Bible Sayings (Part 1)


Pastor Mike and Pastor Steve talk about sayings in the Bible that have become part common vernacular. Do the following phrases mean the same thing in everyday use as they do in the Bible? Listen in to find out! 1. Nothing but skin and bones-Job 2. I escaped by the skin of my teeth-Job 3. Going the extra mile-Matthew 4. Scapegoat-Leviticus 5. Red sky at night-Matthew 6. United we stand, divided we fall-Matthew 7. There is a time and place for everything-Ecclesiastes Continued next week...


Sexual Infidelity (Part 2)

Welcome to No Compromise Radio, a ministry coming to you from Bethlehem Bible Church in West Boylston.
No Compromise Radio is a program dedicated to the ongoing proclamation of Jesus Christ, based on the theme in Galatians 2, verse 5, where the
Apostle Paul said, "...but we did not yield in subjection to them for even an hour, so that the truth of the gospel would remain with you."
In short, if you like smooth, watered -down words to make you simply feel good, this show isn't for you.
By purpose, we are first biblical, but we can also be controversial. Stay tuned for the next 25 minutes as we're called by the divine trumpet to summon the troops for the honor and glory of her
King. Here's our host, Pastor Mike Abendroth. Welcome to No Co -Radio.
How's that for a new introduction? That sounds absolutely smashing. Welcome to No Compromise Radio ministry.
Steve Cooley, what's on tap in your life? What's on tap? Is that a biblical thing to say for the fundamentalists out there?
I don't think so. Root beer tap. Yes, root beer tap. Absolutely. We're tapping maple syrup trees.
A &W root beer. We used to take that home by the gallon when I was a young child. Yeah, but what's the kind of root beer you like now?
I used to bring over some specialized root beer to my house back in California, and we would drink root beers together.
What's the specialized kind? Well, you know, I haven't really been drinking much root beer lately, unless I go to O 'Connor's.
There's a free plug for O 'Connor's, because they have a little home brew root beer that's made in New Hampshire or Maine or somewhere, you know, bottled underground by hobbits.
When we went to the Christmas tree orchard, whatever they call them, what do you call a gaggle of Christmas trees?
It's an orchard. It's an orchard. We went to the Christmas tree farm, and so we cut down our
Christmas tree and all that. But before we did, we saw some trees that looked pretty good.
They were shaped well, rather, and they had been cut ahead of time. So we said, where did these trees come from, and how long have they been out of the water?
Because what we do is we cut the tree, and we immediately go home and put it in the water. They're fresh from Brazil. No, Steve. They said they were cut from a farm in New Hampshire.
And Kim said, when was that? He said, like, three weeks before Thanksgiving. But he said, see, no needles are falling off.
I said, yes, because when you take it home, that's when they fall off, when it warms up to 68 degrees
Fahrenheit. It's like when you drive this car home, all the wheels are going to fall off. Same kind of thing, right? It's just time to...
Totally. So you got a Christmas tree this year, too, as well. Did you sing any pagan songs about the tree that you were praying?
Oh, Christmas tree, oh, Christmas... Yeah, yeah, we sing, you know, and then we light candles and...
On the tree? Yeah, absolutely. Oh, okay. So you burn down the idols. This is called Molech worship, the tree worship,
Jeremiah. You know, I don't know. I just... Yeah, that whole...
All right. Well, let's just have a message moment here today on The Tuesday Show with Tuesday Guy and Mike Abendroth.
We know how much Steve loves the message, B -I -B -L -E. I'm going to come up with my own theme song for that.
Okay, well, I'm just... I'm waiting for it to happen. Tell the crack staff to make this happen. The message rhyme with dressage and massage, dressage.
Well, I found this kind of self -serving, Steve, a Eugene Peterson's message moment sponsored by our friends over at NAVDA Press, who is like Nazareth.
Does anything good come out of Nazareth? Are they looking to publish any books by us? No. NAVDA Press, we'd like to publish some no -compromise...
Does anything good come out of NAVDA Press? Let me think. Jerry Bridges' books. Yes. And I think some
Don Whitney books have served the church as well. Good. Okay. Something good. All right, here's 1
Timothy chapter 4. Verse... We don't know the verse because he doesn't have verses because it's like the original manuscript.
Yeah, those aren't inspired. Only the actual words are inspired. You've been raised...
Remember, Paul is telling Timothy a few things about pastoral ministry. You've been raised on the message, capital
M. Well, yeah, that is self -serving, isn't it? We pity the poor fools who have been actually raised on the message
Bible. You know, the message isn't really a translation. We like to call it a reimagining of what might have actually occurred.
You've been raised on the message of faith and followed sound teaching. Now pass on this counsel to the
Christians there, and you'll be a good servant of Jesus. Now here we go. This is the message -ish kind of portion of the show.
Stay clear of silly stories. That gets... Did that get dressed up as religion? Exercise daily in God.
No spiritual flabbiness, please. Hey, pastor, I'd like to tell you a silly story.
Well, I can't really receive a silly story without one or two witnesses. Steve, no wonder
VeggieTales crashed and burned. No silly stories. It's against Bible principles.
I hadn't really thought about it that way. Very good. And this is the Saturday Night Live version. This is the flabberlance here.
No spiritual flabbiness, please. We'll have none of that flabbiness. Can you imagine? No flabbiness.
Suck it in. Chest out, stomach in. Well, today on No Compromise Radio, we want to remind you that if you'd like to email
Steve, hopefully by now his email will be up and running. Tuesdayguyatnocompromiseradio .com.
The Saturday shows are up and posted. He just posted a second show. What was your second show about? It was a continuation of the first show.
No, no. The first show was with me. Oh, the first show. Yeah. Yeah. Shows two and three are questions for my
Mormon friends. I think that's good. You were a Mormon for quite some time, yes? Yes. Did you put up Christmas trees as Mormons?
Absolutely. And sometimes they stayed up. Now, what would a Jack Mormon be? Why do they call them
Jack Mormons? Well, it comes from this fellow named Jack. No, it has absolutely nothing to do with that.
Jack Mormon, I don't know where the term originated, but basically it means somebody who's a
Mormon in name only, so a Mino. See, that would be a better Mormon, like a
Rhino. Wasn't he one of the original Anabaptist Mino Simons? Yes, he was.
Mino. I didn't know that. Mormon in name only. Okay. You know, because Latter -day
Saint in name only doesn't roll, you know, lidicino, doesn't roll off the tongue quite as well.
Okay. Well, today on No Compromise Radio, we'd like to talk a little bit about common sayings found from the
Bible. Do you know how the Bible has infiltrated common vernacular and verbiage? Common sayings.
Now, would these be common sayings from the message? Super fragilistically, yes.
All right. Wow. I wanted to say super flabalanchely, but that wouldn't really ... No, there'll be no flabbiness.
Yeah, no flabbiness. No spiritual flabbiness. I can just think of Dana Carver, Dana ...
Carvey. Carvey. Yeah. And him doing the whole Schwarzenegger deal and squeezing you like a tube of toothpaste.
I am here to pump ... I thought you were going to go with a church lady. I am here to pump you up. I know.
Or that one where that other guy is going to try ... some Russian is going to deadlift 1 ,900 pounds, and he's on steroids or whatever, and he pulled his arms out of the socket.
I think it's about time to censor No Compromise Radio. You know what? It's almost time. That would be
Tuesday. We have to do more censoring, a centuring, a centurion.
Or taking a census. Why is it in the Bible that when centurions are mentioned in the New Testament, they're usually mentioned in a good light?
Maybe we should call the guys at Crisis Center. They would know. That's something ... that's an imponderable ...
I'm going to have to ... I haven't figured it out, but now I'm going to have to ponder. It was an imponderable. Now it's a ponderable.
I think we probably could call the people at the White Horse Inn, and maybe on their special extended broadcast that only the
Tabletalk members get, they'd probably tell us. Should we do a gag call with the White Horse Inn?
We should do it, totally. Totally. That would be really a lot of fun.
Who else could we call regarding finding out some of this information? You know, maybe we should just call ...
hey, let's call Grace to You and see what they ... we'll just call all the different shows and ...
Hi, this is Jim, saxophone, and we'd like to talk to John MacArthur, please.
No, but see, we couldn't really lie, so then I don't know how that would work. Probably wouldn't work.
All right. Okay. Well, what we do want to say today is that the Bible, besides being the living and active word of God, besides being a book that is inerrant and inspired, we don't think that B .B.
Warfield and the men at Princeton came up with inspiration and inerrancy. We believe that God, since God is true and faithful, therefore
God's word must be true and faithful. And He has preserved His message. Yes, He has.
And we believe that God breathes out His word, and you can look at 2 Peter 1, verses 20 and following, or 2
Timothy 3, 16 and 17. You can look at Psalm 119, for instance, right,
Steve? Yes. What's the mini version of Psalm 119? Psalm 19. Psalm 19. See how that works? And God's word is pure and clean and clear and trustworthy, unchanging.
It transforms people, gives them comprehensive righteousness in their life, and so it's the word of God and performs its work in those who believe.
Second, excuse me, 1 Thessalonians 2, 13. You can take that message to the spiritual bank. All right.
I think they've taken the message to the bank, don't you? I'd like to know how much money the message made. Probably kept
NavPress in business. Well, you know, it wasn't about the money, though. It's never about the money, is it?
Until somebody says, it's not about the money. Well, it's not about the money. Well, the
Bible has so infiltrated life in a good way, in a right way, that now we just have words and slogans and phrases that are common vernacular, that they're just in our veritable wharf and woof.
Like get out of my way. Oh, wait, that's not what I want. Get thee behind me. Yeah, same thing, right?
And so the first one, I could... That's the message version of get behind me, Satan, get out of my way.
I think we now even have Jack White singing songs about get thee behind me,
Satan or something, doesn't he? Yeah. I think he does. I think that's the name of one of the White Stripes albums.
I think so. Not that I would know, but I've heard it from some of the rebellious kids at BBC. I saw it on some website.
The rebellious kids. The rebellious kids of BBC. That sounds like a group. What are they called?
You know, we've got those new things that we're selling at the BBC bookstore. We used to sell the spacers for the ears that had a cross in them until they got so large, some of the kids were putting it in their lip.
And you know how it would show a sign of godliness if your lip round thing was sticking out as far as Madagascar.
That was distressing. It was very distressing. So let me tell you a saying, and then
Steve, what I'd like you to do is I'd like you to tell me how this is used in today's vernacular.
Oh, okay. Okay, so then you don't have to look up the verses. Nothing but skin and bones. How do people use that in our society?
Well, it just means that he was wasted away. There was nothing left of him but skin and bones.
That one's pretty... Yeah, that's pretty self -evident. Yeah, self -explanatory. Yes. Job 19. All my intimate friends detest me.
Those I love have turned against me. I'm nothing but skin and bones. Wow. Now, is that literal though?
Literal skin and bones? Wouldn't, literally, he's skin and bones? I don't think so, because he couldn't have written it without some kind of muscle, right?
Well, see, that just proves that probably J or P or Q or some redactor wrote it, because if he couldn't write this first book of the
Bible, because he's only skin and bones. Hmm. Yeah. Excellent point, Mr. Redactor.
Redaction. What's your redaction? I escape by the skin of my teeth.
Hmm. Well, yeah, again, I think that's pretty self -evident, although if you think...
I mean, I always wince when you say skin of my teeth, because it makes me...
It's like that kind of uncomfortable feeling when you have like peach fuzz or something on your...
Isn't that horrible? By the way, that's how I pick out dentists. My first dentist here in Massachusetts was named
Dr. Harm. And so I figured I better not pick dentists like that anymore. And so now
I... Dr. Hatchet was after that. Hatchet. His last name was Job, Hatchet Job.
And so now I just ask them, what's the technical name? What's the nomenclature for that feel -me feeling on your teeth?
And if they don't say skin, then I go get a different dentist. Good for you. Yeah. So here, another one in Job.
I am nothing but skin and bones. He goes on to say, I have escaped with only the skin of my teeth.
But isn't it true, Steve, that Shakespeare has been so widely read that it has become modern parlance in vocabulary.
But more than Shakespeare, the Bible is foundational even for the
English language these days. Yeah. I think people would be surprised if they knew how many of our colloquialisms and kind of formulaic sayings come straight out of the
Bible. By the way, these figures of speech aren't the best to be used when you're speaking to people that have their number one language not
English. In other words, when I'm in Germany, I don't say, I escaped by the skin of my teeth. But interestingly, if I would say it, they have a modern equivalent.
They have a German equivalent for something like that. That they put into the... Yes. Yeah. That's right. Do you know the
German word for spider? I just learned this yesterday. Nein. Spinne.
Spinne. Well, that makes sense. Doesn't that make sense? Well, either that or a bike rider, I would say. That could be a spinne, too.
Fahrraden. Spinne. You're going to have your spider classes down at the gym? Ja.
I'm going to spin. Spin on my spin. Nine to nine
Luftballons or something. Remember that old song? All right. So, how about going the extra mile?
That's when, yeah, when somebody goes above and beyond the call of duty.
So, like if you give somebody their...if they ask for your coat, then what do you do?
You give them your other coat or however that whole thing goes. And if they want you to walk a mile, then you go the extra mile.
See? Right from Matthew 5, verse 41. Actually, we use this principle for No Compromise Radio as we spawned off the
Saturday show kind of like Laverne and Shirley spun out of Happy Days. The extra mile?
We're going the extra mile. Is that what it's called? The Saturday show? The extra mile? No, it's called The Saturday Show, aka 541.
Oh, okay. Because it's really cool if you've got a youth group to be called 180, right? 180 or 540, right?
You did the whole circle, then you went halfway again because it's 180, but it's already taken and copyrighted by
NABDA Press. See, I think 360, you know, they did a perfect... They did.
It's a 360 ministry. Well, you could probably say that of Adam though, right?
But better, because Adam had his own righteousness to start with, then he lost it, and then he got a better righteousness.
He got the Messiah's righteousness. So it'd be 360 plus. Yeah, I think it'd be maybe 760
AM. 760. W -V -N -E -C. But why do people do that?
They love names now with numbers. So it's the number name in evangelicalism. We had things like Verve, Catalyst, Pugnacious, and now it's things like 540, 180,
A7. Because they've run out of cool words, you know. S5, Sola 5, 5 Solas.
Nice. You should have seen Steve's face. All right, so if someone forces you to go one mile, go with him two miles.
Okay, how about scapegoat? That seems to be still popular these days.
Scapegoat, somebody to blame. You know, somebody to shift all the blame on. Yeah, with this whole Benghazi thing, there's a scapegoat in there somewhere.
Yeah, and he probably went up with the consulate. Well, I'm not laughing about that part.
The goat chosen by Lot is a scapegoat. Leviticus chapter 16 shall be presented alive before the Lord to be used for making atonement by sending it into the desert as a scapegoat.
Now, we won't get into the Hebrew there, but there are some interesting takes on hazeel and what that actually means.
But it's translated by King James as scapegoat, and most everybody else followed along. Some people think it's some demon kind of thing.
But, I mean, the main point is that's how we use it in our English language today, straight out of the
Bible. Steve, when you correct me like that, I can tell the writing's pretty much on the wall. What does that mean, the writing's on the wall?
That's a good one. Well, the future's foretold. You know, I mean, it's obvious what's going to happen.
You know, the handwriting's on the wall. I'm trying to think. See, I was going to come up with a cool old culture thing.
I can see the writing on the wall. Yeah, it's Kodachrome. Paul Simon. I can read the writing on the wall.
See, pop culture at its finest. These days, I mean, when was the last time you actually signed something cursively?
The only time I ever write cursively is to pretty much sign my name, do a check.
Which is good, because your writing is incomprehensible. Steve, the other day, no kidding,
I went to the local grocery store where we do our business, and we've got a check cashing account.
You don't want to give them a plug? Not really. Okay. Hannaford.
And so that's the closest store to our house, almost. I don't know where Shaw's is, but Shaw's, they don't give discounts for no -compromise radio hosts, so I go to Hannaford instead.
Anyway, I went there, and we have an account already set up, so the only thing I have to do is sign my name on the check and give it to them, and everything else just gets typed in, and I'm already pre -approved and all that stuff.
So I said to the man, when you get a second, he was checking all the stuff and scanning it with that Mark of the
Beast instrument he had there in front of me. And I said, can I borrow a pen when you get a second?
And so I took the pen, and I flipped the check over and endorsed my own blank check.
Nice. I was so tired. Wow. Does that work? Well, he already ran it through, and so he said he'd have to keep it, and then he asked for my phone number, and so he hasn't called me yet, though.
It's $41. I said, knowing that I was going to steal all this from you, I should have had a few more stakes put on that conveyor belt.
All right, how about this one, Steve? Red sky at night. Red sky at night.
Sailors delight. Red sky at morning. Sailors take warning. It's just used to predict the weather.
I mean, I don't know how accurate that is. How about, didn't the Ficks sing a song about this? Red sky at night?
See, that's another one of those bands that can't sing. That's why you like them and I don't.
Well, I don't really like them, but I think they were free at the Santa Cruz Boardwalk. Okay. It will be fair weather,
Jesus said, for the sky is red, Matthew 16, and in the morning today it will be stormy for the sky is red and overcast.
You know how to interpret the appearance of the sky, but you cannot interpret the signs of the times. Mike and Steve here on No Compromise Radio.
What about united we stand, divided we solve the common sayings from the
Bible, divided we fall? And if our backs are ever up against the wall, that was the song.
I didn't know that. Who sang that? I don't know. It's one of those big group chorus -y things.
I can't think of the, you know, probably Joy Division. Oh, no, that's not right. Newsboys. Newsboys.
United we stand, divided we fall. I see. I would have thought that was from the Revolutionary War. I don't know.
I don't know. Matthew 12, every kingdom divided against itself will be ruined and every city or household divided against itself will not stand.
So it's more of an expression than an exact quote like the skin and bones deal. Yeah. Well, I mean, united we stand, that was pretty much a revolutionary concept.
They knew that they were going to hang together or hang individually. Steve, it reminds me of our ordination practicum class back at Theological Seminary.
I used to just call it Master's Seminary, but I listen to S. Lewis enough and he'll say at Theological Seminary. Really? That's what he used to say?
At Theological Seminary. Okay. Maybe he was afraid to say Dallas after they kicked him out. I don't know. At Theological Seminary.
Joshua, how do you memorize Joshua? So 24 chapters split.
Verse 12 chapters, instead of conquer and divide, and the last 12 chapters divide, they divided things up and then they conquered or they conquered and then they divided?
They conquered, then they divided. I think that's right. That's exactly the way it's supposed to be. But I tricked myself.
You did, really? I did, I did. Well, how could they divide, then conquer? Like map out how they were going to divide up?
You know what? It always has racked my brain, my proverbial brain.
I rack it and rack it and rack it, and I still can't get the pool ball to...
You know, I don't think I ever told you you were the one who got me ready for that pre -quiz that Dr. Mayhew... So you knew ahead of time what was coming?
Yeah, I knew ahead of time. I shouldn't have told you. I should have made you flail around like we all were flailing. Yeah, I was one of the few guys to get them all right.
Schadenfreude. Schadenfreude. All right, let's see what else do we have here. Oh, one more.
There's a time and place for everything. We had joy, we had fun, we had seasons in the sun.
Bob Dylan wrote that straight out of the Bible. He did, and then who made it popular, though? The Byrds. And how do you spell that? B -Y -R -D -S.
Yes, and where's that taken from? Eight miles high. Eight miles high.
I meant Ecclesiastes 3. Eight miles high.
Oh, I thought you meant the spelling of birds. Yeah, eight miles high. See, that's why we record this show, so we can delete sections like this.
I had no idea what you were asking. How do you spell that? Where's that taken from? And I'm going, how would I know where B -Y -R -D -S is taken from?
Well, there probably was another rock band that already called the Byrds, or Alfred Hitchcock came playing to it. Yardbirds, I think.
Yardbirds, yes. How do we say that in Englanese? Yad beds. Yad beds. Well, one of the things
I love about Ecclesiastes 3. Too heavy? Oh, sorry. I tend to in my life,
Steve, I don't go for the whole I'm a B personality,
A personality, driven, black and white, engineer -like, artistic, or whatever, but I do think more in terms of analytical sovereignty of God, if it could be reduced to an algebraic equation,
I could hang with that. Poetry isn't my gig, so it is great for me, Steve, to realize a lot of the
Bible is poetry, and then to read Ecclesiastes 3, for everything there's a season, and a time for every matter under the heaven, and then he says, a time to be born, a time to die, etc.,
showing that God is sovereign over everything, but using poetry to describe that. I like that. That's beautiful.
It's beautiful. It's beautiful, man. It's beautiful, man. It's so beautiful.
United we stand, divided we fall. You know, Steve, there's a time to love, and a time to hate, a time for war, and a time for peace.
I'm going to have to edit some of this show, you know that, don't you? And a time to refrain from embracing.
You can write us at info at nocompromiseradio .com, or you can write us at Tuesdayguide at nocompromiseradio .com.
Send us all your theological stumpers, and we will turn them into 24 minutes and 30 seconds of absolute delight and joy.
Seriously, write us some questions, and we'd love to try to answer them on the radio. We do that quite often, and we're missing some questions.
No Compromise Radio with Pastor Mike Ebendroth is a production of Bethlehem Bible Church in West Boylston.
Bethlehem Bible Church is a Bible -teaching church firmly committed to unleashing the life -transforming power of God's Word through verse -by -verse exposition of the sacred text.
Please come and join us. Our service times are Sunday morning at 1015 and in the evening at 6. We're right on Route 110 in West Boylston.
You can check us out online at bbchurch .org or by phone at 508 -835 -3400.
The thoughts and opinions expressed on No Compromise Radio do not necessarily reflect those of WVNE, its staff, or management.