F4F | Perry Stone: Full Mental Alchemist


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Welcome to another installment of Fighting for the Faith. My name is Chris Rosebro. I am your servant in Jesus Christ.
This is the channel that compares what people are saying in the name of God to the Word of God.
Have you ever heard of Perry Stone of Manifest? We've done a couple of segments here on the YouTube version of Fighting for the
Faith regarding Perry Stone, so if you've ever heard of him or haven't heard of him, go ahead and hit the like button.
Don't forget to subscribe down below and ring the bell. Perry Stone, very famous in the charismatic movement, and he has a program that he's been doing for many years now called
Manifest. And on the Fighting for the Faith podcast, we covered
Perry Stone with some regularity because he came up with some just ridiculous things that he would say.
In fact, the music that we would use for Perry Stone was, I'm a nut.
I'm a nut. I'm a nut. My life don't ever get in a rut.
The head of my shoulders is sore loose. Yeah, anyway, that was the music. I'm not making that up.
You can find it in the archives of the Fighting for the Faith podcast. Anyway, that was the music we used for Perry Stone, and oddly enough, when
I first discovered him, I said, I'm thinking about doing some segments on Perry Stone.
Does anyone have any recommendations for Perry Stone update music for our podcast?
And it was Phil Johnson of Grace to You Ministries, the right -hand guy, John MacArthur, who suggested
I'm a nut. Anyway, so that kind of gives you an idea of what we've been dealing with regarding Perry Stone.
This guy is a tin penny charlatan, and the thing is, he's got chops.
He's believable in the storytelling that he gives. But if you have been following him for any length of time, then you know that earlier this year,
Perry Stone went on an unannounced sabbatical. Yeah, I've seen major ministry guys go on unannounced sabbaticals before, and usually it's because of a moral failing.
And that was my initial suspicion. I remember Kozar sent me the link to the announcement, and we were both thinking, dang, this just kind of is yeah, you smell that?
Yeah, it smells fishy! Anyway, it smelled fishy. So what ended up happening is that you just sat, because you didn't know, no one was talking about it.
He disappeared, and he's gone for months at a time, just months, months, months, and then all of a sudden he was restored!
There was some kind of a service, and one of the people on his board of directors, female
Pastrix kind of gal, he was restored to ministry. He even sang a duet with her,
I mean, and the thing was is that the details about what happened and why he was on sabbatical, what was given in that restoration service, and what later was released in the...
what is this paper? This is the Chattanooga Times Free Press, that there were certain things that were just left out of the story.
So what we're gonna do today, we're going to take a look at the story as it relates to what was published in the
Chattanooga Times Free Press regarding his disappearance, and this was published on July 30th, about the time that he was restored, and we're gonna check in also with Perry Stone, see what he's up to lately, because let's just say that I've known for years now, more than, you know, a better part of a decade, that this guy is a tin penny charlatan.
He's somebody who exploits you with false words, and we'll take a look at what he's up to. In fact, let me give you a hint.
It's not even a hint, I'll just kind of lay it out right now. He right now is fishing for somebody to purchase from him the recipe for the
Elixir of Life. If you're familiar with alchemy, yeah,
I'm not making that up. So we'll check in with him, because he's lost some of his chops since his unannounced sabbatical, and coming back, he's not as good as he used to be at exploiting people with false words, and so we'll check in with that.
So all that being said, let's whirl up the desktop here, and there we go.
This is an article published July 30th, 2020, Chattanooga Times Free Press, and I would note that when
Perrystone was publicly restored to ministry, these details were not shared at that restoration service.
And so the headline reads, Cleveland evangelist Perrystone acted inappropriately with female employees.
That's a big charge, by the way, a huge charge. So ministry placed him on sabbatical after determining the issues were, quote, civil in nature and not criminal.
Can we talk about the spiritual nature of these things? You know, a pastor is supposed to be somebody who, you know, is above reproach, and if he acted inappropriately with female employees, that's a plural there, that just maybe he's not biblically qualified.
This is a spiritual aspect to this, too, you know, to be doing public ministry at all.
So the way the story reads, Perrystone has been away from his multi -million dollar ministry, the emphasis on the word multi -million here.
In fact, let me make this text just a little bit bigger. Anyway, in Cleveland, Tennessee for three months, three months, leaving many of his followers confused.
Yeah, it just happened all of a sudden, unannounced. And in his restoration service, he made it sound like it was all just a medical issue, you know, he was suffering from bad health, from anxiety, and, you know, burning the candle at both ends and stuff, but there was more to it.
And these are the details that were not discussed at the restoration service.
But in an audio message played for a small, in -person group of church members several weeks ago, all right, and this was obtained by the
Times Free Press, which means the reporter here who wrote this heard that audio message.
Stone said he acted inappropriately with female employees. Yeah, plural employees.
So in the message, Stone said women brought concerns about his actions and his words to his
Voice of Evangelism board of directors. The board then asked him to step aside from public ministry and receive counseling.
Okay, quote, and this is a quote from the audio, I confess at times
I have been inappropriate in all this weariness of just non -stop ministry.
Yeah, that, you see, smell that? Yeah, that's, see, again, that smells fishy. There's something wrong here.
This isn't an apology of the right kind. Remember when Pelosi, Nancy Pelosi, apologized for being set up?
That wasn't an apology. Yes, you see, anyway, same thing here.
I confess at times I've been inappropriate in all this weariness of just non -stop ministry,
Stone said in the message. I let my guard down, and I've asked, of course,
God to forgive me for that. He let his guard down.
I sat down with my family, with my beautiful, precious wife Pam, the love of my life, I asked her to forgive me.
Forgive you for what exactly? Letting your guard down and getting weary? And very humbly and very sincerely asked those who've been hurt and or offended by my actions to please also forgive me for those things.
Stone, 61, did not say specifically what occurred, but said he acted inappropriately with them, plural, and with words and sometimes with actions.
Under Tennessee law, non -consensual sexual advances, verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature, or creating hostile work environments, among other behavior, are considered sexual harassment.
That would be a potential issue there. So Stone did not respond to a request for a comment for this story.
However, a statement from the Voice of Evangelism Board of Directors said Stone was placed on sabbatical first because of health concerns.
Secondly, the statement said a couple of employees, that's more than one, at Voice of Evangelism requested to meet with the
Board of Directors to address concerns of inappropriate words and actions. Upon review, the board determined the issues were civil in nature and not criminal, but that the behavior deviated from the biblical standards set in place for VOE leadership.
So the board unanimously initiated his current sabbatical. This action was not reactionary, but with much prayer it was set in place to uphold the highest standards of integrity and transparency.
Highest standards of transparency? Why wasn't this discussed? The women who said that he acted inappropriately, the words and actions, how come none of that was discussed in the spirit of transparency at Perry Stone's restoration service?
Yeah, don't you think that that's something vitally important that should have been addressed as to one of the reasons why he was put on a sabbatical?
Of course, it wasn't reactionary, and he didn't really apologize for saying and acting in ways that were sexually inappropriate.
He apologized for...what was his apology again for inappropriate...I've
been inappropriate in all this weariness and non -stop ministry. Yeah, it doesn't sound like an apology to me.
So yeah, something's really off here. Something's really off.
But since being restored to ministry and his sabbatical now over, and apparently the fact that he acted inappropriately with women's...plural...that
wasn't discussed, he's now doing ministry again. And let's give you an example of what
Perry Stone's up to lately on his YouTube channel. This particular video has been viewed almost a hundred thousand times.
So, I mean, some deep ministry going on here. Christ himself being exalted, I'm sure.
Let's check in here. What I'm about to show you today is a discovery that I came across at an antique store.
Now, many of you perhaps have heard about the secret formula of Coca -Cola. In a vault in Atlanta, there is a formula that is the alleged secret formula of what gives
Coca -Cola its flavor, its taste, its fizz, etc. It's called merchandise times seven.
That formula has been a well -guarded secret. A man by the name of Pemberton, who owned a pharmacy, actually invented this formula, made a syrup out of it, and it was sold at soda fountains and later became the
Coca -Cola Company, which is a multi -multi -billion dollar company. But the mystique of the secret formula has always been intriguing to people.
Many years ago, Pemberton had a picture made in which he held up an old piece of paper, and it was the secret formula.
But the way he was holding it when the photographer took the picture was difficult to read. Someone a while back found that picture, which was posted in an
Atlanta paper, and they used modern computers to enlarge it, and they found the secret, they believed or alleged, of merchandise times seven.
I actually wrote that information down. Now, while the discovery of what I'm going to say to you may not be as dramatic as the
Coca -Cola discovery, in my opinion, this is very, very interesting, to say the least.
Interesting, yeah. I mean, a discovery, ancient discovery, over 500 years old, found in an antique store, but it's not as, you know, not as interesting as the secret formula for Coca -Cola.
I walked into an antique store some time back, and there was a box of old papers.
Now, I am a collector of old papers. I have some very unique old papers in different locations that are locked up and sealed.
In fact, this 500 -year -old formula, we estimate at least 500 years old from research, is locked off of location in a special vault.
It's not something that you can access without having to go into that area and find it.
All right, so the we there, whoever the, you know, him and whoever else he's included in this, they've taken this paper that he purchased with a bunch of other documents at an antique store, and it's now under lock and key.
I mean, that's how serious this is. Notice what he's doing here is spinning a yarn.
You know, I'm surprised he's not selling magic beans at this point, but let me remind you, let me remind you of a text from Scripture, 2
Peter. 2 Peter chapter 2 says this,
False prophets also arose among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you, who will secretly bring in destructive heresies, even denying the master who bought them, bringing upon themselves swift destruction.
Many will follow their sensuality, and because of them the way of truth will be blasphemed, and in their greed they will exploit you with false words.
Greed and exploitation of false words. All right, so I just want to point that out, that this, yes, something smells really fishy, really off here, something greedy about all of this.
Hmm. All right, let's keep going. So we don't tell where we're keeping this.
It may not even be kept inside of our town where we are. This is how unique I really believe this is.
We may be hiding it in a vault in Fort Knox. You know, it's that important, man.
Whoo, better get your checkbook out, because you can purchase this. I'm not hyping this. I think you're going to see.
Yeah, you are hyping it. Notice he, notice the smirk on his face there. If he were a poker player, we'd call that a tell.
We don't tell where we're keeping this. It may not even be kept inside of our town where we are. This is how unique I really believe this is, and I'm not hyping this.
I think you're going to see what I'm saying. He knows he's lying. That was a tell.
That little smirk on his face, he knew what he was doing. And as I was getting ready to thumb through the papers, the gentleman said to me, he said, there's an old formula in there that you might be interested in, and it's called the
Fountain of Life formula. And I have... Fountain of Life formula. Do a
Google search, and what you will find on this is something called the Elixir of Life.
Very famous formula. You know, the alchemists were trying to discover and put together the
Elixir of Life. In fact, if you're familiar with the Harry Potter books and movies, the first one in the
United States was called the Sorcerer's Stone, and in Great Britain it was called the Philosopher's Stone.
That was basically built off of the concept of the
Elixir of Life. Yeah, this is a well -known bit of alchemy. So now,
I find it odd... Let me go here. I find it odd that a man who is a
Christian pastor doing Christian ministry would be dealing with anything even related to alchemy and the
Elixir of Life, or anything like that. The reason being is that humanity's desire to live longer and not die finds its fulfillment in the
Resurrection. So we Christians, we call people to repent of their sins and to trust in Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of their sins, and they receive from God as a gift forgiveness of sins and eternal life, regardless of when you die, young or old, or somewhere in between.
So Christianity does, for real, give eternal life to everyone who believes in Jesus gratis, for free.
But what Perry Stone is doing here is basically selling magic beans.
He found a formula from somebody who was an alchemist, and it's well -known history that alchemists were looking for the
Elixir of Life. So let's keep going. Right now I bought the entire box immediately, started researching, and I'm not going to hold this up because someone will do the trick that they did with Coca -Cola, but that's the paper right there.
The actual formula is on the back. It is not written in the English language because this formula actually originated overseas, and it's seven different things, one -eighth of each, that has to be crushed and put in a powder, and then of course you take the powder and drink it.
The interesting thing about it is this paper of which the previous owner had interpreted the formula.
I have the formula right here on this piece of paper. But he's not going to show it to you.
Now, it says Elixir. Right! What he's selling is the
Elixir of Life. Somebody's, some alchemist's concoction of the so -called
Elixir of Life. I'll leave certain words out, but I will not give the formula, which will anger some people, but I'll explain why in just a moment.
The reason is because he's selling that. Recipe for health under the direction of Swedish doctor, then it gives the doctor's name, who died in the 104th year of his old age from a blow to the head by a horse.
Yeah, that Elixir of Life can't protect you from auto accidents or horses that kick you in the head.
This secret recipe was known in the family already hundreds of years.
His grandfather lived to be 130 years old. You do know that everybody who trusts in Christ lives forever on the new earth for free.
Christ paid it all. His mother 107, his father 112 years old.
And it talks about how they, back in the day, they mixed it with red wine or tea, you know, etc.
And of course it could be mixed with water as well, I'm assuming. Now, it's, you grind it into a fine powder, you mix it up, etc.
And it's my understanding it was done in the morning and the evening. And according to the information that we can gather, this combination and some of these things that when you know what they are, literally you would have to go to,
I was told, certain islands and certain places, places in India to actually get some of these things.
They're not just available here. But this is an amazing formula in a family for 500 years.
And I have the original paper. From what I understand, this is the actual original paper.
It's split down the middle, it's been folded, you can tell. It's so old. Written in another language and this part was translated out here.
And so the reason that I'm not just telling you what it is, is that's risky for me.
Risky. He can't take the risk, man. And let me explain. First of all, these ingredients are based on the interpretation from another language.
Secondly, what if someone is allergic to those and they come back and say, well, Perry Stone is the one that said it.
Number three, I am NOT a registered herbalist. There he goes again with that smirk.
That's a tell. Or pharmaceutical person. So I would not feel right with doing this.
Now, this is a con. He is selling you one family's version of the elixir of life, which is a well -known formula that alchemists back in the day were trying to put together.
I do know of some health experts. These are men who have degrees with herbs and with vitamins and things of this nature.
And there is a possibility, and it would cost, I would not give this away to anybody. No, he's not giving it away.
Cost, because I think it's valuable. He's willing to part with it for money.
It might end up being as valuable as the Coca -Cola formula. Of course, yeah. I mean, could you imagine, you know, heading off to the
A .M .P .M. mini -mart and, you know, filling up a big gulp. The big gulps are not legal in certain states anymore.
But a big gulp's worth of the elixir of life, man. If this combination actually works.
This is a business opportunity for you. And apparently, for this family, it did. Of a legitimate person purchasing this from me, and I'm not even saying
I would do that. Yeah, but he's dropped the hint pretty big. He's, you know, if the numbers are big enough, he's willing to part with this formula.
Someone asked me, have I tried to get this together? Myself, and the answer is no.
Because, one, I'm doing many other things, and primarily my ministry is what is important.
And I know they'll be, well, if you could help people, if you could do this, why aren't you doing that? And again, I'm not going to give you the formula.
Coca -Cola hasn't given you the formula in over a hundred years, and you still drink
Coca -Cola. Okay? So I hold that right, because we own this at this point.
We own it entirely, and it has never been copywritten. It has never been to the point where a particular person says they own it.
And obviously, when the box was there, the family gave it up and put it in the box and didn't care anything about it.
Yeah, I think you get the point. So Perry Stone right now, rather than being a preacher of the
Gospel and giving away eternal life for free, because that's what
God is doing in Christ for all who believe and trust in Him. Eternal life is a gift.
You will live forever. New heavens, new earth. In fact, let me do this real quick here.
1 Corinthians. If you would like some details about the resurrection of the dead, you know, regarding, you know, what
Christians will experience, 1 Corinthians 15 is your go -to text. 1 Corinthians 15, 12 says, now if Christ is proclaimed as raised from the dead, how can some of you say there is no resurrection?
Isn't it weird? There were some Christians who said, there's no resurrection, man. There is no resurrection of the dead.
If there is no resurrection of the dead, not even Christ has been raised, and if Christ has not been raised, then our preaching is in vain, your faith is in vain, and we are found to be misrepresenting
God because we testified about God, that He raised Christ, whom He did not raise, if it is true the dead are not raised.
For if the dead are not raised, not even Christ has been raised, and if Christ has not been raised, your faith is futile, you're still in your sins.
By the way, so if Jesus hasn't been raised from the dead, yeah,
Christianity isn't true. So if Christ has not been raised, your faith is futile, you're still in your sins, and those who've fallen asleep in Christ, they've perished, and if in Christ we have hope in this life only, we are of most people to be pitied.
See, my hope as a Christian is not that somebody finds a legitimate recipe for the elixir of life so that I can live to be a hundred and twenty years old.
No. As a Christian, yeah, my hope is an eternal life, life eternal in Jesus Christ, resurrection of the dead.
So watch where Paul goes from here. So, but if in fact Christ has been raised from the dead, He's the firstfruits of those who have fallen asleep.
That's what Christ is, He's the firstfruits of the new creation. For as by a man came death, by a man has also come the resurrection of the dead.
For as in Adam all die, so also in Christ shall all be made alive. But each in his own order,
Christ the firstfruits, then at his coming those who belong to Christ. Then comes the end, when he delivers the kingdom to God the
Father after destroying every rule and every authority and power, for he must reign until he's put all of his enemies under his feet.
And the last enemy to be destroyed is death, for God has put all things in subjection under his feet.
But when it says all things are put in subjection, it is plain that he has accepted that he is accepted who put all things in subjection under him.
So when all things are subjected to him, then the Son himself will also be subjected to him who put all things in subjection under him, so that God may be all in all.
But someone will ask, how then are the dead raised? With what kind of body do they come?
You foolish persons, what you sow does not come to life unless it dies. And what you sow is not the body that is to be, but a bare kernel, perhaps of weed or of some other grain.
But God gives it a body as he has chosen, and to each kind of seed its own body.
For not all flesh is the same, but there is one kind for humans, another kind for animals, another for birds, another for fish.
There are heavenly bodies and there are earthly bodies. But the glory of the heavenly bodies of one kind, the glory of the earthly is another.
There is one glory of the sun, another glory of the moon, another glory of the stars, for stars differ from star and glory.
So it is with the resurrection of the dead, what is sown is perishable. What is raised is imperishable.
What is sown in dishonor is raised in glory. It is sown in weakness, it is raised in power.
It is sown a natural body, it is raised a spiritual body. If there is a natural body, there is also a spiritual body.
Thus it is written, the first man Adam became a living being, the last Adam became a life -giving spirit.
But it is not the spiritual that is first, but the natural and then the spiritual. The first man was from the earth, a man of the dust.
The second man is from heaven, as was the man of the dust, so are those who are of the dust. And as is the man of heaven, so are also those who are of heaven.
Just as we have borne the image of the man of dust, we shall also bear the image of the man of heaven.
So I tell you this, brothers, flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God, nor does the perishable inherit the imperishable.
Behold, I tell you a mystery. We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet.
For the trumpet will sound, the dead will be raised imperishable, and we shall be changed.
For this perishable body must put on the imperishable, and this mortal body must put on immortality.
When the perishable puts on the imperishable, and the mortal puts on immortality, then shall come to pass the saying that has been written, death is swallowed up in victory.
O death, where is your victory? O death, where is your sting? So the sting of death is sin, the power of sin is the law, but thanks be to God who gives us the victory through Jesus Christ our
Lord. Yeah, you get the idea here. So yeah, so you want to live forever?
So do I. We will. Everybody who trusts in Christ, who believes in Him for the forgiveness of their sins has been given by God.
Forgiveness of sins and eternal life as a gift. This is all a gift. You don't have to buy it, you don't have to do anything.
So what Perry Stone is doing here, oh man, he's a complete charlatan at this point. There's no other way to describe it.
Let's listen as he kind of closes the sale. A lot of times kids may do that without the parents or grandparents realizing it.
So here it is, it is interesting, we will lock it back up in its secret location, and I'm not just going to sell it to an individual who asks or somebody who wants it, but if a genuine person who is registered and licensed wants to purchase it,
I'm not going to show you the formula and then let you take it. That would not be right, and maybe the good
Lord let me find this for a reason, I don't know. But I had it, we got it from its secret location, we will give it to the security person to put it back in its secret location, and it's very interesting to say the least.
And who knows, but maybe one day I'll have the time to put all this together and sample it myself.
Yeah, notice again the smirk on his face, he knows he's engaging in a con.
Yeah, Perry Stone, he's as authentic as a $3 bill.
And, you know, kind of show you more of the stuff that he's been up to lately. This is nonsense.
Watch this one. Welcome to the Perry Stone YouTube channel. If you're a parent and you...
You know, so you're doing ministry work and you're not opening up biblical texts, you're not teaching people what the Scriptures say, you're selling the elixir of life, you know, which again is a bit of alchemy, and now...
You have either children or grandchildren that are infants. I think what I'm going to show you will very much encourage you.
From time to time, especially in, you know, generations past, before there was the ability to change pictures and alter pictures, there were older pictures taken in which very unusual things would happen when the photograph was developed.
I'd like to show you one of those that I have had since 1980. The story goes something like this.
In 1980, I was in a revival at the Northport Church of God in Northport Alabama that lasted for an entire month, four weeks, and it was the month of February.
It was cold outside. I remember the details of this because it's the actual church where I met my future wife
Pam. During the revival, there had been a car accident, and in this car accident, there were two twin girls.
One of the girls had been killed in the accident and the other young infant was in the hospital. There was a photograph given me that had something very strange and unexplainable on it.
Now remember, this is way before the days of Photoshop and other things, and I actually have the photograph with the information written on the back, but what
I have done is I've enlarged it to where you could actually see it real well. Clara Nauder was the woman's name, and this was her grandbaby.
I believe it was the uncle and the grandfather went to visit the baby in the hospital. I'm going to show you just half the picture.
The baby's in a crib. On the other side, there'll be an IV bag, but here's the infant.
Now, on your screen on the left side, you can see the arm of the grandfather just gently lifting up the head of the infant.
The infant does have a scratch on the side of its face, but I want you to notice the skin tone and the skin color of both the baby and the grandfather's arm because something appeared behind the
IV bag. I believe it was the face of an angel of the Lord, and to be quite honest with you, if you look at the paintings and the images and the ideas of what
Christ looked like, how is this different than what the Roman Catholics do? In Roman Catholicism, pictures like this circulate with quite frequent regularity.
How is this any different than that? Will you be selling relics next, and maybe offering indulgences if people come and look at the photograph in person?
It almost looks like Christ himself. Are you ready? Look at the face that appeared behind the
IV bag. I want you to notice the shape of the face. I don't know what
I'm looking at, to be honest with you. I'm a photographer, and I work in Photoshop, and I don't know.
What I feel like I'm looking at is the eagle from The Muppets. It doesn't look like Jesus to me at all.
I don't know. This is not... Sharpness of the eyes and the shape of the face. This is not one of those images that you've got to stretch and pretend to see that it's there.
Notice it's behind the bag. It's like it's watching the child. This doesn't help anybody.
This isn't Christian ministry. This isn't what pastors are called to be engaging in and doing. We're supposed to preach the
Word. Disciples of Jesus don't spend their time sitting there going, is this a photo of an angel of the
Lord or not, man? And what about that elixir of life recipe that Perry Stone has, man?
Could you imagine? Yeah, so I...
Yeah, let's just put it this way. Perry Stone has always been a dangerous fellow, always been off the rails, and never been a sound teacher of God's Word at all.
I'm sorry, that's just the truth. And there's a reason why he showed up with regularity on the
Fighting for the Faith podcast, and that's because he's a charlatan. He's a guy out there exploiting people for money.
And now the fact that he's trying to sell the elixir of life recipe rather than telling people about the resurrection of the dead and eternal life given as a gift by God for free for all who believe in Jesus just shows you where he's at.
And now he's trafficking in sketchy photos that may or may not have captured an angel in its image.
It's just nuts. Absolutely nuts. Perry Stone, and here's the thing, they never addressed, never addressed publicly the fact that several women came forward and said that he had acted inappropriately in words and actions, and that was covered instead by the secular media.
What's going on here? Perry Stone's got a multi -million dollar ministry. Multi -million! That's what he's always been about, and that's what he seems to be about, you know, even more so nowadays.
In fact, it's kind of sad and pathetic what he's been reduced to, but I point it out to you so that you can warn others.
Perry Stone is to be marked and avoided, not listened to. He's not going to lead you into a proper understanding of what
God's Word says, and he's now engaging in outright cons, and he knows it.
You can tell by looking at his face. He knows he's lying about these things, and yet for him it's about the money.
That's all you can say. So if you found this helpful, all the information on how you can share the video is down below, and warn people that Perry Stone is somebody that is very dangerous, and hopefully people will be warned off from him and see this video as useful in that regard.
So until next time, may God richly bless you, and the grace and mercy won by Jesus Christ is vicarious death on the cross for all of your sins.