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Pastor David Mitchell



All right. Hello, ladies and gentlemen, Park Meadows Church broadcasting from Corsicana, Texas.
Glad to see you this morning. We just decided to change our service times to noon rather than 11.
But anyway, could they hear the announcements about the school? Could our friends?
Oh, good. Isn't that amazing, you guys? Wouldn't you love to have a kid in a school like that? And if you have to be in, if you still have kids that age, man, tremendous.
I happen to have quite a few grandbabies in that school, and they're very happy. All right.
So we're in Romans chapter 11 verse by verse. We're in this little page in Romans chapter 11, 19 through 21, where Paul is telling the
Gentile predominantly Gentile church that you can be plucked out of the tree just like Israel was because of unbelief.
He's not talking about that. You could lose your salvation as an individual because we have eternal security once we're truly born again, but he's talking about as a, the church as an institution.
And we know Jesus taught that the church as an institution has wheat and tears in it. Not everybody's a believer that sits in church.
Everybody may act like one, but the Lord knows, doesn't he knows our hearts. So there are wheat and tears in the church, wheat being the true believers, tears being ones that look like wheat, but they're not really wheat.
And Jesus said, Satan puts them there. But now if you want to look at it under a different allegory, sheep and goats is my favorite way to look at it that Jesus talked about that too.
And the interesting thing is there's two kinds of sheep. There's a lost sheep that will be saved someday because the sheep belong to Jesus and he's a good shepherd.
He won't let, he said, I will lose none of them. He'll find them all. All of us will be found.
And then you have saved sheep that already been found. You know, that's a bunch of us in the room already been found. Maybe everybody in the room.
And then you have goats or people that will never be saved because they don't belong to the Lord. Satan put them here. Now, isn't that interesting?
You say how? Well, that's for another sermon. But thanks to my wonderful mentor,
Otis Fisher, I know how, because he showed me from scripture how I never thought he could do that.
But he did. It took him about 30 seconds. Amazing man. We miss him every day.
But and his sweet wife, B. Hey, Otis told you, you could see us from heaven. So I'm right about that one again.
Anyway, this so this is talking about the fact that the predominantly Gentile church, especially in America, as it's grown up and now it's totally different than church used to be about 150 years ago.
It's completely different. It's sort of mannish rather than godly now.
And that church is going to be cut off. The church will no longer be the salt and light of the earth.
You'll see if I can get far enough into this day, you will see where that happens on God's timeline.
So the reason we're even talking about the end times is because of that. Those people were going verse by verse through 11,
Romans 11. And there it is. And so we kind of launched out and we're looking at the end times chronology, not the ones that the books you read in the movies, you see, because they got it wrong.
But the Bible has it right. And if you would just do like a friend of mine asked me to do years ago, when
I finally looked at this on my own and quit taking seminary, what the seminaries teach, and my even some of my mentors believed,
I actually studied it on my own, looked and see what the Bible taught Matthew chapter 24. Jesus's chronology of the end times is very, very clear.
And it contradicts a lot of these books out there. All right. So what's interesting about it, this is talking about the in that chronology of the end times, there is a point where the church as we know it now stops being the messenger of the gospel.
And God has other messengers and that you'll see that today we get to it. So this is kind of what launched us into this study.
And that's where we are. Be not high minded. You think you're you're saved because God sort of chopped off some of the
Jewish limbs so he could plug us in. He said, don't be high minded, though, because they were taken out because of unbelief.
You can be taken out as an institution, talk about Israel as an institution. The church can be taken out also and will be and I'll show you where if we get to it today.
All right. So now we have the principle of near prophecy and far prophecy fulfillment. Almost every scholar
I've ever read believes that there may be a few people that don't, but it's because their system won't work if if they accept it.
So they cheat. But if you just look at scripture, you will see it. You will read some of the things, these prophets, both
Old Testament and in the New Testament, where they told what was going to happen. And you'll see things that have happened already, but you'll see stuff that has not happened yet.
And that's how you know there was a near fulfillment, maybe 60 years after they lived or maybe in their lifetime that prophecy was fulfilled in the near.
But there's a far component of it that has not been fulfilled yet. And that's how you know that's a true doctrine, because you see it in the scripture.
I'll show you some of them. So I'm asking a question. Let's look at one now as an example. Is this a near prophecy or a far prophecy?
This is Zephaniah chapter three, verse eight, therefore, wait ye upon me, saith the
Lord until the day that I rise up to the prey. That's a reference to the second coming and Armageddon and all of that.
This was written 2800 some odd years ago. For my determination is to gather the nation.
So this is for ordained is predestinated that God is going to gather all the nations of the world and attack
Israel. Okay. My determination,
I'm going to gather all the nations that I may assemble the kingdoms to pour upon them my indignation.
That's the wrath of God. All of my fierce anger, that's the wrath of God for all the earth shall be devoured.
Now, does that sound like something that only happens in Israel or does it sound like a worldwide tribulation? Same as Revelation teaches.
In fact, this is some of this is parallel to the book of Revelation for all the earth shall be devoured with the fire of my jealousy.
Why does God do this? He is jealous because predominantly at this point in time, the world is worshipping false gods that they're creating.
Even in America, in churches today, the apostle Paul said there's a different Jesus, a different spirit and a different gospel.
People have created a Jesus Christ they want to worship who is not the Jesus Christ of the Bible. That's idolatry.
They are saying that the Holy Spirit is causing them to do things that the Holy Spirit himself said have ceased and he won't cause people to do.
So that's a different spirit. So they're worshipping false gods, even in churches here in America, but not to mention
Hinduism and Islam and all this stuff, these world religions that are false.
So that's why God will bring this tribulation is to because he's jealous.
It is a stance against idolatry predominantly, but all other sins as well.
For then will I turn to the people of a pure language, which will be Hebrew, that they may all call upon the name of the
Lord to serve him with one consent. So Jew and Gentile will all be saved the same way, just like they are now in the church age.
But there won't be other religions when this is over. There'll just be one true religion.
And Jesus Christ will set foot on the earth and reign for a thousand years physically as king and priest.
All right, so do you think that has already happened? Can you think of a time in world history where all of the earth was devoured?
I can't. So that has not happened yet. OK, so has there been a time when
God assembled all nations of the world against Israel? No, there have been times when one nation came against them.
There's never been a time when all the nations of the world came against them at once. So this is future information that God gave the prophet
Zephaniah. There have been a time when all the I mean, since God confused the languages.
Since that, has there been a time when God put it all together where we all speak the same language? No, that's all future material.
So when you hear a teacher or a preacher say, ah, this idea of a near prophecy and a far prophecy is not true.
It's a theological invention. They're lying. It's not a theological invention. Theologians study it.
True theologians that understand the Bible say, here it is in the Bible. Are you with me? So it's a fact that you have to think about it.
Anytime you read a prophet is some of this information may not have happened yet. Some of it may have already happened.
It's true in almost every all of these prophecies. What about this one? Is this one near or far or both?
Okay. This is Zechariah, not Zephaniah, different book. Zechariah 4 verse 8, moreover, the word of the
Lord came to me saying, the hands of Zerubbabel have laid the foundations of this house.
His hand shall also finish it and now shall know that the Lord of hosts has sent me. Has that already happened or is it going to happen in the future?
That's already happened. So that was the near fulfillment. But it becomes a picture. Somebody said future.
You're right, because it becomes an allegory or a picture of a future event as well.
So wouldn't you say both then? So it's both near and far. Then answered
I and said, what are these two olive trees upon the right side of the candlestick and upon the left? Now, candlestick in the book of Revelation, the
Lord himself said that is the church. Now, a lot of these false teachers
I gotten, I won't go there. I do get in trouble sometimes when I call preachers false teachers, but I don't have any one in mind.
I'm just saying if they teach a false end times chronology, that is false teaching. Now, there are two kinds.
There's the kind of book of Jude that Satan sends that corrupt the church on purpose and end up going to hell.
There's a second kind of false teacher, which is like me, where I taught stuff wrong when I was young and God showed it to me.
I got up and apologized for it, corrected it and never taught it wrong again. And there's probably still stuff now that I've got to learn.
Right, brother Bill. I mean, we're not perfect. We're human. So there's that kind of false teacher, too. There's both listed in the
Bible and those that have the heart where they want to get it right are going to heaven. All you got to do is tell all you have to do is show me in scripture where I'm wrong.
I will change it. I will promise you that every teacher in this church will do that. So that's how we should be.
But there are teachers who have written books about the end time that are totally wrong. They are false teachers.
I mean, I can't make it nice. What do you want me to call them? You know, so.
You know, there are people who say that after chapter three of Revelation, the church is gone and they think that's where the rapture happens before any of the tribulation.
That's not true. That verse is taken totally out of context. It's not even talking about that.
And the church is found many times in chapters after chapter three of the book of Revelation, which
I will show you some, but this actually is interesting because these two individuals here, let me pop them down there.
You have Joshua earlier in this chapter is like the religious man, the godly man, the priest, and then
Zerubbabel is like the secular godly man. So these two people rebuilt the temple after it had been destroyed.
And it's the very temple that Jesus is an apostle sat and looked at and talked about and Jesus prophesied this will be torn down that the near prophecy happened in 70
A .D. And then there'll be another temple built in our future. And when you see that starting to be built, you need to gather your things and go find a cave somewhere you don't need, especially don't be in a city, a big city.
So you're better off around, of course, Canada and around Dallas, for example. All right.
Even better off around my head and around, of course, Canada, it's a smaller town, right? So the smaller the town is, the better.
I'm kind of looking for a cave somewhere. I don't know where you'll be the first to know.
I don't want to be not just our family to be a bunch of us. They know how to shoot things and fish and hunt.
I'm not being funny. This is a fact. All right. But so these two men rebuilt the temple, but they were types of two other men.
And you see where it says the two olive trees, that's going to link. You're going to see a far prophecy that right all the way out into the book of Revelation.
You'll see it in a minute. So it's really fascinating. So what that tells me there last time
I think I mentioned there's been at least eight to 10 pairs of people of the Bible that Bible scholars and commentaries have said these two future prophets will be.
So if there's eight to 10 that they all say they'll be, that means none of them know who it is. Right. So why should we conjecture?
But one thing I can tell you, they are is one of them be a secular godly person and the other will be a priestly godly person.
OK, that we know scripture teaches us that. So there is a far I'm asking the question at the bottom, is there a far prophecy of this?
And there there definitely is. There was another time I'm going to take a little parentheses here, though, before I talked about that.
There is another time when two witnesses spoke in the streets of Jerusalem after Zerubbabel's day, which was
I don't know exactly. I should have looked it up for you, but maybe I don't know, six to eight hundred years B .C.
And they rebuilt the temple and we can look it up for you next time. I should have done it. But then that one was torn down in 70
AD after Jesus went back into heaven. It was torn down. Right. So there is no temple there now.
There's just a wall, part of one part of a wall left where the temple was. Well, so back in eight hundred or so B .C.,
these two individuals of God were pictured as let me go back.
They were pictured as two olive trees. OK, one secular, one priestly.
Now, what's interesting is it says they're on the right side of the candlestick and on the left side, the candlestick, the book of Revelation tells us a picture of the church.
So what you're going to find out is when you see these two future individuals, that's where the false teachers of today say the church won't be there anymore.
Problem is they're surrounded by the candlestick. Does that make sense to you? You understand it pictures the church is still there.
Does anybody have a question about that, am I saying it clearly, I got it so much in my mind, it's almost simple to me at this point, but I know when you first hear this, it's different than the different theories you grew up with.
But that word candlestick proves that when the when the far fulfillment of this prophecy happens out in our future and there's two prophets that you're going to find on the streets of Jerusalem, they are going to be on the right side and the left side of this candlestick.
So you got these two olive trees upon the right side, the candlestick, and upon the left side, they are surrounded by the church.
So the church is still here far into the book, way past chapter three.
When the false teachers tell you it leaves in the rapture, it's not true. It's a lie. And Lucifer made that lie up because if you were
Satan and you love killing Christians and Jews, what's the greatest lie you could tell them? Don't worry about it. You won't be here. And there is so much information talking about the end times where it says, and then if you're not prepared, you know, you'll be slaughtered.
I just saw some this morning I've never seen before. It's all through the Old Testament as it prophesies these end times.
So you got to be ready. It says that there will be people sitting on their lees. That's an old
English way of saying lazy and not preparing. And that the ones who sit on their lees will be destroyed by the antichrist and his people, which is the governments of the world.
It'll be bureaucrats coming after you and your family. And either you didn't get the vaccine, you know, we can see it all being put together since January the sixth.
That was a great acceleration point in the end times, things happening. So now with COVID, if you don't, do you realize there are hundreds of thousands of college age children, young people right now?
They're having to make the decision of either go to college or get the vaccine. Get, I should say it this way, get the vaccine or you don't go to college.
Now we don't know about this vaccine. I just spoke to a biologist. It was one of my students in the stock market meeting who told me she's sending information to me about this, particularly the
Moderna vaccination. That is a little problematic that some biologists are looking at that saying this might not be so great.
So you want to be forced to take it. And I understand if you desire to take it, take it. I'm not, I mean, it's between you and the
Lord. You do what you have a piece with, but what if you don't desire to take it? Should the government be able to force you to take it?
They're going to trust me. And if you don't take it, you won't be allowed in a grocery store or a hospital or an airport or a bus station or a train station, you might not be able to buy a car, think about it.
You never thought this stuff would be in your lifetime. Did you it's here. It's already here now. So you got these things going on, but I'm going to tell you what the church is in the book of revelation.
Beyond chapter three, we'll see that this was a prophecy that, that it would be because these two particular prophets, though they may well be
Jewish, they are born again, Christians, and they're part of the church. And it says right there, there's they're on the candlestick.
They're in the church. They are not Jewish by, uh, religion.
You understand what I'm saying? They're Jewish. Like my mentor, Dr. Irwin Freeman was a Jew. He's a
Jewish believer. That's what these two men will be. So the church they're part of the church. Listen, the church is on this earth until the second coming.
It has to be on the, on the earth until the great resurrection takes place, which is at the end of the tribulation period.
So you should tell you something about these books and these different theories, these guys in the seminaries have been teaching.
Not all of us believe it anymore. All of us grew up believing it. I did. A lot of us don't believe that anymore because we go to the scripture.
Once you get your own personal interest and do your own study, that's when you'll see it. If you try to read the theology, that's in a lot of the seminaries, even the good seminaries today.
It's very, very wrong and been proven wrong, easily proven wrong.
So it's just old material. It's almost like science, brother bill. How like the chemistry being taught right now in public school.
And even in our Christian school, how old is that? Those theories probably 30 years old at this point, maybe 50, about 50.
And, and they even know it doesn't work that way now, but it's still a good model to teach kids.
That's why it's all a model anyway. Right. Just a model. But, um, so here we go.
There was another time after Zerubbabel and Joshua, if you move forward about another 800 years into the future, back at the times, uh, of, of Jesus Christ, after he had already been crucified and buried and risen.
And after he ascended into heaven, there were a couple of preachers out on the streets of Jerusalem preaching the gospel.
And then there's going to be another time in our future where there's going to be two men and they're the branches.
Now I'm not saying these two were referenced by the branches. They were not, but I'm giving you an example of how the world system looks at it when you stand on the street and you preach the gospel.
So let's look at these acts chapter four, being grieved that they taught the people and preach through Jesus, the resurrection from the dead.
And they laid hands on these two preachers and put them in hold until the next day for it was now even done.
So they threw him in jail because they were talking about Jesus on the street. And this was the religious leaders that arrested him.
How be it many of them, which heard the word believed. Now, see,
I had a friend asking me on the trip, where is it in the book of acts, where it transfers from being
Jewish, where you had to lay hands on people for him to get the Holy spirit to where, when they believe they were indwelt without any human part at all, other than hearing the gospel from a human, and it's a little bit later than chapter four, but you can see here in chapter four, you didn't have to have people laying hands on these people for him to believe they just heard it.
They heard it and they believe because the Holy spirit called them. That's why they believe he turned them on.
He turned on their equipment. Their receiver got turned on where their eyes could see their ears could hear. They looked at Jesus.
I said, wow, he's my shepherd. And I didn't recognize that till this moment. So many of them had that happen and got saved on this day.
And the number of the man was about 5 ,000. That's a good sermon. Don't you think, but it's not the sermon.
I mean, it took the sermon, but it always takes two things. The sermon is called the water of the word.
Jesus said, you have to have water and you have to have the spirit to be saved. The sermon is the water of the word.
So here they're preaching the word. Peter's preaching the gospel. And then the Holy spirit moves in and calls 5 ,000 people all in a moment.
Usually it happens individually. You might be in your car driving, you might be washing clothes. You might do wherever you are when the
Holy spirit awakens, awakens you from the dead and that is regeneration. And it's all because Jesus gave his blood that that could happen to God's people and he regenerates us and you have no part in it, right?
We go over that all the time because the world has got that wrong. The world thinks humans do something to please God. But the
Bible teaches that God knew his own before the foundation of the world, before he created anything. And every one of those, he will call and awaken.
And it says why you were yet in your sins. Has he quickened you? That's regeneration.
Everything you do after that is an effect, not the cause of it, right? All the goods works, all the get baptized, repent, believe all that stuff is stuff you do because you've already been awakened.
So God is the cause of, and God only is the cause of salvation.
And God is the only one that did any of the work that saves us. We don't do any work that saves us. He did all the work.
And we all know that here in this particular church, thank God. But here, here you see this, uh, they're hearing the word they believe.
Now, as you go on, so, so the, so the religious leaders that they hated this because there were no works involved in that salvation, you see there, the
Jews had developed a system of religion where you had a list. You had to check off to get to heaven. God never created salvation that way.
Never even in the 400 years before Moses ever existed, Abraham and God had a covenant and God put
Abraham to sleep. And then God did the covenant and it shows Abraham had no part in it other than to receive it as a gift.
It's free gift. It's all of God's work. And that's how salvation worked in the old
Testament. And that's how it works now. But people get confused about it. Just like the Jews did.
They got involved with a list of things to do, thinking that would save them. Well, so that, that set of Jews hated these two men because they're preaching the gospel.
Said, no, you don't have to keep their rules to be saved. Those won't save you because no one keeps them perfectly.
Unless you keep them all, they can't save you. So you need a save your, and his name is Jesus. And those men over there crucified him.
Now, how do you think that went over? Oh, you shouldn't say unkind things about false.
People. Yeah, you have to, that's our job. And sometimes God calls you to stand up and say, that's wrong.
That is not what God says gets a person to heaven. And you need to know that that person is wrong.
And you have to do that when God calls you to do it, you better know how to tell them why that's wrong. That's why you come here is to learn and get the ammunition that you need for the battle.
And God helped me. If I get to heaven and I did not give you the ammunition. So sometimes you get too much ammunition and I know it more than you can carry.
But that's all right. So they did not like this. Peter filled with the Holy ghost center.
Then you rulers of the people in the elders of Israel, Tom to Rome, he was talking to Roman soldiers and the
Jewish leaders, and he says, if we this day be examined of a good deed done to this impotent man, they just healed a man who couldn't walk, made him where he could walk.
They didn't like that either. By what means he is made whole, be it known unto all of you, to all the people of Israel that by the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, who you crucified, who
God raised from the dead, proving you wrong, even by him, does this man stand who'd been crippled his whole life.
So you want to kill us for that? You know, you're going to have to kill God because God did it and you can't kill him.
So you got to face the fact your religion is wrong and people hate that. And all of these men, except the apostle
John were killed eventually. Because they wouldn't back down from that message right there in the tribulation time, it's going to be like that for you, your children, your grandchildren, you better be strong because some will die for the faith.
Now I will tell you this, Lord shown me this in recent years, there's a point where the church is no longer called to be the witness to this world.
Do you want to know why I can show you right where it happens? Do you want to know why that is? Because from that moment, you better stop witnessing and go hide.
And since God gave you that information, if you're one who gets killed because you didn't pay attention, then that's okay.
You're going to be a martyr. You'll get a better resurrection and all that, but you didn't have to be killed because, because God tells you when that's over and what you need to do at that point, isn't that something to protect you?
He says he wants to hide you. Do you think God can hide you? You see this, this false theory that you're just raptured and you're not even here as a lie, but what is true is
God says he'll hide you if you obey him. So you'll be hidden and you don't witness anymore at that point.
You don't lie. I mean, if someone, if the bureaucrat comes up and says, do you believe in Jesus?
You say yes. And they're going to kill you. And that's okay. Or me, right? I mean, if that happens, we know he'll give us the grace to go through it.
Won't he? Because Jesus said, whosoever lives and believes in me never dies anyway.
So Satan builds up the fear of death way bigger than it should be for the Christian, we shouldn't even fear it.
You know, pain maybe, but not the death. Right? So yeah, we need to be strong.
So now see here, they're threatening him and, um, be it known to all of you guys that crucified him.
This is the stone. Jesus is the stone, which was set at naught by you builders, the Jews, which has become the head of the corner.
And you set him at naught and killed him. That's what you did. And wow. How do you think that sermon went over this day?
Well, I'll tell you what, 5 ,000 people got saved. That's more than these friendly preachers that get out there and talk to you.
God loves everybody. And Jesus died for everybody. And God's going to save everybody. They don't have 5 ,000 people saved in that service.
Do they? But they're not even preaching the gospel. Well, no one can get saved when they don't hear the gospel. You got to have the water and you got to have the spirit.
It's not enough. Just have the Holy spirit in the room. You've got to have the, the true gospel must be heard and the
Holy spirit must awaken. Those two things have to happen. All right. Neither is there salvation in any other name,
Sean and I sitting there waiting on our baggage at DFW. And there's this little unusual man standing there who claimed he was from east
Texas with this very strange woman that he had brought in from California. It was going to move her here. I'm talking about dressed really weird.
And these people were probably 70 ish, but they were fit and everything. And they're sitting over there about like right there.
We're waiting on. And she says, well, you know, I've studied Hinduism and he said, Oh, I've studied a little bit of, of that too.
And she said, well, you know, and, um, you know, Islam I hear is a whole lot like Hinduism.
The two go together really well. I said, yeah, I've heard that too. Never once did they mention Jesus and I talk about Buddha and his teachings and they're into all that.
And I'm sitting here just thinking, Lord, you want me to say something? Cause I will. And he said, Nope, you don't need to say anything this time.
So I didn't, not that I heard a voice, but I'm, you know, I was not impressed. And Charlotte was over there praying,
Lord, don't let David say anything, you know, Lord, Lord, don't let him even hear what they're talking about.
And I was sitting there like this, just tapping my foot going, Lord, do I, or don't I, but I didn't get to, so it wasn't as fun as it could have been.
But anyway, this is the verse I would have quoted to him. Either this one, this one says neither.
Is there any other name under heaven given among men where you can get saved other than Jesus? That's a good one.
But the one I was thinking about is where Jesus said, I am the way and the truth of life and no man comes to the father, but by me, what do you guys think about that?
That's what I wanted to tell him. Now, when they saw the boldness of Peter and John and perceived that they were unlearned and ignorant, man, that's me say
I've never been to seminary. Now I'm learning a little bit. I got two degrees from college, which means I had to get over that.
You heard me, right? It like took years to get, I'm still getting over that, but I'm unlearned in theology.
All I know is what God's taught me from the Bible and my wonderful mentors and my parents and grandparents, some of the grandparents, one of them in particular.
Well, three, the Kentucky grandparents were sweet Christians too. So, I mean, I've had some great mentors, but they would, they would say that about me.
I almost had someone tell me that this week in so many words that, you know, like, did you go to seminary, that sort of thing?
So they didn't respect these men, but guess what? 5 ,000 people just got saved because they got the power of God on them.
And, and so they took knowledge of them that they had been with Jesus. So in that interesting, they knew something was different about these men.
They'd never been to seminary, but something's different about these men. So they took knowledge of them and belonging, uh, beholding the man, which was healed.
I mean, they just, they just prayed over this guy and he got healed. So they kind of took note of that too. They don't teach that in seminary, by the way.
And he was healed standing with them and they could say nothing against them while the crowd was there. Cause the crowd would have jumped on top of them.
If they criticized him while the crowd was there later, they plotted how to kill them. Right. So you see all this, all this stuff going on.
I don't have time to read through this. Look at verse 19, but Peter and John answered. Here's what I wanted to show you from this, that do you think the crowd liked the preaching?
I don't mean the ones that got saved. I mean, the government, do you think the government and the Jewish leaders of the false, you know, by works religion, liked the sermon that day?
No, they didn't. So the authorities came to these two men, Peter and John said, look, you need to stop preaching this right now, or you're going to prison.
Now I'm telling you this, cause this is not, this is now, this is just now getting to this place.
How many people are facing prison because they walked down to the Capitol on January 6th and just exercised a
God -given constitution, given right to speak what they believed.
And they're going to prison because they were at that Capitol. He said, no, it's because they went in. Well, they opened the doors for him to go in.
You saw it. I saw it. They invited him in. That was probably planned too, but I shouldn't go there, but here's my point.
They hate the same message today. They hate Christians. They want you to be the bad guy. You don't want you
Christians to be the ones that were beating up the people on January 6th. I had Christian friends there. They said they don't even know who those people were.
They were not part of the crowd of the Christian crowd. But anyway, I have eyewitnesses that have testified to me that those they don't know.
They said they saw a bunch of people show up in black vans the night before and get out in black. I mean, I think I don't remember the color of the vans, but they had on black clothing.
And that the fences were this high around the Capitol by the next morning, they had lowered the fences this high. So you could get over to tell me there's not stuff going on there.
But anyway, here's how they answered Peter and John. And this is the answer. You need to memorize this when they come to you and you say,
I'm not going to take that vaccination. Now I'm okay with you. If you do, that's not the issue. My mom took it.
So that's not the issue. The issue is, can they make you take it? And you say, look,
I'm a Christian. I believe the Lord is going to take care of me and heal me. I don't need it. I don't want to take it. I said, well, you'll go to prison.
And if you don't, or you can't buy food, if you don't take this little chip to prove, prove you've had it, it'll either be here or they'll put it on your back of your hand.
You just take that and you'll be all right. And you say, no, sir, I don't really think I can do that. And I said, well, you know what? We'll just put you in jail right now.
And here's what you do. Verse 19, Peter and John answered said to them, verse 18, they called them in, they commanded them not to speak at all, nor teach in the name of Jesus at all anymore.
And here's their answer. Peter and John answered and said to them, whether it be right in the side of God to hearken unto you more than to God, you tell me the answer.
Should I obey you or God? If I have to choose, you tell me the answer. And I will tell you what, there's the one exception in all of scripture where Jesus new
Testament in particular, where Jesus said, obey those that rule over you and the government.
Here's the exception to rule. If they ask you to sin, you have to disobey them. If they ask you to not do something,
God's told you to do, or to do something God told you not to do, you have the right under God to disobey them.
Now you will pay the consequence that throw you in jail or kill you or whatever, or maybe like in this case, they just have to let you go.
God takes care of all that. We don't have to worry about that. We don't have to worry about the result. We just have to do that answer in verse 19.
Everybody got it. Raise your hand if you got it, because that's the homework. Memorize that you got to have it.
For we cannot, but speak the things which we have seen and heard. And that's what God has called us to do.
We can't, we can't zip it. All right. We're not, we're, we're people who share what God's done for us.
And you may not like it as part of your new governmental rules, but we can't stop doing it. Sorry. Because we have a higher, we have a higher authority than you that's told us to do it.
So you judge, should I listen to him or to you ask him that question? Look him right now. That's what you need to do.
So when they had further threatened them, they let them go. Probably what'll happen.
Who knows finding nothing, how they might punish them because the crowd wouldn't let them.
Might be helpful if this happens to you, if you can have 5 ,000 people say right before it and they're with you, you know what
I mean? But if you can't arrange that, you might go to jail for a little while. So when they had further threatened them, they let them go finding nothing because the people wouldn't let them for all men glorified
God for what had happened that day. Isn't that something? And when they heard that they lifted up their voice to God with one accord and said,
Lord, thou art God. Well, he got them out of a pickle, didn't he? Which has made heaven and earth and sea and everything that's in them.
Who by the mouth of your servant, David has said, so let me ask you this. When you read the Psalms, who wrote that wrong?
He was the penman. So it's a trick question. He's the penman, but who's the, I said it wrong, mom.
You're not wrong. You're never wrong, but I asked the question wrong. What I should have said is who was the author.
So look, look what it says. God lifted up the voices to God who created everything who by the mouth of David spoke.
So is it David speaking or God speaking through that mouth of David? It was God. So God's the author of the
Psalms, not David. He's the penman. All right. So, um, even
David said, why did the heathen rage and the people imagined vain things? The Kings of the earth stood up. The rulers were gathered together against the
Lord and against his Christ. Now he's still preaching again, see for a truth against that. Holy child,
Jesus, whom God anointed by Herod and Pontius Pilate and the
Gentiles, the people of Israel, all of them were gathered together against the one that God anointed. So let me ask you this, these people that say, well,
God has not appointed us to wrath. You know what? And they say, so you'll have to be raptured because you're not going to be there during the wrath.
You know, you might want to check the context on that one. Because if you study the four or five verses, either side of that verse, it's talking about going to heaven or going to hell.
And it's saying very clearly in the context that God has not appointed any of his children to, to going to hell, that kind of wrath, it's not a reference to the tribulation period at all, but it's used as one of the seven or eight, uh, proof texts that they have.
And they're all out of context, man, it's dangerous. It's such a dangerous, such a dangerous lie.
And so now he says for to do whatsoever thy hand and I counsel determined before to be done.
So all of the things that the world system did to Jesus was predetermined and predestinated by the father to happen to Jesus.
So let me ask you this. If God would let his own son be drug through the streets after he's almost beaten to death and crucified on a
Roman cross and die, you don't think he would let Christians go through tribulation.
Have you ever read the history of the Christian church? Fox's book of martyrs. Things happen in the first century to Christians that I can't even describe.
I was a lost young man in college. And I wrote a, I wrote a major paper in English class at Baylor university about the
Roman games and what they did to Christian men and women in that, uh, Coliseum.
I know the details. I did research every book ever written that I could find in history on what happened and wrote a paper on it.
It's horrifying. So you're saying, well, God would let them go through that, but he won't let us.
Cause we're the modern American church and we've been so good and strong that he'll, he, you know, he won't let us be here when that happens.
That's the theory. And yet Paul spends an awful lot of time in first Thessalonians, second
Thessalonians, different places in his epistles, telling us to be strong and to keep the truth and to keep the faith through it all, why would he tell us that if we weren't going to be here?
The whole thing crumbles like, uh, you know, a house of cards or something.
And now Lord behold, their threatenings and grant unto your servants that with all boldness, they may speak that word even after being told not to say a word.
Is that beautiful? There's the Christian life. And that's more real than what we've had the last 200 years in America, where we've been so protected.
It's been wonderful. Hasn't it? It's over. Okay. We're not going to enjoy the
Christian nation anymore. It's being turned secular every minute of every day, and you will be persecuted because of your faith and you'll be asked to stop being vocal about it, especially on the internet.
You you'll, you know, you'll be removed from the different places where you're telling people the truth. You see, it's already happening.
And when they had prayed, the place was shaken where they were assembled together. This was not this long after, and they were filled with the
Holy ghost and they spoke the word of God with boldness. That's when the church was actually born.
When the first Christians were indwelt by the spirit of God. So there you have all this, a multitude believed.
All right. So now you had those two people. Now there are yet two more individuals that the olive branches picture that have are going to come on the scene in our future may be alive on the earth.
Right now. Isn't that exciting? Maybe they're in your school part meadows.
Maybe part meadows is raising up one of those two individuals. You don't know who they are. One of them will be a called man of God.
And the other one will be a secular person, like a president or a congressman or major important judge, or someone that's a very strong Christian who's in government, and those will be the two people we're going to see out there in the future.
So we go to revelation chapter 11, verse three, and I will make, give power unto my two witnesses.
Now watch this. They will prophesy 1 ,200, three score days clothed in sackcloth.
Do the math on that. How long in years is that three and a half years.
So these two individuals come on the scene exactly halfway through the seven year period that we all talk about.
The Daniel talked about in the old Testament halfway through that seven years, these two men appear in power.
They already been prepared. They were already here. They just appeared in power and began to prophesy on the streets of Jerusalem.
Just like the other two, we saw 2000 years ago and the two 2 ,800 years ago that did it before that, when they built the temple and these two individuals.
Look at that. Let's see who they are. These are the two olive trees, the two olive trees.
This is a reference to the prophecy in Zechariah. This is the far fulfillment.
And they will preach on the street every day for three and a half years.
And the world will hate them with such hatred. They will try to kill them all every, you know, throughout almost every week of that three and a half years, someone will try to assassinate them.
And everyone who attempts to kill them is killed by the fire. I think from their own mouth, I need to reread that part, but isn't that what it was,
Bill? You can check it. Like these prophets can just sort of speak and they, and their enemies are killed for three and a half years.
And then the antichrist himself appears on the scene at the end of three and a half years and slays them and they lie dead in the street for three days.
And the whole world celebrates like a birthday party, like Christmas, because these two men of God had been slaughtered by the antichrist, the whole world celebrates, and then guess what?
I guess they're watching on the internet and all of a sudden these two dead men that have supposedly left to rot.
Probably I would guess they didn't decay at all. And then they just stand up and ascend into heaven.
What do you think that does for the world that, Hey, God needs people. They go, whoops, I'm on the wrong team.
And for many of them, it'll be too late because then there's Armageddon pretty soon afterwards.
So these are these two men, these are powerful prophets and guess what? I'm out of time for today.
I bet unbelievable. There's not enough time. I mean, this could go on for a few more
Sundays to get to these really important, amazing things that the Lord shown me just in the last few years.
I've been studying this for years. I'm seeing new things that are just very, very clear that I just couldn't see until January the sixth.
And now they make sense. And I'm not the only one. I mean, people in this room that are seeing them, there's people around on the, some of you guys, we've talked about it, that are seeing these things.
But these two individuals will, will be the last. Now it's funny. I just read a book that came out of DTS, which used to be the strongest seminary, and now it's not so much.
And the author is a graduate and probably a professor from there. And he just wrote a book. And in the book, he said, these two individuals prophesy that he says, now, most people believe they process.
Process prophesied the last three and a half years, but actually they prophesied the first three and a half years, and then they were taken up because that's when the rapture happened.
Totally. No, I mean, just read it. It's very clear when they, when they were there and he just changed it to fit his theory rather than letting the
Bible say, Hey, your theory is wrong. Apologize, stop teaching it and be a good man.
He wouldn't do that. Isn't that something? Some will though brother Otis would do that. Bill will do it.
I'll do it. Most of the people in this room would change something. If someone showed you it was wrong and the holy spirit verified that and other scripture verified it, you'd change.
We just want to know the truth. That's what matters when you're grown up. That's all that matters. You don't care about winning the argument.
Now you might care about it. If you pretty, you pretty solid on the truth and you've seen it all through the whole
Bible verifies it. Yeah. You want to win because you don't want the poor soul that believes it wrong to keep believing it wrong, but you can't change them.
The scripture says you cannot change them. God has to change them. So your job is to instruct them and that's it.
You don't have to win. There's nothing about winning. Your job is to instruct. God does the winning anyway.
So here are these two, these guys are the two olive trees that were referenced in the old
Testament that we've already read. Now let's end with that. Everybody memorize that right quick. Take a second.
I don't even agree with the group that put that up there. And many of the things said there are raw, not accurate.
And, uh, but in, in the future slides that we're going to go through together, it's not going to take forever.
I know it looks like a lot of stuff, but I will show you what the scripture says at each of these levels. But what
I like about it is it does kind of have the chronology that it talks about up here is pretty good.
If you want to know about the four horsemen, and this is all out of the book of revelation now, this stuff is.
It's a lot of it's referenced though, in the old Testament, what's interesting about it. So you got the white horse and see, they said that picture is deception.
The next one war. I don't agree with their, what they think it pictures. So we'll go over what I think the scripture says.
And we'll look at the grammar. We'll look at the actual definition, the words, and we'll figure out what it really is.
But the point is you do have the four horsemen, the white horse appears the red horse, the black horse, the pale horse.
Uh, and then up there, it says great tribulation. And that that's not what that is. It's the fifth seal national captivity.
Doesn't mean that I'll show you what it means straight from scripture. And then you have the sixth seal and the first four horses were actually seals that are mentioned.
So, so there's seven seals. And what's interesting over here, the seventh seal is the last seal, but it includes the seven trumpets.
And the last trumpet is when the rapture happens or closely thereafter.
I won't say it happens at that Trump, but it might be really part of that. It is. I will definitely say it's part of that event and it certainly happens not at the front end of the seven years.
It happens. Uh, I'll show you exactly where it happens when we get to, but it's well into the seven years.
I think it's at the end of the seven years, just after the great resurrection that Daniel talks about, it's talked about in the new
Testament too. So you have the first, second, third, fourth, fifth, and sixth trumpet. The seventh trumpet is really when all
H E double L breaks loose on the earth. It's been bad all the way from the first horse. It's bad.
Okay. So see, this happens over a good period of years. Some of this may happen prior to the seven years.
I'm not sure yet. We need to study that bill and guys, gals, we need to get together and think about.
Could this be like foothills? And then the mountain is the seven years, you know, and it's foothills building up to that.
Or is this all happening in seven years? And, um, we need to look into that. Some of these things we've already seen happening though.
So either we're already in the seven years or this, some of this stuff happens before it. Right. All right.
Now, when you get over here to the seven trumpets, the last trumpet includes seven plagues and there they're listed.
And what's interesting, the fifth trumpet and the sixth trumpet and the seventh trumpet also are called three woes.
So that gets real confusing. As you read through the book of revelation, it doesn't all happen chronologically in revelation.
There are some parentheticals we call it where, where the chronology stops. And then to talk about a story that teaches something that's very specific information on something that happens in the chronology.
And it'll make you think, well, how can it be here when it's over here? It's because this is not chronological.
This is detail. And then it'll go back into the chronological and then it'll do another parentheses, which is detail.
You can figure out where it fits, but it's not in order as it's written. Does that make sense? But then there's large parts of it that are in order.
So you, God wrote it where a farmer can figure it out. You don't have to be a PhD. A school, some of you could assign it as a, as a school, uh, project.
Kids can figure this out. It would take them all semester and their parents have to help them, but they figure it out.
So it's, it's clear, but it's not easy. Is that it takes work. Does that make sense? But guess what?
This is the only book of the Bible that God specifically said. I didn't mean to leave you guys out. It's the only,
I've got a chart. I guess you can see the chart. Okay. So, but it's the only book of the Bible that says when you read it, you get a special blessing.
Why do you say it? Cause you gotta be in it a lot to figure this stuff out. So, so I like this because it lists the things that happen, but what it says happens,
Adam is wrong. So don't worry about that. If you get a copy of this, please don't go by what these people are saying those things mean, but the events are pretty well lined up.
So you got these seven seals, the seventh seal, uh, the fifth and sixth seal had the first woe.
I'm sorry. No, I'm sorry. When you get into the seventh seal and you have the seven trumpets, the fifth and sixth trumpet are the first and second woe and the seventh trumpet is the third woe, but it, that third woe includes seven plagues that happened, seven more events or bowls that are poured out.
I think the Bible calls it. So that is a lot of wrath on an idolatrous world from God.
And it's God that causes all this. Now he may use different instruments.
He may use Satan. He may use climate change. I mean, there's actually one of them there where it is climate change, but it's not man that causes it.
That's what the liberals want you to think is man. Cause it's God that causes it. God's already causing it.
How many times Charlotte, if we've been out in one of these stock market trips and been on the Caribbean on these beautiful beaches, white sand, like sugar.
You can't even count them all. When have you ever seen, see, we just piled up on there where you can't even get to the water.
Never. So things are changing and, but it's
God causing it. Man can't stop it. He can lie to you and say, well, we'll stop it by just making you stop driving your car and it'll stop.
That's not going to stop. You're just going to make it where you have to walk or you buy one of these electric cars in the first wreck you have, you find out that that battery will explode and cast into fire.
I'm not kidding. And burn you up before they can get you out of that car. And now you think gasoline would do it, but they've learned how to build those where it seldom happens.
It can, but seldom, but with these things, it's, it's like a electronic bomb.
So you don't want to have a wreck. If you buy one of those, right. You don't want to have a wreck with a gas car either. It's kind of like a bomb, but, but it's at least it's a proven bomb.
So I don't know. I mean, I mean, all this stuff's going on. I wish we had more time. I'd take you on through it, but Lord willing.
We'll be back next Sunday. And if you ever have to miss one of these, you can go out there, archive because Ben puts them out there.
Because this is stuff that happens in sequence and you're not going to want to miss any of it. Especially when
I show you some stuff, it's not in any of the books that are out there because they're wrong. Most, I mean, there may be a right one or two.
I hadn't found that are new, but the older ones are wrong. And this stuff is not even in there, but I'm going to show you where the church's duty of witnessing stops.
I'm going to show you who God uses at that point. Cause the witness continues. It's just different people are kinds of people are doing it.
It won't be the responsibility of the church because he wants the church to go hide. Isn't that good information to have? So I'm going to show you all this stuff.
It's going to be fun. I just wish, I hope we don't have technology trouble. We can get started right on time. Next time we can cover even more.
All right, well, let's stand and have prayer together. I'm sure you've had about enough for one day.
It's a good, a good bite -sized chunk of information. Lord, thank you so much for your word and your spirit, which teaches it to us.
Help us to have always an open mind to learn new things from you that have always been in the old book that maybe we've not seen before Lord always help us to obey the 10 rules of proper
Bible interpretation, not cheat to prove a point ever rebuke us and our hearts and minds when we do it so that we might repent of that and Lord help us to be the pillar of the truth as the church all of your true born again,
Christians that are listening and those who are not all over the world, help all of the church be the pillar of the truth and not put up with false teaching when it can be easily shown that it's false.
May we be those who pointed out in a kind way when possible, but Lord help us to be salt and that's what salt does.
It's a purifier. Help us to be light. That's the truth and help us to share with our brothers and sisters who need to know these things for their own sakes and open their minds
Lord, because we cannot do that and Lord, we ask you to go with us in our time of fellowship. Bless the meal.