Daily Bites Of God's Word - Part 22 - Psalm 119:22


Daily Bites Of God's Word - Part 22 - Psalm 119:22 Daily Bites Of God’s Word


Daily Bites Of God's Word - Part 23 - Psalm 119:23

Daily Bites Of God's Word - Part 23 - Psalm 119:23

Welcome back to Daily Bites of God's Word.
This is Andy Cain. It's a joy to be back with you once again. Today we're looking at Psalm 119 verse 22.
It says, take away reproach and contempt from me for I observe your testimonies. Now a good cross reference for this is
Psalm 39 verse 8 that says, deliver me from all my transgressions. Make me not the reproach of the wicked fool.
And so this psalmist is very concerned with wanting to be delivered from his sin.
Now what would be some of the benefits of this? Why would you want to see reproach and contempt from the wicked fool taken away or delivered from this?
Well, if you're living in sin, you're living around those that do, you're going to naturally be corrupted by their morals and you're going to have reproach.
You're going to have contempt and consequences for that sin. And as he says here, I observe your testimonies.
Deliver me from transgressions for I'm wanting to now live in obedience to your law. You don't just immediately get away from all the lingering consequences that may have been in your life when you were living in sin.
You may have to sever relationships. You may have to find new relationships. You may have to make new boundaries that says, you know,
I'm not living that way anymore. I'm choosing to live righteously. And so there will be some natural contempt and anger shown your way because you won't be wanting to live in the same sin you were before.
And so he's saying here, I'm observing your testimonies. I'm trying and looking to live the right way here,
Lord, please take away this reproach and contempt. Deliver me from these wicked fools.
Deliver me from the ones that seek harm on me that because now I'm living under your law and living and observing and living in accordance with your testimonies.
And so you probably see this sometimes, whether it's at work or maybe even in your home or in certain situations where if you desire to live a righteous life, you're going to naturally have that war and butt up against the world and its sin.
And so you'll naturally have some issues with that. My prayer for you is that you are seeking to live righteously.
You are seeking to observe the testimonies of God. And then if you do encounter some type of reproach or anger or contempt or something from a sinful world, that you'll remain steadfast and firm in your choice to follow
God, but that you could also turn to God for help in that time of need. Amen. Well, I want to thank you for joining me on this daily bite of God's word.