The Internet Remembers 2018 Thabiti, as 2019 Thabiti Be Lying

AD Robles iconAD Robles


I said that Thabiti doesnt understand the internet...I did not know how right I was. There is an epic battle between Thabiti 2018 and Thabiti 2019.


Hello there, this is AD Robles and you're listening to AD on the Fight, Laugh, Feast Network.
Alright, alright, well hey, just wanted to let you know guys, I don't know how many of you know this or not, but if you didn't know,
I have a YouTube channel. I do one episode a week here on the Fight, Laugh, Feast Network.
I'm grateful for all of you listeners out there who maybe primarily or only know me through this podcast, but I also do videos.
I also do videos probably two, three a week even. And some of them are funny, some of them are serious, there's always a little bit of humor involved, and it's all about the same topics
I talk about here on the Fight, Laugh, Feast Network. So if you haven't checked me out on YouTube, go ahead and go to YouTube, search
AD Robles, you will find my channel. I've got probably like 300 videos up there. And definitely recommend that you check that out and shoot me a like, you know, subscribe to my channel, all that kind of stuff.
The reason I bring this up is because two days ago, I did a video called Thabiti Thinks You're Stupid or Crazy, Maybe Both.
And it has to do with this article. Now if you're not, if you're like saying, what, what article, Adam? I'm on a podcast, I can't see your screen.
I'm going to actually upload the video to this podcast on my YouTube channel as well, so you can check it out.
But it's an article by Thabiti Anyabwili, and it's called Is There an Evangelical Social Justice Movement?
Wait a minute. He changed the picture. I don't like this one bit.
The initial picture on this article was a clip from the X -Files because Thabiti Anyabwili, if you can even believe it, is trying to deny that there is a social justice movement.
Is that insane or what? Like, if you listen to this channel, you've heard me talk about the social justice movement and evangelicalism ad nauseum.
You're probably sick of it at this point. I'm a one trick pony. I was, you know, actually, I was starting to get a little bit worried.
I was starting to get a little bit worried that I'd have to delete my channel, because if Thabiti is to be believed here,
I can't even see this with a straight face. If Thabiti is to be believed here, this is all just a fantasy.
You know, all the evidence you've seen of the social justice movement and evangelicalism, that's all a fantasy. You're crazy.
You're crazy. Or maybe you're just stupid. You don't understand. And so I did a video on this article and how preposterous that even asking this question is for someone like Thabiti Anyabwili, a member of the social justice movement.
And anyway, so go to the video, check it out, because I talk about this in a lot more detail. But really what it boils down to is this article.
He talks about a couple things. So he talks about Jarvis Williams and Eric Mason.
These are also two members of the social justice movement. And what he's trying to do in this article is he's trying to say that the evidence against these two people being in the social justice movement doesn't really exist.
It's a fantasy. It's made up. You're just assuming things that aren't true. And, you know, if you know anything about Jarvis Williams or Eric Mason, I actually do a lot of videos on Eric Mason, or I used to.
I don't anymore. But I did an entire video series about his book, Woke Church, which is an interesting book.
I didn't recommend the book at the end of the series. But if you're interested in what this book is all about and Eric Mason's missiology, because that's what this article is about, go ahead and check out my
YouTube channel. But anyway, so that's what this article is. It's defense of Eric Mason and Jarvis Williams as not being in a social justice movement.
And then he starts to go on the attack a little bit, which is fine. I enjoy a spirited response.
But he says there isn't a social justice movement, but there is an anti -social justice movement.
Ooh, that sounds really scary. Really scary. And I guess I would be a part of that anti -social justice movement.
So here's what he says at the end. He's trying to define what a movement is in his opinion.
And you're going to see why we're talking about this in just a moment, because this is gold.
All right. He says this. To be honest, the anti -social justice side bears many more markings of a movement than anything or anyone that they criticize among Christians.
They have produced a statement, written a good number of posts expositing the statement. They have called others to join their cause by signing the statement.
They have held conferences, meetings, expounding their concerns and goals.
They've spawned hours of podcasts and sermon series. They've developed their own lexicon replete with pejoratives, hashtags, to mark out their perspective and the people who share it.
They've sometimes sought to bring pressure on people and institutions. That is a movement. So he says a lot of things here at the beginning.
He says that these are the things that identify a movement. You put out podcasts and blogs and sermon series.
You get hashtags to mark out your perspective. You have pejoratives that you use, and you all use them together.
And you put your concerns out there in podcast, blog form.
You exposit that. You do all these things. That's what makes a movement. And obviously, the social justice side of this is not doing any of those things.
But the anti -social justice side is. So you're bad for being in a movement yourself, you anti -social justice warriors.
And so if the BD is to be believed, I need to shut down my YouTube channel. That's kind of sad. I've put a lot of effort into it over the last 18 months or so.
It's kind of sad. But before I shut down my channel, maybe I should check into this a little bit.
Maybe I should check into this just a little bit. So what I did was
I went on Google, because Google's free. You don't have to pay for Google. Well, I guess depending on what you use it for.
But you can use Google's search engine. You can use Google's skewed search results for free.
And so I started Googling a few things. Just a few things. First thing I found was a video from Dr.
Eric Mason. And this video is titled, Why the Woke Church Movement is
Necessary. And I couldn't believe it. Because the BD said there is no social justice movement.
And here we have a video featuring Dr. Eric Mason asking the question,
Why is the Woke Church Movement necessary? And so I can only assume, I can only assume that Eric Mason will answer this question by saying it isn't necessary.
We don't need a movement. We're not in a movement. That's what the anti -social justice warriors do.
Let's check it out and see what he has to say. Before, remember, I don't want to shut my
YouTube channel down. I put a lot of effort into it. Let's see if I have to. Why is the Woke Church Movement necessary?
Yeah, I think this movement is necessary because we're supposed to meet pressing needs.
Hold on a second, Dr. Eric Mason. You, that, there is no way you just said what
I think you said. Let's try that again. Why is this movement necessary? Yeah, I think this movement is necessary because we're supposed to meet pressing needs in order that we may not be found unfruitful.
Titus 3, 4. I'm sure he's about to say some epic things, some delicious, you know, truth bombs from the
Bible. I have no reason to think he's not. He says a lot of true things, although he says a lot of untrue things as well.
That is a problem. But they asked him, why is this movement necessary?
And he responds, this movement is necessary. But that's not true because there is no social justice movement.
So this must be one of those deepfake things I've been hearing all about. You can actually see, this is computer generated.
Look, you can see his eyes kind of look a little bit dead here. You know how like in video games that their eyes aren't totally lifelike?
They're kind of, they're good. You can see, like his skin looks pretty good. This looks like real life. But his eyes, that's where you can really tell.
This is a deepfake, a deepfake. This is a computer generated, there's no way Eric Mason said this because there is no social justice.
But let's hear it again. Let's just try it again. Yeah, I think this movement is necessary because we're supposed to...
Definitely a deepfake. No question about it, there is no social justice movement.
You know, this hit has gotten me interested. So what I did after this was
I googled Jarvis Williams. Just to see, just to see what he has to say.
There is no social justice movement, but maybe, well let's find out. I found this. This is on The Witness.
Which, you know, you're not supposed to have podcasts and blogs if you're not in a movement.
According to, according to, according to Thabiti's article. If you have too many blogs and podcasts expositing your beliefs, then that's a movement.
But that's not possible because of social justice. This website has been set up by a bunch of white supremacist racists.
Because they're trying to make it seem like Jarvis... Wait, Jarvis Williams wrote this article. Why Evangelical Christians Need the
Legacy Movement. That can't be.
This is just another trick of the sneaky, sneaky white man. This is the white supremacist trick, guys.
I found it. I found it. This is a conspiracy. Because there is no social justice movement.
We got a deep fake from Pastor Eric Mason talking about the woke church movement.
And now we've got an article explaining why Evangelicalism needs the legacy movement.
What's the legacy movement? Maybe that's not a social justice movement. This is from Dr. Jarvis Williams. The other guy he was defending in that article when he said there was no social justice movement.
Theology, conference, Christian living identity. Wait a minute, this is about a conference.
Conference. Some of the mainline Evangelical conferences are dominated with white leadership and speakers with very little, zero, or zero black or brown representation.
Wait a minute, conferences. There is no way. Wait, let me go back to the Thabiti Anyabuili article.
He said that if you have a conference, they have helped... Look, this is part of the evidence against the anti -social justice movement.
They've spawned hours of podcasts. They have helped conferences and meetings expounding their concerns and goals.
There is no way that this Dr. Jarvis Williams is talking about conferences because that's a sign, a clear sign, of you having a movement.
There's no way that The Witness has conferences. Absolutely not. Wait, one of the headings of their website is conference.
That's how I know this is a white supremacist trick, guys. I have found it. I've uncovered it. Story is breaking here.
Breaking news. A .D. Robles has discovered the white conspiracy. They've created a website called
The Witness to make it seem like there's a social justice movement, but there isn't a social justice movement.
They must be doing it to get power of some kind. They must be. They've even set up conferences, fake conferences, a fake store you can donate.
Wait, a podcast? They have a podcast. That is a sure sign of a movement.
Impossible because there is no social justice movement. Let's see what Dr. Jarvis Williams has to say about this.
The Legacy Disciple Movement is a much -needed urban gospel movement for those red or yellow, black or white, discouraged by the lack of black and brown representation.
Honestly, Dr. Jarvis Williams, let me just step out of this for a second. You shouldn't call people red.
They don't like that. They don't like that. Native Americans don't like being called red, redskins, all that kind of stuff.
That's actually kind of racist, Dr. Jarvis Williams, so maybe reconsider, maybe fix that.
But this is impossible. You see, this is just what Whitey would do. This is just what Whitey would do, set up an entire website complete with a donation bar, a podcast, a conference, all to make it seem like there's a social justice movement when there clearly isn't because Thabiti Anya Willie told me so.
That's a conspiracy theory. And Tom Askel is a bad man. He's a bad Baptist, bad
Baptist, for daring to talk about the social justice movement that does not exist. How dare you?
How dare you, sir? Anyway, so we got Eric Mason talking about the woke church movement.
We got Dr. Jarvis Williams talking about the woke church or the social justice legacy disciple movement because of the representation of the conference speakers, which is a sign of a movement as well, the podcast, the store, the donate, the blog, the articles.
Oh, man, I'm sorry I'm laughing. I'm breaking character here, sorry. This is pretty crazy though, guys, isn't it?
Is it not? But it doesn't stop there, my friends. Oh, no, it does not stop there.
I decided, you know, while I'm doing this, I Googled Eric Mason.
He was defending Eric Mason in the article. I Googled him. I decided to Google Jarvis Williams.
He was defending Jarvis Williams. But what about the author himself,
Thabiti Anya Willie? What could I possibly find? Anything that says
Thabiti Anya Willie actually acknowledges the social justice movement and evangelicalism.
You know, I actually found this on accident, looking up Eric Mason stuff because I wanted to find out.
Because I know that I knew that Eric Mason had talked about the woke church movement before. I knew that.
So that's what I was actually Googling. And as I'm Googling about Eric Mason, I find an article from Thabiti.
My goodness. This is a white power trick. I know it. I know. This is a trick, guys.
This can't be real. Here's the article. It's from the Gospel Coalition, the same place that he posted his article about how the social justice movement is a fantasy.
And it's titled, Woke Is. And here's a hashtag, Woke Church.
But wait a minute, Thabiti. In your other article where you said there is no social justice movement, you said that having a hashtag is a sign of a movement.
Here it is. Let me find the quote here. Hold on a second. They've developed their own lexicon replete with pejoratives and hashtags to mark out their perspective and the people who share it.
That's a sure sign, according to Thabiti Yanyabwili, that you have a movement. First of all,
Woke is a new lexicon. Maybe it's not new, but it's a lexicon that you use. So that's a sign of a movement.
And then a hashtag. It's the picture. It's the big picture. Hashtag Woke Church. Guys, this article is all about the social justice movement.
The Woke Church movement. I searched the word movement and there are 16 results.
16 results. He's talking about how Woke Church is really just a continuation of all these other movements.
Afrocentrism, Black Arts Movement, Black Consciousness Movement, Independent Movements, Black Power Movements, New Negro Movements, Black Conscious Movement, Negritude Movement, Movement, Movement, Movement.
That's what we call Woke and that's what the Woke Church is. It's a movement. Thabiti Yanyabwili, at least purportedly, because we can't prove that he wrote this.
I know his name is in the byline. I know it's on the Gospel Coalition. I get that. This could easily be a white power trick.
This could easily be a white power trick. So give him the benefit of the doubt. Let's just give him the benefit of the doubt because there's really a couple options here.
He's either lying through his teeth, he's either so stupid he doesn't remember this stuff, or he's been hacked.
And a white supremacist has written this article to make him look stupid and I think that's the most likely option, to be perfectly honest with you.
There's a fourth option and we'll talk about that in a minute. But this is an article about the Woke Church Movement, the social justice movement and evangelicalism, and it also previews the article that he just wrote saying that there is no social justice movement on the same page!
What do you say about this? What do you say about this? Well, I'll tell you what
I say. I don't think that Thabiti Yanjibwele is an idiot. And I know some of you are likely to say he's just a liar, he's just lying through his teeth, and it's getting harder to say that I don't believe that Thabiti is lying, knowingly lying.
When he writes an article like is there an evangelical social justice movement, and not only does the two people he's defending in the article,
Jarvis Williams and Eric Mason, both acknowledge that there is a movement with their own words, in context.
Not only that, but also his own words acknowledge this. So it's very difficult to say he's not lying, but here's what
I think is going on. This is just my honest opinion here. Take a serious turn for a second.
I don't think this is a white supremacist conspiracy. It could be, though. It would be really cool because if they had the capabilities of doing this kind of thing, they've got a lot of capabilities that we can eventually take advantage of when we turn it against them.
But anyway, here's what I think is going on. I think Thabiti Anyabwili is making it up as he goes along.
He's just flying by the seat of his pants. He just says whatever comes to mind.
He doesn't think if it's consistent. He doesn't think if it makes any sense with what he said before.
He's just going by the seat of his pants. That's what I think Thabiti is doing. That's how he can write an article claiming that there is no social justice movement, scolding
Tom Askell for being a bad, bad white man. How dare you say that there's a conspiracy going on?
There's a movement of social justice warriors. How could you say such a thing? And at the same time, at the same time have written articles talking about the social justice movement in Evangelicalism.
At the same time, the people he's defending in the article both have talked about the social justice movement and the importance of it and the necessity of it within Evangelicalism.
That's the only way that I can make sense of this without making him just an outright, like, I'm intentionally lying to you.
I don't think he's intentionally lying to you. He is lying to us, though, because when you fly by the seat of your pants, you're not really worried about consistency.
You're not really worried about what you used to say and what you say now and things like that. That's when you end up getting into trouble with lying.
I mean, listen, I've lied in my life before and you know what happens? It's when I'm not thinking about consistency.
I'm not thinking about my principles. I'm just going with the flow, talking to someone. That's when I lie.
And so I understand this, but the thing is, if you're going to write blog articles scolding people for how crazy they are, because let's just be honest, he called
Tom Askell crazy in this article, in so many words. Before you go and do that, you really need to think about the things that are going on here.
He asks in this article, what is the evidence? And then he tries to shoot down a couple things.
He does it poorly, though. He doesn't even shoot down the evidence. But what is the evidence? Well, I just played a video from Pastor Eric Mason talking about the woke church movement.
I just showed you one. Look, I didn't do too much research here. I don't spend too much time on this stuff because I have another job.
But the thing is, guys, I spent a couple seconds on Google. I find Pastor Eric Mason talking about the necessity of the woke church movement.
I find Dr. Jarvis Williams talking about the necessity of the legacy disciple movement, which is a social justice movement.
And then I see you, Thabiti, talking about the woke church movement, which is a social justice movement.
It is. Now, I'm sure you can worm your way and wiggle your way out and say, well, it's not really a social justice movement, but it is.
And the reality is that your little diatribe about the anti -social justice movement and all the things that they do,
I just showed you that your side does all of these things.
All of these things. With the exception of a formalized statement with people signing it, although people have done that, too.
It just hasn't been very popular. But, you know, all that evidence that I just showed you, there really is no social justice movement.
And I think I might have to close down my channel, because Thabiti Anyabwili told me so. Guys, let me just say something right now.
The fact that Thabiti wrote this article is a gift. And I explain why in my video, so go ahead and watch that. I also recommend you watch my other videos about Thabiti Anyabwili.
We've caught him in this kind of thing numerous times before, in this kind of untruth numerous times before.
I recommend you watch my videos on Pastor Eric Mason. There's some good content in there. And I am very fair with Pastor Eric Mason, because he says some good things, and he says some awful things.
Awful things. And he needs to be called to account. If you love Pastor Eric Mason, you need to call him to account for this kind of stuff.
His book, Woke Church, is not a good book. And the reality is, let me close with this, guys.
We had a little fun today, talking about whether it's a movement or not, and all of these things.
But at the end of the day, who cares if it's a movement? Because he's trying to make it so there's no social justice movement, but there is an anti -social justice movement, and that's bad.
Do you really think, Thabiti, if you ever listen to this, I hope you listen to this, do you really think that what we're concerned with is the fact that you guys meet and plan and have hashtags and have blog articles and posts and things like that, espousing your perspectives?
We don't have a problem with that. We do do that. We do coordinate things. Absolutely. You should coordinate things.
You know, coordination happens when you're doing a surprise birthday party for someone, and the result is a good thing.
You talk it out with people, you have secret meetings, you have secret email chains that go through, and you talk about what you're going to do, how you're going to plan for it, and then you have it.
And it's a great, amazing thing. Surprise parties are awesome. There's nothing wrong with planning. Our problem is what you are planning.
Our problem is the content. We do not care if you're a movement or not, even though you clearly are by your own words.
That's not our concern with it. Our concern is the fact that it's a movement for something that we don't think is biblical.
And we need to talk about that. We need to talk about justice. We need to talk about social justice. We need to talk about racism.
Real racism. We need to talk about that kind of stuff. And we need to talk about what's going on with the aberrant teachings that you yourself are teaching.
That's the problem. It's not the movement part. It's the part of It's the what. It's the content.
That's the issue. So let's stop pretending that we're crazy.
We're not crazy. You are in a movement, but even if you're not, that's irrelevant because we want to talk about the content.
That's the issue for us. It should be the issue for you. I don't know why you're focused on this, but let's that be the end of this.
Anyway, I hope that you found this podcast or video, whichever way you're watching it, helpful.
God bless. Don't forget to tune in next week on Thursday for AD on the