Russell Moore Blames Ab0rtion On CHRISTIANS?!

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Hey guys, Colin here, and welcome back to the channel where we bring you Christian commentary about the things that matter.
As ever, please know this video isn't a sinful attack, but rather a Biblical critique. In today's video, we're going to be talking about Russell Moore's comments regarding killing babies in the womb.
And the reason this is so important is that it demonstrates a disturbing trend among evangelical leaders in the evangelical -industrial complex, as it were.
What it demonstrates is that they don't understand the fundamental issues behind our culture's desire to kill babies in the womb.
Now, for those who don't know, Russell Moore is the former head of the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission of the
Southern Baptist Convention. In the following quote, I will be substituting a certain word that starts with A for the phrase baby -killing.
Please note that this is my word, not Russell's. The rest of the quote, though, is his. In a recent article,
Russell said the following, quote, The reason we have baby -killing at all is because of the loss of the sort of social trust that would enable communities and governments and religious bodies to care for women in crisis and for children, born or unborn, end quote.
There are several issues here. The first issue is that Russell seems to be blaming the practice of killing babies in the womb, at least in some major part, on Christians, or at least lack of trust in Christians.
He specifically writes that if our communities trusted our churches more to care for women in crisis, well, then we wouldn't even have baby -killing at all.
And this is a very common trope among evangelical leaders today. They posit that if the church would simply love women more, if the church could be trusted to stop being so judgmental, if they could be trusted to be more understanding, if they could be trusted to be more generous, well, then baby -killing,
Roe v. Wade, and all the rest of it never would have happened in the first place. In other words, they look squarely into the eyes of every dedicated
Christian in the U .S., people much like you watching this video, and they say, it's your fault.
But wait, you might respond, I've never killed any babies, and I've actually voted against the practice of killing babies.
How is this my fault? Well, they retort, the reason it's your fault is that you didn't give enough of your time or your money to women who are pregnant or to their children.
This, in turn, has caused them to not trust you or other Christians, and they want to kill their baby now.
Do you see where they're going with this? And ladies and gentlemen, we need to stop buying into this lie that is being foisted upon us.
The practice of baby -killing does not stem from a lack of compassion in the church for women.
There is no evidence for that whatsoever. In fact, there is a plethora of evidence to the contrary.
In the United States, clinics that offer baby -killing services, you know the ones I'm talking about, are outnumbered by crisis pregnancy centers by a margin of over 3 to 1.
It is reported that there are about 739 unborn baby -killing clinics in our country, yet there is a whopping 2 ,700 crisis pregnancy centers.
And who do you think is founding and funding these pregnancy centers? Is it your local atheist association?
Is it your local Walmart corporation? No. They are, by and large, almost always started and funded by conservative
Christians, the very people who are being blamed for the problem. Oh, the irony.
So for a leader like Russell Moore to somehow declare that Christians cannot be trusted to care for women in crisis, or that they haven't been trustworthy in that area, that is absolutely absurd, and it has no basis in reality at all.
Also, this proves Russell's entire point wrong from start to finish. Think about it. Russell's central assertion here is that if our religious bodies got their act together, if we all joined up to help struggling women in every institution, including religious institutions, and we could be trusted to do this, then these women wouldn't be killing their unborn babies at all.
But in reality, religious bodies, primarily conservative Christian churches, by the way, have come together.
They have devoted countless amounts of money and time and resources to help these women.
Yet, the rate of baby killing in our country has not been fully or drastically diminished yet, as Russell Moore claims.
And the defense of baby killing from many of these women has become even more passionate and enraged over time.
So again, how can Russell Moore claim with any accuracy, contrary to sound reasoning, that if the church could just be trusted in this area, then baby killing would fade away as if it never happened?
Well, it's quite simple. The reason he can assert this, and the reason that so many others can assert this, is because they're using a sort of loophole, a self -fulfilling prophecy of sorts.
You see, there will always be churches and there will always be Christians who aren't doing as much as they could do.
There is not perfection in our performance on this issue on this side of heaven. We all know that.
And it's a clever trick that can be exploited. Russell Moore can always say, under any circumstances, with complete accuracy, that the church could be doing more.
Of course they could. That's always true. The problem is that it doesn't take into account the truth of whether or not the church, by and large, has been doing a good job or an adequate job or an admirable job in some way.
So when you say that the church needs to be perfect, effectively, in order for any of their efforts to be recognized, you've just given yourself permission to never recognize any of their efforts, because the church will never be perfect on this side of heaven.
But the facts remain. Conservative Christians in this country have done more than any other group to end the practice of baby killing, and that isn't debatable at all.
So when conservative leaders come out and criticize the conservative church on this topic all the time, which they do,
I don't take many of their comments seriously, and I don't think you should either. Keep in mind, I'm not saying that you can never listen to these people on this particular topic.
I'm saying that comments like these, like Russell Moore's in the article, simply don't work out. The encouraging words of Galatians 6 -9 apply well here, and let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap if we do not give up.
This does not guarantee the success of all of your efforts, but it does guarantee that the Lord sees them and recognizes them.
If you're a Christian who is diligently giving money or time or prayer to help solve this problem, keep up the good work, and don't listen to the naysayers who keep telling you that your lack of compassion is the problem.
And with that said, let's turn to another issue in Russell Moore's statement. In fact, this is the fundamental issue.
Russell's comments do not reflect a biblical view of human nature, and that's at the root of this whole thing.
He says that the lack of trust in religious bodies or other institutions is, quote, the reason we have baby killing at all, end quote.
That's what he boils it down to, and it's simply not biblically accurate. Romans 1 correctly diagnoses the sickness at the heart of sinful man, and Romans 1 -21 says this, quote,
For although they knew God, they did not honor Him as God or give thanks to Him, but they became feudal in their thinking and their foolish hearts were darkened, end quote.
This is the fundamental issue, refusing to honor God as God, refusing to follow
His just and holy standards. When we run away from God, the source of all goodness and light, our foolish hearts become darkened.
We begin to see children as clumps of cells rather than as human beings with souls made in the image of God.
We become more concerned about our right to kill people than we are about their right to live.
The core issue here is secular culture, which is at odds with God and His Word. Russell Moore is blame shifting, trying to place the blame on Christians and other various institutions and the fact that they can't be trusted to help struggling women and hurting children.
But that will not work. Studies show that at least 25 % of women who kill their unborn baby, that's one out of four, are living at or above 200 % of the federal poverty level in the
United States. But wait, I thought that if we just gave them more help and more money, they wouldn't want to do it anymore.
Well, quite simply, we know that's not the case. First off, financial strain is not a good excuse for murdering someone anyway.
And second, at least 25 % of these situations have nothing to do with any kind of real financial strain.
One out of four of these people could definitely afford to have a child, they just don't want to.
So again, is the church the problem? Or is sinful decision -making the problem? I'll leave it to you to decide.
Russell Moore thinks that society is at fault, but the facts don't support his conclusion.
Studies show that over 70 % of women who obtain a baby -killing procedure do so because the child in the womb would interfere with their education or their career.
Is this really something that we can lay at the feet of the pro -life church? This is clearly an individual choice, a personal assessment on the part of the woman.
She wants her education or her career opportunities more than she wants that baby to live.
And this accounts for three out of four baby -killing procedures in this country. So for Russell Moore to suggest that the lack of institutional trust is the fundamental reason that people want to kill their babies, it's just wrong.
The real reason people want to do this is because they are sinful and they do not submit to God's law.
The statistics show that. Rational thinking shows that. And most importantly, the Bible shows that.
James 4 .2 says, You desire and do not have, so you murder. Killing comes from unrestrained desire and selfishness.
In this case, it's desire for career, desire for education, desire for more stability.
Murder cannot be eradicated by money or resources or community organizing or institutional trust, because there will always be people who do not respond to these things.
The Christian church and Christian charities have done more to help struggling women in America than any other group of people by far.
It's not even close. So next time you hear someone saying the kind of thing Russell Moore says here, don't buy it.
It's absolutely untrue in virtually every way. So keep up the good work. If you're following the biblical standard here, don't be complacent or apathetic towards struggling people of any kind.
And don't get discouraged and blame yourself for sinful decisions that other people make. I pray that this has been a blessing to you.
And please know this. I do not offer any of this correction from a high and mighty position. I am nothing but a wretched sinner saved by the grace of Jesus Christ.
So let's pray for Russell Moore that he would stop this false teaching by God's grace and turn to the truth of God's Word.
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