12 Days of Christmas Charity - Michael O'Fallon - 4/5

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Michael O'Fallon is a great follow on twitter and elsewhere. I deduct one half star because sometimes I don't understand what in the world he is talking about (though this could be my own fault). Another half star because there is sometimes a black pilling element to his feed. But only sometimes. Other than that - great stuff!


You know, one thing I've noticed over the years is that oftentimes the people that talk about, you know, tone and charity and you know, being nice and all that kind of stuff, the people that talk about that the most are usually the least nice, the least charitable and have awful, vicious tones, at least privately.
They put on a good face but privately, you know, there's not a lot of charity at all. In fact, the first person that I noticed this with was
Ruslan, although Ruslan, I have to admit, Ruslan KD's content, somebody told me that it had gotten a lot better and I had watched a few things, you know, lately and it has.
I mean, I still, I'm not gonna agree with him on lots of stuff and I don't think he's, I wouldn't watch him religiously or anything like that, but I feel like he has gotten better and I'm not gonna take credit for it, but I think it's my fault.
I'm not gonna take credit for it, but let me take credit for it. I'm just kidding, but in any case, you know,
I consider myself a pretty charitable guy and I think a lot of you guys agree. You've told me this many times in the comment section and privately and all that kind of stuff and so I appreciate that.
I really do try to be. I try to be very charitable. I have a lot of friends that people wouldn't expect to be my friends and I like a lot of people that people wouldn't expect me to like and so I appreciate you noticing, you know,
I feel like a lot of my enemies try to project a reputation on me that I'm like this big ogre and I just rip everybody to shreds and it's really not the case and anyway, in any case, let me say that, you know,
I often wonder sometimes, I wonder why I'm like that and I wonder like what
I mean is I wonder why like some people would tell you that I'm like the meanest guy around, but most people recognize that I'm not.
In fact, they're confused as to why I'm friendly with certain people, whatever. I don't know. I really don't know what it is, but I do know something about myself and I was against one thing
I've thought a lot about this. One thing I've recognized about myself is that I've known that I've been against the woke stuff and the identity politics for very different reasons than a lot of my friends and I never let it get in the way of teaming up with anybody.
I never let it get in the way of joining their podcast or having them on my podcast, but I've always known deep down that, you know,
I'm opposing this for very different reasons and so but I guess practicing, you know, teaming up with and fighting side -by -side with people who you know don't really share your same goals.
I think, you know, if you practice that enough you become charitable. Charitable!
Imagine that and that's what this season is all about. Christmas, charity. I've done this before.
I don't think I did it last year, but 12 days of Christmas charity where my content is just fluffy and lovely and like a warm hug, you know what
I mean? No negativity about it at all. I can't promise that though. I can't promise no negativity, but I'm a very charitable guy and I want to have some charity and I want to highlight people that I really like.
Now, if you remember the first time I did this, I was highlighting people that, you know,
I feel like didn't like me, but I like them kind of thing like Joel McDermott and who was the other guy?
Brad Mason. At the time I said I liked him, but I don't think he liked me.
I've kind of changed my view on Bradley Mason, although I still have, there's still some things I like about Bradley Mason.
I'll be honest, there's some things I like about him, but this year, you know, maybe there'll be some of that, but mostly this is just people that I like and I think that you should follow and I recommend them and all of that kind of thing.
Now, obviously, I don't want to have to say this every time, but obviously this doesn't mean
I endorse every single thing that they say. I shouldn't have to say that and I feel even stupid saying it right now, but it's that's just what the case is and so going forward, all of these
Christmas charity videos, you can just assume that everyone I'm talking to, I don't agree with every single thing that they've ever said or done or whatever, but these are just people that I like and I wanted to highlight them in a spirit of Christmas charity.
The very first one is Michael O 'Fallon. You know, Michael O 'Fallon, he is, he's the guy who runs
Sovereign Nations and he's a mover and a shaker in a lot of, you know, really good things that have happened in evangelicalism over the last few years.
You know, he's, he's, he's been in the know for quite some time and he has no problem telling you.
It's, it's kind of like Phil, Phil Leotardo in The Sopranos where he has no, he has no qualms about telling you how he did 20 years in the can and he just keeps bringing it up again and again and again.
Michael O 'Fallon's kind of like that because he was one of the early guys and listen, I'm not against you reminding everybody that you're one of the early guys.
That's fine. It's not, it's not like Phil Leotardo because Phil Leotardo was, you know, anyway, he was annoying.
But anyway, did you know that Phil, Phil Leotardo, the running theory in The Sopranos is that he was in the closet gay and that's why he was so upset about Vito actually being gay and he ended up having him killed.
I don't know. I mean, there's a lot of theories about that. I don't know. In any case, Michael O 'Fallon, so he is, he has been right about a lot of things.
I'll never forget. I spoke with Michael right in the beginning stages of COVID because I remember when
I spoke to him, I had just moved into this house and that was right at the beginning of COVID. COVID had been a thing for like,
I don't know, a couple weeks, whatever. And I was, I was, you know, kind of getting everything ready in the house and we're still kind of in that fog, the initial fog of what in the world is happening here.
Well, I spoke to Michael and, you know, he, he in his Michael way where, you know, he tells you things and you understand it.
But some of the things you quite don't understand yet. But he was there and he kind of said, you know, here's how this is going to go.
And, you know, Michael was right about a lot of things regarding the COVID situation. And to that,
I owe him an eternal debt of gratitude for doing that.
Because, you know, we were all kind of, you know, disoriented during that time.
There's just no question about it. And if you, and if you go back to my content during the beginning of COVID, you know, for the first, like,
I don't know, maybe a couple weeks, maybe a couple days, I don't even remember, but a short amount of time. I was a little disoriented as well.
But then I got my wits about me very quickly. And I was able to, you know, present you with information that was that it aged quite well, in my opinion, about the
COVID situation. And now, I mean, even to this day, more information is coming out. And these vaccines have negative efficacy in some regards.
It's just like insane, what has happened since then. And I got to be honest, you know, Michael helped me get my head on straight, not even just privately, but also with the stuff he posted publicly.
He helped me get my head on straight with a lot of that stuff. I do have one bone to pick with Michael. And that is this.
He writes these threads. And these, and if you follow Michael, again,
I recommend you follow him because he's very helpful in some ways. But he writes these threads.
And if you follow him, you know what I'm talking about. You feel like you're tracking with him.
And you're like, Oh, yeah, that's a great point. Great point, Michael. And you know, he's going into it. And then all of a sudden, he loses you.
And it's not because like you disagree with him. It's just because you don't understand what he's saying anymore. And this thread, this thread that he's pinned here on his
Twitter is one of those it's like, he talks very clearly about how someone told him in 2009, that this is how you destroy a nation and bring in authoritarianism, you know, identity politics, public health.
And he goes into it, and you're like tracking with him, like through the first three tweets. And then he starts talking in ways that you don't understand.
And maybe it's just because I'm an idiot. I mean, it's very possible that I'm an idiot. He's talking about the Fabian window and, and George Bernard Shaw.
And he just, and he just like building on top of each other. And I'm sure it's really good stuff.
I'm sure. I'm sure. If you're a man smarter than I am, I'm sure you can track with him. But I'll tell you what, a lot of the times
I can now I'm mostly joking, because a lot of his tweets are very easy to understand.
But sometimes, man, I feel like I need to go to school just to have make heads or tails of what he's talking about.
I'm just being honest, just a regular guy. I went to public school. And so I guess
I could be excused in that way. But but no, I really do appreciate Michael's work very much.
And I feel like I'm a better man for it. I don't agree with everything he says. I think that there are there are some how do
I put this? There's some like black pilling elements to some of the stuff he puts out there.
And I understand it. I totally get it. But that can be that can be hard sometimes.
But overall, though, very, very good stuff. I feel like something this is this is the other thing about Michael Fallon's tweets like he he tweets.
He's very specific sometimes. And then sometimes he's very vague. And like when sometimes when he's very vague, like I start to think to myself, talking about me, and I don't mean me specifically, but guys like me, you know, like, is he talking about guys like me?
And I think he is. But then I can't track with it because I don't really quite understand everything that he says. And so it's like,
I wish I could be helped by it. But I just don't know because I don't really know what he's saying. Again, that just might be an issue of my own intelligence.
And that's fine. That's fine. I'm okay with that. But yeah, Michael, I I hope you see this.
I remember there was one time that who was it? It was it was Benny Hinn's nephew or cousin or whatever his name is.
What's his name? Kosti. Kosti Hinn. Yeah. Kosti had gone on that tirade.
You remember the tirade where he was against? I forget who exactly he was against.
Oh, it was Doug Wilson. And then also Michael O 'Fallon. And he was like, he wrote this whole thread.
But then he and so I actually made a video. And in that video, I was defending Michael O 'Fallon from from Kosti's attacks, but then like Kosti like retracted it all the next day.
And so I never got around to reposting the video. I still have it. But but it's because you know,
I think Michael's a good guy. You know, sometimes I'll read a tweet and it's very rare that I read a Michael O 'Fallon tweet.
I'm like, I completely disagree with that. But but it happens. It happens. But that's okay. That's fine.
I still think he's a good follow. And so hats off to you, brother. You were right about a lot of things and God bless you.
I hope that you're continuing to be right about a lot of things. I find your content very helpful. If you don't follow
Michael O 'Fallon, I would recommend following Michael O 'Fallon. Again, this is the last time
I'll have to say this in this whole series. I don't agree with everything he says. I don't agree with everything he does. But I do think he's a net positive when it comes to, you organizing and moving and things like that in the
United States. God bless you, brother. And stay tuned because I have a video coming out later today about Kanye's comedy.
Kanye's comedy sketch on the Alex Jones show. It's really not much to say, but I just I thought you'd like to see my real reaction to it.
I recorded the video yesterday when I first saw it. Yeah, there's some things afoot.
There's no question about it. In any case, I hope you found this video helpful. God bless you.
Have a great weekend. Take care. You know, a lot of people, whatever they write in their little comment section here, you know,
I find it interesting what people choose to write and you know, what they're like in Twitter. And what
Michael here has is a quotation from Charlie Kirk and it says Michael O 'Fallon, otherwise known as Morpheus.
And I gotta say that's pretty accurate. He is kind of like Morpheus because Morpheus was the same kind of thing like he would talk and you'd be tracking with him and then like he'd be talking in a riddle and you didn't understand what the heck he was talking about.
That was one of my complaints about Matrix. Like I understood like half of the dialogue. It's still a good movie though.