the government is for these days the government has other interests, but even if they wanted to they they're not gonna be able to because They can give you money, but they can't produce goods and services that all they can do is print money
They can't produce goods and services. And so that money if it's worthless, what's the what's the what's the point, right?
So my whole purpose for this is not for despair and not for anything But but I think this audience is probably ahead of this curve a lot more
But what you need to do is you need to recognize that things aren't always gonna be peachy
You don't even things aren't always gonna be great. And so you need to ask yourself, you know How long and not only how long could you survive if things went a little bit crazy for a little while?
Because they keep you keep hearing it too. Like they're almost kind of telegraphing this they keep saying well The winter is gonna be hard, you know, there's gonna be another lockdown and Delta variant, you know
You know, we got Zeta variant, you know Delta plus there's one. I think isn't there one Delta plus?
I don't know because I don't follow the news. I just see this stuff on gab and stuff like that Um, so they're almost telegraphing what they're gonna do to you
I would suggest that you take stock in your current situation, right and I'm talking
Essentials you need to think about we need to have unity in the essentials, right? Food and water water actually comes first, you know water food.
What if your faucet didn't work? How would you get water? How would you purify it all of that food?
How long can you survive if the grocery stores were out of stock? You starting to see people talk about that where grocery stores are even starting to hoard because they don't know
Whether our next purchase is gonna come from and stuff like that How long could you survive on and I'm not saying you need to go out there and buy like specialty survival food
A few people messaged me this week and asked me like what kind of survival food I recommend. I don't buy survival food
I buy canned goods. I buy staple, you know pantry items rice beans and dried goods stuff like that You know
What would you do if you know the bank listen guys I have I have significant parts of my portfolio in the bank right in cash because I'm waiting for a buying opportunity for some of these
These assets that I feel like are gonna be corrected. I'm not I don't give financial advice I'm just telling you what I'm doing. I have some cash in the bank, but let me just be honest with you
I don't actually trust the banks all that much I do have a good portion of my portfolio and cash in the bank
But I don't trust the banks and so I don't have all of it in the bank I'll tell you that right now. What would you do if the banks only allowed you to?
Take out, you know a hundred bucks a day or something like that or less or you know something or any kind of what?
What about if they shut down? Oh, yeah, we've got the FDIC insurance Yeah, what if the FDIC didn't give you the money? Like what would you do if these things happen like we need to take stock of where we're at?
How long we could get by right now and if you're not if you could get by for a couple days if things went sideways if there was a
Weather event or something like that. I mean guys things are happening right now, and this is not An unspiritual topic.
I mean God is going to judge the United States I think that is clear unless he grants us repentance
I mean, I don't know the mind of God, but if he doesn't grant us repentance and we continue Thumbing our nose at God and rejecting him and laughing at him as if he's some kind of a joke
He's gonna come with economic calamity. He's gonna come with weather calamity He's gonna come with famine and we need to be prepared for that as God's people because we are gonna part of the nation
We're gonna suffer the effects of that as well And so you have to ask yourself where you're at right now and how you can prepare better for the future
I'm not saying you need to build a fallout shelter Because I'm not I don't think look if we're in a situation where it's gonna be like Mad Max or Book of Eli or something
Like that. I mean, there's really not much you can do in those situations, right? You pray to God for protection and that's about that's that what
I'm talking about is normal stuff You know economic calamity, you know extreme weather or something like that Now's the time to prepare for that kind of stuff.
And so I just want to encourage you in doing that kind of thing I think it's important to potentially have you know
Some of your money and tangible assets that you could access if you needed to I don't give financial advice
But I've done that kind of thing I think it's important to probably keep some cash in your house as well Like actual physical cash in case something happened with the with the networks or the electricity or something like that again
I don't give financial advice, but those are things that I've done But I think it's worthwhile thinking all the way the way the propaganda is right now
It's almost reaching a fever pitch in my opinion. So I don't I don't have any inside info
I don't have any specific predictions, but with as it It's gotten to the point where the propaganda is so insane that it just kind of makes me feel
There there there's a point to this. There's there's something that something is going to happen and they're almost telegraphing it
But not really and so I just would encourage you to prepare and not just sit in your hands waiting for it to happen