The Glorious Second Coming of Jesus Christ: Part 1



The Glorious Second Coming of Jesus Christ: Part 2

The book of Revelation, chapter 19, and let me say this about the book of Revelation. I like what
Leonard Ravenhill said about the book of Revelation. He said, I see, he sees that Revelation, there's three things that could be found.
It's a book of majesty, it's a book of mystery, and it's a book of misery.
All the way through the entire book of Revelation, you can find those three elements.
Actually, you see the majesty of God all the way through it. It's also a book of mystery.
It's not only a book of majesty, but it's a book of mystery. There are things that are mysterious.
We do not know. We will never know on this earth. Not until we're glorified in heaven, and things will become much clearer.
Right now, we see through it, Paul says, like a window, foggily, but it's all going to be cleared up.
It's like the scales will be taken off our eyes once we're in a glorified state. God's going to make it all clear, and He will.
A lot of things we don't understand right now, do we? There's a lot of things we will not understand.
Even as a child of God, we don't understand. Not only a book of majesty, a book of mystery, but it's also a book of misery.
We see the punishment of the wicked. We're going to look at that. We're going to look at that.
God takes no delight in the punishment of the wicked. But all the punishment that's going to come upon them, even in hell, is for God's glory.
It's hard for us to understand that. But God is just and holy.
He's just. He loves righteousness. And if you read in the
Psalms, it says His throne is even for judgment. And He loves
His righteousness. And that's the way God is. And we're going to look at that.
It's spoken in Revelation 19. Now, from the offset of saying that, there's a question that arises.
Will things in our troubled world ever get any better? Will it get any better? That's a question
I set before you. And I'm sure you've had that question in your mind as well. Is it just going to continue to get worse and worse?
Or will there be an end to all the war and the violence and injustice that we see on every hand?
The crime and the chaos. Will this eventually end?
Will it end? The answer that the Scripture gives is absolutely yes. There is a resounding yes to that because it will get better.
It's going to get better. Because we know who wins in the end. The Lord Jesus Christ.
This book is all about Jesus Christ. The person of Christ. All the way from Genesis to Revelation.
All 66 books point to the Lord Jesus Christ. His person and His works.
His coming, His first coming and His second coming. I assure you that. So the answer is yes.
It's a resounding yes. But let me say this. It's going to get better.
But before it gets much better, it's first going to get much worse. Now I'm going to be honest with you.
There's false teachers out there today that's telling you live your best life now.
Everything's going to be all good. And they live as if the Lord Jesus is not going to come in judgment and power.
But that's wrong. That is false. Do not believe them. Do not believe these false Christs.
Do not believe these ravening wolves. That comes in sheep's clothing. Telling you everything's all okay.
And the Lord's not coming. And you can live it up. And they actually say this in Jesus' name.
It's blasphemy. Don't listen to them. Things will get better. But it's in God's good time.
But Jesus is first. Before He comes. In this great event. And by the way, the coming of Jesus Christ alone is going to remedy all the problems of the world.
He's going to remedy it. And that alone is going to bring peace as we sung a minute ago.
The Prince of Peace comes. There will not be true peace on this earth until the
Prince of Peace comes. And He will come. So instead of war, justice will be served.
And it will be fair justice. Righteousness instead of wickedness.
And Christ will reign on this earth. So the Lord Jesus Christ will come in glory and power.
And bring order. And will rule the earth someday.
We find this fulfilled in the consummation of all things.
And we see it in the apocalypse and the book of Revelation. That's what
Revelation means. It is unveiling. As I said before, it's like a curtain.
And you don't know what's behind that curtain. John the Apostle, this man that knew God on the
Isle of Patmos. Terrible island. He was stranded on this island. He was under persecution for Christ's name.
And he was put on this island for serving Jesus Christ. And it said he was in the
Spirit on the Lord's day. On the Lord's day. And then God showed him this great vision.
And he had a vision of Jesus Christ. And all the things that were to come. He didn't understand a lot of it.
But he penned everything that was said by the Blessed Holy Spirit.
And as Christ spoke to him and the angels spoke to him. So the Lord Jesus Christ will come in glory.
And he will return to be the king. And to establish his glorious kingdom one day.
I remember when I was in the army. Many of the guys that lived wicked lives.
And these were not believers. And they knew that I was a born again
Christian. Praise God for that. I give God the praise. It's his grace. It's not of good works of course.
But they always would come to me. And they never would ask me. Tell me more about Jesus.
Or tell me what the book of John says. Or anything else like that. They would always ask how are things going to end up.
Isn't that interesting? How is it going to end? Tell me what the book of Revelation tells.
Christian. Tell me what it says in the book of Revelation. They always wanted to know. Tell me the prophecies.
They wanted to know how is it going to end. They were concerned about the end of all things.
Well we should be. I find that kind of intriguing. That someone that does not know
God and darkness. How is it all going to end up? According to the scripture before it does.
Before things get better. Again I say things will get worse. Now I'm not a prophet of gloom.
But you read the scriptures. Before Jesus Christ comes. There is a great tribulation period.
There is no escaping it. God pours out His. The judgments are opened.
And the bowls are opened. And the trumpets are blown. And all these things just unfold before us.
Well you say pastor can it get worse? Can it really get worse? All that we are seeing today.
Yeah it can. It can get much worse. You ain't seen nothing yet.
You haven't seen nothing yet. So before the Lord Jesus Christ comes back in power and glory.
Things will grow worse. Read the scriptures. There is going to be apostasy.
That means people is going to depart from the faith. There is going to be people within the church. It's going to become hardened.
Jesus says the hearts of people will wax gross. Become hardened and more hardened.
Jesus when we looked at the scriptures last week. That even as the days of Noah will be. So shall also the last days will be.
Before the coming of the Son of Man. Jesus said that. And all you got to do is go back into Genesis and read.
How were things during Noah's time? Look at it.
The thought and the intent of the heart was evil continually. Continually the violence filled the earth.
Don't you see violence? Don't you see evil? Don't you see all these things? And all these things are just revving up.
It's just building up. It's building up before judgment comes upon this world.
But God is showing mercy. He shows grace. He's given us
His word. Which never fails. He's given Christ to die. And that's the gospel before us to fly to Christ.
Before judgment comes upon us. People need to be concerned about these things.
Now this glorious book tells us how everything will end. Aren't you glad?
Aren't you glad? It tells us how it's going to end. Right here. Right here.
So we continue to look at this great event. The Lord Jesus Christ and His second coming.
It's all about Jesus, isn't it? Great and glorious event. It's all about His personal coming.
So saying that, turn with me to the book of Revelation chapter 19. I want to read verses 1 through 16.
But we're only going to look at probably the first 8 verses in this session.
As the Lord would help us and guide us and direct us in His holy word. So chapter 19 of the book of Revelation.
A wonderful book. Verse 1 through 16. 1 through 16. Hear the word of the living
God. Hear the word of the living God. This is God speaking to us.
After these things I heard something like a loud voice of a great multitude in heaven saying, Hallelujah!
Salvation and glory and power belong to our God. Because His judgments are true and righteous.
And for He has judged the great harlot who is corrupting the earth with her immorality.
And He has avenged the blood of all of His bond servants on her. And the second time they said,
Hallelujah! Her smoke rises up forever and ever. And the 24 elders and the 4 living creatures fell down and worshiped
God who sits on the throne saying, Amen! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! And a voice came from the throne saying,
Give praise to our God. All you His bond servants who fear Him.
The small and the great. And then I heard something like the voice of a great multitude and like the sound of many waters.
Like the sound of mighty pills of thunder. Saying, Hallelujah! Hallelujah! For the
Lord our God, the Almighty reigns. Let us rejoice. Let us rejoice.
And be glad. And give the glory to Him. For the marriage of the
Lamb has come and His bride has made herself ready. And it was given to her to clothe herself in fine linen.
Bright and clean. For the fine linen is the righteous acts of the saints. And then
He said to me, Blessed are those who are invited to the marriage supper of the Lamb. And He said to me,
These are true words of God. And then
I fell at His feet to worship Him. And He said to me, Do not do that. I'm a fellow servant of yours and your brethren who hold the testimony of Jesus.
Worship God. For the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy. And I saw heaven opened.
And behold a white horse. And He who sat on it is called faithful and true.
And in righteousness He judges and wages war. His eyes are as a flame of fire.
And on His head are many diadems. And He has a name written on Him which no one knows except Himself.
He's clothed. He is clothed with a robe dipped in blood. And His name is called the
Word of God. And the armies which are in heaven clothed in fine linen white and clean were following Him on white horses.
And from His mouth comes a sharp sword so that with it He may strike down the nations.
And He will rule them with a rod of iron and He treads the winepress of the fierce wrath of God the
Almighty. And on His robe and on His thigh He has a name written
King of kings and Lord of lords. Let's stop right there. Let's just praise
Him and go to Him and seek His face within this hour and ask our triune
God that He would help us to focus by His Holy Spirit on the wonderful person of the
Lord Jesus Christ. Let's pray. Father, we are in awe of Your Holy Word.
There's nothing like it. There's nothing like it. It's as a sharp two -edged sword.
It cuts convicts us but yet it encourages us.
It corrects us, instructs us in righteousness. We thank You for Your Word, Father.
Heaven and earth would pass away but Your words would never pass away. And how we thank You for it.
Lord, our attitude should be we should tremble before it this morning. Give us a heart
O God to worship You and to praise You for all Your mighty deeds and Your mighty acts but for who
You are. You are true and righteous. Faithful and true are
You, O God. And we thank You, Father. You desire the praises of creation.
Praises of Your people. Father, this wonderful book in which You've given to us this great revelation speaks all about Your glory and it ends up in a consummation of all of creation praising
You. All of heaven praising You. All of earth praising You. Lord, we cannot praise
You enough. Forgive us, O God as Your people and not praising
You enough. Lord, we confess our sins before You, Lord, that we have fallen so short of doing this.
We've allowed the things of the world to distract us. Lord, You've redeemed to Yourself a people to praise
You and to love You and to give You glory and honor and thanksgiving.
Lord, may we see throughout this time, Lord, as we study Your Word it's all about the
Lord Jesus Christ in whom You're well pleased in. He will have the last word because He is the
Word. Father, we thank You. Speak to us. Unstop our deaf ears.
Take the scales off our eyes and give us a perception, an understanding in our spiritual understanding, our spiritual insight,
Lord. Not our physical thinking, Lord of what we know but inside,
Lord, may Your Holy Spirit teach us. He's the true teacher. Lord, may
He teach the things of Christ to us this morning. We ask this in Jesus' name. Amen and Amen.
It's glorious. This is so glorious. Chapter 19 in Revelation gives to us
Heaven's perspective in stark contrast to the morning of the
Babylon's fallen harlot. A stark contrast to the morning of Babylon's lovers or the world's lovers but especially what is said here of this harlot in which the world so loved.
And it resumes the progress notice in the narrative of the future events of the tribulation. You see with this in chapters 17 and 18 as a background
John the Apostle receives new revelation concerning the return of the Lord Jesus Christ.
This is an Apostle. That knew Christ. Walked with Christ for three years but all this is new to him.
This is all as Brother Keith mentioned. There is a revelation. There's a new revelation here. We know that the canon of Scripture is closed.
We know that no other revelation can be given now. That's not talking about that but we're talking as he is writing this down and as he looks into Heaven, he's in the
Spirit of the Lord's day and he's seeing these things. And this is a new revelation to him of the return of the
Lord Jesus Christ. In the first ten verses the emphasis is on what he heard in special announcements in the preparation for the return of Jesus Christ.
In verses 11 through 21 however the stress falls on what John sees concerning the actual return of Jesus Christ and brings a close to the tribulation period events and the wrath of God.
But let's not miss the striking change that is seen here in contrast to the preceding chapters.
It's very important to understand what is said in the context as you well know here and I've said this so often anytime you study the
Scriptures and you that study the Scriptures knows what I'm talking about. To understand the text we must see the context and we must read before a little before of what is taking place.
So what is taking place is we're taken from a somber weeping somber lamenting to joyful worship and praise from darkness and doom to light and deliverance and from a series of woes to a series of jubilant announcements and that's what's happening.
Chapter 19 of Revelation can be divided into four sections four sections first we see the hallelujah choruses in verses 1 -6 second we see the announcement of the marriage supper of the lamb in verses 7 -10 third we see the announcement of the second advent of Jesus Christ in verse 11 -16 and fourth and we did not read this far this morning but we see the announcement of the
Armageddon in verse 17 -21 that's the whole chapter of chapter 19 so today
I would like just for us to look at the first two of the outline here is the hallelujah choruses in heaven that we see great rejoicing in heaven we're going to see why is there great rejoicing and then second we're going to look at the announcement of the marriage supper of the lamb and we're going to then look at some application so I'd just like to break this outline in two this morning because there's a lot here that we do not want to miss and I don't want to rush through it and then
Lord willing we'll break the other two apart next week by God's help as we worship the
Lord so let's look at the first two of the outline first of all the hallelujah chorus in heaven the hallelujah choruses in heaven we see this in verse 1 -6 verse 1 -6 let me read it again because of the great importance of it after these things
I heard something like a loud voice and a great multitude in heaven saying hallelujah salvation and glory and power belong to our
God because his judgments are true and righteous for he has judged the great harlot who is corrupting the earth and with her immorality he has avenged the blood of her bondservants on her and a second time they said hallelujah her smoke rises up forever and ever and the 24 elders and the 4 living creatures fell down and worshipped
God who sits on the throne saying amen hallelujah a voice and a voice came from the throne saying give praise to our
God all you his bondservants who you who fear him and the small the small and the great then
I heard something like the voice of a great multitude and like the sound of many waters and like the sound of many peals of thunder saying hallelujah for the
Lord our God the almighty reigns now how true it is we see majesty here right we see worship if you want to learn about worship read the book of revelation the book of revelation can teach us much about worship notice the worship that's given here let's look at this it's a great multitude in heaven verse 1 through 3 the text says and the text tells us and after these things after these things this refers to the visions of chapter 17 and 18 and especially the fall of Babylon but it's also important to read chapter 18 verse 20 that there was a call to rejoice over Babylon's destruction
Revelation 18 20 says this rejoice over her oh heaven and you saints and apostles and prophets and notice what why are they to rejoice because God has pronounced judgment for you on her in other words
God is bringing vengeance because of you that's interesting it helps us understand the importance and the reason why this judgment is given important to recognize the context of what the text is saying that God has pronounced judgment for you against her literally reads judged your judgment of her the angel exhorts the tribulation martyrs and that's actually who he's speaking to how do we know this we'll go back to Revelation chapter 6 turn with me back a few chapters let's see what the word of God says we're going to take this to the context of what is being said so we can learn about this judgment and like a judgment that's never fell on this earth before and he says this in verse 9 of Revelation 9
I'm sorry chapter 6 verse 9 -11 and when the
Lamb broke the fifth seal I saw underneath the altar the souls of those who were slain because of the word of God these were martyrs and because of the testimony which they had maintained notice they persevered they did not deny the
Lord Jesus Christ no matter how terrible and hard it was and they cried out with a loud voice saying how long oh
Lord holy and true will you refrain from judging and avenging our blood on those who dwell on the earth and it was given to each of them a white robe and they were told that they should rest for a little while longer until the number of their fellow servants and their brethren who were to be killed even as they had been would be completed also so there had to be a completion but this is the cry of the martyrs beloved and to rejoice not over necessarily the deaths of those doomed for eternal hell but rather to rejoice because of God's righteous justice and judgment that has prevailed you see it's very important to see here that purpose and reason of that judgment in this text so what does this say to us it gives us the right motive to rejoice we do not rejoice that people go to hell
God does not rejoice that people go to hell brother Keith mentioned that this morning it fits right into what is being said in the text here and I didn't know what he was going to say this morning so let's just say that's the spirit of God my teacher being showing the things of Christ to me very important to see here in this text the right motive for the rejoicing in heaven, heaven is rejoicing all of heaven rejoices to a climax of why, ok why a loud voice of a great multitude in heaven it's amazing this is undoubtedly the multitude of the saints in heaven described in chapter 7 now go with me to chapter 7
Revelation this is the context you know what that's why it's so important to read the
Bible through isn't it, when you read like if you want to read
Revelation read it chapter 1 all the way to chapter 22 you get the full meaning of it, you get the full picture of it and that's why it's important to read through the whole
Bible to make that a goal and over and over and over again that is so critically important but here chapter 7 look at 9 -12 9 -12 this is a multitude from the great tribulations speaking of and after these things
I looked and behold a great multitude there's that again which no one could count innumerable and notice what it says and from every nation of all tribes and peoples and tongues standing before the throne and before the
Lamb clothed in white robes you notice all the saints and God's believers are clothed in white robes you know what that means they've been washed they've been cleansed by the blood of Jesus Christ there's a purity it's not a righteousness of their own it's the righteousness of Christ and notice this and palm branches were in their hands just like those that the palm branches when
Jesus came through the first time in Jerusalem remember that saying
Hosanna blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord as Jesus comes to go and he's on his way to the cross beloved to be crucified and they're praising him but keep in mind that same crowd that was praising him and saying hallelujah and they were saying blessed is he who comes in the name of the
Lord they were singing praises to him a week after that they said crucify him crucify him how fickle men are but here in heaven palm branches were in their hands this is the real praise here and they cry out with a loud voice it's loud salvation to our
God who sits on the throne and to the lamb and to all the angels who are standing around the throne don't you love this you want to read about worship listen to this and all the angels were standing around the throne and around the elders and the four living creatures and they fell on their faces before the throne and worshiped
God saying amen notice this blessing and glory and wisdom and thanksgiving and honor and power and might seven fold doxology to be to our
God forever and ever amen that's a perfect praise of doxology you can break that up blessing and glory and wisdom and thanksgiving and honor and power and might be to our
God forever and ever amen he's worthy isn't he God is worthy so there you see the saints of heaven there's a great multitude from every tribe and every nation giving praise, they're clothed in white robes they got palm branches in their hands they're praising
God to the highest so there's the right motive they're praising
God and right here at this particular time there's not the twenty four elders and the four living creatures subsequently they're not involved in the praise here but you see it in other times in revelation that they are but back to chapter nineteen we see that they are inclusive there along with the multitude of all the angels the angelic armies in heaven does
God love praise beloved God loved when you were redeemed by the blood of the lamb and when he saved you by his grace it's all about you being a worshiper and we learn to do this here on this little earth this little span of time we have for eternity
Jonathan Edwards said it good he says if you can't live with God here on this earth for a short time how can you expect to live with God in heaven in eternity amen to that Paul Washer said you know it's not the question is not whether you want to go to heaven the question is do you want
God because the purpose and the focus of heaven is not that I could just get safe from hell the purpose of heaven is to praise and love
God forever it's all about God God himself the
Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit it's this whole book it's all focused on the majesty and the glory of God and it's all centered in the person of Jesus Christ isn't it wonderful to know this it's just not how much theology
I can know it's not how many facts I can know it doesn't mean how many scriptures I can necessarily memorize even though I do suggest you to memorize scripture and hide it in your heart that you might not sin against God but it's not all here it's here it's a worship of praise and glory to God well back to Revelation 19 so after these things after these things he said
I heard something like a loud voice of a great multitude in heaven now what things is he talking about let's read it chapter 18 look at verse 21 -24 then a strong angel took up a stone like a great millstone and threw it in the sea powerful this is a created being of God but they can wipe out pretty much thousands upon thousands easily saying so will
Babylon the great city be thrown down with violence and will be found will not be found any longer and the sound of the harpist and the musicians and the flute players and trumpeters will not be heard of you any longer isn't it amazing that all their music and rejoicing comes to an end on earth that's what's going to happen to the wickedness of man the great harlot and no craftsman and any craft will be found in you any longer it's going to come to an end and the sound of a mill will not be heard in you any longer it's going to come to an end wicked
I'm telling you the wicked's going to have their day but there's going to come a day that the wicked will be no longer and God's going to have his day because God's not going to be mocked and then it says in verse 23 and the light of a lamp will not shine in you any longer notice that and the voice of the bridegroom and the bride will not be heard in you any longer in other words all your loving and all your pleasure and all your idolatry and all your immorality is going to come to an end for your merchants were the great men of the earth because all the nations were deceived by your sorcery
God hates sorcery and in her was found the blood of the prophets and of the saints and of all who have been slain on the earth now keep in mind with all those other scriptures tied in together the blood of the martyrs the blood of the believers the blood of those the blood martyrs those who suffered for Jesus sake and there's a lot of martyrs right now
I'm telling you we don't see it over here in America but in third world countries there are people right now under Islamic rule and Christians that are captured and you know what's happening to them these people are relentless and they just if they are a believer in Jesus Christ or even a
Jew they think they're infidels they think of these people as infidels take their head off it's real, it's happening so God's going to judge her and that judgment's going to be just and it's always just, isn't it?
God is always fair always fair, let's continue these things found and we just read the things he's speaking of and then it says this and I heard something like a loud voice of the great multitude in heaven singing and they're saying hallelujah salvation and glory and power belong to God hallelujah, don't you love that word?
hallelujah it's a Hebrew word it comes from the hallel four times in the
New Testament and by the way all four times is right here in chapter 19 isn't that amazing?
verse 1, verse 3 verse 4 and verse 6 hallelujah is an exclamation, it's an exalting it means praise the
Lord you praise the Lord praise the Lord God always inhabits the praise of his people it occurs frequently in the
Old Testament I wrote this down, we don't have time to go to it, but Psalm 104
Psalm 105 Psalm 106, Psalm 111 Psalm 112, Psalm 113
Psalm 117, Psalm 135 Psalm 146 you can see well there's five reasons here for the praise that emerges in heaven first of all,
God's deliverance of his people from his enemies I think that's a good reason to praise God, isn't it? God gives deliverance of his people from their enemies
God's gonna do that, God's always done that he's always delivered his people from the enemies second
God's meeting out divine justice he's going to bring divine justice and he does it in fairness as I said, in verse 2 then you see third,
God's permanent crushing of man's rebellion in verse 3 and fourth,
God's sovereignty in verse 6 and then last, the fifth reason
God's communion with his people in verse 7 those are five good reasons to praise the
Lord God brings an end to the enemies his enemies, delivers his people
God mets out divine justice God's permanent crushing of man's rebellion will finally come to an end forever
God's sovereignty that God is absolutely in control of all things that's a good reason to praise him and fifth,
God's communion with his people God loves that's why he redeemed you is to have communion he lavished his love upon us that he would have communion and sup with you you see that you see how
Jesus speaks to these churches I believe it's to the church of Laodicea he speaks that he's so sick the church that made
God sick because they were lukewarm and what does he say he basically says
I'm at the door knocking I'm on the outside of the church I want in I want in let me in to have communion to sup isn't that what it's all about to have that intimate communion time with him that's the church it's not talking about heathens well let's go on it says here in this verse through these hallelujahs salvation and glory power belong to our
God I love these hallelujahs don't you a second time hallelujah her smoke rises up forever then he he says and the 24 elders and the 4 living creatures fell down and worshiped
God who sits on the throne amen hallelujah and then the next one is in verse 6 in the latter part hallelujah for the
Lord our God almighty reigns sovereignty God's judgments are always fair and proper go with me to Hebrews chapter 10 there's some warnings
J .C. Ryle said it would serve the church much more benefit the church much more to study the warnings of Christ as much as we've studied the promises of God how true notice this right here
Hebrews chapter 10 verse 26 and by the way if you don't think coming to church is important verse 25 not forsaking our own dissembling together as the habit of some a habit this is to the believers but encouraging one another and all the more as you see what the day drawing near what day is he talking about the day that we read about in chapter 19 the coming of Jesus Christ that's what he's talking about but notice in verse 26 there is a huge gap and it's so closely related to verse 25 because it says that if people do not come together and are not having the habit of encouraging one another as the day we see the day drawing near how much more important it is today and especially today to meet together and to worship our
God people can come up with their excuses excuse after excuse and I know there are some real reasons at times we get that but you know something but you go to verse 26 there's apostasy notice listen to what the word of God says don't take me
I'm not giving you my opinion here listen to what the word of God says from verse 25 to verse 26 notice in verse 26 for if we go on sinning willfully after receiving the knowledge of the truth there no longer remains a sacrifice of sins this is a serious warning beloved now
I don't have time to unpack this in it's context but study it on your devotional time and then he says this and he gives a serious warning it's very sober verse 27 but a terrifying listen to that a terrifying expectation of judgment and a fury of a fire which will consume the adversaries it's serious anyone who has set aside the law of Moses dies without mercy on the testimony of two or three witnesses how much now listen to this you think that was severe listen to this under the age of grace not just the law how much severe punishment do you think he would deserve who has trampled under foot the son of God and has regarded as unclean the blood the blood of the covenant by which he sanctified and has insulted the spirit of grace the age of grace is far more of a higher standard verse 34 we know him who said vengeance is mine
I will repay and then he says this and I don't know as I read this
I am trembling I'm serious it is a terrifying thing a fearful thing to fall to fall hear that into the hands of the living
God to fall right into his hands and to be judged that's severe there's much to be said about that but judgment awaits those who take lightly grace and trample grace under foot that's for another time but let's continue saints the saints of God always long for the day of judgment beloved amen godly people who love righteousness and hate sin and hate iniquity abhor it as God abhors it for righteousness always honors
God and sin always mocks God always there's a reason why
God would judge the heathen that rages believers long for a world of justice and it will come in God's good time that is the hope don't you long to see
God bring justice and end all the evil on the face of this earth revelation 227 you don't have to go there but listen to what the word of God says and one day right here and he shall rule, talking about Jesus Christ them with a rod of iron as the vessels of the potter and broken to pieces he's going to break them to pieces
Jesus will and I also have received authority from my father this is
Christ saying this you know we see it so often and right now
Jesus is savior he is lord he is lord he reigns he's sovereign he's
God but you know something here in revelation when he comes he's coming as judge so heaven rejoices and why does heaven rejoice because God's judgments are what true and righteous aren't you glad the holy
God he will judge every single person in fairness we can't do this but God can
Jesus can every person that will stand before his throne will be judged in truth and in righteousness it makes me tremble because I say
Lord cleanse me, wash me sanctify me I need a pure conscience
I need a holy heart I need to be undefiled I need to be a child of the living
God and if I am I'm going to come under the scrutiny of your judgment and cleanse me so that one day when this falls upon me
I will not be judged guilty don't you need the righteousness of Jesus to protect you in these things but even in that beloved we're going to still be judged according to our works now that's something to think about we will be judged according to our works not only our motives and everything that we are but what we do the believer well next we see the announcement of the marriage supper of the lamb and I must move on pretty quickly here
I'm not going to finish this but we'll pick up on this Lord willing next week ok the marriage supper of the lamb look at verse 7 -10 of chapter 19 this is glorious this is so glorious 7 -10 let us rejoice the rejoicing continues and be glad didn't
David say that this is the day that the Lord has made let us rejoice and be glad in it he's talking about the day of the
Lord let us rejoice and be glad and give the glory to him for the marriage of the lamb has come and his bride has made herself ready
I can just stop right there and just preach on because I'm telling you the bride has made herself ready by the way
Jesus will come for a bride that's ready she will be ready she will be looking you know why because the bride looks to the bridegroom and that's the first love that's her love the church's love the groom,
Christ and it was given to her to clothe herself in fine linen bright and clean notice the readiness here the fine linen is the righteous acts of the saints the acts of the saints the way you act in verse 9 then he said to me write blessed are those who are invited to the marriage supper of the lamb isn't that glorious and he said to me these are true words of God let me stop right there let's look at this in the eastern culture the
Hebrew wedding was important to understand I don't have time to unpack all the details of this but let me just give it to you real quickly and I've jotted this down there were three phases of a marriage in a
Hebrew wedding the first phase was the betrothal betrothal, betrothal
I'm sorry and this betrothal was a marriage by contract that was drawn up between the fathers of that time period if it was a good match
I think this is a very good thing too bad we can't do this over here it would be great and often while the parties involved were still children they were still children at the time very young in other words this was a negotiating phase it was a time it was negotiated very interesting
I've seen some cartoons like this of a prince a king another king and they would get these children together and they would negotiate the fathers would get together and do this in Hebrew culture they did this and often while the parties involved were still children in other words this was a negotiating phase and though the marriage was not consummated at the time and at this point they were considered legally married you see this in Matthew 1 .19
and also the word husband in this sense to the text of 2 Corinthians 11 .2
says I betroth you to one husband you see that so whenever a believer in a sense and Jesus Christ comes when a believer comes and believes on Christ as Lord and Savior he or she becomes a part of the bride of Jesus Christ as a believer in that stage you can actually say that the church age is the betrothal
I'm sorry betrothal I'm going to get it right and the time when God is calling out a bride for his son that's pretty much what you see so the payment payment of a suitable dowry was given part of the procedure in Ephesians 5 .25
so thus Jesus Christ gave his own life for the bride as a dowry so today all believers are in covenant legally married in a sense to Jesus Christ spiritually speaking and through the living faithfully faithfully in the word of God and are kept as pure virgins kept from satanic apostasy or fornication and then next the next phase is again
I don't have time to unpack all this but there's a lot of great truth in this the next phase of the of the marriage is the presentation phase first is the betrothal phase and then the presentation phase the presentation phase was a couple when a couple was reached a suitable age the wedding took place the actual wedding took place and the father of the bridegroom would present the contract to the father of the bride so the bridegroom would come then to go to the house of the bride and the company of his friends and the escorter in his name
I'm sorry in his home so this is the background since you in your devotional time you can read it in Matthew 25 1 -13 you see this,
Jesus speaks of this so during the betrothal phase the groom would prepare an apartment and a place to live in his father's house so when the son was to be married another portion was completed to make ready for the new bride that's exactly what
Jesus is doing and you read this in John 14 when he gave a promise to his own and don't you love this promise and he says he comforts his disciples of all those things that was going to come upon them the sufferings that they would endure and he tells them and encourages them the
Holy Spirit is going to be with you give you power, tell you what to say don't fret about it and he comforts his disciples he said do not let your heart be troubled you believe in God, believe also in me in my father's house, he's the bride groom he goes to my in my father's house are many dwelling places if it were not so I would have told you but I go to prepare a place for you see he's the groom, he's going to go prepare a place for his bride you see that if I go and prepare a place for you
I will come again and receive you to myself that where I am there you may be also,
I'm going to come after you I'm coming to claim my own bride and where you
I will come again receive you to myself that where I am you may be also and you know the way
I'm going of course you had to have that one disciple that had to ask more questions and praise
God for that, amen, aren't you glad he asked these questions because out of that question came a great answer
Thomas said, Lord we do not know where you're going, how do we know the way what a great question
I'm sure Jesus' heart was rejoicing when he asked him that question, Jesus said to him
I am the way and the truth and the life no one comes to the father but through me if you had known me you would have known my father also and from now on you know him and have seen him
Philip takes it a little further said to him, Lord show us the father and it is enough for us, we'll be satisfied just show us the father
Jesus said to him, a lot of people twist this scripture up but keep in mind
Jesus is not the father what Jesus is saying here he's God he said you want to see
God see me Jesus said to him have I been so long with you and you have not come to know me
Philip God with us that's what he's saying,
I'm God with you he has seen me, he has seen the father and how can you say show us the father do you not know, do you not believe that I am in the father and the father is in me, now notice what he said there him and the father is one folks this is why they killed
Jesus right here this is why they took him to the cross because of his claims of being equal with God and then he says the words that I say to you
I do not speak of my own initiative but the father abiding in me does his works believe me that I am in the father and the father is in me otherwise believe because of the works of themselves and basically what he's saying is that he is even though he's not the first person of the
Godhead even though it's a mystery to us but he is the second person but he's
God in flesh, you see that Jesus was not created he always was oh how important it is to understand that he's
God it's paramount isn't it and I'm telling you, you have these cults out here they've got different opinions about this there's the apostolic church they call themselves
Jesus only they will argue to I've ran up against them, Brother Keith knows what I'm talking about he's ran up against them as well, you might have run up against them, they will argue with you and tell you that Jesus is the father and even they go to the point of saying that Jesus is the
Holy Spirit but they basically said that Jesus is the father and I said no no no no he's not the father he's the son but that's another but beware of these people but here you know the groom and the friends would then escort the bride to their new home in this culture of a
Hebrew marriage and the ceremony which followed was the presentation of the actual marriage so the hand of the bride was placed into the hand of the groom's father and he would place it into the groom's hand we still do that and there was considered the marriage ceremony doesn't
Paul say that in Ephesians 5 27 that he might what, present to himself the church and all her glory, listen to this having no spot or wrinkle or any such thing but that she would be holy and blameless a pure bride
Jesus is coming back for a holy bride beloved and this is the presentation and also of Christ's present work of keeping the church pure and holy by loving her through the word of God he keeps the last phase is the marriage feast which is the reception and this is found here in chapter 19 of Revelation the reception the groom would invite many guests and gather all his friends to come to the marriage feast and view his glorious and holy bride you know isn't it interesting too
I don't have time to really open this up but isn't it interesting that Jesus performs his first miracle where at Canaan at a wedding and somebody asked me once is there any significance to that I said is there significance oh let me tell you there's a lot of significance and it just flooded my heart with joy and said you know
Jesus is focusing on something here there's a reason in providence and God in his sovereignty allowed
Jesus to perform this miracle at a wedding feast all to point to his second coming that one day when he comes back for his own glorious celebration for his bride and whom he loves and he loved his bride so much that he died for his bride and purchased her and gave his own life and gave himself for it redeemed his bride and says
I loved you so much and I shed my blood for you see how important it is and all the inheritance and through his death he gives and all that he has so that we would be in communion with him and the length and the lavishness of this feast would be of course dependent on the wealth of the status of the bridegroom and how rich our
God is it might last in a Hebrew wedding a week or even longer of the celebration and you see this in Matthew chapter 22 and it gives us an illustration of this custom and then the parable however pictures the rejection of Israel and Christ his gracious extension to the invitation of all the nations and that was
God's original intention is to reach all nations for his name's sake and isn't that what
Jesus is telling us to do go ye into all the world and preach the gospel to what? Some people?
Just this tribe of people? Just this color of people? No! To all people! To all people!
There's no respecters of person to God verse 7 Great rejoicing and glory is given to God because the marriage of the
Lamb has come and I want to pick up on that Lord willing next week and let me close with this
Revelation 1 3 Blessed is he who reads and those who hear the words of the prophecy and heed the things which are written in it
Why? For the time is near Beloved, can I say this? The time is near The time is near The time is near Are you ready?
Are you pure? Are you holy? Can I tell you this today?
There's a fountain filled with blood drawn from Emmanuel's veins Sinners can plunge beneath that flood lose all your guilty stains
Beloved, don't you listen to the lies of hell and the devil that there's no hope for you that you cannot be clean because I'm telling you grace is greater than sin and Jesus Christ welcomes you to come to him and he says all that the
Father gives will come to me and I and he that comes to me I will no wise cast him out and you know what the message is?
Before the day of judgment comes and we're going to look at this more, Lord willing next week, before he comes and the wrath of God comes and is poured out on this earth he basically says repent and believe the gospel that's the message don't put it off today's the day of salvation don't let the devil say oh hey you've got another day ahead of you you can always repent tomorrow beloved, there may not be tomorrow we are not promised tomorrow so today is the day of salvation come to the
Lord Jesus now repent of your sins, get serious with God, say Lord I'm going to throw these things aside all these sins that stumble me and weigh me down and all the besetting sins before me
I'm going to cast them aside, I'm going to look unto Jesus turn and live look and live you see this through the
Old Testament how God spoke to Israel turn, basically the word turn there basically means repent turn from it get away from it and get serious and seek the
Lord with all your faith while he's near amen that's the message, look to the cross because the cross has he
Jesus himself the sacrifice all in Revelation it's this lamb that was slain it was the lamb that was slain that's the song of the saints isn't it the song of the lamb, it says the song of Moses all those saints in the
Old Testament but all those others that come followed by the song of the lamb the song of the lamb and this is what
I say to you in closing behold the lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world he bled and died for you and your sin and listen there's hope you can have this blessed hope you can lay down at night with a conscience and knowing
I'm going to turn from this and by the way, repentance isn't just saying okay I'm going to confess my sin today and then
I'm going back to sinning tomorrow no, you're going to have to get serious with God you've got to say
Lord you wound me this sin is so horrible it took your son to the cross this sin was so horrible my sin, my sin it took him to the cross and all the judgment of God was upon him the cross, the cross praise
God for the cross repent and believe the gospel amen, let's pray Father we thank you for this time
Lord there's so much that could be said here but Lord give us another day I pray but Lord I pray more important than anything else you may not give us another day,
Lord not one of us in here is promised tomorrow it's appointed for once man to die and after that to judgment that's an appointment day each and every one of us here
Lord has an appointment day with you death is going to come and take us out the grim reaper is going to come and take us out but Lord we are not to fear the grim reaper if we're in Jesus Christ he ushers us right into your holy presence to live is
Christ and to die is gain and to be absent from the body and be present with the
Lord and with you forever Lord Lord if there's anyone here that's a believer in you that has forsaken and left the first love
Lord I pray today would it be a day to renew and rekindle that first love oh
Lord deal with that one person and Father if there's someone here that needs to repent and believe the gospel and take
Jesus Christ and his righteousness to cover and to protect them from the judgment of your holy wrath that wrath that fell on Jesus oh hallelujah
Jesus is that ark and he has secured us and we're safe from you
Lord you save us from yourself that sounds like a mystery but Lord you save us from yourself and you've done this in your
Son the Lord Jesus Christ so Father before it's everlasting too late or before you come and send your
Son in power and glory in a moment in a twinkling of eye and every eye will see him
Lord may we come to you and repent and wholeheartedly believe the gospel give us the grace
Lord we know that we need grace granted to us to repent we can't repent within our own power but Lord we must do the repenting so Lord I pray that if someone is under the conviction of the