Big Eva Doesnt Know What Time It Is

AD Robles iconAD Robles



All right, let's get started. Short video today, short video. Actually, I have a fever right now.
I actually came down with a fever. Technically, I think it was Monday because I had a headache all day Monday and I didn't really think anything of it.
And then towards the end of the day, I noticed that I had a fever. But really, it kind of came into full force yesterday.
I worked all day yesterday up until like two or three and then I just had to go to sleep and rough night last night.
This morning, I woke up kind of the same, low -grade fever, sort of tired, that kind of thing.
I don't know if it's flu or flu 2 .0, I don't know. I don't know what I got, but I'm assuming that I'm not gonna be able to work all day today.
We will see. But I wanted to jump in because I've been noticing a huge uptick in the tone police.
They have been out in full force. I think it has a lot to do, in particular, it has to do with this groomer word, which
I think there's a shift. Honestly, I think that a lot of the spells at the powers that be have been casting on us to keep us kind of docile and kind of fighting each other and stuff like that.
They're not working anymore. They're not working the way they used to. In fact, they pulled out some UFO stuff yesterday.
Anytime they pull out UFO stuff, you know that things aren't going well, in their opinion. They need maximum distraction when they pull out the
UFO stuff. In any case, but the tone police have come out strong against anyone who wants to call
Disney groomers or groomers groomers. Because people who wanna teach your child to explore their gender identity, they're grooming your child.
It's very clear that's what they're doing. And we all knew this like a decade ago, but of course now everyone's gotta pretend to be an idiot.
So anyway, the tone police are out. And I just wanted to just point this out. I've pointed this out before, but I wanna use an example here.
Here's Daniel Darling pretending to be obtuse because I think Daniel is actually smarter than he lets on.
I mean, yes, he often says stupid things and whatever, but I think he's smart.
And so I think this is feigned obtuseness, right? He's pretending here. Here's what he says.
He says, it's amazing how controversial the fruits of the spirit are amongst Christians.
Now Daniel's the type that never says what he actually wants. He never says what he means. Like he doesn't give you specifics.
He just puts this stupid like general vague stuff out there and everybody knows what he's saying, but because he's actually not really saying it, he can't really be pinned to the wall on it.
That's his style. That's Big Eva's style, right? Constantly doing this. But Daniel can't believe that we actually all grew up, right?
Like we actually all grew up. In fact, if you look at the comments, a lot of people were saying, I guess they didn't sing that song in elementary school or in Sunday school.
They didn't sing it enough. I sing it every day. Right, no, we did sing that song in Sunday school, but then we also grew up too.
You see, here's the thing. When you're teaching children, and I'm starting to learn this more and more because I've got kids and my seven -year -old is growing up.
What happens with kids though is that you teach them with less complexity at first and then you add complexity later.
So it's very like the rules of my house for my younger child, you know, my three -year -old are much more basic than the rules of the house for my seven -year -old, right?
And I think that when they're grown, when they become teenagers, the rules are gonna be a little bit more complex, right?
Like, let me give you an example. Like right now, my sons know that in our house, we don't hit each other, right?
There's no hitting in our house. And that's the rule. And it's just black and white. If you hit your brother, you're done.
You know what I mean? That's gonna be a big problem, right? You understand that if you hit your brother, no nuance, you're done.
But the truth is, as we grow up, we understand that there's a time to hit people, right? We understand like, that's not, it's not black and white as you grow up.
There's layers of complexity. And by the way, this is not just moral lessons that I'm talking about. It's really anything.
Like when you're teaching a kid an instrument or even how to read, you start off with basic rules, especially with English that has complex rules and stuff like that, complex phonograms.
You teach them the simple stuff and you teach them the rules, but you know in the back of your head, as you're teaching them that rule about how to read, you know that it's actually not really a rule that there's times when that rule is broken, right?
So, but you don't tell them that when they're a kid because they need basic stuff as a kid, right? They need to understand at a kid level, the rules of phonograms.
And then later when they grow up, you teach them some of the complexities and some of the nuance with those rules.
It's the same with music. It's the same with art. It's the same with anything, right? Not just moral. Morals are like this too, by the way.
But my kids need to understand that violence is unacceptable in this house right now because the oldest one is seven, right?
But they also need to understand when they grow up that sometimes violence is acceptable. We grow up.
You see, we add complexity as we grow up, right? And that's the thing.
And so Daniel Darling here and a lot of Big Eva people, they just simply never grew up, right?
They never grew up because the fruit of the spirit is wonderful and it's not controversial except when people refuse to try to apply the fruit of the spirit in what we see from the heroes of the
Bible, right? From Jesus's actions and words, right? From Paul's actions and words. From John the
Baptist's actions and words. Things like that. The prophets of old, Ezra, Nehemiah, all of them, right?
We're trying to apply what we know about what the fruit of the spirit is. And then we take those examples of godly men and we try to understand what they did and how they, and Jesus is the best one to do this with because he was perfect, right?
Jesus was perfect. And so you could make the argument, well, David wasn't perfect and Nehemiah wasn't a perfect man.
And you'd be right. Paul wasn't perfect, things like that. You'd be right. I think you can still get value out of their example, especially like people like John the
Baptist and Paul because I don't think they were hypocrites, right? Like Paul wrote about the fruits of the spirit and then he talks a certain way.
And I don't think the Bible is presenting to us a hypocritical Paul in that way, right? I don't think that's what's being presented.
But even if you want to stay safe, just look at Jesus, right? Jesus, the perfect man.
Okay, and so the fruit of the spirit, love, joy, peace, patience, kindness. So we know the song, right?
You see, we try to understand that song at a big boy level, right? Not at a child level where we just say, okay, well, being kind all the time.
Okay, great, that's wonderful. We can be kind all the time. Now, do we need to teach a five -year -old that sometimes a very kind person acts very aggressively and sometimes even violently?
Do we need to explain that to a five -year -old? No, we probably don't need to explain that to a five -year -old, but we definitely need to explain that to adults and at least if we don't explain it to adults, we need to understand it as adults, right?
We need to understand it that Jesus was perfectly loving, perfectly joyful, perfectly kind, perfectly all of these things, patient, gentle, and all of that, and yet he turned over the tables.
Yet he insulted people. Yet he insulted people intentionally to get a reaction from them.
He told jokes on people. He was aggressive. And to be quite honest, if you read
Revelation, he's also gonna come back and he's gonna be pretty severe and all of that. So it's only controversial,
Daniel, if you're insisting that we remain at the seven -year -old level for our entire lives.
No, we don't have any controversy with the fruit of the spirit so long as you understand it as an adult understands these things.
It's just that simple. Big Eva never grew up. Here is a good example of what
I'm talking about. So this is Luke Stamps, and I'm pretty sure, again, he's doing the Big Eva thing where he doesn't tell you what he's talking about as he's talking.
This is so disrespectful. This is so disrespectful to your audience, to your followers, to your students, to not actually say what you're trying to say just to put this vague stuff out there so you can't ever be held accountable.
Like, it's ridiculous. But here's Luke Stamps. I guess he's a professor of theology, and he says this.
Criticizing the sexual confusion of the age is necessary, but it has to be done in such a way that we look more like Jesus than the
Pharisees in the story of the woman caught in adultery. Now, what's especially weaselly about this is obviously you can't disagree with this.
Of course you wanna sound more like Jesus than the Pharisees. Obviously. Nobody disagrees with that, right?
But what he's talking about here is the groomer stuff, right? What he's talking about is the fact that adults wanna teach their children to explore their sexuality in third grade, right?
That's grooming. We all knew that was grooming 10 years ago, but now all of a sudden, well, Luke is confused, right?
And so he's like, well, you gotta have a good tone, right? You gotta have a good tone, just like the one in the woman caught in adultery.
And it's like, look, again, big boys know what time it is, right?
Big boys know what time it is. And my comment here was you need to meditate on Ecclesiastes more. See, big boys know that there's a time to build up and there's a time to break down.
There's a time for building up someone and there's a time for completely destroy what they're about.
There's a time for brutality and there's a time for gentleness. There's a time, like, I'm not quoting the scripture, obviously.
I'm just saying that a big boy knows that there's a time and a place and a context for everything, right?
And the reality is that the story in the Bible that actually applies more to the situation with the groomers is the situation was, if anyone causes a little one to stumble, it would be better for them to go throw themselves in the ocean and drown.
That's actually what would be better according to Jesus, right, that actually applies more to the situation.
You're causing these little ones to question their sexual identity at three years old. Are you kidding me?
In any case, so Luke just doesn't know what time it is. And you see, understanding what time it is, that's big boy stuff, that's adult stuff.
And when you went, it's hard for a kid to read the situation, right? That's very difficult for kids.
They don't know when things are really serious or when things aren't, like, when my kids are playing outside, they don't know sometimes the danger they're in when they're next to the road or in the parking lot at, you know, a busy parking lot at Target or something like that.
Like, they don't know the danger that they're in sometimes. Like, they just, they have a hard time. Situational awareness for a kid is not the biggest thing that they have.
They need to learn that over time. Experience gets you that, right? But you see, big Eva is just consistently lacking situational awareness.
And I don't think that they actually never grew up. I don't think that's what it is. I think this is intentional. I think this is a means to their ends.
And it's not the ends that help the church. It's the ends that help them. Because when you start actually having situational awareness and you start calling the grooming for what it is and you start quoting the appropriate verses in the
Bible about how Jesus deals with people who try to hurt children and stuff like that, what he has to say about people that attempt to hurt children in that way, causing them to stumble, when you actually use the appropriate stuff, you see, the world doesn't tolerate that.
In fact, this video very well might get kicked off of YouTube for what I've said here.
It very well might. And I might lose my entire YouTube channel for this video. You see,
I'm willing to do it because I wanna tell the truth about the situation. Luke over here is like, oh, you have to, yeah, criticize it, but we have to look more like this totally not appropriate story from the scripture where it has nothing to do with the current situation,
Luke. And I think you know that. You just pull this story because it's advantageous to what you're trying to do, which is really not criticize it at all, not criticize it at all, or criticize it in such an impotent way that nothing happens.
See, that's what you want. You wanna criticize the grooming without calling it grooming.
That's what you want. You wanna criticize the grooming while leaving the door open. Well, you know, God really whispers about this kind of stuff.
I don't know if you think that, Luke, but that's how it comes off when you say stupid stuff like this. Stupid stuff like this.
You don't know what time it is. It's time to grow up. That's what time it is, Luke. In any case,