Confronting City Council: "The Lawless Are Unaccountable"
Zachary Conover of EAN addresses the Phoenix City Council during their special session to de-prioritize law enforcement against injustice of the preborn.
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- No amount of redefinition or playing with language will change what we all know to be true about the humanity of children in the womb.
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- What we do not know is if there are any men and women on this council with the courage and conviction to do what is right before their
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- Creator. Hello, my name is
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- Zachary Conover and I speak in opposition to the resolution today. I come before you today as an ambassador of the
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- King before whom all earthly rulers will give an account. I'm here to remind you of your duty to protect life and punish those that would seek to do violence to the innocent.
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- Having spoken here before several times, I recall being told that matters pertaining to the issue of abortion were outside the purview of the
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- City Council. But Roe v. Wade is gone now and so is that excuse. Friends, here we are today with a resolution before us calling on you to defy the
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- Supreme Court and ignore current state law that criminalizes fetal homicide. You are being asked to formally adopt a position that allows the lawless to be unaccountable to justice in the name of exercising their rights.
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- But everyone in this room knows that the right to kill a human being in the womb is as fictitious as the terms pregnant person and reproductive health care.
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- No amount of redefinition or playing with language will change what we all know to be true about the humanity of children in the womb.
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- What we do not know is if there are any men and women on this council with the courage and conviction to do what is right before their
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- Creator. Your God -given office carries the responsibility of promoting a God -given order of society.
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- Lawfulness demands the restraint of hands set on shedding innocent blood and making it the highest priority, not the lowest.
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- Supporting this resolution would force you to violate your oaths and become unfaithful, and I promise you
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- I do not want that for you today. Those who wish for this resolution to be adopted do not believe in the rule of law.
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- They believe in using legality for the legal destruction of law and order. It's for this reason
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- I implore you today to be wise and obey the Lord Jesus Christ. His innocent blood shed for sinners is the only thing that builds cities and brings peace.
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- The blood of unborn babies can only bring calamity on a people. I'm praying for you today that God would turn your hearts and that you would not deprioritize the protection of the most innocent and defenseless.