For Robin Williams Fame and Fortune was not Enough

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A response to the unfortunate death of Robin Williams.


With great sadness that we mourn the loss of Robin Williams, a very talented man who made millions laugh for many, many years.
We have heard of the unfortunate suicide and we pray for his family, for those who have been left behind.
But we also want to think about something, and that is the fact that many people desire to have fame and fortune.
Robin Williams probably had everything that the world would desire.
He had fame, he had the fortune, he had the family, everything that so many desire and try to strive for, and yet in all of that he was greatly depressed to a point where he unfortunately saw no way out but to take his own life.
This tells us something about what the world seeks and values, that a man like Robin Williams who was afforded so much in life and made so many laugh, his humor was used to unfortunately cover up problems that he had with drinking.
And for many people they drink because of the fact that they want to try to nullify the guilt over sin.
And it is sad to see someone who was to such a point of guilt and despair that he would unfortunately take his own life in such an act.
One who really had offered so much to so many. But it is something that the rest of us who are left behind must consider, that when we live for that which is fleeting, that which is temporal, it will pass and it does not give true satisfaction.
What Robin Williams needed was true satisfaction. God has said, what does it profit a man if he gains the whole world but loses his soul?
Now we don't know what may have happened in the last moments of Robin Williams' life.
Did he repent and turn to God? Did he remember his, from what I'm told,
Christian upbringing at those last few moments? Maybe. But there's no evidence that we see from his life that shows any signs of fruit.
And so we must assume, unfortunately, that barring some last minute repentance as he took his life, that right now
Robin Williams is unfortunately probably suffering the judgment of God.
And as hard as that is for us to hear, that is something that maybe the rest of us should take into account.
That there is a day of judgment coming for each one of us, there is a day appointed unto each one of us where we will give an account to God.
And though some turn to such great lengths to try to live a way to find happiness in this world, even with all of the fame and fortune,
Robin Williams did not have happiness. He did not have true joy that is found in Christ alone.
And if Robin Williams would have repented and put his faith in Jesus Christ before his death, maybe he wouldn't have been in such despair.
We ask that you be praying for his family, that they might avoid the despair that he suffered, that they may repent and come to faith in Jesus Christ, just as I encourage for each one of you that may be listening.