F4F | Michael Todd Spits on the Face of Jesus' Vision for the Church


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Welcome to another installment of fighting for the faith. My name is Chris Roseboro. I am your servant in Jesus Christ This is the channel that compares what people are saying in the name of God to the
Word of God So you've probably already seen the videos that are circulating throughout
YouTube. It's the hot topic of the moment Michael Todd has spit in his hand and then rubbed the saliva on somebody's face from his own church and it's a it's a the
Cringy gross -out moment, but here's the issue the this is the result of his theology and his mishandling of God's Word and what we're going to do is we're gonna go back to the
Service and we're gonna look at several different portions of the service in order to examine
Michael Todd's Claims his handling of the biblical text and then you can see how he twists a particular text from the gospel of Mark which then will lead to the bad practice of taking a
Descriptive text and making it a prescriptive text and boy. Oh boy If you've been maybe thinking
Michael Todd isn't exactly right The spit is like this much of the story
They're that that much the bad theology is where the real story is
And so that's what we're gonna spend our time today. So grab a Bible popcorn You know,
I I don't know but let me whirl up the desktop and here we go I'm gonna go
I'm gonna start right at the beginning of this particular sermon. So this is from transformation church in Tulsa, Oklahoma and And we don't note that there are there there are time stamps here that are very helpful for us so I'll be coming back and taking a look at the time stamps, but Let's do this, let's get the fuller context.
Here's the intro to the sermon titled the vision for invasion What is he going to be?
Is he gonna take his church and invade the Ukraine? Well, we're gonna see here Yeah, here we go. Today is vision
Sunday transformation church. Let's give God some praise All right
So already we are what six seconds in and I'm gonna say this right up front
If you attend a church and they have vision Sunday run
You don't have a pastor you have a vision casting leader and Your church is off mission.
Yeah what I mean by that? In fact, let's take a look and let's do it this way when we talk about the church's mission and vision
There is only one visionary and he's already given the church its mission and its vision statements and the first one can be found in Matthew chapter 28 at the end of the chapter and Listen to what
Christ says Jesus came and said to his disciples All authority in heaven on earth has been given to me go
Therefore and make disciples of all nations baptizing them in the name of the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit Teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you
So, you know part one of the mission or vision of Christianity the
Christian Church Make disciples of whom everybody there there isn't a tribe nation language people that don't get to hear the gospel
So you make disciples of all nations? Baptizing them in the name of the Father Son and Holy Spirit teaching them all that Christ has commanded which requires you to preach the word in Context the full counsel of the
Word of God the second of the Statements that is worth noting in this regard is then at the tail end of the gospel of Luke and at the gospel of Luke Jesus gives the the disciples kind of the standing order
For the church and here's kind of the second part of it And so then he opened their minds to understand the scriptures and Jesus said to them thus it is written that the
Christ or the Messiah Should suffer on the and on the third day rise from the dead and that repentance for the forgiveness of sins
Should be proclaimed in his name to all nations beginning from Jerusalem So here's the issue is that the church itself is much bigger than any individual congregation
Mm -hmm and the idea then is is that the entire body of Christ the entire church?
Has the exact same mission and vision statement given by the visionary?
Jesus Christ and that is to make disciples of all nations baptizing in the name of the Father Son and Holy Spirit teaching all that Christ is commanded and proclaiming
Repentance for the forgiveness of sins in his name to all nations That's it we don't get to do anything else and what happens is in vision casting leader type churches
What the the visionary claims that he has received a unique vision from God and and and that?
particular congregation Gets to kind of tacitly they don't overtly say it but tacitly opt out of the
Great Commission Mm -hmm as if somehow that individual congregation exists for something super d duper special special assignment kind of stuff, you know, so these are special ops churches and and The issue is there's no such thing all congregations are tasked with the exact same job make disciples
Baptize teach all the Christ is commanded proclaim repentance and the forgiveness of sins in Jesus name
The end that's what the church exists to do Full stop.
So that being said we Well, we've got a problem here and let me just back it up.
I mean, we're already sick only six seconds in It's vision Sunday transformation church
If it's vision Sunday, then you should be reviewing Matthew 28 and Luke 24, right?
Because Christ is the visionary for the church and he's given the mission to the church and it doesn't change until he returns
Let's give God some praise And I'm so excited about this because um vision is my thing
Like if you only could like allow me to do one thing Like if God said you only get to do one thing for the rest of your life
My one thing would be getting vision from him and then making other people believe it Hmm Baptizing Making disciples of all nations teaching all that Christ is commanded proclaiming repentance for the forgiveness of sins.
So already he's just in the first 24 seconds of This sermon if you know your
Bible, you should know this is a dangerous man He's a Bible twister and somebody that the church should be avoiding not listening to Marking and avoiding the church should be rebuking because he's off Mission, he's got a competing
Vision. In fact, have you ever heard of the word division? die vision
He has a second competing Diametrically opposed vision to the vision that Christ is given for the church that still stands like I'm anointed to do that No, you're not
So he's claiming to be anointed which means that he's a Christos because that's what Christos means that makes him a false
Christos like like it's my it's like I feel more in my spot on vision Sundays Than ever before because I've stood in this exact spot when nobody was in this church and prophesied where we are today
Into existence because God gave me a vision You prophesied where?
Transformation churches today you prophesied it into existence Are you
God? We've got a problem here and a big one and this is the context of the gross -out thing that everybody's talking about this is the sermon that occurred in and Everyone's talking about the spit
A few if any are talking about the theology that led to the spit He gave me a vision that I was bold enough to declare to other people in the face of it not looking like it could ever happen
And yesterday I drove one of my pastor friends who came in town this weekend to just spend the weekend with me
I drove him to all the locations in Tulsa that we have And showed him all the buildings that y 'all don't even know that I'm planning for our church to subdue rule and dominate again
What Hang on a second here. I want to hear this again Because this doesn't sound anything like what
Christ has called his church to be doing. All the locations in Tulsa that we have And showed him all the buildings that y 'all don't even know that I'm planning for our church to subdue rule and dominate buildings for your church to subdue rule and dominate
When it comes to buildings, don't you just like move into them or move out of them you utilize them or you don't
How I mean I live in a house in North Dakota and The last thing
I would ever say is that when it comes to my house, I'm subduing it ruling it and dominating it
I'm occupying it but by that I mean that my carcass sleeps there at night and I You know
We don't see kingdom come You're going to see kingdom come isn't the whole church gonna see kingdom come
What are you talking about? So, you know just one minute and 12 seconds and and if you know your
Bible, you know, there's something way Off way way off. Well then at the 10 minute 23 second mark
It says Proverbs 29 verse 18 So let's do this
Let's take a look at it before he gets to it because this is if any if you have a pastor that's using
Proverbs 29 18 in this way Run, you have a Bible twister on your hands a false prophet a false teacher and potentially a false apostle or false anointed one
Because you know always and again, you know, this is how it gets, you know, how this text gets twisted
So Proverbs, you know prop Proverbs Yeah, see Proverbs are verbs that have lost their amateur status.
Just you know wanted to let you know that Proverbs 29 and I'm gonna switch translations here.
We're gonna go with the King James Version and in the King Jimmy It says this and we're gonna read this without any context where there is no vision the people perish
Full stop that and see that's that's where it goes Okay Where there is no vision the people perish.
So this is our justification For vision Sunday and for our leader to be receiving vision from God Yeah, that's not what this text is about Okay, so even in the
King James you can see what's going on here where there is no vision the people perish colon
But he that keepeth the law Happy is he and the Hebrew word for law here is
Torah All right Let me show it to you in the ESV in the ESV Where there is no prophetic vision the people cast off restraint comma
But blessed is he who keeps the top the law the Torah Talking about the written
Word of God So the prophetic vision that Proverbs 29 18 is pointing to is the
Bible Yeah You know, so without the Bible people cast off restraint.
Yeah. Have you have you noticed that and on planet Earth? Yeah, so there's a proper understanding of this text.
So let's go ahead and click the button here Hang on a second here. We're gonna go to Proverbs 29 18.
Let's listen. Let me give you Bible for it Proverbs 29 18 I'm gonna read it from the message version cuz most of y 'all know the churchy version of this
Well, yeah, there's another thing if your pastor uses the message to exegete a text or the passion translation, it's
The TPT the toilet paper translation. The passion translation is not a translation and neither is the message
So watch what he's doing here. He's going to the message why? Because the message agrees with his theology
But the message is not a translation It's a really really awful awful paraphrase and you're not supposed to exegete or preach from it
So listen again verbs 29 18 I'm gonna read it from the message version cuz most of y 'all know the churchy version of this where there is no vision the people
Sometimes when the Bible uses words like perish and you just like yeah I ain't gonna die cuz they're not vision like so it doesn't register the same way
Yeah, actually you will if you'll perish eternally without the Bible If you understood
Proverbs 29 18 properly You would understand the referent is not talking to you to the church saying we need vision
Sunday and we need a vision leader No, the prophetic vision we need is the scripture.
I Know because I've done it before but let me read it to you in the message version and maybe see if it walks down your
Street if people can't see what God is doing if this were walking down my street The message version we're walking down my street.
I I'd be calling the theological police They stumble all over themselves
So if people can't see what God is doing they stumble all over themselves
But when they attend to what he reveals they are most blessed That's not even close to what the text says in Hebrew or a good translation
The reason you've been tripping is because you don't see God clearly
He's revealed himself very clearly in the biblical text you're doing a lot of blurring here
Let me stop it says but when you attend to what he reveals
Which is found in the Bible all scripture is God breathed
Not what's living active sharper than a double -edged sword. It doesn't return to him void
It accomplishes the thing for which he sends ending Not what's culturally popular?
Not what the new financial trend is Bitcoin NFT it not that When you attend to what he reveals those people are most blessed
And I want this church to be most blessed. That means I have to challenge your vision the referent for Proverbs 29 18 the prophetic vision we need that's the
Bible and If you really wanted them to see God clearly then you'd be rightly exegeting biblical texts and you can see where this is gonna go it just it's it's
He departed for this destination, you know from the moment You know, he started preaching in the intro and as the destination is not really
Sound exegesis. It's junk doctrine. It's bad twisting of Scripture, so we'll jump forward now to mark one mark chapter 8 verse 23 and we're going to watch as he's
Mangling up the gospel of Mark and we'll read the text in just a moment here
But let's get a little bit of a flavor for what he's doing here and this is the context where he
Spits in his hand and then smooches it on the eye of one of his congregants.
I think it's his brother Okay, so they bring this man to Jesus. Yeah, and and and look what verse 23 says
He took the blind man by the hand and led him outside the village blind man
Physical ailment Jesus this is not a parable about how
God works or Jesus works when it comes to vision Sunday and Us having a vision from God so that we don't perish.
That's not the point of this passage. In fact, let's do this Let's take a look at it mark chapter 28 it's a great text but what he's doing with it is
Mangling it because he's not making a proper distinction between what is
Described in Scripture and what is Prescribed so they came to Bethsaida some people brought to him a blind man and begged
Jesus to touch him He took the blind man by the hand Led him out of the village and when he had spit on his eyes and laid his hands on him.
He said to him Do you see anything and he looked up and he said
I see people but they look like trees walking So Jesus laid his hands again
And he opened his eyes his sight was restored and he saw everything clearly and he sent him to his home saying
Do not even enter the village Jesus didn't want the publicity
So this is an account of Christ healing a blind man and note he uses the means of saliva the text doesn't explain why but what what he's doing here what
Michael Todd is doing is taking this account of a of Christ actually giving sight to a legitimate blind person and he's turning this into a
Parable about the need for us to have clear vision from God through our visionary leader
Michael Todd and and It's just and this is then the context that forms the basis for him actually spitting in this fellow's
You know face it Anyway, let's keep going here Hold on Can't you just heal me right here?
Can't you just give me vision where I'm comfortable Can't you just give me vision where I'm comfortable?
So now he's engaging in a Bible twisting technique known as eyes to Jesus He's reading something into the text here that isn't there.
So let me back up just a little he says He took the blind man by the hand. All right a little too fast I sped this up just a little bit so we can get cover a little more ground quickly
That was a little too fast. But here we go and let him outside the village Hold on can't you just heal me right here?
Can't you just give me vision where I'm comfortable? Can't you can't you just I mean
Alright, so we know then from the exegetical cues. Jesus sent him to his home saying do not even enter the village
Why because Jesus is having a problem and that is is that as word is getting out The crowds are mobbing him and he's and it's really
Impeding his ability to do what he needs to do And so you'll note that this is akin to Christ saying to somebody don't tell anybody what happened here
Don't tell anybody about the healing because Jesus doesn't need more publicity so Jesus brought him.
He took him the blind man and let him out of the village Because Jesus is wanting to heal him without drawing too much attention to himself
That's the point. And so Michael Todd here is Isageating and putting stuff into this text that isn't there and exegetically cannot be justified.
I've got I want to hear from you I want clear vision, but please do it in my convenience So no, this is
Narcissus now narcissistic isa Jesus. He's reading himself into the text. He's reading you and I into the text
This isn't a prescriptive text. This has nothing to do with you and I receiving vision prophetic vision from God or Direction in our lives in that sense.
And so he's taking this text and he's totally hijacked it I'm really like you to give me a clear vision where I'm comfortable
But what he did with this man is say you want this Brick come here
You know here comes here comes the volunteer that's gonna receive the spit on his face you can't see
You can't see Give me give me your hand. Come on. Let me take you somewhere.
This is a sermon illustration gone horribly wrong That may be unfamiliar Let me let me lead you outside of your comfort zone
That's not the point of this. He's Narcissistically is a cheating this text. I'm telling you for many of us in 2022
This will be the season that God leads us out of comfort So he can give us clear vision bingo, oh
I just said a mouthful. He's going to lead you out of your comfort so he can give you clear vision
That text has nothing to do with your church having clear vision outside of their comfort zone in 2022
This guy slicked and here's the issue Michael Todd Legitimately looks like a kind of cool guy to hang out with.
I mean, he's a good communicator I mean really gifted in as far as his communication skills seems like a really intelligent fellow and really likable but here's the issue as gifted of a
Communicator as he is if he doesn't use that gift that God has given him for the purpose of rightly handling
God's Word in instead he's communicating falsehood and he's twisting up God's Word then he's not being an agent of God or Christ or One who is basically following the orders of Christ who's given mission and vision to the church that stands until he returns
Instead he's causing division within the church with what he's doing and as a result of that He's not doing the work of Christ instead.
He's doing the work of the devil. Hey right here This is the point that I need you to know vision comes outside of your comfort zone
That is not what that passage is about and then you're gonna note then that you hear that guy who went so good He uses a manipulation technique known as the bullpen
He has people that are sitting in the front row and every time he says anything even remotely sounding profound
Oh, they go. Oh, oh Oh, that's so good way to go, you know that it's it's that's just flat -out manipulation
When God gave me vision for transformation church, it was outside of my comfort zone of all my skill set
I was a music producer and God took me by the hand He let did you study and show yourself approved as a workman who need not blush with embarrassment who can rightly handle the word of truth
In order to be a pastor in Christ Church You have to be able to preach the word and rightly handle it.
You're not and so you're sitting you're going Oh, I'll see I got a vision from God and it took me outside of my comfort zone because I was a music producer now
Look at me. I'm a vision casting leader. There are no vision casting leaders in this church. There are pastors and But there are no vision casting leaders
So he's using this outside of the comfort zone thing to basically cover up the fact
He's not qualified to be a pastor and it shows because he can't rightly handle a biblical tag me
Cuz do you know how I got to this church? I produced the music for their conference That's how
I got here He led me. I'm gonna use what's comfortable And make you take a step
Yeah, mark 8 has nothing to do with God leading giving us a vision by Removing us from things that are comfortable
I'm just doing music for the church Y 'all need a sound man. Oh Y 'all need a music director
Only you need a youth he led me He didn't give me no vision about the transformation towers and about the building while I was over here producing music
He had to leave me. Oh my god, some of you you just said OMG Really you just blasphemed
God's name in the sermon the vision you've been believing for is outside of your comfort zone
This mark 8 has nothing to do with some vision I'm believing for outside of my comfort zone
You are a twister of God's Word. You don't know how to rightly handle these texts
You're deceiving yourself and these people and he led this man outside of the village
Oh, do you know what else that means? He led him away from people Wow, this is bad the village is where the people are who know you and God say we don't know where he led him to We don't know if there were other people there.
But what we do know is he had to leave The people did you consult any good commentaries or study
Bibles? In your preparation of your handling of this text
Because I assure you there isn't a single solid scholarly commentary that will agree with what you're doing here
Oh and the places that he was normally around To be able to be in position.
He ain't even got the miracle yet He hasn't even see are you in position to receive your vision outside of your comfort zone?
That's not what this text is about. This whole year is about positioning and posture. No, it's not.
What are you talking about? This year's all about positioning and posture says who no biblical text says that God is trying to say
I want to give you something Paul. I want God's trying to say when does
God attempt to say something and Then doesn't succeed if God intends to say something.
He's gonna say it Your theology is whack here, dude. I'm gonna give you something
Evan I want to give you something Jules, but if you are not in position and posture it has no authority to even come out
What are you talking about? None of this is found in Mark If you don't if you're not in the right position or what on earth?
Okay Come back blind man, cuz let me show you let me show you how most of us were acted
That he would have said come with me. Let me take you and they would have start pulling back and saying hold on I don't know you
This isn't in the text It's not even inferred Coming back to the text
So they came to Bethsaida and some people brought to Jesus a blind man and begged him to touch him
The guy could easily hear and he knew what was going on.
He knew what the We're gonna go find Jesus. I we hear he's in town. Come let's go find him and they heard he heard them begging
Jesus, please touch him. Please heal him and Jesus said sure and led him outside of the village
This has nothing to do with you receiving a vision from God I'm not sure where you're going and some of you this is what you do when you get uncomfortable
You just sit down on the situation This I mean he's adding so much to the
Bible here I mean, wow, we should add some whole new chapters to the gospel of Mark at this point
And God said I'm not dragging you this year No, he didn't what are you talking about?
Which deity are you referring to because the God of the Bible didn't say any such words You don't want this vision
I'm not dragging your marriage into wholeness. I'm not dragging. Wow.
This is so cultic Creepy manipulation here the man of God who hears directly and has received and prophetically spoke the vision into existence
This is really scary. I got a purpose many are the plans of man, but it's my purpose that will prevail
But if you sit down on me trying to take you out of what's comfortable I'm not gonna drag
Not gonna I'm not gonna drag you. I'm gonna hold your hand again, and I'm gonna invite you. This is many of your invitation
To get clear vision Then read your Bible because that's where clear vision comes from.
All right, you got the gist of it here You can go to Jesus with no vision
So apparently you can go to Jesus with no vision because that's apparently what Mark 8 is all about you Just like the blind man
You can now go to Jesus if you don't have any vision or clear direction from your for your life So vision comes from outside your comfort
Receiving vision from God might get nasty and Let's jump forward a little bit and see then how he handles the rest of this text.
Jesus asked the man. Do you see anything? the man looked up and said I see people
Now everybody doesn't understand how much of a miracle this is. This man's blind and then
Brit open your eyes He did not remove what God put there Yeah, he already put the spit on his face by the way,
I'm I I'm I skipped that part cuz it really grosses me out it's so cringe
He didn't wipe it off he had to open oh shoot he had to open his eyes by faith
That's what I'm trying to tell you open your eyes By faith he could have told Jesus right then in this text isn't about me receiving a vision from God that moment
You know, I can't see you know, I've been blind this long. You know, they never teach You know, my family never supported me
You know, I've never been chosen to lead You know that I don't have the education but by faith
He oh, yeah notice all the stuff you just added to the biblical text No, that's there that this passage isn't about that at all
I don't know who I'm talking to well You're talking to everybody but you're deceiving that but God is saying in this year when
I asked you to do it I know you did it before that man probably practiced opening his eyes a hundred thousand times
But after Jesus touched him He had to open his eyes again by faith
And when he opened his eyes, he said I see People and they they look like trees walking around This tells me two things first things it tells me is that this man has seen before I See me and I see people
But they look like how do you know what a tree looks like? If you never saw it before God's saying to you there's been seasons where you had vision
Well, I showed you clearly what it was supposed to be Wow, just so so bad.
I mean wow God says, you know, I showed you you I gave you vision but you you know, you lost it all
Man, that's not what this passage is about see this this the bad practice of actually taking a
Descriptive text so mark 8, you know where Jesus spits and then you know puts the spit on his eyes in order to give him legitimate ability to see this is a description not a
Prescription and what Michael Todd has done here is is just it's such bad practice
And the bad practice comes from his inability to rightly handle a biblical text
And I would remind you all that scripture is very clear that when it comes to pastors
That the oh, so the there are qualifications Paul writing to Titus says I left you in Crete So that you might put or remain in order a point elders.
These are your presbyteroid These are your pastors in every town as I directed you if anyone is above reproach
Husband of one wife children are believers not open to the charge of debauchery or Insubordination and an overseer is
God's steward must be above reproach and then there are moral qualifications He must not be arrogant or quick -tempered or a drunkard or violent or greedy for gain
But a hospitable a lover of good self -controlled upright wholly disciplined and then there are theological
You know and exegetical Requirements he must hold firm to the trustworthy word as taught
So that he may be able to give instruction in sound doctrine and to rebuke those who contradicted
Michael Todd here is not qualified to be a pastor and he's claimed that he's a visionary leader is just Just preposterous.
He's twisted Proverbs 29 18. He's completely narcissistic mark chapter 8 and the story of the blind man and Bethsaida and And you know, he's narcissistic the tag the text but look at where he goes so he then uses this as the springboard for talking about Transformation churches vision for the year ahead and listen where he goes with this.
This one's Really bizarre to tell the people that this year I need the vision to be so clear because watch this title the vision is for invasion
So vision Sunday there at Transformation Church The God said that you need to make the vision so clear because the vision is for invasion apparently
Michael Todd is the Putin of Charismatic church visionary leaders.
He's gonna be invading someplace. So God wants us to invade Places this ain't the word of the year yet.
I'm just setting you up right now. But the in the vision He's giving you is for invasion
You are supposed to as a child of God invade the school Invade the school what fade the government
So you're telling the people at your church they need to invade the government. Oh That's not that's not creepy weird at all
Fade the music industry invade the construction facilities. You are supposed to invade entertainment invade
Seven Mountain Mandate nonsense media marketing invade the hospital systems.
Somebody shout at me invade God wants to give you vision for it. Now Christ has told the church what we were supposed we're to do
All right, let's come back to Matthew 28 Okay, we have not been called to invade nothing and while Transformation church is out there invading the government and stuff, you know real
Christian Christians and Christian churches are to be about this business All authority in heaven on earth has been given to me
Christ said go therefore make disciples of all nations Baptizing them in the name of the Father and the
Son of the Holy Spirit Teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you and behold I'm with you always to the end of the age
So how long are we supposed to be about the business of making disciples baptizing and teaching all that Christ has commanded?
Which is only found in Scripture, which is the prophetic vision that we need in order for people to not cast off restraint well, we're to be about the business of doing that until Jesus shows up and We don't stop doing that a moment sooner
Until Jesus arrives, this is what we're to be doing folks that transformation church
They are being led away from the Great Commission To the great invasion vision, which
Christ is not responsible for it. God didn't give you this sir invasion He has declared that this is the season of the church no longer playing defense
Says who? It is time to play offense when you are invading that means you are the aggressor and I came to tell transformation church
We are no longer Getting vision to maintain what God has done
Make disciples of all nations, dude. That's what we're to be about the business of doing and not invading
Governments and construction and entertainment and all that kind of stuff. We're not playing defense. We're not playing not to lose
We're playing so we are going to invade Tulsa If you live in Tulsa beat, you know, you might want to You might want to get the sandbags out and and get yourselves prepared
Invasion will be occurring in Tulsa in the spring probably the Ukraine as well, but with the love
Generosity and kindness of God we are y 'all better hear me. I'm talking vision right now. I'm glad they're recording it
Yeah You do not get to give a competing vision for the church You know
Christ has already given the vision and we're on mission According to what he told us this is just nonsense one day
You gonna see we're going to invade every area that God calls us to we're gonna invade entertainment
We're gonna invade social media. We're going to y 'all better hear me. We're gonna invade the economic system.
We're gonna invent Your church is going to invade the economic system. This is delusional.
You don't know what you're talking about, dude Hey the housing system, you bet you're gonna invade the housing system.
Good luck on my words We've seen the vision clearly we are gonna invade religion
Yeah, so, you know all of that being said You know when he spit in that fellow's eyes
You know actually spit in his hand and then put the spittle on his face That was that was a gross -out moment, and I I don't even think
I want to Maybe You know, so you now know the theological context the story behind what he was doing
He's taken mark 8 and turning a descriptive text into a prescription thinking that somehow You know, this has something to do with transformation churches vision for invasion in 2022 there in Tulsa and so We just have to show it
I'm gonna do my best to get through this. Here we go Now watch he can't see
He's Pretending to be blind you ain't really healing him and that's not what mark 8 is about but he can't hear
And this is the moment where many of us are in is that God is doing something and we hear him
Changing we hear him even in your prayer and in this time. He's changing something and you don't see it clearly yet but you
Man this is nasty No, this is way no, no most people
No face Jesus anymore What most people this is not at all what mark 8 is about it's about Christ the
Son of God in human flesh and him performing signs that shows that he's the actual promised
Messiah of the Old Testament the one that the prophets told us about Moses and Isaiah that he would give sight to the blind as one of the things that Messiah would do this has nothing to do with transformation churches vision for invasion in 2022 would do is turn away.
Oh man This is this is pastoral malpractice of the worst kind What I'm the only thing worse than this is giving
Kool -Aid to your peeling you what I'm telling you
It's just as he's physically standing here Knowing what's coming? God's saying can you physically and spiritually and emotionally be able to stand?
No, God isn't saying any of these words everything you're saying that God is saying he didn't say you are
Blaspheming God in the worst way and you are abusing and Deceiving the people that you're supposed to be pastoring when getting the vision or receiving it might get nasty
No, no, I'm gonna say it in a point just like that receiving vision from God might get nasty You mean oh, no,
I just bought in crazy faith. I just bought my dream car that had
What are you talking about? That has nothing to do with mark a now you're gonna ask me to sell it back
God isn't saying any of this run and ride in the hoop.
Do you get? Yeah, because the vision I'm about to give you oh, no. No, I get nasty.
No. No, that's as far as I can go Sorry. Oh Wow So I know a lot of people are focusing in on the spit and the spit is hard not to focus in on but that's a that's a pastoral malpractice that is brought about by his
Theological incompetence his junk theology and inability to rightly handle a biblical text
He claims he's hearing from God and he's not if you know anybody that attends
Transformation Church in Tulsa and thinks Michael Todd is is You know like this with God and he's hearing from God and receiving vision from God Send him this video plead with them to open up their eyes and compare with God's Word Actually says to what this man is saying.
He's a deceiver and he is Incapable of rightly handling a biblical text. He's not qualified to be a pastor and the gross -out thing that you were about to see
That's the result of his gross -out theology That's where this goes.
You get the idea so if you found this helpful all the information on how you can share the video is down below in the description and until next time may
God richly bless you in the grace and mercy won by Jesus Christ and His vicarious death on the cross for all of your sins.