Abolitionist Have a Point (and other commentary)

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Make it happen. The link is in the description. I've been thinking. Yeah. The abolitionists kind of have a point.
All right, let's get into it. You know, listen, I've often said I consider myself an abolitionist.
Obviously, the non -trademarked variety, but I disagree with abolitionists and their tactics.
But they're friends. You know what I mean? We have the same goals, and I'm not going to get too all up in arms about it.
But I will say this, that here in New Hampshire, which that's probably the first problem, I'll admit that here in New Hampshire, it is very annoying to see the political ads that I get.
You know, watch YouTube videos. It's nothing but politics. And I think political ads are stupid anyway.
I can't stand them in general. But basically, this is the situation that we find ourselves in, at least here in New Hampshire.
I don't know how it is where you are, but I think that the abolitionists would say that this is essentially the national level politics.
I don't know if I agree, but we've got the Democrats over here. And, you know, of course, to the
Democrats, the conservatives are the devil. You know, they're coming after the women's right to choose.
They can't trust them because they're not going to allow them to kill the babies. They overturn Roe versus Wade.
And who knows what they're going to do next? It's going to be awful. And they're basically using abortion as a wedge issue because the
Republicans are anti -abortion. That's what they say. That's what the Democrats say. And then the
Republicans, you know, instead of campaigning on the economy and various things, taxes, you know, the normal stuff, they're bending over backwards to talk about how, no, no, no, no, we're really, we're for IVF and we want to make it nice and safe and legal and stuff like that.
And we're not that bad. I mean, yeah, you know, Roe versus Wade, but really, you know, we're, we're friendly. We're, you know, we're not that pro -life.
Like that's basically the situation here in New Hampshire. And I got to be honest with you. It's not, it doesn't make me feel good.
That's for sure. I don't like it. That's, it's, it's disgusting. I'll tell you that now, again, this might be region specific, so it might just be
New Hampshire. Cause that's kind of how New Hampshire Republicans have always been, at least recently. We're not very based up here, but but I don't know, man, the abolitionists kind of have a point.
That is a problem to be solved. The Republicans should not be running away from protecting life. Of course, we should be absolutely completely okay and happy that people know that we want to ban abortion completely.
And we should want to have the punishments to fit the crime, you know, for the mothers that seek abortions for the doctors that accomplish abortions and the whole nine yards.
Like we shouldn't be ashamed of that or running away from that. That's not how it is though. And it's, it's not good.
I don't like it. That's for sure. I don't like it now. So the, I think the abolitionists have a point that that is a problem to be solved.
Now. I don't think that their, their, their tactics to solve the problem is the right way to go.
And now I'm not going to ever tell someone to do something that they don't think that they should do before God.
So don't, don't hear me saying that, you know, like even if someone says, I don't think it's moral to vote at all.
Some people do believe that, you know, I mean, I used to believe that. But I, and I wouldn't want them to go against their conscience.
Of course. I just, I don't agree. I just don't agree with the strategy. I don't think that the strategy is going to work.
It certainly strikes me as, you know, a way to either get your way or accelerate judgment.
And, you know, when you read the Bible, you know, I just don't see it presented as, as that's the, that's the godly way that these kind of halfway measures, you know, that they're always looked upon as, as the worst case scenario.
I don't see that in the Bible. In fact, I, I personally, I see a lot of the opposite. I see
Kings that are mostly good, and then they have these few areas where they're not good, or maybe they accomplish good through, you know, kind of suspicious suspect meme means.
I see them praised by God. I see that as an example of, of a good thing.
And so I'm not going to tell you to do something that you feel before God is a sin, but I don't necessarily see
God, you know, the way we're presented, the history of the
Kings and, and, and the various people in the Scripture, you know, the Hebrew midwives, all this kind of stuff.
It's a little bit, um, how do I put this? It's not as clear cut often as, as you think it is.
You know, there's that, Andrew Walker yesterday was talking about the, the new DEI video with Matt Walsh, which our movie,
I'm not going to watch that movie. I mean, I already know DEI is bad, whatever, who cares? But he, he's, he's, he liked the movie, but he's concerned about the tactics used to make the movie, you know, the deceptive tactics.
And, um, I mean, that's just, you know, it, again, I don't, when
I read the Bible and I read the account of the biblical heroes that demonstrated so much faithfulness and so much courage and faith and, and God, and they're honored in the
Bible, you know, these are people that are honored in the Bible. I see all kinds of deceptive tactics.
You know what I mean? I see all kinds of stuff that in my opinion, I know why it's, it was actually good, but I could see why someone would say, oh, that's a little weird.
That's a little gray. I'm not so sure about that. Um, it's just a little, it's messier, it's messier.
Things are not as neat and clean as we'd like them to be. People in Bible times that are revered in the scripture, that are set up as examples for us, they had to deal in reality and reality was very messy.
You know, I always talk about Nehemiah beating people and, and pulling out their hair and stuff like that. Like, I could just see the, the many legions of articles being written about Nehemiah and how bad that was and how, you know, anyone who was a part of that was evil too, and all this stuff.
I could see the articles from here. I mean, all the way in 2024 in New Hampshire, I can see the articles being written about how bad
Nehemiah was, but that's not how he's presented in the scripture. It just isn't.
Nehemiah is an answer to prayer. Nehemiah is an answer to, to, uh, uh, uh, Elijah, not
Elijah, Ezra's prayer. Um, it's just not as neat, it's not as neat and clean.
It's not as all or nothing as, uh, as it's presented by a lot of people today. Um, and, and so, and I think, you know, this, this tweet here from Elijah Mark, um, and again,
Elijah, Elijah, I'm a, I'm a, I'm a, ally. Yeah. You know what I mean? I'm a, I'm a, I'm borrowing that.
Maybe I am woke, right? I'm an ally, Elijah. I'm an ally.
But, but this tweet here, I think, uh, is, is very interesting. You know, we were having a conversation and I was kind of joking about, uh,
Russell. Well, let's, let's read it. Maybe you missed it. I muted Russell. I just couldn't,
I couldn't help myself. I'll unmute him soon. I'll unmute him when he starts behaving himself.
Um, but here's what Russell says. He says, there is no way that I would ever vote for Kamala Harris, but I'm very thankful that she's not campaigning on a promise to fund
IVF with taxpayer dollars. In the event that she wins, at least that wickedness will not be given a foothold to flourish in our culture of death.
And, uh, I mean, this tweet is really stupid. There's like six, seven different ways you could slice it, but I was just having a little fun with it.
And, uh, I know what he's saying, but, uh, I chose to interpret it differently. And I said that T is not an incrementalist.
This is made clear here and elsewhere, but he reveals that he's grateful for incremental victories or something, at least in his mind, it's an incremental victory.
And, um, and anyway, so, um, you know, he's not an incrementalist, but he's grateful for this incremental victory.
And Elijah responds, he says, this is going to blow your mind. We are grateful that Joseph was sold into slavery, but wouldn't have done it ourselves in accordance with the prescriptive will of God.
I think that's a good tweet. That's a good tweet. I, you know, again, I'm grateful for heartbeat laws and Roe versus Wade being overturned and all kinds of progress that's been made in the issue of life.
But however, if it was me that made the law and I was the emperor, I wouldn't have made that law. You know what I mean?
I just wouldn't have done it. It's as simple as that. Um, and so, you know, basically, but the point is that you're grateful for the incremental victories.
And here, Elijah says something about this and he kind of affirms that, um, but he takes it back.
And I can't, I can't remember exactly what he said, but he was kind of agreeing with me, but he takes it back.
And my response was the good is the victory. Victories can be small and partial or big and total.
So I think it is a victory to save some babies, even if it's not a total victory, it's a, it's a victory.
And I think that T's Russell's tweet kind of acknowledges that it's a victory for the cause of life.
If Kamala wins, even though he would never vote for her because he believes it's wrong to vote for her. I completely agree.
Um, I don't think he's right that it would be a victory for the cause of life. If Kamala, that's insane, obviously, but that's kind of what
T was presenting. He was trying to make some kind of a weird point, but that's okay. Um, but the point is like, there are small victories and there are total victories.
There are small and there, there, there, there are small steps forward and big steps forward. That's, that's the bottom line. And I think that counts for something.
The victory counts for something moving forward counts for something that maybe it's not the best case scenario, but it counts, man.
It does count. And again, I think we see this with the Kings. You know, we see the good Kings that they take all these big steps forward, but they don't get the total victory.
They don't take down the high places, but they're not presented as evil for that.
They're presented as good because they took steps forward. The victories count for something.
And so a lot, but then Elijah here kind of changes his mind and he doesn't want those small victories to count. And so he says,
I'm going to rescind my previous tweet about victories. I just want to stick to obedience and disobedience, the commands laid out for us.
And this tweet, I think is, is really, it's really important because I totally hear what
Elijah is saying. But what I'm saying is that when you read the
Bible, I don't think that what you're going to find is that the victories, the progress, the steps forward, they actually don't matter that much.
I don't think you're going to find that. I think obedience of course matters for the individual, of course.
Obedience matters. And when that King, that good King slept with his fathers and he faces the judgment seat, he's going to have to give an account for the, why didn't you take down the high places?
It was there in my scripture. You did all this stuff. You were so courageous and you didn't take down the high places.
What possible excuse could you have? Well, there'll be no excuse. There'll be no answer.
And I believe that that King's, you know, his sins are covered by the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ. It's as simple as that.
But in history, on the horizontal, not in the cosmic sense, but in, in, in real life, as it is, it's messy.
In political life, it's super messy. The victory actually counts.
The progress actually counts. And so I, I know
Elijah's rescinding his tweet about victories. Exactly. I wish I remembered what it said. By the way, Elijah, in my opinion, you don't have to do this, but in my opinion, leave the tweets up so that people can know what you're rescinding, because it's a little bit hard for stuff like this.
You rescinded it. I get it, but that's enough. You could just say I rescind it, but just leave it up for posterity. You know what
I mean? Anyway, I, the only time I ever take down a tweet is if it's not understandable.
Like if I, you know, my grammar's all jacked up or it could be misconstrued because I messed up a comma or something like that.
Then I'll take it down and I'll repost it correctly. I want to stick to obedience or disobedience.
There's nothing wrong with that. There's nothing wrong with that. But the victories count.
That's what I think you see when you, when you look at the texts of, of scripture, that the small victories, the progress, the, the, the, the, the progress that we make in aggregate as a, as a nation, as a group, as a king and stuff like that, that counts for something.
And we're not, I'm not the emperor. You know what I mean? I'm not the emperor. So, you know, hopefully if I was ever the emperor,
I would do everything perfectly. Obviously I wouldn't, but hopefully I would.
But we still, even though we can't have perfect pieces and tools when we're fighting, we still are required to fight and win and make progress.
That part counts for a whole lot. And I think when you read the scripture, you find that it counts for a whole lot more than a lot of people want to give it credit for.
We've got to win and we will win. That's the other thing. We will win.
And we've got to make progress to those victories. We've got to set the chess pieces up in the right way.
And it does no good for us to set the pieces up in a way so that we lose, so that then
Jesus can come and then win the game by default. I don't think that's what you read when you read the faithful men of old.
That's not what they were doing. They were setting up the chess pieces to try to win. And it's not without God that you do that.
You do that with God. But you, look, you plan your steps. You plan the way you're going to win.
And the victory belongs to the Lord. In any case, I hope that was helpful.
Maybe that was hard to follow. I don't know. I love you, Elijah. Here he is. Let's post him up here. This guy, man, he's just a thunder puppy.
That's the thing. I was feeling like that the other day when he was tweeting at me. I was like, oh, this must be what those 60, 70 -year -olds think about me.
He's just a thunder puppy. You'll learn one day.
One day, Elijah, you're going to thank me. You're going to see it my way.
A little more life experience, Elijah. The kids are all right, man.
I don't know how old he is, so I don't want to be disrespectful. It seems like he's younger than I am. This guy's like Elijah.
I'm telling you, I'm being straight up with Elijah Mark here and all of his friends. Guys like Ben, you know what
I mean? The kids are all right, man. I'm telling you. The future is bright, my friends.
It is bright. Have you ever heard the song, I believe the children are future.
Teach them well and let them lead the way. That's how I feel when
I look at Elijah. I don't know. Maybe Elijah's 40 like I am.
I don't know. He doesn't strike me as 40, but maybe he is. Elijah, how old are you? You got to let me know.