Rejoicing in the Battle

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Philippians 1:15-20 Pastor Rob Kimsey February 26, 2023


Well folks you can turn to your Bibles to the letter of Paul to the Philippians Thank you brothers for doing that We're gonna be continuing our teaching and study from the book of Philippians this morning
I've titled today's sermon rejoicing in the battle Rejoicing in the battle and we're gonna be looking at Philippians chapter 1 verses 15 through 20
Philippians 1 15 through 20 And I think for the sake of context we should start back at perhaps verse 12
Rejoicing in the battle the letter of Paul to the Philippians chapter 1 starting in verse 12
Now I want you to know brothers that my circumstances have turned out for the greater progress of the gospel
So that my chains in Christ have become well known throughout the whole Praetorian Guard and to everyone else
That most of the brothers having become confident in the Lord because of my chains Have far more courage to speak the
Word of God without fear verse 15 Some to be sure are preaching
Christ even from envy and strife But some also from goodwill The latter do it out of love knowing that I am appointed for the defense of the gospel
The former proclaimed Christ out of selfish ambition rather than from pure motives thinking to cause me affliction in my chains
What then? Only that in every way whether in pretense or in truth
Christ is proclaimed and in this I rejoice. Yes, and I will rejoice
For I know that this will turn out for my salvation through your prayers and the provision of the
Holy Spirit of Jesus Christ According to my earnest expectation and hope that I will not be put to shame in anything
But that with all boldness Christ will even now as always be magnified in my body whether by life or by death praise the
Lord So as we return to this letter my goal this morning is to put us in the in the shoes of the
Philippians and Even to help us think through what it would be like to be
Paul to write a letter to them So I want to start this morning service with kind of a simple question
What would you say to your brothers and sisters in Christ if you weren't sure you'd ever be able to speak to them again
Imagine you're Paul and he's part of this ministry where they planted this church
And then now he's been arrested for proclaiming the gospel and He writes this letter to his dear brothers and sisters in Christ Not knowing whether he'll be released or whether he'll be executed
So if you had one chance, this isn't a FaceTime This isn't a
FaceTime. This isn't a phone call I guess we could say this is an email for our contemporary times, but you had a chance to write something down You weren't sure if this you'd ever be able to speak to that group of believers again, what would you say?
to those precious dear brothers and sisters Well this morning we get to see that this is what
Paul said This is what Paul would have them learn. This is what he wanted to emphasize
So as we think about what we're gonna learn today, and as we go further into these verses Let's think about that question.
What would you say if you weren't sure if you ever got to talk to somebody again? What would you want to get across to them and we can see this morning what
Paul wanted to get across? The main thrust of this text is that Paul communicates his joy in the gospel being proclaimed he says it over and over Even if it was by his opponents
He tells the Philippians that he will rejoice Despite his circumstances He will rejoice because of their prayer
He'll rejoice because of the Holy Spirit and his hope in Jesus Christ Paul knows that the proclamation of the gospel
Through prayer and the power of the Holy Spirit will result in his eternal salvation despite the earthly consequences
We see his assurance in his salvation The provision of Christ gives
Paul hope and he will rejoice no matter what the passage today gives you two incredible reasons for rejoicing so that you may have real joy in the midst of real difficulties two reasons for rejoicing
The proclamation of Christ Verses 15 through 18 and the provision of Christ 19 and 20
Two reasons for rejoicing in the middle of personal trial number one the proclamation of Christ Paul is referring to the missionary activity of some of the brothers referred to in verse 14 in 14 he's mentioning that some of them have become more confident in the
Lord and He sadly notes that some were preaching out of envy and strife This envy and strife shows the attitude of Paul's rivals the importance of this detail are the motives
Paul begins his contrast of those that preach for ulterior motives versus those that preach with pure Motives they are envious and this denotes jealousy
These men were jealous of Paul's power and authority as an apostle
They wanted their own converts. They wanted his success in ministry and his giftedness
These men didn't understand that Paul's success in ministry was his faithfulness to the gospel
The word strife Paul uses here means an engagement in rivalry Especially with reference to positions taken in a matter think of strife discord contention
Strife is angry or bitter disagreement over fundamental issues Paul took one position and his rivals took another
Paul taught salvation by faith in Christ his rivals taught faith in Christ plus strict adherence to the law
Paul knew that some of the so -called Christians were only preaching to build up their own name and reputation
These preachers were taking full advantage of Paul's negative Circumstances to become well known and make converts for themselves as soon as they got the opportunity
They began to discredit him However, there was a faithful remnant.
The verse says some preached out of goodwill Goodwill is the concept of an attitude of Satisfaction and contentment toward Paul and Paul's ministry
It is a state or condition of being kind to be kindly inclined or to be willing
The passage today will show that Paul rejoiced because the gospel was being preached despite the wrong motives of the people preaching and we can think about this in our own lives as Christians are we always joyful when the gospel is proclaimed?
And let's think about it like this. What if the gospel is being proclaimed by a ministry that you don't agree with?
What if another Christian is more successful than you and as Christians we should never think like that It is true that there are some
Christians that serve in ministry for the wrong reasons to be clear God does not excuse their motives
The power of these verses lets us know that we can be joyful about people with wrong motives in ministry
Because God can still use the gospel despite their wrong motives
The Word of God descends from heaven and accomplishes its purposes Not by saying a perverted or twisted gospel either way these
Judaizers preached Christ The Judaizers were Jews that wanted to retain the law along with Christ they were legalists who taught that salvation was from faith plus works as In maintaining the dietary restrictions from the
Levitical practices or that circumcision and sacrifice was mandatory Another important observation from this verse is that in the original language here.
There is an article before Christ. It's the word the The article is dropped in translation based on the
Christ being directly referred to as Jesus by name in verses 8 and 19 in chapter 1 it is significant because Paul is emphatically saying that the person
Jesus of Nazareth is the expected deliverer of the Israelite people
Jesus is the Christ not one of many Christ's he's the
Christ The preaching is a present active verb meaning to proclaim aloud as in making a public declaration with words spoken out loud
This is important because Paul is saying that there were some of the Philippian believers who were publicly
Proclaiming Jesus as the anointed deliverer Out of the goodwill of their human character being edified by the
Word of God These ones were proclaiming the promised Messiah sent by Yahweh who will save and deliver the people of Israel Jesus who is also the physical expression of Yahweh on earth according to the
Old Testament prophecies The significance is that Paul is saying even within the church there are some who have their own self -interest in mind and The some referred to in verse 15 are very likely to be the
Judaizers Paul will later reference in chapter 3 verse 2 So just flip over a page and look at chapter 3 verse 2
We're gonna be we're gonna be bouncing back and forth from chapter 1 to verse 3 today because we want to look at Paul's Total argument his logical flow of thought as he references some of these folks later in his letter
Philippians chapter 3 verse 2 says beware of the dogs Beware of the evil workers beware of the mutilation referring to the circumcision
This is important because Paul is qualifying their motives These Judaizers preached the gospel with insincere motives
Their real objective was to gain adherence to the law The envy and strife or rivalry was directed against Paul Personally Now not all those preaching had wrong motives.
The greatest motive of all in any matter is love Paul's supporters loved him because they saw his genuine appointment into the gospel ministry
They witnessed his doctrine his spirit and his conviction Their motive springs from love because they
Recognized God had sent Paul to Rome to defend the gospel and they loved him for it
Paul was the real deal Paul was not compromising the ministry today
Needs men of integrity who will not compromise their convictions based on popular opinion
The gospel doesn't change based on political or cultural opinions Those believers whose work arose from goodwill and love had been emboldened to proclaim the gospel
They recognized that Paul was divinely commissioned to defend the good news of Christ the church needs uncompromising believers
Who will not give up integrity of the Word of God to soothe sinners?
No sinners don't need soothing They don't we don't need to sugarcoat anything
We're not gonna dumb it down or water it down to make it more appealing to somebody Sinners don't need soothing sinners need the truth
Sinners need the gospel Paul says I am appointed The term conveys a soldier being conscripted for duty
What Paul's critics did not understand was that Paul was in prison because of God's sovereign plan and will
God had placed Paul in a divinely strategic position to give the proclamation of the gospel and Paul uses the same word in verse 7 elaborating on his upcoming opportunity to Defend to defend the gospel before Caesars tribunal
You know, that's what God had done in Paul's life God placed
Paul in that position and If we can think about Paul and This is a real person that lived.
He's a historical figure He's a human being like us I'd like you to consider where God has placed you
Where has God placed you even today? Where has God placed you today for the gospel?
Do you desire to share the gospel? Do you desire to share the gospel where God has placed you and despite the earthly consequences
Because God is doing something with you You are exactly where you are supposed to be and if you're a
Christian Where you are supposed to be where you are is where God would have you share the gospel
The significance here is that Paul is saying that despite any worldly restrictions He was promoting the interests of the gospel
Not his own and by extension those proclaiming Christ out of love were doing the same
There was a deep bond of affection between those with sincere motives Because they recognized his divine calling and loved him very much
Selfish ambition here is the idea of those who preach the gospel for self -advancement These folks were using
Paul's imprisonment as an opportunity to promote themselves Paul's critics did not have pure motives as One commentator notes the legalists mentioned later in chapter 3 verse 2 are involved in partisanship
Their missionary zeal took the form of a political solicitation Paul marks them as not sincere
There's a contrast here going back to verse 10 The word for sincere in verse 10 is sometimes translated as pure It literally means to be judged on the light of the
Sun Sincerity conveys a genuineness that holds up under the light
One way to think about this is there's a famous illustration with the pottery that you could buy
So put yourself 2 ,000 years ago and you're in a Greek market the vendors there would sell various things cups bowls and it was made of ceramic or clay and there were often imperfections or cracks inside that bowl and On that street vendors shelf or cart there that you might look and they all looked pretty good to you but what they would do is they would take wax and they would fill the cracks in the bowl or the or the
You know the things that are gonna basically make the bowl fall apart as soon as you put something hot in it They put a little wax inside those cracks
They put a layer of paint on there and from just looking at it. You couldn't tell what you were buying But when you held it up into the light when you held it up into the light of the
Sun then you could see Wow, look at all those cracks even the Sun can map melt wax, right?
But so you you held it up to inspect it you looked at it. So this guy's ripping me off This thing's full of cracks as soon as I put put something in here.
The bowl is gonna fall apart Well someday we will all be held up under the light of God We'll all be inspected by God and the question is what will your inspection find?
What will your inspection find? What would we see if we held you up under the light?
God already knows what we would see Start living today for the gospel
So that you can eliminate any cracks of apathy or complacency in your life
The idea that you're genuine you're pure if we held you up under the light we wouldn't see any cracks of apathy a concern for others a concern for those that are lost and unbelieving
Yeah, and that's what Paul is saying These people did not have that they were fake they weren't pure they were insincere they were phonies and these phonies accused
Paul of being sinful they claimed the Lord had punished him by imprisoning him and Paul was joyful at their accusation
Paul's opponents reveal their wrong thinking and expecting that they will add to his troubles
They are thinking about Paul's imprisonment and suffering Paul is thinking in terms or opportunities of the gospel defense and proclamation
This expectation relays a desire or wish on the part of Paul's agitators
The significance is that Paul is further developing the idea of envy and rivalry from verse 15
He is explaining the nature of envy and strife as a selfish ambition in verse 16
He elaborated on the concept of goodwill and the qualification or the motivation of love
Here Paul elaborates on the nature of envious strife and qualifies the motivation as selfish ambition
His opponents did not have pure motives They assumed
Paul had thoughts and motives like their own They expected that any success on their part would make
Paul envious of them They expected that it would increase his suffering in his imprisonment
Preventing him from competing with them as much as he desired. They could not be more wrong
Paul sets a very good example for us to follow Paul had no motive
But to see the gospel proclaimed as he explains in verse 18 Paul is basically saying
What does it matter? So what? Paul's question demonstrates that 15 through 17 are one logical flow of thought now
He asks a rhetorical question that he will answer He says so what? Doesn't matter the total fallout or consequence of from this imprisonment has been to advance the gospel
And this is an amazing perspective Paul gives us a truly wonderful example of trusting
God to the point of rejoicing amid suffering rejoicing in the battle
Paul's joy was not related to his personal circumstances. Paul was a gospel proclaimer
His joy was not determined by his rivals or critics His joy was bound up in Christ Because Paul was a gospel proclaimer
You know if we think about what makes us happy in life It's so fleeting and temporary
But you think about joy and it lasts no matter the earthly circumstances Paul's joy was wrapped up in Proclaiming his great
Savior Therefore the circumstances didn't matter because no matter what circumstance he was in his joy was bound up in proclaiming the gospel
What is your joy bound up in is? Is your life about sharing the good news
God saved you from eternal wrath Everlasting life. Do you want to tell people about that?
Is your joy bound up in proclaiming the good news? If it's something else then it's it's just happiness and it's gonna come and go no joy
Lasts when it's bound up in Christ our joy must be bound up in our hope in Jesus Paul was so convinced of his position in Christ that he was joyful when the gospel was proclaimed
He did not require the credit He required gospel proclamation Paul was not in it for himself
Paul was in it for Christ. His life was Christ Paul's life was built around proclaiming the gospel
The Apostle endured false accusations. Not only did he not become resentful and bitter against them
He rejoiced that these detractors preached Christ He knew for them.
It wasn't a pretense Pretense is a falsely alleged motive an attempt to make something that is not the case
Appear to be true one commentator noted the significance because it conveys the idea of other designs of Paul's opponents as In using the name of Christ to promote the interests of their own group in order to gain new converts
They had a pretense of godliness. That was fake But there is no faking it with God Paul is saying he will rejoice in the gospel being proclaimed
Publicly this is significant because Paul would rejoice Despite the wrong motives of a few
Paul's joy came from the public proclamation of the gospel not his physical circumstances
He didn't care about the wrong motives of the people preaching He didn't care who got the credit
Paul's joy was in the gospel So he could rejoice in the present and in the future because he knew the gospel was being publicly proclaimed
Even if the preachers had wrong motives You know, let's consider Paul's mindset.
We'll look at another piece of scripture that he wrote of course to the church in Rome Consider Paul's mindset in this passage
He says yet I dare not boast about anything except what Christ has done through me
Bringing the Gentiles to God by my message and by the way I worked among them They were convinced by the power of miraculous signs and wonders and by the power of God's Spirit in This way
I have fully presented the good news of Christ from Jerusalem all the way to a lyric um
My ambition has always been to preach the good news where the name of Christ has never been heard
Rather than where a church has already been started by someone else I have been following the plan spoken of in the scriptures where it says
They who had no declaration of him shall see and they who have not heard shall understand
That's Paul's mindset You can't take a guy like that and put him in prison and he's gonna melt down and give up What's he gonna do in prison?
He's gonna preach to the very guards that are holding him in prison He doesn't care about the earthly circumstances
And I want to point out here to just in this simple quotas of supporting scripture that Paul is quoting
Isaiah 52 15 this is important because Paul Identifies the suffering servant from the prophet
Isaiah's writings as Jesus of Nazareth Paul is quoting Isaiah 52 15 about the suffering servant who is
Jesus and He will startle many nations Kings will stand speechless in his presence for they will see what they had not been told and They will understand what they had not heard about What an amazing perspective
Paul can have joy in his life. No matter what because of the proclamation of Christ That's what he made his life about and that's an important thing that we have to consider this morning
That's what this passage teaches This passage gives two incredible reasons for rejoicing
So that you may have real joy in the midst of difficulties the proclamation of Christ So that you can experience real joy no matter what circumstances surround you and number two the provision of Christ the provision of Christ The Greek word translated deliverance is the same word for salvation
You'll see in some translations that this word salvation will say it will turn out for my deliverance
It is the most beautiful word. It's a Greek word It's where we get the word soteriology.
It's soteria in the Greek soteriology the study of salvation
This is the study of the doctrine of salvation This is significant because Paul had a confidence that for him the public preaching of the gospel would turn out for his salvation
He describes the source of his deliverance later in the verse Paul is saying that the proclamation of Christ in every way will turn out for his spiritual good.
How? How could this possibly turn out? because of the Spirit of Jesus Christ Through the prayer and the supply of the
Holy Spirit Meaning the consequent supply of the Spirit of truth sent from Jesus is obtained through prayer
Paul was not alone when he was in there in prison He had the Holy Spirit and he was praying to God the
Father and his prayers were being perfectly taken up by Jesus Paul speaks about the
Holy Spirit's help in interceding for believers in their prayer life in his letter to the Romans He says and the
Holy Spirit helps us in our weakness For example, we don't know what God wants us to pray for but the
Holy Spirit prays for us with groanings That cannot be expressed in words and the
Father who knows all hearts Knows what the Spirit is saying for the Spirit pleads for us believers in harmony with God's will
Confidence in salvation is from the provision of the Spirit Paul's hope in the future bodily
Resurrection and the coming return of the Redeemer is the source of his confidence
Look at Paul's mindset in chapter 3. Let's go back to chapter 3 verses 7 through 11
He says but whatever things were gained to me those things I've counted is lost for the sake of Christ More than that I count all things to be lost because of the surpassing value of Knowing Christ Jesus my
Lord for whom I have suffered the loss of all things and count them But rubbish so that I may gain
Christ and be found in him Not having a righteousness of my own which is from the law
But that which is through faith in Christ the righteousness which is from God upon faith
That I may know him and the power of his resurrection and the fellowship of his
Sufferings being conformed to his death in order that I might I may attain to the resurrection from the dead
Paul's focus is the future glory the resurrection Everything he's saying in this letter must be looked at through that lens and let it be so for us as well
That our hope may be grounded in salvation Found in the one and only true
God Redeemer the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ him crucified and his
Resurrection Paul knew that his salvation was based on the provision from God through his hope in Christ Paul is not referring to deliverance from execution
Paul is not referring to deliverance from Really by being vindicated by the
Emperor's ruling Paul is not referring to deliverance as a part of his eventual release from prison
Paul is not concerned with earthly deliverance Paul is referring to his ultimate salvation
By the grace of God through faith in the only one who has the authority to cast into hell the
Lord Jesus of Nazareth who is the Christ Paul didn't care about the court of Caesar He knew he'd be vindicated in the heavenly court
Paul conveyed his knowledge of deliverance was from the public proclamation of the gospel
He gives the credit to the means of deliverance as coming from his fellow believers prayer and the
Holy Spirit Paul was not seeking relief from his temporary distress
He trusted completely in the power of prayer and in the
Holy Spirit Prayer is essential for the life of the Christian and If we think about this idea of Paul Making these statements about the prayer and the provision of the
Spirit of Jesus Christ What does your prayer life look like? Are you praying to God every day?
Are there days that go by or a week or more you haven't talked to God if that's the case
Change it Start today start a new habit. You can start in the morning and pray even think about breakfast lunch and dinner
We should be talking to God and praying to him constantly You know, what him what importance do you put in prayer in your day -to -day life?
It is important to note that this was not the final imprisonment of Paul in Rome We know what happened because we have the further revelation of God and we know the historical account
We know that Paul got out But at the time Paul wrote these words, he did not know whether he would be killed or whether he'd be freed
While he was awaiting trial, there is no doubt that he understood he might be released but that he might also be executed despite this monumental
Uncertainty Paul continued to trust in Christ He had faith that Christ would work out the situation for his deliverance
Paul had an eternal perspective And if you flipped back go back to chapter 3 if you're still there look at verses 17 through 21
Consider Paul's words in chapter 3 17 through 21 He says brothers join in following my example and look for those who walk according to the pattern you have in us
For many walk of whom I often told you and now tell you even crying as enemies of the cross of Christ Whose end is destruction?
Whose God is their stomach and glory is in their shame who set their thoughts on earthly things?
For our citizenship is in heaven from which we also we eagerly wait for a
Savior the Lord Jesus Christ Who will transform the body of our humble state into Conformity with the body of his glory by his working through which he is able to even subject all things to himself again, we see
Paul's forward -looking mindset the return of Christ and future glory a sin -free glorified body transformed into the body of his glory the prayers of his
Philippian brethren would help Paul to remain on earth to continue his fruitful work in defending and proclaiming the gospel
Whether Paul lived or died he desired to bring honor and glory to Christ Paul built his life around proclaiming the gospel and he was spiritually
Untouchable for this reason he knew that even if he was killed that his eternal salvation was secure in Jesus Paul could rejoice because his life was anchored in Christ whether he lived or died
What is your life anchored in? Are you living your life like Paul lived what is your life anchored in If it is not in Christ You may want to rethink that as an unbeliever.
You are rejecting Christ and you will doom your soul to hell as A believer in order to experience true
Unshakable joy despite the trials of life your life must be anchored in Christ Your life must be anchored in proclaiming the gospel
The text shows us for Paul. It was both The significance is that Paul is not saying that the present situation
Will work out for his salvation in terms of acquittal or discharge from custody But it will work out for his vindication in the heavenly court, which alludes to eternal deliverance eternal salvation
Paul's deliverance is one that will happen no matter what happens to him in prison
He gives credit to the prayer of believers and the support of the Holy Spirit The Greek word for expectation describes a determined anticipation of the future
And I must point this out because the word is only used twice in the New Testament It's in our passage in Philippians and it's also in Romans chapter 8 verse 19
So we can ask the question. What does Paul mean by earnest expectation only twice in the
New Testament? Philippians and in this verse here Romans 8 19 He says yet that we suffer now is nothing compared to the glory.
He will reveal to us later Verse 19 for all creation is waiting eagerly
For that future day when God will reveal who his children really are
There's a time that God has set when we will all know who the true
Followers of Christ are and it says here that the creation is eagerly waiting.
That's an earnest expectation Anticipation of the future and that's what Paul is talking about in Philippians.
This is an anxious deep Longing this is an expectation.
That is a certainty to come to fruition Paul has an earnest expectation try to picture a think of like a battle -hardened veteran who stretches his neck up and over the other soldiers to get a
Get a little bit of a sign a light of sign there where you can see what's coming down at you
What's coming down the line you're stretching over you're looking for it. It's coming and you know, it's coming Of course we understand that the
Christian life is hard, of course it is the Christian life is hard God gospel proclamation is
Difficult it is hard To be eager or earnest about something can convey showing sincere and intense conviction
Paul was convicted of the reality that whether it was through his life or death Christ would be glorified by his life
Paul's desire was not self -promotion, but that Christ be glorified to all
Paul desired that Jesus would truly be seen in his awesome greatness to all
He was bold because of his hope Paul was bold because of his hope in Christ.
Paul was a gospel proclaimer That's the hope that Paul had
His hope was in Christ What is your hope in If it's getting a paycheck every week, that's not gonna work.
If it's the bank account, it's not gonna work It's the house or the car. Maybe it's your circle of friends
Your hope must be in the eternal salvation Promises that come through the gospel of grace in Jesus Christ That is true hope and when you anchor your life in that when you hope in that you will have true joy
Paul knew his imprisonment and possible death would not bring him shame He knew that God would stand by him
Paul knew it was God who enabled him to testify to the gospel He was ready if the opportunity came to speak the gospel boldly without any thought about negative issues related to himself
Do you speak the gospel boldly Do you speak the gospel boldly and this one this one might sting a little bit, but do you even speak the gospel?
You know and there's one finger pointing at you there's three pointing back at me what are we doing with our lives?
Are we speaking the gospel? We're Christians We should be telling other people about Christ If you're a professing
Christian and the answer is no then that needs to change today
You can make this change that you would make your life about telling others about What God has done in your life about the hope that you have for eternal salvation about the hope that you have in Christ in This passage
Paul communicates his joy in the gospel being proclaimed even if it was by his opponents and he tells the
Philippians that he will rejoice despite his circumstances Because of their prayer the
Holy Spirit and his hope in Jesus Christ And we have access to the
Father. We have the Holy Spirit There's this idea. This is the power of asking in Jesus's name
You know to help us think about this. I'll just share a I Think a helpful illustration that I read
It's a little I'll share a story with you A father took his children to the country fair one day
The kids were not interested in the prized pig or calf so the father bought a roll of tickets for the various rides at the fair as Each of the children approached a ride
They would hold out a hand and get a ticket from the father that one ride after all the children had received tickets a strange boy
Whom the father had never seen came up and held out his hand obviously expecting a ticket and The father drew back his roll of tickets
He wasn't about to give this boy who he didn't know a ticket that was meant for his children
Upon seeing this the man's son named Stephen turned and said to his dad.
It's okay. Dad. This is my friend I told him you would give him a ticket And do you know what the father did
He gave the boy a ticket in Stephen's name The boy had no right to a ticket
But since his son had said he would do it The father honored the name of his son by giving that strange boy a ticket
Christ provided the spirit so that we may have confidence in our access to the father
Two incredible reasons for rejoicing in the middle of personal trial so that you may have real joy in the hard circumstances of life the
Proclamation of Christ and the provision of Christ so that your life is
Anchored in the hope of salvation that is found in Christ alone
That's rejoicing in the battle Paul Relayed to the
Philippians his circumstances of being in prison for the sake of preaching the gospel He told the
Philippians he rejoiced in those circumstances because of Christ This kind of conviction does not originate from man.
This conviction comes from faith in Jesus This conviction comes from the
Word of God despite extremely negative and Dangerous circumstances the
Apostle rejoiced during great personal struggle He was falsely maligned by professing
Christians Even though his rivals had it out for him. He rejoiced because Christ was proclaimed
He rejoiced because of the supply of the Holy Spirit from Jesus through the prayer of his true fellow
Christians this passage of Scripture teaches us that If our conviction is in Christ we can be joyful regardless of critics or Circumstances and even more we may be bold to speak the truth of the gospel of the grace of God in Jesus Christ If your hope is anchored in the world, then it is not hope
True hope is only found in God through Jesus Christ While happiness comes and goes based on circumstances true joy stays
Joy can't be shaken because it is based on our hope of eternal life
True joy for the Christian is directly related to a life dedicated to the gospel proclamation
Joy that is derived from God cannot be shaken because God cannot be shaken
The ultimate provision of God is the gospel the good news of Jesus Christ The psalmist writes that the earth is the
Lord's and all it contains the world and those who dwell in it
The Apostle Paul said there's none righteous Not even one for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, but the wages of sin is death
The good news is that Jesus has told us that the free gift of God's grace is eternal life
For in Jesus all the fullness of deity dwells in bodily form but God demonstrated his own love toward us and that while we were yet sinners
Christ died for us and That Jesus was buried and that he raised from the dead.
He was raised on the third day according to the Scriptures That's the gospel of Jesus Christ Paul anchored his life on the public proclamation of the gospel
After the resurrection, but before Jesus ascended the Lord gave a commission to his disciples and by extension all believers all believers
Every believer in this room this morning he commanded believers to go out into the world and proclaim the gospel to all people to all creation a
True Christian's life will be based on sharing the gospel and making disciples of people
Teaching those disciples to observe all that Jesus has commanded in the Word of God if This is a struggle for you
Be encouraged the Lord is with you If your hope is in the world lasting joy is not possible for you put your hope in the
Christ Jesus of Nazareth who is the only true begotten Son of God our
Ability to proclaim the gospel is not from us The Lord has provided his spirit if Jesus commands us to do something that he will
Graciously enable us by his spirit to do it This passage gives you two incredible reasons for rejoicing in the middle of a personal trial
So that you may have real joy in your walk as a
Christian the proclamation of Christ so that you can experience real joy no matter what
Circumstances surround you and the provision of Christ so that your life is anchored in the hope of salvation that is found in Christ alone.
I Want to encourage you with a simple truth if you are apprehensive about sharing the gospel
You don't have to be I'll say that again if you're apprehensive about Sharing the gospel you do not have to be even if you go out by yourself
You will not be alone Consider the words of the resurrected
Jesus before his ascension into heaven from the gospel of Matthew the Great Commission passage
Then the eleven disciples left for Galilee going to the mountain where Jesus had told them to go
When they saw him they worshipped him But some of them doubted Jesus came and told his disciples.
I have been given all authority in heaven and on earth Therefore go and make disciples of all the nations
Baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit Teach these new disciples to obey all the commands
I have given you and be sure of this I am with you always even to the end of the age
There is no scenario Where Jesus will not aid you in proclaiming the gospel and we can think about this passage
I'll wrap it up with a nice quote. This is from a guy named Adam Barr. Who's a pastor from Grand Rapids? He says
Paul's joy flowed from a heart Determined to see God's purposes fulfilled
His perspective reached past his finite horizon to another one bounded by Christ's kingdom fully come
The Apostle knew this would one day happen Because his conviction could not be shaken
Paul's joy could not be stolen In fact, every sign that the kingdom was coming could only bring that joy closer to completion
Paul's letter to the Philippians is shot through with this theme. May it be so in our lives and Brothers and sisters may it be so in our lives