Close Encounters of the 5th Kind?
Should we pursue a Close Encounter of the 5th Kind? There are UFOlogists who believe so and are ready to teach you how to make contact with these entities. We tell you about it here in this clip from our most recent Apologia Radio. Tell someone.
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- 00:00
- This particular subject about UFOs. That's the old term UAPs unidentified aerial phenomenon
- 00:07
- This is getting more and more popular by way of guys like Bob Lazar on the
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- Joe Rogan podcast and Stephen Greer You've got the guy from Blink -182
- 00:21
- Big and heavy into this right now. And of course it is becoming more and more popular because as of late the government
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- Itself is beginning to release videos information That is peculiar.
- 00:41
- You need to see it to believe it. You can't deny it So here's what I'm saying. We're talking about UFOs aliens and the occult today and I'll just play this video and let you guys jump in here
- 00:51
- You know, this is not one of those things and this is probably a pet peeve that I can announce here.
- 00:57
- What I don't like is When as Christians we get the reputation
- 01:04
- Where somebody provides evidence from their perspective, even if it's spurious evidence, they provide evidence they put something in front of you and And Christians wave the hand and don't give an answer.
- 01:16
- That's appropriate. That's solid logical reasonable biblical I don't
- 01:22
- I don't think that's what we're supposed to be doing And of course, there's a command in Scripture first Peter 315 to sanctify
- 01:28
- Christ as Lord in your hearts always being ready to give an apologia a reason defense to everyone who asks of you a reason for the hope that's within you yet do
- 01:36
- It with gentleness and with reverence now that's the command of Scripture and of course many of us recognize that in the area of say
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- Mormonism or Islam or Jehovah's Witnesses Or feminism or socialism or Marxism all that but in this weird area we talk about UFOs I think it's it's such a peculiar area
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- Christians just sort of check out wave the hand and say Demons, you know and and that's it. So This film is actually very interesting.
- 02:02
- It's available on YouTube and iTunes Close encounters of the fifth kind we're gonna play through a substantial portion at the beginning here
- 02:09
- So you sort of get the the ground underneath you understand kind of where this is coming from It's a fascinating film because I just want to say it outright.
- 02:16
- They have actual footage of Contact with entities that are responsive to them and you just need to know that There is
- 02:25
- I guess never before seen Footage in this film of them out in the desert
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- Trying to communicate with these entities and I'm gonna explain more about that later and these entities
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- Respond to their communication and they have footage of it. Some of the footage is quite fascinating So if you guys want to get a chance to check out the film close encounters of the fifth kind Contact has begun.
- 02:50
- Dr. Stephen Greer is responsible for this film. It's very well done Just gotta say that great documentary.
- 02:56
- It's very well done Cinematography wise it's it's it doesn't look like a silly
- 03:01
- YouTube video It's well done and it starts off and I explained this to Luke last week
- 03:07
- I believe it starts off with like very sort of like here's the evidence from the government's you can't deny this sounds very scientific and very sort of You know, let's let's observe the evidence.
- 03:16
- Let's not turn our heads from it and you're like, oh, that's interesting like wow, that's that's some serious footage and then The switch it goes right to where you
- 03:26
- I had to surprise that it was like wow half the film is dedicated to To an encouragement in a training session on how to engage in the occult.
- 03:34
- Yeah, he's definitely He's not secretive about it. And I don't
- 03:40
- I guess maybe it's just because he Would like reject That like I don't know he would reject that.
- 03:49
- It's like a new age practice He thinks he's actually engaging in like some sort of scientific right thing. Maybe yeah,
- 03:55
- I don't know Well, there's a lot of support for that today because you've got guys like Larry Dossey With that's all over the secular world.
- 04:02
- Oh completely people Sort of stripping the like new age occult. Yeah characteristics of something in the name of yeah science or health even like with Like tripping for your mental health like on DMT or ayahuasca or whatever exactly
- 04:19
- There's sort of a scientific veneer put over what are historically even though when you get down to it, it's like oh
- 04:26
- Well, what was your scientific test? It's like oh we went out to the desert. We chanted. Yeah for science. Yeah for science
- 04:33
- Yeah, yeah, yeah, I'm sure you did yeah, I'm sure you talked to somebody yeah, there was definitely something going on This is actually a very well -known discussion if you can investigate this look up Larry Dossey Dossey why you can look up Era three medicine you can look up non locality
- 04:55
- We're talking about things on the quantum level and this is very popular today Like I said,
- 05:00
- I'm gonna play for you guys here in a minute Essentially, this is ancient occultic pagan worldview now sort of streamlined into say era three medicine
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- Non -locality the way of thinking about the universe ourselves our minds.
- 05:19
- So what dr. Steven Greer is suggesting here? Is that these entities because they're so much more advanced than we are and because they're coming from You know star systems that are so many millions and millions of light -years away from us, you know
- 05:35
- They don't communicate the way we do through cell phones or things that are at the speed of light or what what have you?
- 05:41
- They're communicating on a quantum level they're communicating with non locality They're communicating via mind and thought and so what dr
- 05:50
- Steven Greer begins to suggest is the way to communicate with these entities is in the way that their advanced
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- Civilizations allow them to and that's via meditation thought mind and those sorts of things so it really is occultism and That's what dr.
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- Steven Steven Greer ultimately is engaging in he can try to say it's you know It's scientific and it's communicating with entities and civilizations from another star system
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- But in reality, he's engaging in ancient pagan practices and occultic practices that God warns about in Deuteronomy 18
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- People doing this for a long time and that's what he's doing. So this goes from a realm of empiricism observation evidence
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- UFOs military Documentation into okay. Now we need to have ce5 a contact close encounter of the fifth kind where we
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- Become the willing willing participants to make contact with the entities. So you hear dr
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- Steven Greer and the thing talking about like, you know, I can sort of like quiet myself Get into like a transmitter transcendental meditative state and I can try to search with my mind
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- And try to call out to these entities somewhere in the universe and I can find one in which
- 07:02
- Galaxy, he's in and I can try with my mind to invite this entity to me and what's amazing
- 07:08
- Luke is they come Oh, yeah, go figure they come. Yeah, and You're gonna see that well here in a second
- 07:16
- I just we should mention that joy had to go feed, Georgia. So yes Joy didn't get
- 07:25
- Abducted no, she didn't have a fourth encounter. No, that's why joy left. Also. I was just gonna mention quickly that we've we've had
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- Gary Bates on twice from Creation Ministries International once where his book alien intrusion and then for the film alien intrusion and I don't know.
- 07:44
- It's been several years since we've had him on but so everything we're talking about This is stuff you can go and is if you haven't read his book or seen the film you should it's amazing
- 07:52
- And it really does a really good job of explaining all this so this this is stuff we've talked about in the past So when you when you saw this one reason you were excited because you were like, this is what we've been saying
- 08:03
- This is exactly what we've been saying. They're admitting now. They're admitting it and there's proof they're putting on film exactly Exactly.
- 08:08
- That's it's very exciting for me to see look understand that the cards are on the table for dr Stephen Greer in terms of close encounters of the fifth kind It's it's when you are trying to make direct contact with these entities via meditation via your mind and communication and you'll hear like over and over again in this this this constant plea to You need to be innocent and open yourself to these things and and open your mind to these things and invite them in invite them in and Guys brothers and sisters.
- 08:46
- This is no different than The stuff that's been taking place in pagan cultures for forever I mean in Deuteronomy 18 where God is commanding against communication with the dead necromancy all this stuff
- 08:57
- Look, this is back Moses wrote this This this is what God gives to his people in terms of protecting them via his law
- 09:05
- Protecting his people from these things. This isn't new stuff. It's just got a new package It's got a new spin a new scientific veneer to it
- 09:12
- But guys I'm telling you look half this film is dedicated to essentially instructing people Yeah, how do you do this?
- 09:18
- It's done like this and you'll hear all this all these these quotations from like Hindus and pagan people and It is very very
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- New Age and occultic and it's just really Tightly packaged into this nice little thing of UFOs.
- 09:36
- Yeah, we even heard him say there at the right the end He's looking for a higher purpose Yes Yes, and look and I I'll be the first to say that the footage that you will see in it
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- Is compelling I mean these things appear when they're doing these seances and practicing these occultic things