Kyle Responds to MacArthur, AD Responds to Kyle

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Watched Kyle Howard's video and recorded my live response. Suffice it to say that I found it.....interesting. Still looking forward to the day when he will actually interact and stand up to some basic cross examination. I am more than willing to do it in a way he is comfortable with while I answer to his cross examinations as well. Doesnt have to be on my channel or be controlled by me in any way.


This is a video response to Kyle J. Howard's video about John MacArthur's article
I'd much rather do a live conversation with Kyle, but he's unwilling to do that kind of thing and that's okay
He's well, he's able to you know, pick who he talks to or whatever I don't have a problem with that But since he won't this is the only way that I can interact with his stuff
And so I'm sure he'll say this is slander and misrepresentation and libel and blah blah blah But of course none of it is
I'm just interacting with his statements And so I hope this is helpful for all of my followers and maybe some of his as well
All right. I saw this response Over the time when I was away on vacation and I did
I purposely didn't watch it But I thought we'd have a little fun with it today. So we're gonna watch this together
And I'll comment as I normally do along the way, but this is a response from Kyle James Howard of Twitter fame he is a
He calls himself a Christian reformed conservative theologian but he's also a counselor a biblical counselor that focuses on race -based trauma and You know stuff like that.
So anyway, let's listen to this and see this could get spicy or it could be boring I don't even upload it.
We'll see Let's jump right in. Here we go grace and peace
My name is Kyle James Howard you brother Nobody significant just a Bible preacher with the smartphone who and so I consider him a faithful Bible preacher
I consider him a spiritual father in the faith and the Bible is very clear that younger men are to speak of older men as spiritual fathers, even when they're saying something critical and so Despite how
I may be feeling the frustration. I may be feeling personally. I want to be clear that McArthur I admire
McArthur I'm thankful for McArthur and I want to strive to speak in a way that doesn't undermine the reality that he is a spiritual father to me
Yeah, I always appreciate that about Kyle. He always puts the grace and peace in the beginning and you know
I I do genuinely think that he he thinks that he loves these people and he thinks that he loves me and he always gives
Me the heart. Well, not not always. I mean the only times he's ever communicated with me He always puts the little hearts in the in the tweet and I do genuinely believe he does think that that he's he's
Very loving towards everybody, but his actions actually speak differently and we've we've covered that in other videos
So I'll just let him go on and I do believe him. He probably respects McArthur very greatly With that being said,
I found the article of very interesting and also on some ways very helpful He lays out
Some concerns that he has and in many ways makes a clarion call Regarding the need to fight or battle against a new false teaching that is entering the church right now and that false teaching is a form of a social justice issues and as I read the article
I I agree with him on what he says the the thing that's Interesting to me though, is that I didn't know who he was talking about Okay, so here's okay,
I know what he's gonna say here and This is gonna be about how he agrees with everything that MacArthur says but really it's it's like a it's like a tilting at windmills because there's nobody who
Agree or who has these perspectives and this is just one of the most frustrating things
I've ever heard and and we'll see what he Has to say because maybe it's a little bit different than what most people do
But the but the point is lots of people do this, you know You'll you'll get an article from the BD that says we are rate await your repentance for killing.
Dr King and then people will rightly say hey, well, I didn't kill. Dr. King. I'm not gonna repent of that and he said
Whoa, whoa. Whoa, I didn't say you killed him and it's like You know, it's just it's so frustrating and they'll say
Let's just hear Kyle out here and it seemed to me as I was reading his criticism as he talked about Those who are demanding individual reparations from other believers he talked about those who believe that individuals to repent for the sins of other individuals and their ancestry and He talked about how these things are legalistic and as I'm listening to him in one sense
I can amend what he's saying like yeah, we need to get rid of these things But at the same time I wasn't sure who he was actually talking about To me now, here's the thing
So, I don't know where he's going with this, but he said I noticed something about what he just said he said individual reparations and individual people repenting of individual sins and I don't remember the
MacArthur article word -for -word, so I'll just speak for myself and actually that's not my problem. I Don't really care about that I'm I'm actually talking about any kind of reparations from a from a people that have nothing to do with the slavery in other words the people of America right now
Kyle and I am sure you've thought about this the people in America right now did not enslave
You or anybody? You got that and so any kind of reparations that we collectively pay for the government has no money, right?
We have money and so any government money that goes out to any people is extracted from other people
Okay, so that that's what people are talking about has nothing to do with individual As a matter of fact how you have asked for reparations of a kind I remember there was one thing where you talked about churches giving money to black communities that that they owed those communities
They don't owe the communities anything. No one's owed anything That's such an entitled opinion.
And so this idea of individual reparations. Okay I don't know if John MacArthur said that or not again
This is on the fly and I don't remember the article word -for -word, but my problem is not individual reparations It's actually any reparations that are unbiblical
In other words what the Bible says as a punishment or restitution for sin, that's what it is and it stops there
You don't add anything to it. And so This whole idea of individual. Yeah.
Well, you know, maybe Kyle you don't get it because that's not really what we're talking about Me it seemed as if he was talking about ghosts.
No one who actually Truly exists as I I've been following and I've been Kyle Do you really need me to go through your tweets and find the ones where you talk about money owed to the black community?
Do you really want me doing that because brother you have talked about reparations, maybe not the specific
Individual reparations, however, you define that I have no idea how you define that I don't really care about that.
But what we're talking about is just reparations in general unbiblical restitution in general extracted from people today who had nothing to do with the sin and given to people today who had nothing to do with the
The the oppression that's what we're talking about. That's it pretty simple
But engage in these conversations for some time now, and I don't know anyone who actually believes
The the issues or the concerns that John MacArthur seemed to have in that article brother
Come on man Do you really need me to go through I'm gonna have to go through his tweets probably
And find out one where that matches up with each You could do it with with with Kyle here you could do it with the beady we could do it with Eric Mason Although I can't with Eric because he he blocked me.
He probably thinks I'm angloid on the inside. I don't know and So I'm with a posture of saying yeah
If we have people who are one who are embracing critical race theory over and against the
Word of God Then that's a profound problem as a reformed Christian yeah,
I know it's a profound problem and and here's the thing Kyle I think you get this impression that that I or people like me think that you're secretly a
Critical race theorist and you know you are but you know you can't come out like that as a Christian And so you pretend you're not
I don't think many people there are probably some conspiracy theorists out there like that I don't think that I think critical race theory has influenced your thinking here
And you don't you can't tell the difference that of where it has Influenced your thinking and where it hasn't and you're reading it into the text.
That's what I think Kyle and so This is not something where I'm saying well Well, you're you're doing this on purpose just to try to bring in cultural
Marxism to the church No, I don't think that at all I think it's influenced you and I think You know I've remembered some tweets for you where you talk about critical race theory getting some things right and things like that so it
Has influenced you there's no question about that Kyle And I think it's influenced you a lot more than you think it has You know the reality is we all have blind spots like this
I have I have influences in my life that I'm probably not aware of Nothing wrong with that try to find them out.
We root them out. We match it up against scripture That's what I do in my videos Kyle shouldn't theologian and preacher. I do believe in common grace.
I do believe that there are ideas and philosophies in the world that actually
Can be true and that we can benefit from but the Word of God God's Word God see so he has been influenced by critical
Race theory is admitting it and I think the reality is to that and he's right about this There's common grace out there.
There's nothing wrong with that But what I do on my channel is I put up what you say against scripture
And it don't match up and so then we have to say okay well, then that's the critical race theory that we must discard and But the problem is you don't do that God has spoken his define his divine
Word is that the bedrock of the Christian faith, and we should never Substitute any truth within God's Word for any worldly philosophies whatsoever
And so if there's anyone who is embracing critical race theory over and against Christian theology
We have a deep and profound problem. Yeah, but the problem is though Kyle's that and I hope you don't mind me talking directly to You I mean you refuse to interact with me for the most part so I have no choice
But the problem is that people are embracing embracing the ideas of critical theory Maybe without knowing it and also the scripture and acting as if they met mash up match up and they don't like not even close
If there's anyone who within the realm of social is engaging in justice within the realm of the social realm and is arguing that Individual is responsible for another person's individual sin
Then there's a misunderstanding of the gospel and the gospel's implications there, and we need to engage and we need to lovingly the
BD Correct those who may be coming up with those ideas and explain to them that no we are held account for our sins
And we are culpable for our sins and we are called to repent from our sins and believe in the gospel
That's a very interesting issue other than talking about the government. So we're talking about has the government faithfully restore provided faithful restitution for the theft that it is committed against indigenous
Americans as Well as what it has the wealth that it is obtained through the slavery of blacks
That's that's a justice issue We can talk about that as a justice issue and talk about looking at biblical justice as it relates to institutions and governments as the government faithfully repented which includes with providing restitution for the
Certain communities whom they've oppressed and robbed from that's yeah We could talk about that Kyle and I would love to talk about that with you
Kyle because that's the exact issue That's the exact issue that most of us are talking about has the government made restitution for what the government did
Well, according to scripture We'd have to look at this from a perspective of what what is government restitution?
Because here's the thing like the government isn't an entity that just lives forever, right? The government is government is is funded by people you and me
Kyle and the government doesn't have any money of its own It doesn't have any anything that it hasn't taken from others
All of us have been taken from by the government and so for you to to say well
That's an issue of government and collective guilt and things like that. Okay, okay fine and so when you get in the courtroom the government of yeah, you know the 1800s when slavery
Was was a thing and and when Jim Crow was a thing and then in the 60s and all these things if you get if you
Get that government in the courtroom. I'll stand with you and I will absolutely demand Restitution the problem is that government is long gone, right?
And so now what you'd be talking about is robbing people today to pay off others And so you see you do you do you are about reparations
Kyle stop acting like you don't know what we're talking about It's just absolutely so actually I went back to the
John MacArthur article to find out if I was misremembering this But it turns out I really wasn't let me take you to it right now
I searched where he talks about reparations and here's what he says about reparations quote the Evangelicals who are saying the most and talking the loudest these days about what's referred to as social justice seem to have a very different Perspective their rhetoric certainly points to a different direction demanding repentance and reparations from one ethnic group for the sins of its ancestors against another
It's the language of law not gospel and worse. It mirrors the jargon of worldly politics not the message of Christ So you see there's nothing about individual reparations here
Kyle. And so that's just a lie. That's actually slander That's actually misrepresentation actually, what he does say is that It's demanding reparations from one ethnic group for the sins of the past of the other ethnic group
And that's exactly what I'm talking about That's exactly what you talk about in your video where you say the government did this and the government did that well the government
It was what is all dead that did that stuff and now it doesn't it doesn't exist anymore The people that exist now had nothing to do with it and so that would be demanding reparations from people's from one ethnic group of Their sins from their parents and their ancestors, that's exactly what
John MacArthur's talking about It's exactly what you're talking about and saying is on the table. So you are the one asking for reparations
Something that we can talk about within the realm of justice within the social. I'd love to talk about it with you Let's talk about it, man.
I Demonstrated many times over that I can talk about this in a respectful non -threatening way
But for some reason you're not interested I think I have some reason I have some theories as to why you're not interested, but we'll leave it at that So well, but if there's anyone who is saying that Individual people are required to be paying back other oppressed people about the groups that come from oppressed ancestry
And if not that they are somehow violating the gospel that we have a profound and serious problem
People do say that Kyle and you'd be surprised and actually I don't think you'd be surprised. I think you know people do say that But you know,
I I recognize those are the real zealots, you know what I mean? And so But but I think this this whole first part of this response really sidesteps the issues that we're talking about here
I I just it's very frustrating. It's very frustrating and and for you to say that That resources are owed to the black community
I mean that that's that's pretty close to the same thing when you're talking about individual churches But again,
I don't know anyone who's doing that What I do know is that there are people who have been accused of saying that I know that there are many people who have been misrepresented and slandered and saying that but I don't actually know
Anyone who actually believes those things and so by the way I still have that challenge to you Kyle or any of your followers and friends if they find anywhere where I've slandered you
I will still give your ministry $100 But I have a feeling that my money is gonna be very safe in my bank accounts
I'm looking forward to MacArthur writing other articles where he actually Identifies these ghosts.
I grew up. I love the show Ghostbusters. I love Casper because he was friendly but generally speaking ghosts are scary and I'm scared of these ghosts in which the
MacArthur's Describing because they sound like they could really I'm getting the strong sense that I'm being trolled right now
Yeah Affects the church in a very negative way So I would love to know who these people are because again,
I I know many people many leaders within Evangelicalism who are engaging in these issues and none of them actually believe the things that I'm seeing there
As a younger man again as a younger preacher. I've looked up to MacArthur for many many years
I have his entire commentary said I have almost every book he's ever written He's been a hero to me for many years.
And so what I do want to say next I do say this again as a younger man appealing to an older man as a spiritual father and This is what
I would I would want to bring before MacArthur. I would say beloved brother I'm glad that you want to go to war for the unity of the church
I think we should go to war for the unity of the church. Oh We will My question to you beloved would be who is actually dividing the church
Is Seriously Seriously want us to answer that question?
I've answered it many times But I think you already know that those people of color who have not assimilated to majority culture and are voicing
Concerns about the thing, you know, this is something I was talking to my wife about the other day like In what context do you expect that you wouldn't have to assimilate in some degree?
like if you went to do missionary work and in Korea like You have to kind of assimilate to the culture a little bit to live in another country like I still understand like why what
I Don't get it. I honestly don't get it. But hey About the things that are impacting their community
The death and the murder that that is impacting their community the racism and white supremacy.
That was just marching Yesterday that all those all 30 of them is impacting their community.
Are those the ones who are being divisive? Or is it the ones who are borrowing from 1960s segregationist rhetoric by calling faithful gospel preaching minorities
Marxist Yeah, so this is the real respectful part, you know where he's like, yeah Yeah, you're borrowing from the segregationists you
I got to that boogeyman stuff. Yeah in so many words Kyle is insinuating.
Well, why are you borrowing from racists and how you criticize me and It's like that guilt was by association game he's trying to put that into your mind that maybe
John MacArthur's I don't know about that. You know, like this is the tactic that is very common in social justice circle
Oh is who are the one they poison the well and without doing it because he didn't actually say that MacArthur was a racist
But he is now that you have that association in your mind like oh, yeah Well the cultural
Marxism. Yeah, they used to say that back in the days of racism You know like that's that's the intent that's the intended effect and I urge you not to be
Stupid enough to fall for it and I do mean that stupid enough to fall for it I actually saw a funny interview with Stefan Molyneux and the guy in the beginning of the interview says to him what so what do you call yourselves like obviously not white supremacists and Stefan's like oh, that's very very objective of you to put that association right up front.
Yeah, that's very very objective How would you guys describe yourself in terms of obviously not white supremacists, but would you say why thank you for linking that term with us?
Right, that's wonderful. Very objective and Kyle just actually did the same thing and so we're actually dividing the body.
Is it those who are Slandering misrepresenting and trolling people of color or is it those who maybe
I mean right now once that actually justified slavery and actually talked about how the segregated
South was actually a Helpful Social dynamic and we shouldn't be never should had a civil war
You see there were people who are prominent within evangelicalism right now who have written books and published books defending slavery
Who have platforms right now? And so in my mind I would say yeah, and so if they if they were defending
Kidnapped so slavery as an institution is obviously biblically. Okay Kidnapping is not and so if they were defending chattel slavery where you know, you got kidnapped and taken over Well, they were wrong.
They were wrong But you know We don't have to we don't have to you know Start making accusations and stuff because of it because here's the thing
When somebody's wrong you go to the scripture you show them where it's wrong Man, stealing is a crime punishable by death.
The slavers should have been punished by death But here's the thing so we can go to the scriptures and do it
But the reality is Kyle in this situation only one side is open to doing that and it ain't your side
I would say that I think those who have been doing on I think pastors and Apologists who have been doing online bullying have been stalking the accounts of people of color who have been slandering them
You see talking about me Stalking Facebook.
Are you serious? Dude Kyle, it's public.
I mean you obviously watch my videos to some degree. Are you stalking me? I mean obviously not
Using white supremacist rhetoric from the 50s and 60s Mind you white supremacist rhetoric that was used against the very men from the civil rights
Whom you've named the men who you've named in your article beloved or men who are called
Marxist You see cut to Kyle if he throws in beloved every now and then then it's actually true that he loves
So he can he can he can make these These insinuations he can kind of make these connections or MacArthur using the same language as the right supremacist and the racist
He can do all that stuff. But but if he says beloved then, you know, it's all good. It's all love You see that that's just that's just that's sneaky is what it is
It's very sneaky and it's an intentional thing that he does he does it just about every day And it's pretty frustrating and that this is why
I want to talk to you because you know When we're talking face to face or you know video to video You won't you can't do you can't get away with that kind of stuff
You can get away with it on a video like this where you're just talking to the camera But you can't get away with that stuff when you're talking to someone
Man to man Christian to Christian brother to brother you can't get away with it. And I think that's part of why you won't do it
They are men who were called socialist, you know, because of the work they were doing ad because they were socialists though Kyle All right, right.
I mean you admit that I mean you'd have to admit that a lot of these guys were socialists Not all of them but a lot of them were advocating for marginalized communities and so I think that MacArthur as if he is seeking to Fight against disunity in the church he should be calling out those who hold prominent positions with an evangelicalism who have been following within the same pattern of 1950s and 19 cities white supremacist rhetoric
I bet you'd like that a lot Kyle, but it's not gonna happen And the reason why it's not gonna happen is because the rhetoric that you're talking about You know, it may be appropriate.
It may not we have to take an individual but but case -by -case basis But the reality is a lot of it is true
Because there's a lot of socialist sounding things and actually straight -up socialist things Coming from the lips of people on the social justice side of this issue and we have screenshots
We have videos about it. We've I mean, it's all Documentable and so to say that this is slander and this is the rhetoric of racist
You know what has no effect on me Kyle It really doesn't because I know I'm not a racist And so why would you even say that you the reason you say that is so you people don't listen to me
But that's not gonna work. People are smart Kyle. They're not gonna fall for that and again, who have been bullying who have been published works that are deeply and profoundly troubling to anyone who believes in racial and ethnic unity within the body of Christ and So I guess what my concern is is as I read his article.
I read a story of concern that is related towards ghosts With love, of course, you you know, you're you're so delusional that there's nobody out there saying what you're saying
They're saying but but beloved. It's all good. I love you. I Hope you can see through this
Ridiculousness it is absolutely ridiculous and and Kyle, you know, the reality is I actually have a lot of love for you
I pray for you almost every single day and You know, I have a lot of harsh critiques for your for what you say
But I can document and I do document everything that I say You're just here pretending like oh,
I don't know anybody asking for reparations Kyle do I have to go through your tweets and find him?
I mean, honestly, I'm familiar with men who are not ghosts I've experienced men who are not ghosts
I have experienced men who have chosen to write articles about my wife slandering her and misrepresenting her
I've experienced men who have literally stalked every single word I've said for months on end and have incited rage and hatred and vitriol
Towards me solely based upon misrepresentation and caricatures and so when
I think about the ghost I'm not as concerned with ghost as unifying the church as I am concerned with men who have had who hold places of prominence who are given a pass for the
Very racist like activity that they've been doing over and against people of color beloved with respect
What you're saying is so disrespectful and so out of bounds. It's just hard for me to put it into words
To say that oh, we're just we're just concerned with ghosts. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no Let me make this perfectly clear.
I'm concerned with what you're saying You're not a ghost. I'm concerned with your Twitter what your Twitter feed says every single day dividing the church and divisive language racist language
By the way Kyle and I could document that and you and I think you know, I can you know what I mean? I don't want to have to do that.
But but that's the reality. That's the reality of the situation I'm concerned with that Okay, and I'm also concerned with the other people on the other side that if there's people giving you racist rhetoric
I don't believe you Kyle. You've lost the benefit of the doubt with me But the racist rhetoric that is supposedly coming your way
I condemn that as well because I get racist rhetoric constantly Dr. Eric Mason use racist rhetoric to describe my perspective.
He said I'm angloid on the inside You know, this is the thing. So so we're not talking about ghosts talking about you
We're talking about you and others real names that we've named people that we've documented things like that So so this this whole charade of all the ghosts of Casper the friendly ghosts and versus all these real men
That's who I'm concerned with It's just so pathetic. It's pathetic for you to pretend like this is the case
And so what I would say to MacArthur what I would say to all those who are sharing his article and affirming his article I would ask them on many of them all again spiritual fathers to me.
I would say in love Beloved I'm so thankful that you are wanting to guard the church from false teaching.
That is dis unifying I am with you there 100 % Let's let's fight again, but you're not because you're the one doing it if you go through your
Twitter feed and you're talking about whiteness and you're talking about white privilege and Different brothers in Christ who whom they're white and so you're scared to even meet with them
Who've shown no history of violence, that's you who said that Kyle you're the one dividing the church
It's any forced we can document all that Teachings that would compromise the gospel in any way or Christian fidelity in any way that's
I'm with you there But if we're going to do that, I would argue that it may be more fruitful today not to fight against ghost
But to actually listen to people and what you may see is that many people it's not people of color calling out for greater awareness amongst their white brothers and sisters for what is impacting their communities and what they've had to live with and what
They are struggling with it is those who are stalking people's accounts those who are slammed But the reality is it doesn't stop there
Kyle and I think you understand that because I think all you were doing was telling Hey, what goes on in our community?
Here's what we're concerned with. We've got these murders. We've got this and that we've got police We're done. That's all you were saying.
That would be one thing, but you're also saying these things. Well, yeah But in and white evangelicalism, well, that's part of the problem and white evangelicalism and people even say why evangelicalism is
A force for evil and things like that and that's slander of the Bride of Christ I mean, do you understand that white evangelicalism is part of the
Bride of Christ? And so to sit there and to send to act like that's the cause of all these problems and that it's all their fault
Is is absolutely insane and and again, I could go through your feet and document this
But I don't really want to do that Kyle because I as a brother in Christ I want to always think the best of you
I want to put the best the best presentation of you forward as I can But the problem is I mean you're saying it yourself right here beloved and doing and misrepresenting them and and offering caricatures
It's those who are borrowing rhetoric from it whether it be from slavery or whether it be from segregation and and Borrowing that rhetoric and using it.
It's those who are borrowing the rhetoric from critical race theory and cultural Marxism I mean
This is you you're talking about what you're doing here Kyle This is projection against faithful people people in the church who have been unless you're
I mean Caring and shepherding the body of Christ for decades Those people who are slandering the body of Christ Those are the people who are dividing the church as we know
Satan is the accuser of the brethren And so the people who are dividing the church are not yeah so what does that say to you people who accuse white evangelicalism of People who try to insinuate that John MacArthur and others are a race
Those who are seeking unity by by Helping to stir empathy and compassion amongst their white brothers and sisters
Those who are dividing the church and those who are serving the enemy are those who are slandering the brethren are slandering faithful gospel preachers and ministers
And so what I would ultimately say to MacArthur and to those who found his article helpful I would tell you guys.
Hey, I'm with you. I want to know who these go. You're not though That's that's a lie Kyle and it's a rhetorical line.
It's a very poor rhetorical lie, but you're not with us You don't believe in ghosts and you know, it's not ghosts that we're talking about and Kyle stop lying, bro
Oh star so that we can Ghost bust them and at the same time But I would encourage all of you to do is actually consider who's actually following in a pattern of division here
Is it people of color and more recently more prominent white theologians who have had 50 60 years of faithful ministry?
Or is it those who are filled with hate and vitriol who are espousing a slanderous?
Statements who are inciting white supremacist trolls and to those are big accusations brother
I hope you could back them up and and honestly if you're talking about me I'd like you to document that hate my being filled with hate and vitriol me inciting white supremacists
Whatever it is. You're about to say I'd like to see some documentation because if you can't document it or if you won't document it that That's actionable, bro.
That's actionable. It's you stalk people of I don't mean legally colors accounts and threaten their families and their wives like I have received and many other people of color
I know have received and What I would ultimately tell you guys is that I by the way if anyone that follows me is doing that Stop that Stop that that is out of bounds
Now I have a feeling I know what he's talking about and it's not what he's saying But but if they are doing it if people are threatening your family,
I mean God help you because That's out of bounds, bro
But I think that we could either spend our energy fighting ghosts Or we could actually begin fighting in unity against those who would divide the body of Christ by slandering people whom
Christ has died for Thank you so much for your time MacArthur I have serious doubt that you would ever see this brother, but I love you
I'm thankful for your multiple years of ministry. Thank you so much for preaching the gospel for standing firm
Yeah, but that racist rhetoric that you're using it's probably something you learned back in the 60s when with not
Compromising the fidelity of the Word of God for preaching it faithfully for believing in the sufficiency of the word and expository preaching
I'm thankful for you I'm thankful for your ministry and I'm grateful for the impact that grace to you has had across the globe
I love you, brother, and I love everyone else grace and peace well that was
Kyle J Howard about John MacArthur and I wish
I could say I was surprised. I really wasn't it's about what I expected but actually It's just a real shame that he's just got so such a little self -awareness that he doesn't see how so many of his
Critiques actually apply to him perfectly And and again, this is all documentable. I mean he pote he tweets, you know a hundred times a day or something
And so you could read it for yourself the kind of vitriol that comes from his heart the kind of animus racial animus that he has
Towards white people who don't agree with him Just the fear he has of white people too.
It's it's it's really a sad thing and With respect Kyle I love you and I'd like to talk to you one day and I would like to talk to you
Even if it's not recorded not for my channel at all and just talk some of this stuff out because you know, this is