Christians Respond to David Alexander's Testimony

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Pastor Wade Orsini and Deacon Andrew Soncrant of Apologia Church Utah are reacting to @TrueMillennial summarized video of David Alexander titled, "Former Pastor is Baptized After 47 YEARS of Believing “Mormon Church is a CULT”' You can find the video here: Are Mormons Christian? Who has the authority to determine whether or not someone is Christian? Do Mormons actually believe in a different Jesus? Be sure to check out this video to find out as Christians Respond to David Alexander's Testimony.


Hey, what's up everyone? This is Pastor Wade Orsini with Apology at Church, Utah. I'm here today with our elder -in -training,
Andrew Songkrant. You might recognize this guy from The Cultist Show, but today we are doing something unique, something that I don't think we've ever done before.
We're gonna be doing a reaction video. Tell them all about it, brother. Yeah, so there's a man named
David Alexander who has recently, quote -unquote, converted to Mormonism. He says he was a pastor three different times, and now supposedly he has found the truth and the power of the priesthood.
I haven't watched anything yet from this man. Right, me neither. Yeah, so we're gonna go ahead and we're gonna do like a live react video, and I'm excited about this as well because,
I don't know, it's just fun to do. Yeah, I mean he's becoming sort of an authority for people, at least some sort of poster boy for leaving evangelicalism, coming into the
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter -day Saints, which is no church at all, just an organization. And we want to see what has led him there, and kind of pick it apart, of course.
So hopefully lovingly, but we'll do our best. Yeah, let's get to it. So the video we are going to look at is from a channel called
True Millennial. It's about a six and a half minute video where part of his testimony is already spliced up.
So we're not gonna go through like an hour and a half interview video with David Alexander. We're just gonna go through this and we'll stop it.
Whenever you tell me to stop, I'll stop, okay? Sounds good. Let's go, dude. All right, so we're gonna start about right now and have fun with us, guys.
So this man, David Alexander, after 47 years as an evangelical Christian and former pastor and believing his whole life that the
Mormon Church is a cult, was baptized two weeks ago. And he's now sharing one of the most powerful testimonies
I've ever heard. Listen to this. Whoa, whoa, whoa.
Okay, we're gonna stop there real quick. All right, so I heard something. I just want to stop right now because I think we need to address this just before we go any further.
He said this, Pastor Wade, I want to see if you can kind of flesh out what he's really saying. He said, in the culture of non -Latter -day
Saint Christianity. What in the world does that even mean? Yeah, I mean, I think first off when he says non -Latter -day
Saint Christianity, then he's presupposing that Latter -day Saints have
Christianity. They have biblical Christianity, and so I think he's putting them on at least the same level.
I'm sure he would argue later that Latter -day Saint Christianity is higher than evangelicalism, but it just doesn't make sense to me.
I think he's conflating the two. Yeah, so what is Christianity, and I think it will help the listeners here.
What is Christianity, and who gets to define what Christianity is? Right, right.
Yeah, I would say that not one single institution gets to define what
Christianity is. The Bible is God's self -attesting word, self -authenticating word, gets to define what
Christianity is, and we come to the plain meaning of the text. And we can see inferred, principally, and shown explicitly through the text of Scripture what
Christianity is. So there's got to be an authority over what
Christianity is, because otherwise then anyone could come up with any definition, which we've seen obviously for centuries.
Yeah, so with that in terms of like historic heresy or non -orthodoxy in the church, say
I pick up my Bible, I start reading it, and I'm like, this is what the Bible says about Jesus.
If it contradicts what has been known throughout millennia, that's typically a sign that it's something that's not what the
Bible is actually teaching, right? Exactly. There is an apostolic teaching. There is a teaching from Christ.
In fact, the Epistle to John, Titus, Jesus himself, says the phrase, the teaching, that there are going to be many teachings, but there is the teaching.
And both Paul and and even John say, when you deviate from the teaching of Christianity, the teaching of Christ, you've gone to something that even
John says so powerfully is antichrist in that deviation. So that is to say
Christianity has a precision to it. There is a narrow scope to it, and once you fall outside the the bounds of what is biblical, you are no longer allowed to be able to be called
Christian in any capacity. Yeah, makes sense. Like in Jude, it says, earnestly intend for the faith that was once for all delivered to the saints.
And when we're using the word faith here, we're talking about a body of belief, of something that is actually made known about Jesus Christ to us through his word, and that it hasn't been corrupted.
And we can know it, not because of our feelings, but because of what the actual scriptures say. Right, right.
Gotcha. So we would then state that the LDS is not a denomination of Christianity.
We would actually agree with the beginning of the video where it says Mormonism is actually a cult. It takes something about Jesus from the
Bible, the name of Jesus, and it ascribes different definitions to him that cannot be found in the biblical text. Right, and we don't want to use the term cult in just a pejorative sort of way.
We use that in the technical sense of the word. A cult is something that, as Brother Andrew said, deviates from the truth while using terms that are related to the truth.
You've seen it all throughout the centuries, so. Perfect. All right. Well, let's continue and we'll keep going on with this video here.
It's like, oh, they have the wrong Jesus. They're not real Christians. They're nice, but they're a cult.
I basically spent 47 years searching through evangelical Christianity trying to find a church where there was an authority.
All right, let's stop again. Let's stop again. There's a few things I think that we need to address here. Yeah, so we're talking about what he says that there's been slandering or misrepresentations of the church that they believe in a different Jesus.
Let's stop there first and let's address that. So, Pastor Wade, does the LDS organization believe in a different Jesus, and is that because you feel it's true?
Right, so I think we have to, as always, start with Scripture. We see
Jesus in the Synoptic Gospels state that there are people who are going to come, men who will come to earth, who are born here, and they will rise up and call themselves
Messiahs or Christ. It's just a fact. He even warns us people will do this.
Paul speaks of the same thing in 2 Corinthians 11, verse 4, that people will come in a different spirit, with a different gospel, and a different Christ.
Again, John speaks in his epistles saying that there are people who have become
Docetists and Gnostics. They've taken away from Christ and his natures.
They've taken away from his humanity, and if Jesus didn't actually come in the flesh, that changes the gospel completely.
That changes who he is, and he says that fundamentally changes the gospel itself and the saving power therein.
So, when we go to the Word of God, there are warnings that there will be people with different Christs, and so where do we go to find out who the
Christ is? We go to the the singular record, the only record of who
Christ is, and that's in the Scriptural text. Right, so the first thing that you said is that when people state that the
LDS organization teaches a different Jesus, what you're stating here is that actually it's not our feelings that say that.
We're not saying that because we don't like them. We're saying that because the Scriptures actually warn us that there will be different Jesus's, so we have an objective standard that's outside of our own feelings that tell us to actually be careful and to consider and weigh the things people say when they're claiming
Christ, right? Right, right, and I have to say real quick, I think there have been, in fact,
I know there have been evangelicals, maybe those who are not truly believers, but definitely even those who are truly believers who have opened up their door to some missionaries, and they've mocked them and closed the door in their face.
There have been Christians who truly, probably believe genuinely, and in error and in a lack of maturity, have done things to mock image bearers, right?
People made in the image and likeness of God who are wrong and don't have the truth and are headed to hell apart from Christ and the truth of Christ, but we need to have a posture of grace and love, and really, that's even why we're doing this video.
That's one of the biggest reasons why we came to Utah anyways, is because we love these people and we want them to know the true
Christ of Scripture. So, yeah, I would agree, I guess, in some capacity that no, it's not good for there to be slander and hatred towards these people, right?
So, and we want to qualify it as well, us stating that you believe in a different Jesus because the Bible first warns us of it is not slander.
It's not hateful. It's actually in love because love rejoices in the truth. That's what it says in 1
Corinthians. It says love rejoices in the truth. So, if we separate fact from fiction and we tell you things that are hard to hear, it's actually because we love you and we want you to know the truth, even you,
David Alexander. So, I want to make that known. So, we talked about Jesus real quick. So, the differences between the
Mormon Jesus and the biblical Jesus, I think it's good to go through right now because he said it. He said different Jesus.
So, let's kind of dissect that first. What's, who's the biblical Jesus? Sure, the biblical
Jesus, he demonstrates his divine origin.
In fact, origin is even not even the best word because it almost seems like he has a starting place.
In the gospel, according to John chapter 1, in the prologue of John, it says of Jesus, in the beginning was the word, the logos, speaking explicitly of the
Son of God, the pre -incarnate Son of God. Basically, a veil is being peeled back for us in John chapter 1, and we're seeing things before the world was.
They're being described to us before the world was, and then it'll transition in chapter 1, showing us that the word then became flesh and tabernacled among us.
Again, speaking of Jesus. And so, in that first verse, one of the most powerful verses in all of the
New Testament says, in the beginning was the word, the Son of God, and the word was with God.
Prostanteon. He was face -to -face with God. He's always been face -to -face with God, and it says that the word was
God. And in each instances of that tripartite verse has a
Greek word with the root ami, and it is in this section in the form ein, which is to say that Jesus has had being with no point of reference in eternity past.
No point of origin. From as far back into eternity, forever and ever,
Jesus has been God, and he was with God. And so, right there, how is
God with God? A trinity. How is Jesus able to save us from our sin?
He's always been God. Only God could absorb the wrath of the Father. A mere man or an elevated man could never absorb the wrath of fallen people, of the multitudes of Christians that there will be.
And so, yeah, this is serious stuff, and that's the biblical Jesus. He ends up, even in the
Synoptic Gospels and in the Gospel of John, making these what's called I Am statements, and if you've never heard that before, that comes from the burning bush passage in Exodus chapter 3.
It's all throughout the Old Testament. It's where we get the word, the name for God, Yahweh, and so Jesus says that throughout his ministry, where he says, if you don't believe that I am, you will die in your sins.
He says, I am the bread of life. He says, I am the shepherd. I am the gate.
I am this. And I am the way, the truth, and the life. In all these moments, and not even just those, again, in the
Synoptic Gospels, he shows, he receives worship and something that he could never do if he actually feared and loved
God. That would be blasphemy, but he receives it because he's actually God. So there's just, guys, I could go on forever and ever of all the moments that Jesus demonstrates that he has full divinity, and he has no point of origin.
He has eternality, as well as the Father. That's great. Okay, so let me be a
Mormon real quick, just so we can flesh it out, because it's extremely important to make these differences. So the
Mormon also would say I do believe Jesus was Jehovah before he took on flesh. He was Jehovah. He was
Yahweh. But what we need to understand is what
Wade was saying. He said that there was a verb being used in the prologue of John, ein. There's two types of verbs being used.
There's ein, and then there's egeneto, and both are referenced to something. With regards to Jesus, it's without origin in space or time.
Jesus was already there. But then in John chapter one, when it uses the verb egeneto, it's referring to all things that he created, which are what?
Right. He has created everything, visible or invisible. Colossians 1 speaks about this.
Literally, that word in the Greek, pros, talks about he has created all things, and therefore, if he's created all things, he has to be outside of everything that has ever been created, right?
So he's a totally different category. He could never be created because he created all things.
So he couldn't create himself, otherwise he wouldn't be the creator. So it's a complete categorical distinction right there.
That's perfect, because the Mormon will go, look, I believe that before the foundations of the earth, Jehovah was there, Jesus, and he, through the direction of the
Father, created this organized matter. So I agree with that. But what
Wade's saying is, no, it's different than that in John. It's number one, without origin to space, reference of time,
Jesus was already there. He didn't come into being, and also all other things actually came into being.
The LDS Jesus is not that Jesus. He was offspring between Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother.
There's multiple versions of his origins now in Latter -day Saint theology as well. So there's that, and also matter, according to LDS theology, wasn't coming into origin at one point of time.
It wasn't egonetto. So Jesus, number one, differs from John chapter one, and so does all matter.
According to the Bible, matter was created out of nothing, creation ex nihilo, and they deny that within LDS theology.
So it's extremely important to understand, especially in John chapter one, that the Jesus that we're being presented with by John, who knew
Jesus, is not the Jesus Christ of Mormonism. Right, right. All right, let's keep going. Wait.
Okay. There was one other really, really important thing there. Yes, yes, yes. He talked about a church that has the authority.
Oh, yes. And so immediately it's like Christ establishes that he's the head of the church.
All the apostles preach and send letters and make theologies based on the fact that Jesus is head over the body.
Jesus is head over the church, which is also interesting when you take into account the quote of Joseph Smith, where he says,
I did what Jesus could not do. I alone have held the church together. I'm paraphrasing, of course.
We'll throw the quote up. Yeah. And so Jesus is head over the body, he's head over the church, he's the groom, we're the bride, he has authority over it.
Do we really think that Jesus can't hold intact his church? I guess Latter -day
Saints do. They believe that there was a full apostasy, there was a necessary restoration, when we actually see like in 1
Timothy chapter 4 that only some would apostatize, not nearly the apostasy that they speak of.
But essentially, Jesus has preserved his church and he will until he returns again.
Otherwise, we call Jesus a liar. Otherwise, we call the apostles a liar. And beyond all those things, the fact is he is the only one, according to the book of Hebrews, that has the authority as a high priest.
He is the final prophet, he is the final priest, and he alone is the one that is of the eternal order of Melchizedek.
Hold on, hold on. Right. So just for the listener here, you're bringing up the Melchizedek priesthood because of what they said, authority.
Tell us why for the listener who may not be as knowledgeable of Mormonism.
Sure, sure. You can correct me if I'm wrong. From my understanding, Latter -day
Saints believe they have the keys of kingdom of heaven, they alone hold the priesthood on the earth, and therefore they have some sort of inherent authority that you actually, and they'll deny this and there might be comments in this video later, but it's explicit.
All the presidents have said it, all Joseph Smith founders have said it, they've established that you cannot enter the kingdom of God apart from being baptized and brought into the church of Jesus Christ of Latter -day
Saints. If you are, in short, not Mormon, you will not be saved.
You have to be part of their system, right? So... Yeah, and those are the people who hold essentially the priesthood of Melchizedek, which is the authority in which he is referencing here.
Right, right. They have the Melchizedek priesthood when, again, I don't know how you get that, because it says explicitly in Scripture, guys, read the book of Hebrews, it says
Jesus alone has it, and Jesus has this priesthood authority because it was necessary for him to become a faithful and merciful high priest that he would be made like his brothers, it was necessary for the divine
Son of God to condescend, to come to earth, to take on human flesh, so that he could actually go into the heavenly
Holy of Holies, the heavenly tabernacle, and as an eternal and divine high priest who's spotless and without sin, whereas Aaronic priests had to make sacrifices for themselves to consecrate and cleanse themselves before they could go into the
Holy of Holies, and even then, if they did something wrong, they could die in the Holy of Holies, and they offered these sacrifices one time a year on the
Day of Atonement, and so Jesus becomes the high priest according to the order of Melchizedek, he becomes even the sacrifice itself, and he takes his own blood, and he brings it before the
Father in the heavenly Holy of Holies, presents his blood as the living sacrifice, perfect Lamb of God, and he atones for sin, once for all it says, and he alone, he alone has performed that, so to say anyone else has the priesthood according to the order of Melchizedek is to say that you're divine, that you're perfect, it's to say that you can atone for sin, but they can do none of that, right?
So that's a big issue when you say you have the authority and you relate it to a priesthood.
Jesus has the Melchizedek priesthood, guys. Jesus does. Amen. Matthew 28, he says, all authority on heaven and earth has been given to me, therefore go.
That's what Jesus says, and we as believers in Christ Jesus are given the gift of the Holy Spirit, and God dwells within us because of his perfect sacrifice through the
Melchizedek priesthood that only Jesus Christ has in the Spirit within me. The Holy Spirit testifies of both the
Father and the Son, and it actually changes my role as well in the daily life as a believer.
What does it say about a royal priesthood given to those who have faith in Jesus Christ? Right. I mean, it speaks now, he alone holds that priesthood, but then believers in Christ become a holy nation, a royal priesthood, and that verse in Peter's epistle is to show that we are offering ourselves as living sacrifices to God.
We don't need a temple anymore because there's no more sacrifices.
Temples are for sacrifices and priests, and Jesus has fulfilled that, and so we are now spiritually and figuratively the temple and the priesthood because now we get all the benefits of what
Jesus has performed. And so there's spiritual blessings, and then especially in that priesthood aspect, there's spiritual things that we get to do, works that have been prepared beforehand before we were even born,
Paul says in Ephesians chapter two. So we're offering ourselves, we're giving ourselves to God, and in that priesthood we now have an inheritance, and that's really what it's pointing to, is an eternal heavenly inheritance now that Christ purchased for us.
Amen, amen. All right, let's keep going here. All right, hold on, hold on.
So I hear this all the time when I'm speaking to LDS people on the streets. You hear it all the time.
They go, well, you know, I searched through this belief or that belief when I was a teenager.
I looked at all of these things. I mean, they're just repeating what Joseph Smith said. It's not, it's really not even funny.
I can't laugh at it anymore. We are not lying. We hear what this man just said.
We hear it over and over again on the streets. They say what Joseph Smith said. They say,
I'm sure this is being said in Sunday school, in general conferences. It's amazing how much
I hear, I've searched here, I've searched there, I've searched this, and I couldn't find anything, right?
And so also you see there it's me -centered, right?
I'm the judge. I'm the judge of truth. I am the arbiter and judge of truth.
I'm the judge of God. I'll determine what truth is.
I'll determine what's right. That's just not how it works. God regenerates and saves people for his own possession.
And when this man was supposed to be a pastor for 47 years, so, and when was he doing all of this searching?
As a pastor? As a pastor, you're looking at different religions and beliefs because you're doubting the veracity of your own belief system.
That doesn't make absolutely any sense to me. When did you do this questioning, David? Did you do it while you were a pastor?
While you were actually supposed to be shepherding the flock of God, you didn't believe what you were telling them?
That's disqualifying. Yeah, and then why is it disqualifying? It's disqualifying because of faith in the
Lord Jesus Christ, in the Christ of Scripture, in the teaching of Scripture is the fundamental necessity and qualification for a pastor.
I mean, if you're really that lost, and look, I'm sorry to hear that, and I'm not trying to say that we have perfect faith all the time, and you know, but I certainly don't need to go looking in any place.
I can have trouble sometimes understanding a passage of Scripture, but I'm not going to other texts or the
Quran and going, huh, I wonder about this. It's like, that's not what we do as pastors, so that's definitely a big red flag for him.
Massive red flag. All right, let's keep going. Let's hear what he has to say. And I think in the Book of Mormon, it calls it mist of darkness, but I call it an accusatory fog that the evil one, he surrounds the
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter -day Saints with and injects people with. They're vaccinated against taking the
Latter -day Saints seriously, and that's where I was at for almost half a century. All right, we're going to barely get through this.
I know. You know, even right there, guys, to say that there's a fog that Satan has provided, we have a,
I would say over 50 percent of those in our church, maybe a little less, are people who used to be part of the
Mormon Church, and it's so interesting to hear this persecution complex, right?
I've heard that, and that Satan is keeping people from this church, and the harder the world is against this system, or the harder
Christians are against this system, the more it validates their belief. But that's never, even though the
Christian church in the New Testament shows that there was great persecution on them, they never said, well, this shows that we're true.
That's not how it works. So that's definitely a big issue.
Yeah, and it also contradicts the authority standard that he claimed earlier. By what authority does the devil have against the
Melchizedek priesthood holder? If you have the true authority of the Melchizedek priesthood, what fog can be commanded by Satan over your church or governing authority?
It can't. Like, it's not possible. It doesn't make any sense. If you have the authority, there should be no fog, right?
The prophet should speak, and it should cut a light through the darkness. But it actually seems to me by what the organization is and what the prophet says actually creates more darkness for those who are actually inside the
LDS organization, so they can't think for themselves and challenge what the prophet says to actually the word of God, the biblical text, not the
Book of Mormon. So it's funny that he says that. And, I mean, the
Bible straight up says, it says that on this rock I will establish my church, and the gates of hell will not prevail against it.
And the reason why people have looked at it and said cult and, you know, seen strange practices, temple rituals, things that are performed by them, is because,
I mean, the Christian church started 2 ,000 years ago, and it's been on this linear line growing like a mustard seed into a big tree, like a small piece of leaven blowing up into a huge loaf of bread.
And it's been on this trajectory that Jesus said would never fail. And somewhere in the 1800s, after skepticism and the
Enlightenment and after the Second Great Awakening, when all this really, all this weird spiritual stuff was taking place, and in the 1800s is when you have the majority of cults coming out, and Charles Taze Russell, and Jehovah's Witness there,
Campbellites, Church of Christ, right, all those things, tent revivals, selling anointings, selling a prayer over people, selling oils, doing tent revivals in such a way to line your pockets with money, charlatans during this time, right, you have this deviation from the true
Church of God that started, and Jesus said would never stop, and you have this deviation. And so now
Christians that have stayed on that line and kept going, waiting for the return of Jesus, look at that weird little side thing, and I don't even want to call it a branch, because again, it's not a denomination, it's just this great separated deviation from the
Church using similar terms from us. And so yes, we all look at it, and we've looked at it for 200 years now and gone, this is not right, this is not what the
Scripture shows, this is not what the Church has done. And so yeah, we've looked at it and judged it with righteous judgment, according to John chapter 7, 24, as wanting, as failing.
Yeah, I mean, literally, the LDS organization and the prophecies and revelations of Joseph Smith is the schism, it is the apostasy, and they claim otherwise.
But notice what he's saying here, he's saying that for so long he was held back from the Mormon organization because he was number one in a mist of darkness, and he was inoculated, right?
So that means that what he's saying here is that people are believing propaganda and lies about the
LDS organization that is through the influence of Satan. So what does that say about me and you,
Pastor Wade, that we're actually under the influence of Satan? Yeah, hold on to that while we continue on. Inoculated against even entertaining the wild thought that it might have anything to do with the
Latter -day Saints. But I'd gotten to a place where I'm like, you know, and this was three months ago. I think
I need to take a look at the Latter -day Saints. And to even say that to myself was like, almost impossible.
So on December 23rd, I did a search for the local Latter -day Saint church, and I called the number these two sister missionaries answered.
And I said, I really need to find out what you people believe. After about two weeks, you know, we got into a lot of this stuff about polygamy and things like that.
And I just, I was just like, I just can't deal with this. This is just too much. And I said, I said, I don't want to meet with you anymore.
But my heart was so green and mute. I was resisting the Holy Ghost.
I was intellectually not letting myself hear.
And so I called him back and said, look, I want to keep meeting. I know I'm being drawn by the Holy Spirit. I'm going to stop resisting.
I was like, I'm checking them out, but I'm checking them out with deep skepticism and looking for flaws.
All right. We got to, we got to stop. So he is wondering,
I don't know. It's funny to me that he's, he's been questioning kind of his belief system and it looked, it appears like through the imagery that they're showing here, maybe it was through COVID or whatever.
This man might've been challenged. I'm not sure, David. I haven't watched it full video. This is honestly one of the first videos.
Sounds like it was just late last year. Yeah. December 23rd. Of last year. Yeah. Just a couple months now.
He's been. Yeah. I've been going through this. Is that my understanding? Yeah. Yeah. And so what's funny is he brings up one of the first things of the missionaries about polygamy.
I mean, that's honestly something I don't even talk about with Mormon missionaries. So I'm not sure why he would even mention that.
You know, again, we have a lot of people who used to be LDS, who we interact with in Utah on a daily basis almost.
And almost all of them speak to the fact that missionaries obviously aren't great authorities on church history or even church doctrine.
They're taught that this is the scope in which you're supposed to talk about.
And, and that's where you stay, right? I mean, hard questions are asked, but they're taught to specifically go back to fundamentals of their system.
And so we even know people who used to be missionaries who said, yeah, we're not supposed to go into the deep stuff.
We're supposed to bring them back to other things. So, you know, it's just two missionary almost used to be teenagers a year ago are not exactly the best people to investigate this system.
He really should have gone to all their doctrines. He should have gone to the, even the church, the
LDS church website. He should have gone to all these books and weighed them against scripture.
If he simply weighed them against scripture. But again, it seems like for 47 years in his disillusionment, he didn't fully understand the scriptures.
So yeah. When you're looking for flaws within Mormonism or any belief system,
I wouldn't be looking to like polygamy. I'd be wanting to know what they say about Jesus, especially if you've been a pastor for 47 years, you should really know what the word of God says and warns about false
Christ and different like Messiahs that aren't the actual Messiah. Why are you asking about polygamy?
That's weird. Right. And then he kept speaking about being drawn by the
Holy Spirit. He was resisting the Holy Spirit. And the fact is it says in 1st
John, beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God.
For many false prophets have gone out into the world. By this, you know, the spirit of God, every spirit that confesses that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is from God.
So he's talking about a specific understanding that Jesus has given about himself.
If you don't believe who Jesus is by what he's explained himself to be, you've gone away and you've believed a different spirit.
And these spirits are out in the world and they're saying, no, he's not really the eternal son of God.
And by the way, I was going to say earlier, if even if you say that Jesus was an eternal intelligence, find that in the scriptures, you won't see it.
I don't even think that's actually in the book of Mormon intelligences. It's neither of the, yeah, it is not.
But essentially again, he says, test the spirit, test the spirits to see if they are true.
Right. And so if there's a deviation from what the word says, then you're not supposed to believe it.
Yeah, that's good, man. It says in the Bible that Jesus Christ was the same yesterday, today, and forever.
So in his being as God, he was not once an intelligence that then came into being through a heavenly father and heavenly mother and an offspring.
That's just not in the scriptures. The same yesterday, today, and forever as God.
So we need to understand that. And he does talk about, yeah, resisting the Holy Spirit. He said his heart was grieved.
I mean, your heart is deceitful, man. It straight up says it, Jeremiah 17, nine. You guys have heard it from us probably so many times watching our evangelism videos, but your heart in our natural position before God, we are sinners.
It says in Romans 1, 18 through 32, that we exchange the truth of God for a line. We end up worshiping a creation instead of the creator.
So your heart isn't naturally inclined to love God and the things of God. So if a spirit is coming to you and it's testifying to you of a different Jesus.
So when pastor Wade here read first John four, it says to know that Jesus is the Christ. And then he comes in the flesh.
Well, what does that mean? We've got to think like a Jew. Okay. When the Jews were waiting for the Messiah, they were waiting for God, Isaiah chapter nine, right?
It says who the Messiah is going to be. He's going to come. Emmanuel, wonderful counselor, everlasting father, not to be confused with the person of the father, the mighty
God, Isaiah 10 then gives us El Gabor is the one who is coming in the flesh. So we're not talking about just some creation of God taking on flesh.
When he's referring to Jesus as being the Christ, he's stating that he's the eternal God that took on flesh.
So you can say Jesus is a Christ. You can say Jesus is the Messiah, but if your doctrine denies the very foundation of the
Messiah from the old Testament, it's actually anti -Christ. Right, right, exactly. Heavy, heavy stuff.
So let's keep going here. For an excuse to write them off like I've been doing for half a century.
And I was like, that's not going to work. I have to just surrender to this and say, father, you're drawing me. I'm just going to let myself be drawn and see what happens.
And then all of a sudden, all these things from my 47 years of studying the word of God, that things that I didn't understand or troubled me, or just all these pennies started dropping and started falling into place in my heart and soul and my understanding of the word and will of God.
It just blew my mind. I mean, for the last two months, I've just been just overjoyed that actually what
I've been refusing to look at for half a century is actually the restoration of the church of Jesus Christ in the last days with the restoration of true apostolic and prophetic authority, genuine leadership.
A huge part of what won me was watching the conference talks and listening.
I just want to speak to something. Again, we touched on authority, but something that kind of shines through for me with that from other
Latter -day Saints is they say, look, there's all these denominations in the
Christian church. Name 10 without searching them, by the way. Name 10 denominations.
I'd love to hear that. But look, we can address denominations another time.
The fact is, Jesus Christ has established his church, and there is a system in which he's established it.
He demonstrates that the apostles took on his teaching, and they disseminated it to the
Roman Empire. And missionaries, true evangelists, took that gospel, and the
Holy Spirit spread that gospel in an anti -Christian Roman Empire like wildfire.
And so when the last apostles died, it was over. The apostleship is done.
It's over with. Show me where these apostles continue without pointing to a verse that says there's apostles during the time of the apostles, right?
And so the fact is there is a system for churches, and the normative leadership in the
Christian church are overseer elders and deacons.
That's it. That's it. And after the apostles ceased, and the churches were planted, and churches started taking over all over Asia Minor and the
Roman Empire, that's the way that Christ has moved his invisible churches through local churches.
Local churches, not through a singular system. The church at Jerusalem was just the church in Jerusalem.
It wasn't even necessarily the place that had all the authority. Sure, they did one of the councils there, but you know why in Acts 15 they did one of the first councils there?
Because their church had something to do with it along with the Antioch church. Men who were from the
Jerusalem church came and started Judaizing and saying you had to be circumcised to be saved.
So why was the church at Jerusalem involved? Because the men came from their church. And if the men came from their church, those two churches need to work it out together.
It's not because they have some sort of pope or prophet or president or authority that decides all matters.
It's because they were actually involved in it. And so the system that has prevailed and shown to be prescriptively what the church is, it's through local churches with overseer elders, pastors, and deacons.
And so they're really going against that right now, obviously, with bishops and stake presidents.
And guys, you should really just Google the titles and roles in the church of Jesus Christ of Latter -day
Saints, and you will be blown away with how many added roles have been put into their system of belief.
Yeah, and I'm wondering too, hopefully he'll mention it. I want to know, what did you have questions on? What started falling into place that you were struggling with, that you had a scripture?
I want scriptural examples. Is it a benefit to you thinking that now you may become a god through obedience to the doctrine, ordinances, and principles?
Because that obviously is not found in the biblical text whatsoever. Is that something that you were drawn to? I think all people are probably drawn to that.
I mean, pretty much every other religion other than biblical Christianity has some form of that, right?
You can be part of the divine conscious soup within Hinduism. So I just want to know,
David Alexander, what were you struggling with, and what did you find was better than the grace of Jesus Christ that's given to us in the
Bible? Right. Real quick, one last thing actually that came to mind is so many people will say, well, they have the priesthood authority, and therefore
Christian churches can get it wrong. Yeah, there is no perfect local church.
There is a perfect church, the invisible church that Christ is preserving, but there is no perfect local church.
There is a perfect word. There is a perfect Christ, and we're imperfect people, right?
And so there can be issues, and that's why there's even letters, right? There was issues in these churches, and Paul was writing letters correcting issues in the church.
So we're no perfect church, but there is the teaching.
There is the teaching of Christ, and there are churches who actually teach the scriptures and teach the truth of Christ, even though they're imperfect people and imperfect leadership, and that's really the case.
So if you're searching around and you can't find a perfect church, you're never going to find one.
Jesus is in charge of that, but there are local churches made up of elder overseers and deacons, and if they preach the truth from the word, then those are good churches that we can willingly be a part of.
But you know what? If you want to say that the LDS church has the authority, is in some capacity perfect, and I know you would argue against that, look, the fact is, go to any ward.
Go to any ward meeting house. Look at the people that you're a part of in your ward. Talk to your bishop.
Guys, there are now, and we know this for a fact, there are now bishops who are leaders of wards,
Mormon wards, who are homosexual. They're sodomites. And so, you know, to say that I'm protected if I go to the perfect church, if I go to the one true church, the
Mormon church, I'll be protected from error, from issue. You won't. You won't.
Because even within those local wards, there's so many issues abounding. And so, no, you're not going to find it there.
Yeah, and what good leadership. Go look at Joseph Smith's history of his life. He was a failed leader time and time again.
And there's definitely issues within Mormonism of even consistency.
He talked about polygamy, but did you, David, actually ask them why polygamy isn't instituted anymore?
Did you read Doctrine and Covenants section 132 that says it's an eternal covenant that you cannot become a god without actually obeying this covenant?
It says it's eternal. I mean, that's the revelation from Joseph Smith. What about Joseph Smith's prophecy in 1835 where he says, the coming of the
Lord, which was nigh, even 56 years should wind up on the scene. You said you believe you're in the latter days. When? When Joseph believed?
I don't think so. That's, again, that quote's from History of the Church, Volume 2, page 182. So it doesn't look like you actually believe what
Joseph said about the end of the world coming. And you can actually read even prophets after Joseph Smith until the 56 years had passed.
They also reiterated that prophecy was referring to within the generation that he was speaking about.
Until it came and went, it did not happen. False prophet. You also have to address the issues, glaring issues of church leadership and the changes through one common body or organization.
I mean, that's just a reality. We actually, on the other hand as Christians, say we have a body of text that doesn't change.
That is perfect. That is perfect. And any error that people make, it's because they're not actually understanding the text, not the organization saying that they actually have a connection or divine prophecy from God that ends up being incorrect.
There's a big difference in category. Because I think in other videos, correct me if I'm wrong, he'll say, I can't properly understand the gospel of John without the
Mormon church. Wow. Yeah. Okay, so you need this system to tell you how to believe the gospel according to John.
And that would make sense that he would say that because that is, again, all the gospels demonstrate his divinity, but the gospel of John resoundingly spinks of Jesus' true nature.
Totally God and totally man. Yeah. And David, if you ever get to watch this, which
I don't know if you will or not, but just even in that thought process of needing an organization or general leadership or body to help you understand what the biblical text says, you're no different than the
Jehovah's Witness who says that they need the Watchtower Track Society and organization in order to give them pamphlets to understand the biblical text.
And would you think that the Jehovah's Witnesses are a cult? I think you would. I think you would. And one of those keys is just that having a centralized leader, header figure that has to give you the important information needed to understand the
Bible, that the Holy Spirit just can't help you. Nope. You need the prophet. Yeah. We're actually as Christians with local churches that are autonomous.
Again, part of the invisible church of Christ, which he is head over, we are protected from tyrannical pyramid schemes and leaders who would seek to use their position for sordid gain and vainglory.
Because I know people will argue as a pastor, the scriptures show explicitly that if this is my profession,
I am allowed to be unmuzzled, to not muzzle the ox while it treads the grain, that people can provide for me.
It says double honor in Paul's epistle in Timothy. That is to say they can provide for me my needs because I'm laboring for the local church.
And they'll mock that. Latter -day Saints, you guys will mock that, but your leadership and those at the highest especially are making fantastic salaries off of this.
And so in fact, I would say it's terribly sad that bishops can work so hard during the week.
I'm sure some are very lazy and some are very hardworking. It's sad to think that the hardest working ones and the men trying to bring people in their office and counsel them, that they're not getting any sort of help from their church.
That the guys at the top and down through the apostles and the quorum and they get paid, but these men don't.
So that's actually wicked according to the New Testament text. All right, let's keep going. To your leaders, the leaders of the
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter -day Saints are the most amazing men I have ever had the pleasure of seeing and listening to in my entire life.
Nobody is even close. The quality of their communication, the obvious quality of their character, their humility, their clarity.
Hold on a sec. Hold on. I just have to argue with him and I'm going to throw the clip in here right now.
Elder Alan D. Haynes actually disagrees with you. This is what he said. So the key is to follow the living prophet.
Brothers and sisters, unlike vintage comic books and classic cars, prophetic teachings do not become more valuable with age.
That is why we should not seek to use the words of past prophets to dismiss the teachings of living prophets.
Oh, okay. So we cannot use the words of past prophets to contradict the newer prophets.
Okay. Very consistent. Very consistent. Let's keep going now.
The fruit of their lives. Like if you actually read what President Nelson has packed into the 98 years of his life, if I could have borne 5 % of the fruit that man's borne,
I'd be overjoyed. All right, let's stop here. Let's talk about the fruit,
Pastor Wade. We hear it all the time. So we'll look at the fruit of the LDS organization.
Look at the fruit. How can you deny it? Look at Nelson's life. Look at the fruit. How can you deny it? Well, what do we say to that?
Sure. The fact is the doctrine of total inability or total depravity in the
Bible demonstrates that man is not as bad as he could be, right?
It's that he's totally unable to come to Christ through his own works. That's what we talk about as biblical
Christians is, you know, Romans chapter 3 especially speaks to that no one is good, not even one.
We've all fallen short of the glory of God. That man, it says in Romans chapter 8, it says, man cannot please
God in the flesh. He cannot please God in the flesh. All his works are as filthy rags.
So look, the fact is sometimes, in fact often, atheists, agnostics,
Muslims, Jehovah's Witness, Mormons, people who don't have the truth are capable of doing good things, right?
The big difference is those good things can't bring you to God.
Those good things can't merit eternal life. It says that by the works of the law, no flesh shall be justified in his sight.
It says that Abraham, before he did a single work, believed God and it was credited to him as righteousness.
Before he did a single work, Paul says in Romans chapter 4 and 5. And so look, yes, they're capable of doing humanitarian things.
They're capable of doing some of these things. Some of the sweetest people I've met in Utah so far have been my
LDS neighbors. But the fact is those things don't merit eternal life and we can't look at the result of something necessarily.
By the way, that's only one small result. They say, look at the fruit. Well, have you seen all the hidden fruit, which is actually showing that it's rotten fruit?
Fruit like false doctrines, fruit like money schemes, the history of Joseph Smith, murders, taking sisters and children as wives.
I mean, guys, if we're going to look at the fruit, we've got to look at all of it. We've got to look at even the bank that Joseph Smith made and the history that he did there.
And there's just so much to it, so much more than the good things that we see.
Right, and here's the deep part of it as well. So in 2 Corinthians 11, Pastor Wade quoted it earlier talking about how there will be people who come and they preach a different Jesus, a different spirit, with a different gospel.
Later on, continuing on verse 12 in 2 Corinthians 11, it starts talking about these like type of super apostles that came in to try to disguise themselves within the church.
But I'm going to read from verse 13 to the end here and give it a little explanation. It says, For such men are false apostles, deceitful workmen, disguising themselves as apostles of Christ.
And no wonder for even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light. So it is of no surprise if his servants also disguise themselves as what?
Servants of righteousness. Their ends will correspond to their deeds.
So there appears to be a fruit. It appears to look good. It appears to be traveling throughout the land. People are partaking of this fruit.
So it appears that they're doing righteous deeds. However, it's done in a different Jesus, under a different gospel.
And it says their end will correspond to their deeds, qualifying this, that their ends are the ways of death. Proverbs, there's a way that seems right into a man, but the ends that are up are the ways of death.
The fruit is poisonous, right? The good works in the fruit that the Christian does is prepared beforehand through Jesus Christ for us to walk into the glory of God, showing our salvation.
It says first, the wages of sin is death. Therefore, death is worth my due before I am justified by the righteousness of Jesus Christ and the good works that come after I'm indebted to the gospel, not as my justification, but just because that's my due now through Jesus Christ.
But what we're being shown here in second Corinthians 11 is that the deeds are actually of death because their end corresponds to those deeds.
The Hindu may do some nice things for the world, but guess what? They don't believe that Jesus Christ was the
Messiah and they're going to go to hell and what they preach brings others to hell for all eternity, okay? The Jehovah's Witness, they may do some nice things.
They may do, I don't know, you name it. But guess what? They preach a false gospel that will lead people to hell.
That's not good fruit. Mormonism, they believe that through their righteous deeds that one day they could become a
God. That is not good fruit. The core reason of the deed is not to glorify
God, but it's to become a God. So we have to be able to understand and separate the actual taste of the fruit.
It may look good, but there's also bad fruit that looks good and the Bible qualifies that. That's right.
Yep. Man, let's keep going. I listened to them constantly.
I probably listened to overcome the world 30 times in the last month. And so anyway, two months ago, all of this,
I just, faith just came to me and just kept coming to me. And I started reading the book of Mormon probably 20 times.
Latter day saints, usually missionaries that said, you know, why don't you just read the book of Mormon and pray about it?
And I was like, just get away from me. So finally I read the book of Mormon.
I didn't even get to the last chapter of Moroni where he says, pray about it. I mean, I'm, I'm like,
I'm reading the whole thing and I'm like, this is so helpful. This is incredible. This is so clear.
This is so simple. All right. Hold on. Hold on. So is it though? Like that's not the only extra biblical revelation that you guys have.
Is it really that helpful? What hidden doctrines do you guys actually hold are taught within the book of Mormon?
I would say none of them. I, I would challenge you as a Latter -day
Saint, if you're watching, I would challenge you read all of the doctrines and covenants and then pray about it.
I mean, you'll see something completely contrary, probably to much of what you espouse and teach now, right?
And the fact is the, sure Moroni invites you to pray about it, but God never invites you to pray and become the judge over his self -authenticating word, right?
Then we become higher than it. If, if I can pray and determine if, if, if this book is true, then
I'm higher than it. You say, well, the spirit helps him to do that. Well, which one? Yeah.
Which spirit? Because the fact is in Peter's epistle, he says it's by the Holy Spirit that these men wrote the
God -breathed word from God. It's by the Holy Spirit. And so can that same
Holy Spirit, the part of the, the triune Godhead, can that Holy Spirit go against previous revelation?
He can't. And so that that's one of the biggest tests that, that we ought to see there.
Yeah, absolutely. And if we think about it, it really is like the frog in boiling water technique of what the cult likes to do.
So first just read the Book of Mormon and pray about it to know whether or not it's true. Well, all of the hidden doctrines really within the
LDS organization aren't within the Book of So first accept that and accept that God gives you the
Book of Mormon. So then when we start throwing in the additional things, like you must be baptized, there's baptism for the dead, or you must pay 10 % of your tithe.
All of these things must occur in order to get the highest level of heaven. The water's already turned up so high, but by the time that you are realizing these things, you can't jump out.
You're just fried. You're boiled, man. So it's just a, it's just a tactic. It's just a technique. I mean, if the
Holy Spirit quote unquote is the one revealing it to you, when the weirder stuff comes, you go, well, it must be true.
It must be true. I'm going to accept it. And when you have questions, you ask your bishop, they might not have answers and they say, let's go ahead and put that on the shelf for now.
Guess what? You're already boiling in the pot. Yeah. I mean, we're going to, we want to invite you to read all of the
New Testament with fresh eyes. I want you to do that. I want you to read the New Testament and see the truth.
At the end of the day, though, I can't even tell you to pray about it to see if it's true. I'm praying for you that if you read the
New Testament, that God will show you and regenerate you and cause you to see the truth.
In fact, I was just preaching yesterday in John chapter seven, that apart from faith, they can't even understand what
Jesus is saying. And so it's by faith alone. And so it makes sense, again, respectfully,
David, that for 47 years, you were searching the scriptures and you couldn't see things and the
Bible would demonstrate again, lovingly, you couldn't understand them because you didn't have a saving faith to receive them.
And I know that's hard to hear, but we care for you. We want you to know the truth. Yeah, it does say in John, not the book of John, but one of John's epistles there, he says that those who went out from us were never of us.
They were never of us. And that's what Wade is exclaiming to you that if you had those questions, well, you'd never had the faith to believe in the first place.
So you never actually left the Christian church. You were actually never part of it.
That's what the apostle John says. Do you believe the apostle John or do you believe in the Russell M.
Nelson? And there's the question too. So you listened to his speech 30 times. Well, how do you know tomorrow whatever he said couldn't be wrong, right?
You don't, right? If you can't use the past prophets to understand the future prophets, you actually don't have no firm foundation to know whether or not that 30 times you watched that video was in vain.
Let's continue. This is amazing. It's just nuts.
It's absolutely nuts. I surrendered to being drawn and all of a sudden, just,
I guess you'd call it personal revelation. It's like all these bombs are going off in my heart from 47 years of all that make now that makes sense.
I understand this. This is incredible. The church of Jesus Christ, Latter -day Saint actually is the only true church.
You said it earlier, bro. You said it earlier. He was like later. They're probably going to have to say that it is the only true church.
And there it is again. He said bombs dropped off revelations happen, but he also said he surrendered to the drawing of the
Holy spirit. I'm going to stop you. That's not LDS doctrine. That is not where's your free agency.
David Alexander, you have to have free agency in order to choose. That's why the plan of salvation that Jesus brought to the father in the great council prior, right.
Was not the plan of Lucifer, which Lucifer said, this is LDS doctrine. I will make them believe.
No, Jesus said, no, I will come and die so that they can have a choice to believe what you said is actually not
LDS doctrine. You didn't surrender to being drawn. You're supposed to have free agency in order to choose. Where's your free agency?
You're not speaking like an LDS person. I see a confusion of language on purpose, on purpose.
And I don't think that's very honest. Can, can I also plead with the LDS organization to then stop telling missionaries and people in your wards who are telling us all the time that as long as we have a piece of truth, it doesn't matter if you're a
Muslim or atheist, as long as you feel you can, you have some sort of connection to God or connection, even though some will say to a higher power, agnostic atheist, some higher inner self or whatever.
If you hold to something that you feel is some form of faith that you, something that you have faith in, then look, then that's okay.
You don't even need to come to our system. Look, this is a glaring contradiction, contradiction.
Stop saying you're the one true church if we don't need to come to you. If I, if, if we can just stay in our, in our systems and people all over the world can stay in what they're in and they have, and they have a shred of truth and in that shred, they have enough to get to God, then stop saying you're the one true church.
It's just, it's just wrong. More times than I can count.
I heard slander spoken against like it was absolute gospel truth and impossible to refute.
But the truth is, is that you're believing that the most beautiful thing on earth is a cult and that only a fool would believe otherwise.
And that's why, that's why it took me till I'm 68 years old, man, to even take the ark of God, you know, the holy city, the church of Jesus Christ restored on the earth with true apostles and prophets, the most beautiful men to follow on the whole planet, to even look at them and give them a listen.
It took me 47 years. The most beautiful men to follow on the planet.
He wants to follow men. He wants to follow men. He wants to follow a system and he calls, he calls them the ark of God, the, the,
I don't know if he's referring to Salt Lake City or their headquarters or whatever, but he relates it to the ark of God, you know, which was to be in the
Old Testament, the residing presence of the one true and living
God. That's where he relates it. He says the one true and living God in that way is with the
LDS organization. I don't know if he means physically or just spiritually, but what a comparison.
And again, back to following beautiful men, just keep speaking of these men.
And that, that makes sense that there would be idolatry of men in this system, right?
We see that even in Jesus's time. He says, you seek the glory for yourself and the glory of other men.
You seek the approval of men. You follow after men. When, when rabbis and scribes would teach in the temple or synagogues, they would list off all the men as if, as if men and tutors and, and these great men before them are what gives them the authority to speak.
Jesus says, I tell you this truly, truly, I tell you this.
And so it's just a completely different system. And so what, what is the fruit of all that?
The fruit of all that is true Christians worship God alone.
And then the LDS organization teaches you, and it's kind of inferred there.
I don't want to make a stretch and I don't think I am because it's in your doctrine. The end goal is then to worship gods who used to be men and then to be men who will become gods.
So you see the difference? So it makes sense that there would be idolatry of humans on the earth because if your
God was once a man, then there's an idolatry of a man anyways going on right now, and there will be in perpetuity.
And so we want to call people like that to repentance, that there is one God. There's never been one before him or after him.
He's from eternity into eternity. He is a Trinity in Father, Son, Holy Spirit.
And that one God, we are called to him and him only, and especially not men.
I don't want anyone in my church to say they follow me.
I would cringe at hearing, I've come to Apologia Church, Utah to follow
Wade. He's a beautiful man. Number one, I'm not beautiful. Number two, I'm just a man, right?
Even the apostles said that in the book of Acts, they're like, look, no, no, no, we're not gods.
We're just men like you, right? But these men, they do receive worship and they willingly receive it.
Why? Because the end goal is exaltation. Man, it's heavy stuff.
David, you need to repent, man. You need to repent of what you said about these men attributing the things that only belong to God and Jesus Christ to an organization that preaches a false gospel.
You need to repent. But the arms of Christ are wide open for you, man, of repentance. But my heart is burned for you when it says in Hebrews, those who tasted of the heavenly gifts and left would never repent.
They couldn't. Why is it? Because your feelings are more important than the word of God. You said that there were beliefs that people have where they are impossible to refute in terms of the
Bible itself and what evangelicals believe about God. But what you're actually saying here is that, no,
I refute those things that were once impossible because now I believe in the church of Jesus Christ of Latter -day
Saints because of my feelings. You're saying my feelings are actually impossible to refute because I feel
X, Y, and Z because I prayed about it. I know it's true. What about the transgender person who prays about it?
Guess what? What about me, David Alexander, where I say I don't feel like Joseph Smith's testimony is true?
Can you refute that? I have a burden in my heart that it's false. But guess what? It's not only my feelings that think that Joseph Smith's testimony is false.
It's actually the word of God, void of my feelings, which is an objective standard outside of myself that shows me that the book of Mormon, the church of Jesus Christ of Latter -day
Saints, and Joseph Smith is a false prophet. Yep. Just straight up, straight up.
I mean, this stuff sounds beautiful. It's got great music to it. Doesn't make it true. It may pull on your heart strings, but guess what?
Your heart is deceitful above all things. Ooh, it may pull on your heart strings, but your heart is deceitful above all things.
All things. That's right. That's right. Do wicka wicka. All right, let's keep going. Let's keep going. I spent 47 years.
What was right there in front of me, man. President Nelson promised us that we would see the greatest manifestations of the
Savior's power that the world has ever seen. He will bestow countless privileges, blessings, and miracles upon the faithful.
This man finding the restored gospel truths that he's been seeking for 47 years is one of those miracles.
Okay. Okay. So let's use this as an example, as a standard of truth now. So because one person that now they're propping up and giving all of this media coverage to, because he's a pastor, was one,
I guess, quote unquote, for 47 years. Three different times. Who apostatizes and comes to their church. That's your standard now for what truth is, that these miracles are actually taking place.
What about the countless amount of people within Salt Lake City, Utah, who are leaving the LDS organization and turning to true biblical
Christianity? I'll tell you this right now. The numbers outweigh yours times the hundreds of thousands.
Oh yeah. Guys, it's all over the world. It's amazing to see the true statistics, how many people are quote unquote, members of a local stake or local ward, and actually how many people show up, how many people have left, people who are kept on the books forever until they actually have to get like a formalized, a notarized letter to the headquarters to remove them.
There's more people going out the back door than in. This is dying out. This is a broken system.
It's based on sinking sand. When you have a guy who says he speaks for God and then years later can change what he spoke, then it wasn't true.
If it was true back then, but now it's false, then it was false back then as well. It's just never going to actually add up to anything.
All right, let's keep it going. And there are millions of people out there, just like David, honest seekers of truth, who are only kept from the truth because they know not where to find it.
Lost in the accusatory fog, as David puts it. Not even thinking to give latter -day saints. Question is, are we sharing it?
We want to give an encouragement to you guys, right? Says no one's sharing it.
It says all these millions of people are waiting to hear this. This LDS fog.
I actually hope that a lot of Christians watch this, and I hope you see even that challenge that they're giving to their people, and we want to throw it back on us.
The fact is, there is a true church that Christ has established, the invisible church, and he's building that church through local assemblies all over the world made up of millions of people, redeemed people, right?
And the call of the gospel is to go out and bring that message. And so, let's stop just having the position that they are of a cult, and let's actually do something about it.
Let's go out and share with our LDS neighbors. And it's amazing, we're starting to see that all the time now.
People are contacting us. They're trying to learn about how to do this ministry. We're seeing people sending pictures.
They're at the Kentucky temple, and people are going to different temples and trying to share the truth with their
LDS neighbors. And we do have the truth, and we've got to share it, and they need it desperately.
Absolutely, dude. Amen. This was a fun response video. Yeah. Yeah, that was good. That was interesting.
Yeah. If you guys made it this far, we probably should have said it earlier, but make sure to like and subscribe to our channel. We want to do more of these types of videos.
Let us know. If you enjoyed it, we will definitely make more. I want to read that quote, though. That was at the end there. It says, you're living in the 11th hour.
The Lord has declared that this is the last time that he will call the laborers into his vineyard, and you were sent to participate in this gathering.
This is part of your identity and your purpose as the seed of Abraham, President Nelson. It wasn't the last time when
Joseph Smith said it, just to let you know. It wasn't. It says within his generation, within, was it 56 years that he should wind up on the scene referring to Jesus Christ?
Nope. Didn't happen. Didn't happen. How do you know what President Nelson said this time, 100 years from now, isn't true?
How long is the last time? Really think about it. This is the last, last time. You should have said that. This is actually the last, last time, just like Jehovah's Witnesses with all of their failed false prophecies.
Oh, the Lord didn't come in the 1800s. Nope. Nope. Nope. Not the 1920s either. Not the 1940s.
Not the 1960s. This is the last, last, last, last, last of the last time. Really think about that. I would,
I would challenge yourself. When is the last time really? Well, you don't know if you might live tomorrow.
You could die tonight. Are you justified by the blood of the eternal God who took on flesh and died on the cross for your sins?
This could be your last breath. You never know. I know if you follow the gospel of the
LDS organization, that you don't have peace with God. You don't, but you can have peace with God today by trusting in Him, that Him alone,
Jesus Christ, who is the one priesthood holder of Melchizedek, who was the sacrifice, appeased the wrath of God on the cross, rose from the dead, who sits in heaven with a glorified body, right?
And through faith in Him, our sins can be forgiven. And that purely through that faith,
I have mercy that has been given to me. And I will be with Jesus one day because of His righteous work and His alone.
That's the call of the gospel. So repent and believe the gospel and come to Christ. Yep. That's right.
David, you have not freed yourself. You've put shackles on yourself. You've applied many heavy burdens to yourself that you can't remedy in your own self.
You will not be able to live up to the standards of the LDS church. No man can.
I can't even myself live up to the standards that are in the law of God. And Jesus, His whole purpose,
His whole mission in coming to earth was to demonstrate His righteousness is something that needs to be imputed to our account.
It's His perfection. It's His performing of the law. And thereby it's purely
His grace, His unmerited favor, a gift applied to dead people. That's what the gospel is.
And I would argue that the whole reason He came is to show and give a remedy that your system, a workspace system can't provide.
And so guys, turn to Christ, turn to the true Christ, hear the gospel, receive it.
And therefore, after that, good works and fruit will be a result of it, but they'll never earn it.