Rally Highlight: Rise Up!


On March 5th we were on site at the State Capitol in South Carolina. Pastor Brandon Poore of The Well church in SC gave a powerful message for the church to Rise Up! and be ambassadors in this day. This is a must listen! Be sure to like, share, and comment on this video. You can get more at http://apologiastudios.com : You can partner with us by signing up for All Access. When you do you make everything we do possible and you also get our TV show, After Show, and Apologia Academy, etc. You can also sign up for a free acount to recieve access to Bahnsen U. We are re-mastering all the audio and video from the Greg L. Bahnsen PH.D catalogue of resources. This is a seminary education at the highest level for free. #ApologiaStudios Follow us on social media here: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ApologiaStudios/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/apologiastudios/?hl=en


We're one church. We said we're going to do this, we're going to do this until we die, we're going to end abortion.
Abortion, no matter how you measure it, is thriving in South Carolina and that is wrong and that needs to stop.
I'd rather have a group of people who are committed to the gospel and the law of God and are willing to open their mouths to the world than 25 ,000 people satisfied with walking around streets and then going home and laying their heads on their pillows.
I don't need much time. As a matter of fact, Matt Brock stole my sermon.
Thanks bro. I do appreciate all these guys and all of you who are here taking a stand against this wicked and ungodly act, against this infanticide that is plaguing our world and plaguing our nation.
I love what Jason said, I love what he said about rising up, men needing to be men, men needing to be ready to fight, ladies being ready to fight for what's right, to protect children.
I was warned before coming here and I have been warned for quite a while of taking on this fight.
So what's the warning? You're going to come under fire. You're going to lose influence.
People are going to abandon you. You won't be asked to come speak anywhere and you will be blasted on social media as judgmental, mean, and evil.
You'll be attacked. You don't want to fight this monster, but I've never minded a fight and the only thing that I can say to that is
I don't know how we can allow the fear of man to stop us from fighting for the innocent.
And the only reason that you could possibly get to that place is that you're either lying about believing that's a tiny human in there or you're not a believer.
Any one of you, if you saw a raging dog chasing down a two -year -old child, you would throw yourself in front of the dog whether it killed you or not,
I would hope. Why is it different with the unborn child?
Now I'm going to start my message. I'm going to follow up with what
Storm said. I appreciate all the legislation. I appreciate the legislators.
I appreciate these guys taking a stand. I'm not a politician. I grew up in a trailer park and I have fought my whole life and I've been shunned half my life.
I needed a man of God in my life to show me what a man was. I needed somebody to stand up.
You know what I needed? I needed the real gospel. Legislation is not going to solve this problem.
You as the church of the living God will be the means and the conduit through which the solution comes.
I listen to these guys speak and I learn. I listen to them speak and I'm provoked.
I could have literally started fighting just a second ago when Storm's got done. I'm like, all right, who wants to go?
You know the biggest problem that we have? Now I know I'm talking to the home team. You guys drove down here.
I don't think I have to convince you that, you know, a baby is, well, a baby. You believe that.
You believe that it's wrong. You believe it's murder. I know I'm talking to the home team, but I want to address a problem really quickly that I think is up underneath all of this.
And if weak effeminate men are the soil in which all this is bred, then this is the water that's made it explode.
It is the fact that we as a nation and as a modern church have given ourselves over to preaching a gospel of comfort instead of the gospel of Christ.
The vast majority of supposed gospel proclamation today is a gospel of comfort and not of Christ.
The gospel of comfort says, if you will just choose, then you will be blessed.
If you will just profess, then you will escape. If you will just believe, then you can just enjoy.
But the gospel of Christ says, if any man be my disciple, let him take up his cross and follow me.
If any man be in Christ, it is because he has been purchased by the blood of Christ.
And if any man be purchased by the blood of Christ, then he is a slave to righteousness.
Listen to me, church. I've only got 30 more seconds. The man that is in Christ, I want you to listen to me.
The man that is in Christ has put his hand to the plow, not his head to the pillow.
It is not time to rest. It is not time to slumber. It is time to work.
In the beginning, man had dominion. He was set forth by God to rule over creation, to subdue it, be fruitful, multiply.
That dominion was lost because of Adam's fall. And all of creation, along with mankind, was subjected to futility, slaves to sin, death, hell, sin, and Satan.
But King Jesus defeated death. He takes his seat, and he is now seated upon the throne.
And he has already began the restoration of dominion to those who confess
Christ as King. Now, follow me here.
I understand our brother said that Satan is the god of this world.
And there is a sense in which that is true. But please don't misunderstand that Satan is only in any way a god of this world over those who are still in bondage to the world.
The power of death has been defeated through the death of cross when he hung upon the tree.
And when he went into the grave and he resurrected from the dead, he put the nail in the coffin and he signed it, sealed and delivered, that he conquered death, sin, hell, and Satan.
And when he ascended back to the throne, to heaven, he ripped the curtain so that the glory shone out of heaven and rested and dwelled inside of believers today, making you into ambassadors of Christ.
It has also been said that Christ, quoting Christ, that all rule and authority, all power and authority has been given unto me.
Do you not know, dear friend, beloved believer, that his authority is transferred to you as the ambassadors of Christ to reconcile the world to God?
I'm hurrying, bro, I promise. But sadly, most, and I say that,
I don't think with exaggeration. Sadly, most have failed to faithfully fulfill our call to the ministry of reconciling the world to God as ambassadors of Christ.
Rather they have desired escape over spiritual war.
We are not to escape the world but be transformed in it and transformers of it through the gospel of the
Lord Jesus Christ. Listen to this.
We are to be the place where Jesus' kingdom, which is out of this world, breaks into this world.
Jesus looked at the ruler and he said, my kingdom is not of this world. If my kingdom was of this world, my men would fight.
Sadly, many of us think that what Jesus is saying is that we're never going to fight for this world.
Please understand that when Jesus says my kingdom is not of this world, he means that my kingdom is of another source.
And my men do not fight in fleshly ways to take fleshly ends, but we've waged war in spiritual terms and what's going to happen is, is that we will fight.
And the way that we will fight is through the in -breaking of the kingdom of God to the earth and we will consume everything with the power of God and we will take back this world for the
Lord Jesus Christ who rules right now. The disciples explicitly asked
Jesus Christ, how should we pray? Jesus said, when you pray, pray like this.
Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name, thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
What do you think that looks like? It looks like Christ through the power of the
Spirit making his dwelling place in you, the temple of the living God where the kingdom rule is established in you.
Why do we give that authority away, dear church? Why are we allowing ourselves to be ruled by this wicked government?
The only way, I'm about done. The only way, I do this at church too,
I'm sorry. The only way this infanticide has been able to flourish, listen to me, the only way that it's been able to flourish and this culture of death has been able to expand the domain of darkness in these horrific ways is because the bearers of light, the royal priesthood, the ministers of reconciliation, the ambassadors of Christ, the armed warriors of the living
God who are to be trained experts with the sword of the Spirit and proclaimers of the gospel, which is the power of God unto salvation, have resigned themselves to the idea that having said their prayer and escaped a future judgment can dust off their hands and lay down and take a nap.
In closing, the apostle Paul tells us, take no part in unfruitful works of darkness, but instead expose them.
For it is shameful even to speak of the things that they do in secret. But when anything is exposed by the light, it becomes visible.
For anything that becomes visible is light. Therefore it says, and I say to you, church, and everybody else watching under the sound of my voice, that takes the name of Christ, awake,
O sleeper, arise from the dead and the light of Christ will shine upon you and through you and light up this dark world.
Listen, we have a mandate from on high to expose the deeds of darkness with the light of Christ and to reconcile this world to God through Christ.
We think that's just winning individuals and that's part of it. But the reconciling of the world is the taking back of the created order like it was supposed to be in the beginning.
It was lost by the second Adam. I mean the first Adam and the second Adam has come to restore it and you, his children, his warriors, are the one that are called to carry out his will.
The constitution of the United States of America bestows upon us the people, we the people, the right, even within this worldly system, to demand from our representatives who weren't for us that they do what they have sworn to do and what
God commands us all to do. Protect the innocent and hold the wicked accountable for their sins and their crimes.
Now enough is enough. I asked Representative Hill, I said, how many do we got, brother, and I appreciate him.
This man right here, I watched, I wasn't so sure about you because he's nuts. But I tell you what sold me, brother, is when
I saw you call the court out for their lack of a fear of God and their fear of man.
That's what we need. And I'm so thankful that my brother
Magnuson, who we talked a good bit, Representative Magnuson, he's on board and he's ready to fight.
But I'm here to tell you, whatever they do in there is of no consequence if you do what you do out here.
Because you have the power. The only reason they have any power is what we allow them to have.
Does that sound familiar? Jesus says, you don't take my life from me. I lay my life down,
I take it back up again. Any power that you have is what's been granted to you. Well friends, that was a lot better situation that we're in because we're allowing a wicked ruler to rule over us when we don't have to.
The battle's already been won. He said, I asked him,
I said, how many have we picked up? How many reps? It was one last year, eight this year.
I said, how many do we need? He said, a lot. I said, how many are there in there? He said, 80. We have 10%.
I'll leave you with this question. How many of those 80 are professing believers?
How many of them are professing believers that say, not even pro -life, we can say, do they say they're pro -life?
No. How many of them say that they're believers in the Lord Jesus Christ, born again by the power of God and they are the keepers of their brothers and they are the new administrators of this earth through the kingdom rule of Christ from the throne right now?
If any of them are proclaiming to be Christ followers and they can stand by and watch these children be murdered and taken away from the world and from existence and robbed of life, then they need to be called liars and they need to be made to go home.
And you're the ones that can do that. Hi, I'm Pastor Jeff Durbin with End Abortion Now. I wanted to let you know that we have a bill of equal protection for all humans from conception in your state.
A bill to abolish, criminalize, and end abortion once and for all. I want to invite you to join me at your state capitol for our rally for this bill to end abortion once and for all in your state.