Matt Slick Bible Study, Galatians 1



Matt Slick Bible Study, Galatians 1


There we go, and now we're live. All right Well, let's see. What is the date today the 5th of August, isn't it?
And we've been here in Idaho 17 years now. It was on the second. We're 17 years
Yeah So we can't believe we've been here that long How long were you in Escondido total like 14 years?
And in for Four and ten. I think that's what it was four years than ten years. We've been here longest yeah, all right, so All right, people to come in a little bit and what we're gonna do is go start we're gonna start to the book of Galatians will pray and I'm able to see people in the chat on the computer here that I'm pointing down at down there and We're gonna go through this is not gonna be stellar
Because it's the intro to Galatians, but as we get into stuff, it should you know, it'll get more interesting and more More better and we'll be talking.
So let's pray. Let's go All right Lord Jesus, thank you for this time and I asked
Lord that you would bless this study and bless the Hearers Lord that your word would go forth and that we would benefit from learning from your word and the truth of your word
Lord Jesus would give you. Thanks. We ask for your anointing your presence and For understanding as we let that that knowledge and encourage that knowledge in our hearts and minds to change us
So we give you thanks Lord, we just bring you glory and we ask this in your name. Amen. All right
So if you go to Galatians 1 Then We'll go to Galatians 1 probably so Galatians was probably written around 48
AD And it was written. It looks like Paul wrote it. We know that To the region of Galatia, which is present -day
Turkey, and I've had the privilege of touring through Turkey He went there and saw the seven churches of Revelation.
That was an interesting experience that I had and Went to Laodicea went to Ephesus but Galatia is kind of in the middle ish of Turkey a sliver that goes up in the area and So Paul had it was in his missionary journeys had been up in that area
It started the Galatian Church and now Judaizers were coming in and saying hey This is what you've got to do be just to be due to be saved now as we go through the book of Galatians What you're gonna notice
Anyway, so what we're gonna be doing is to go through the book of Galatians is we're going to To find out and experience more and more of what it means to be justified by faith without any works that any
Combination of works as the cults and false religions like Roman Catholicism and Eastern Orthodox advocate and we're gonna be going through some of that and At some points, we're gonna be going a lot slower and at some points areas.
We're gonna be going a lot quicker so so there is a tendency within us to want to do in order to be justified by our own works and I Could tie that in probably to the inherited sinful nature through Adam, but I won't do that for now
So the different topics that are caught are soon be covered in the book of Galatians or apostolic authority justification by faith
Abraham Sonship law of Moses circumcision freedom and The Holy Spirit there's gonna be a lot of good stuff in here as we get to it now just so you know
Martin Luther used this really studied Galatians and Exegete Galatians in response of the
Catholic Roman Catholic doctrine of salvation, which I'm going to get into in a little bit now I Just borrowed an outline form of Galatians from a commentary.
I was reading. I've got it here my notes There's different ways of outlining books. No, I don't think you'll always come up with the exact same outline but pretty close and so What we'll be doing is going through various things
They entered usually there's an introduction There's a reason for why something's being written who is being written to and the various topics and issues that are there
One of the things that you don't hear about very much is called task theology TASK Task theology is why was this book or this issue addressed?
What was the task at hand in Galatia? It was the task was to refute the
Judaizers the people who were saying you have to believe in God and do something in order to be saved and we'll get into what
Those things are let's just jump right into Galatians chapter 1 verse 1 Paul an apostle not sent from men nor through the agency of man
But through Jesus Christ and God the Father who raised him from the dead Now before we get into it,
I just want to ask if you guys can hear me. Okay in the chat room I didn't ask go to make sure you guys can I'm assuming you can just let me know you can say yes takes 10 or 15 seconds to go through and I'll just say yeah, you can hear me and stuff so what he's doing here is he's saying that he's an apostle not sent from man his
Authority is important did not just come from men as though a bunch of people in a church laid hands on him and said
That Thank You Melissa said that This is where my authority comes from Now this is interesting because there are some groups that say the authority that they have comes from their church
But they'll say the church gets their authority from Jesus passed down through the lines I get so sick and tired of hearing that kind of stuff because Our church is a true church.
Our church has the authority place like a brother You know I hear that from the cults all the time and people who claim to be
Christians will often do this instead of the authority found in Jesus Christ the authorities found in Their church which they claim comes from apostolic succession and stuff like that.
So In Acts 9, this is where we find that Saul was going along the road and he was going to persecute some
Christians and Jesus knocked him off his horse Go and then he says go to Ananias and talking to Ananias and a
Tanner and he goes but this is the guy's been killing everybody persecuting your people and Jesus is one talking go for he's a chosen instrument of mine to bear my name before the
Gentiles the kings of the sons of Israel This is one of the verses I will go to and people say that individuals are not elected for salvation or chosen for salvation
I say absolutely. Yes, they are. Here's the proof right here Paul was on his way to go kill
Paul was on his way to persecute Paul was not in any way seeking
Jesus or the truth of Christ He's going after that and all of a sudden Jesus interferes.
Jesus knocks him on the good. It says you're mine now Sorry, Armenians and Catholics and East Northodox about your own libertarian free.
Well but the fact is that this was an elected individual and there are other people
Rufus and and Others who were chosen Individuals there are groups who are chosen as well
But nevertheless, so Ananias departed and entered the house and after laying his hands on him said brother Saul The Lord Jesus has appeared to you on the road by which you are coming has sent me to So that you may regain your sight be filled with the
Holy Spirit Now I can really get into this comment back up in in Acts 9
Because he says receive the Holy Spirit, but was he saying when was Paul saved? I don't know how to answer the question
Would you say when he got knocked off his horse was he saved when he had little hands laid on him? He starts speaking in tongues.
Did he speak in tongues? I'll let hands on him for what to receive the Holy Spirit And when you see the
Holy Spirit in Acts 1 and 2 the charismatic gifts are manifested. So We don't know but anyway
Paul in 2nd Corinthians 1 .1. He says he's an apostle of Jesus Christ by the will of God in Timothy our brother, etc
And in 1st Corinthians 9 1 Paul defends his apostleship He says am
I not an apostle? He says have I not seen? Jesus our Lord. Are you not the work in my work in the
Lord? So he is defending his apostleship by saying I've seen the Lord Now if you go back to Acts 1 when
Judas had hung himself they needed to have a replacement and So they said it had to be have someone who's been with us from the beginning and they drew lots.
They got Matthias There's some discussion or whether that was the right approach, but doesn't matter for now and but yet Paul the
Apostle was specifically called by Jesus and he's an apostle because he says have I have I not seen the risen
Lord now Sometimes on Sunday mornings, but not very often Because I have a tendency to start yelling at the
TV when I'm watching Varying religious programs and it'll be
Apostle Joseph gets up, but I'm gonna preach to the word. Here's the Apostle Joseph What you're you're an apostle?
where'd you get this because the apostolic authority and the way to be called an apostle of the scripture is by By having seen the risen
Lord now There are differences at different kinds of apostles or seven kinds Even Jesus is called an apostle and it comes to the
Greek word apostella which means to send So we're gonna be careful here not just to just to pooh -pooh them automatically
But the issue is I always take umbrage with someone who says, you know, I'm the Apostle so -and -so So I've been called an apostle and I've been called a prophet
I've been called a few other things as well but mostly by my wife, but that's another topic and When I've been called an apostle,
I do not claim that title and I'm called a prophet. I do not claim that title
I won't accept I don't accept that. I'm not an apostle. I've not seen the risen Lord I've been in his presence, but not seen the risen
Lord and I don't work miracles, but could not all Apostles did and I'm not a prophet the law in the prophets were until John John John 14 14 the
Luke 16 16 and so there aren't any more prophets like they were in the Old Testament sense There's prophets in the
New Testament sense and those are the ones who you know prophesy I have prophesied once just once and it came to pass in detail
And that happened like 30 no like 36 years ago before we were even married Wow We've been married a long time
Yeah, marriage has been good for my wife. So The other ladies in the house are looking at her and my wife's going so What's that I'm listening
My wife's saying something over there because she's mumbling it got to get one of these advanced microphones. I can hear this
All right It's like apologetics, that's right. So So anyway, this is an issue about apostolic authority and succession, yeah
The Roman Catholic Church the Eastern Orthodox Church other churches claim to have apostolic authority as does the Roman the
Mormon Church, they'll say that the hands are laid upon Joseph Smith you know
Some people Watch sports and when their team fails they get irritated when
I hear heresy Particularly stupid heresy. I get irritated. I'm gonna fix the camera angle a little bit here.
Hold on one sec and Of course in a weird way. I enjoy heresy.
I Do I enjoy heresy? I don't know what it is about me. I got something wrong upstairs
See my wife says yes or no, but She was yeah, she she probably is mocking me when
I'm not looking at her. So When I hear something heretical, I'm like, wow, that's cool.
I like that. It's a weird kind of a thing It's because I'm made inside to deal with apologetics to deal with heresies because I see how they relate to the truth and I know how to deal with these issues and So that's why
I'm entertained by it, but not in a sense where hey look, you know, it's stupid. I'm laughing at him It's just a weird kind of a thing.
Okay, so So when I see these Oh Jesus apostles on TV, I'm a possible
Bishop so until I'm a possible so -and -so It's just to stop You know, oh
I need to get on TV too. I need to get on on NRB and and And get tarred and feathered by the people that I point out.
So anyway Verse 2 and all the brethren who are with me to the churches of Galatia now those churches
Derby City and Antioch Iconium Lystra. These are all in the area of Turkey There were churches that were planted because what
Paul would do is do a missionary loop around certain areas Wouldn't go up back up back up back up back, but make a circuit, you know
And so there's a way to do a circuit inside the churches of Revelation is what we did when we toured in the tour bus as we're suffering in the air conditioning padded to our bus with our bottled water and our lunches that we brought and we went around and Then we would get out and and And enjoy that the sites but nevertheless so The Galatia is mentioned in Acts 16 6 acts 1823 1st
Corinthians 16 1 and here of course in Galatians 1 2 so if you know where Israel is
Geographically if you're looking this way Israel is here and It goes up like this and Turkey's up here.
So was it when we flew from Turkey to Israel? It's only a two -hour flight and And on that small airplane
I had to sit in between two humongous guys like 300 pounds each I literally was sitting like this for two hours.
They both apologized. We're sorry. We're so big and I go, okay and They spoke
English and everything and I still remember that I'm sitting like this and I was eating like this for two hours, it's only two hours and I'll be fine and So when one guy left
I popped out from the crack of between these guys so Remember that We're gonna do no get out of the way
So grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ now Now notice something
Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the
Lord Jesus Christ now in Islam and the Quran if you're reading the
Quran what you'll find is Allah and his prophet Allah and his prophet over and over and over and over and over and And that that's that's a ploy by that false prophet to to try and raise himself to a level of authority so that he would not be
Challenged and I could teach on Islam, but I won't hear so But notice what Paul's saying a grace and peace to you from God and Jesus So he's relating
Jesus with God the Father as the ones who? From them come grace and peace this is
This is an slight demonstration of the deity of Christ All right now
Why isn't the Holy Spirit mentioned in here? You'd think the spirit what?
The Holy Spirit, of course, he's been he's eternal. He's part of the Trinity Manifested no, he's already been there at the birth of at the baptism of Jesus Yeah, and an axe and all this he's there
Because if you go to John 15 26 when the helper comes, that's the okay the spirit
Whom I will send to you from the Father. That is the spirit of truth who proceeds from the
Father He will testify about me the Holy Spirit bears witness of Jesus She doesn't point to himself.
So as he's inspiring the writer to write this Paul The I believe what's happening is the
Holy Spirit in his humility His job is to bear witness of Christ as well as convict the world of sin and stuff like that and So, that's what
I think is why he's not there and it says verse 4 who gave himself for our sins
So that he might rescue us from the present evil age according to the will of God our God and Father So he gave himself for our sins.
Now. This is reminiscent of the Old Testament sacrificial system and When it says he gave himself he offered up himself as a sacrifice
The second Corinthians 521 it says that he became sin On our behalf in 1st
Peter 2 24. He bore our sins in his body on the cross in 1st
John 2 2 He's a propitiation only for our sin, but sins of the whole world now
When we consider this we look at this There is some interesting stuff here because in East and Orthodox theology, which we're going to get into a little bit and in Roman Catholicism the imputation of Adam's sin to us is not accepted and Our and the our imputation of our sin to Christ is not really how it works
So that it's not a forensic issue, but it's a progressive issue We'll get into that maybe a little bit later, but still he says rescue us from this present evil age.
All right I've gone over this before Discussing eschatological issues. There's two ages mentioned in the
Bible This age and the age to come this is the model Eschatological model that Paul uses that Jesus uses and that others use in the scriptures.
I Don't hear anybody on TV or radio or in pulpits teaching from this perspective.
I Don't know why But this age on the age to come In this age blasphemy will not be forgiven
Nor will be forgiven in the age to come Matthew 13 31 to 32
Eternal life is received in the age to come now The context of what he's talking about in Mark 10 30 and Luke 18 30 here is the issue of the full resurrection
Glorification everything because first John 5 13 says we have eternal life right now so It's talking about the future and the fulfillment of it in this age.
We have marriage But there is no marriage in the age to come in this age is power and superior superiority of God in this age
But is also a power and superiority of God in the age to come This age is called the present evil age, which is where we're at Look now and it's called an evil age and it's also in the present age that will receive a hundred times more
And the rulers of this age Satan is the god of this world Satan Corinthians 4 or 4 but it literally is the god of this age and the wisdom of this age is you know brings to nothing and So we see two ages and then if you do an eschatological study on what happens at the end of this age
Usually what happens is it'll mess you up Matt. This is false We do not believe since Catholicism is the true church and your church is false at the sin of Adam transfers to us in a sense
In a sense in what sense is it not or does you have to be more specific? But here we go so to him to whom be the glory forever.
Amen. All right, so so The glory is to the
Lord Jesus Christ forever He's gonna receive glory. All right verse 6
I Am amazed that you are so quickly deserting him who called you by the grace of Christ for a different gospel
So what is the gospel in First Corinthians 15 1 through 4 now I make known to you brethren
The gospel which I preached to you which also you received in which also you stand by which you're saved if you hold fast a word
Which I preached to you unless you believed in vain For I delivered to you as of first importance
What I also received that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures that he was buried and that he was raised in the third day according to the scriptures
So this clearly is what's the the gospel is And So he says he says in verse 6
I'm amazed that you're so quickly deserting him who called you by the grace of Christ for a different gospel Now he's gonna explain what this different gospel is
It's the gospel of legalism and Judaism the gospel of performing a ceremony in order to be saved in order to contribute
It's a false gospel and I'm gonna show you here a little bit and In verse 7 he said he says which is not really another gospel
Only there are some who are disturbing you and want to distort the gospel of Christ He says there's only one real gospel.
There's isn't another one that counts. It's not it's it's it's not real But this is what is believed by people a false gospel.
All right now Justification is the declaration of righteousness by God and is received by faith
Romans 5 1 and This is a fundamental doctrine of the
Reformation the Roman Catholic Church had gone into apostasy hundreds of years earlier and The Eastern Orthodox Church broke out of it or that they'll say no they broke out of us the 12th at 1254
I think it was and They also are our apostate and I'll show you why because the
Bible says that justifications by faith and there's something really interesting that Jesus himself teaches in Luke 18 9 through 14 because in that section he said he teaches a parable of The text gather in the
Pharisee they both went up to the temple To pray and the Pharisee said Lord I tithe
I you know, I do fasting, you know, I'm not a swindler I'm honest. I you know do all this stuff. So what he's doing is he's saying
Lord. Here's the good things I do and here's the things about that. I don't know. I'm not doing best up.
I mean who to blame the guy and But what
Jesus does when he introduces that he says this is a parable to demonstrate those who are
Self -righteous They put their confidence in themselves and their ability. Look at this
Lord. This is what I've done. This is what I've not done Now the tax gatherer was some distance off and was beating his own breast
Saying Lord be merciful to me the sinner There is no
Lord. Look what I've done. Look what I've not done Didn't even confess his sin he says Lord be merciful to me the sinner not a sinner
I am the sinner His contrite heart and he's broken before the
Lord and Jesus says this man went down Justified rather than the other
Wherever exalts himself will be about look so what Jesus is saying is that the one who is exalting himself was the one who is appealing to what he was doing right and Not doing bad doing good and not the best but yet what he's doing is complying with the requirements of the law
Because the law says to do that So why is he condemned? Because it's an arrogance in his own heart where he's thinking that this in part
Makes him right before God This is the false gospel that Jesus is is teaching about and this is what
Paul is also going to be dealing with now Look in the Mormon Church in the Book of Mormon 2nd
Nephi 25 23 for we labor diligently to write to persuade our children and also our brethren to believe in Christ and to be
Reconciled to God for we know that it is by grace that we are saved after all we can do.
I Have quoted this verse to Mormon. I mean to Roman Catholics repeatedly They'll be talking and they'll be talking about how look you're not justified by faith alone in Christ alone
But by faith in what you do and the works that you do or the gift from God so that you have to be doing Them to prove your faith and that's how you're justified
Anyway, and I'll say so then you're you know, you gotta do all these things. Yeah. Are you doing them? Yeah, so you're saved by grace through faith.
That's all you can do. Yeah and they don't even realize I've quoted the Book of Mormon and I say he's quoted the
Book of Mormon and I got had some get mad at me You know and I see this is what a cult teaches, you know
God from another planet and you're teaching the same thing that they are Now, what are the
Jehovah's Witnesses say? In February 15th, 1983 page 12 of the
Watchtower the fourth requirement it's connected to oh man,
I got this wrong It's the second requirement and I quoted I Paisley the wrong one, but I know what it says
The thing requirement is more difficult and that is to it is to obey the commands of God And it says that in order to be saved there's four steps you got to do and one of them is be
Connected with loyalty to God's government governing organization. So I messed up on this quote
But it's right instead of here the quote I supposed to get was right here on my page Anyway, no big deal, but it says that the second requirement were difficult than the others.
It is to obey God's commands Yes to conform yourself to the image of Christ to his commands And so they likewise are saying the same thing now check this out.
This is a Roman Catholic Church Paragraph 2068 of the Catechism of the Catholic Church the mission of teaching all peoples and of preaching the gospel
To every creature so that all men may attain salvation through faith baptism and the observance of the
Commandments So wait a minute so they have to observe the Commandments and I rip into this like a monkey on a cupcake just for shredding it and Love to do that because Roman Catholicism is bankrupt.
It's apostate and it teaches the false gospel and Check this out. This is what it says in paragraph 2036 but before I read it
I got to tell you that in paragraph 2070 it says It says that the
Ten Commandments are an express representation of the natural law
The Ten Commandments are an expression of the natural law the Ten Commandments are an expression of the natural law get that paragraph 2070
The Ten Commandments are an expression of the natural law, paragraph 2070. What does paragraph 2036 say?
The authority of the magisterium extends also to the precepts of the natural law, because their observance demanded by the
Creator is necessary for salvation. So it's necessary in Roman Catholicism to keep the
Ten Commandments in order to be saved. That's what it's teaching. Can anybody be saved that way? No.
You're trying to get saved that way, you're going to hell. It's a false gospel. We're going to get into this more and more.
This is going to come out more and more in the book of Galatians. What does Eastern Orthodoxy say?
Justification, and this is from orthodoxwiki .org, I'm going to also quote from orthodoxbridge .com,
these are Eastern Orthodox sites. Justification, the importation of righteousness, begins at conversion through the mercy of God, and it continues throughout the life of the
Christian as one is conformed in righteousness to the image and likeness of God through the power of the
Holy Spirit. Here's another version of this. Justification is accomplished at baptism and maintained through a life of obedience to God and confession of sins.
You know, for some reason I just pictured myself in a gym, and there's a block of iron, 10 foot by 10 foot by 10 foot, solid iron, and I got to go underneath it and bench press it.
It's all balanced, and I can... Is it going to happen? Not going to happen. That's the law.
You pick that law up and carry it. As soon as you pick it up, you're crushed by it. There's no hope.
I need someone who's so super strong they can lift that, they can keep the law. That's Jesus. What the cults and the false religions like Roman Catholicism and Eastern Orthodoxy don't realize is we can't get our salvation by our obedience.
Now what they'll say is, Matt, you don't know what you're talking about. You see, we don't say it's by our obedience.
We say that the Holy Spirit is working through us, and that he's working the gifts through us, and that the good works we have that are ordained by God prove and demonstrate the righteousness that we have based on faith that's manifested through the works because they work together.
Oh, so then you got to do good works. And I'll ask them, can you be saved by faith alone in Christ alone?
Not faith that's dead, not faith like James 2 talks about. Yeah, God exists, just like the demons. Not like that, but faith where it's a heartfelt trust.
You're putting your faith and trust in Christ. Can that faith save you? They don't want to answer yes because if they do, why go to their priests for confession?
Why do their sacraments? Why do their baptism for all this stuff? No, no, no. They teach a false damnable doctrine from the pit of hell, both of them.
And this is what Paul is talking about. Later on you'll see this, but he says in verse 8, and then
I'm gonna, you know, it repeats, but even if we or an angel from heaven should preach to you a gospel contrary to what we have preached to you, he's to be accursed.
That's anathema. And then in verse 9, as we have said before, so I say again now, if any man is preaching to you a gospel contrary to what you have received, he's to be accursed.
So, the Pope preaching a false gospel, the priests in the Eastern Orthodox preaching a false gospel,
Joseph Smith preaching a false gospel, the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society is preaching a false gospel, because the
Bible teaches justification by faith alone and Christ alone. And yeah, that's right, I'm saying it.
Roman Catholicism is apostates, and, oh, I like this. Jonathan talks, I've debated and destroyed
Matt Schlicht several times. I love that. Well, tell you what, Jonathan, if you have the time, when we're done with the study, you can come on in the room and you can debate me, all right?
So, I'm challenging you, because he says he's debated me and destroyed me several times.
Okay, thank you. So, do you accept? We've done about a half -hour to 45 -minute range.
Do you accept the challenge to stay in? I'll have you come in this room and we'll go at it, just because you accept it?
Because let's see, you can destroy me in public, okay? No problem if that's what you want to do, all right?
Sound good? Waiting for your answer. Everybody's waiting. Jonathan talks. You ready?
We'll do that. Jonathan talks. Puts the letter R. I don't know.
Are you serious? I don't know. I don't know. This R.
Maybe he's gonna, you know, maybe he's going, uh -oh, he's called me on it. Man up, Jonathan, says
Marlene. Yeah, man up, Jonathan. Ray Le Gray says, do it. Come on.
Let's see if he's gonna accept. I'll give another 10 seconds and we'll get back into the study. Remember, Jonathan, you destroyed me several times.
Remember? That's what you said. I'm waiting. Ray, come on, says, do it.
Come on. Okay. Wait, we did it already, and I have plans, but I'm fine to debate you tomorrow at the same time.
You got plans? Look, if you can't back it up, don't step up. All right? Okay. So anyway, so for now, and verse 10, for now
I'm seeking the favor of men or of God. Or am I striving to please men? If I were still trying to please men,
I would not be a bondservant of Jesus Christ. That's a very diverse, pleasing men.
Are you a men pleaser or a God pleaser? I see so many people on TV, men pleasers.
Hey, you want to have a good day? You can be blessed. Just send your $5 in here and get this free handkerchief that I sweat on, and you can get this.
You'll be blessed. Do this holy oil and put this water in your drink and you'll be blessed. I'm pleasing you.
I'm tickling your ears. That's what it is. A load of crap. Let's see.
Hey, how many of you think it's okay? You can run. Jonathan said, man,
I'm running. He says, I'm the one running. Wow. Okay. You guys tackle.
I'm in the room. Yeah. I remember talking to him before and basically he didn't do very well.
Okay. Let's go on. Verse 11, for I would have you know, brethren, that the gospel which was preached by me is not according to man.
What is the gospel of man? Faith and works. What's the gospel of God?
Faith in Christ. That's it. That's a difference. The gospel of man, the false gospel is faith in what you do, but the gospel of God is faith in Jesus, not what you do.
That's it. That's the difference. Okay. And this gospel is divinely revealed.
Now I've had the privilege of being able to study all kinds of cults or religions. They're all obviously from men and a couple of them from women.
And they are, uh, by far, well, not by far, they are, you do, you have faith in God and you do good works and that's how you get, that's how you're saved.
What? Oh, always. Oh yeah. Faith and works. Yeah. Because you have to have works to prove your faith and that's why they go together, but it's not the reward of faith of works.
So sometimes they say it is some groups do, but it's the faith that works with works. And that's how you have to works to be saved.
So I say, well, what do you got to do to keep yourself safe? And this is, I'll ask them this. Can you lose your salvation? Of course you can lose your salvation.
Well, wait a minute. If my salvation depends on what Jesus did and only what he did,
I can't lose it. But if it depends on what you do in any way, then you can lose it.
So your salvation depends upon you. If it's on God only, it can't be lost. It's secure in Christ. That depends upon you.
Well, then you can go you want. There's this thing called regeneration. People don't know about apparently who fight against God's word and then try and add their own works, mix it in with the blood of Christ and say, see how good
I am. Arrogant fools. For I would have, you know, brethren, the gospel, which was preached by me is not according to man.
Verse 12, for I neither received it from man nor was I taught it, but I received it through a revelation of Jesus Christ.
He was taught. Now we're going to get into some stuff about Arabia here a little bit.
In fact, I might be done here in 10 or 15 minutes, Jonathan. For you have heard of my former manner of life in Judaism, how
I used to persecute the church of God beyond measure and tried to destroy it.
And I was advancing in Judaism beyond many of my contemporaries among my countrymen, being more extremely zealous for my ancestral traditions.
So he's a Jew of the Jews, highly educated, following the life of Judaism, advancing in the laws, the whole bit.
Is he looking for Christianity? Is he looking for salvation? Is it up to him and his free will?
No, Jesus goes, you are mine. Okay. That's how it worked. He was chosen a chosen vessel.
But when God, I love verse 15, who had set me apart, even from my mother's womb and called me through his grace was pleased to reveal his son to me.
Now set me apart, even from my mother's womb. Well, that means that God had chosen
Paul in the womb of his mother to be a guy who would be the apostle of Jesus.
And what did he let Paul do? He let Paul kill Christians and persecute them.
And before he called him, now wait a minute. So Jesus called
Paul from the womb, set him apart in the womb and didn't save him until whatever age he was saved.
And up to that point, he's becoming a very good Jew, working against the truth, becoming apostate, he is apostate, he's false, working against Christ and killing
Christians and persecuting them, imprisoning them. Jesus is letting him do all this stuff. And he's a chosen instrument to be an apostle to the
Gentiles. Now, if you think about it, of all the people who deserve damnation,
Saul fits the bill. Now, I've often wondered what would I have been back then?
I mean, I love theology. I love the Bible. I love all this stuff. Oh, I'd have been a Pharisee. I would have been.
Yeah, thanks a lot. My wife is, you know, my wife is right there. She's got a shuriken.
She knew I was going to say it.
Yeah. My wife, oh man, she's got my back, yeah, with a knife.
So I would have been a Pharisee. I would have been a legalistic guy following what I understood by only working against God.
And the only reason I'm saved now, period. The only reason I'm saved now is because of the mercy of God.
That's it. That's it. I don't take any confidence in my ability.
When I got saved, it was by the very presence of the Lord. And it was very dramatic, very deep, very profound.
And it was not because I was wise. I actually had the flippant attitude of saying, yeah,
I'll give Jesus a try. At least I'll try and be sincere. So I did. That's the truth. And so I go, okay,
I'll pray. I'll pray sincerely. If I had been on a horse, I'd have been knocked down.
Absolutely. Without a hesitation, without a doubt, I would have been knocked down. And I was reduced just to weeping.
And I'll tell you, this is how God works. He's the sovereign king, not us, not the
Pope, not the magisterium, not the East Orthodox Church, not the church fathers, not ceremonies, et cetera, et cetera.
Anyway, so he was pleased, look at that, you know, and called me through his grace, was pleased to reveal his son in me so that I might preach him among the
Gentiles. Sometimes I wonder, I gotta be very careful how I say this.
Sometimes you gotta think, does God know what he's doing because of someone like that? You know? I mean, of course he does.
But you kind of wonder sometimes. I'll say that about myself. I go, what were you thinking?
I could list my sins, what I was back then. Anyway, God is the one who's merciful and gracious.
He uses the foolish things of the world to confound the wise, right, hon?
If I say so, she says. All right. Usually I get an amen from her.
The foolish things of the world, amen! She looked at me. Now he says he did not immediately consult with flesh and blood.
All right. Come on, cat. Look at this. Look at this guy.
This is our cat. All right. So, go on, go on, go on, go on, go on.
Hey, hey, go on. Holy. Yeah, we call him flopper because he's a clown car with fur.
Awkward. All right. Okay.
Did he leave? Did he bail? I'm going to get done here soon and he's, oh.
He had plans. I think it was to go cry in the shower. All right.
Okay. So he says in verse 16 to reveal his son in me that I might preach him among the Gentiles.
I did not immediately consult with flesh and blood. Yeah. I know the connection is glitchy. I don't know why it is unless there's something here
I forgot to do. Nope. Everything's good. Everything's good. All right. Whoops. Let me get into that back.
Is it still working? Oh, no. It was just me.
I did that. Okay. I didn't make sure that there wasn't another setting that was set or unset or whatever.
All right. I don't know why it's doing that. It's on the phone, which is on the wireless connector.
It should be fine. I've done this before for weeks on the phone. So anyway, we'll just have to keep going. Verse 17, nor did
I go up to Jerusalem to those who were apostles before me.
So Jesus was called by Jesus and he did not go up to the Jerusalem apostles to go check on stuff.
He says, but I went away to Arabia and returned once more to Damascus. So what he teaches is not just from Jerusalem apostles.
He was in Arabia for three years. Okay, good. That's distracting. I see movements.
Okay. So I went away to Arabia and returned once more to Damascus. So he, he said, because it says in verse 18, then three years later,
I went up to Jerusalem to become acquainted with Cephas, that's Peter, and stay with him 15 days. So he didn't go out to meet the disciples.
What he did was he was in Arabia for, and teaching for three years. Now, I wonder why that is.
And I suspect that it probably was because his reputation was so bad that if he had gone straight into Jerusalem, who knows what would have happened if they'd have believed him or not, but he went away to Arabia and was preaching and teaching to the churches there.
And I'm sure the word would get back. This is the guy. And if you go to, I think it's an X, uh, X nine, it says that nine 20 to 22, uh, nine 20.
And immediately he began to proclaim Jesus in the synagogues, but in 22, it says it was in Damascus. So he was in that place and he was there for like three years preaching and teaching and undoubtedly learning a lot as he was doing that.
And that, then he says three years after that, he goes, I went to Jerusalem to become acquainted with Cephas and stayed with him 15 days.
That's Peter. But I did not see any other of the apostles except James, the
Lord's brother. Oh man, you know, the Bible just gets in the way of a lot of stuff.
Did Mary have other children? Yes. Matthew one 25, Joseph kept her a virgin until they were married.
What do you think that means? And, uh, the Lord's brother, and then they'll do it.
Oh, the word brother there can mean all kinds of stuff. Uh, verse 20. Now in what
I'm writing to you, I assure you before God that I am not lying. Then I went to the regions of Syria and Cilicia.
I was still unknown by sight to the churches of Judea, which were in Christ. But only, uh, they kept hearing he who once persecuted us is now preaching the faith, which was once he, once he tried to destroy.
That's why I think it was in, in, uh, uh, a Galatia area for a while or Damascus area, because I think it took time for that to come back down and, and filter through.
And, you know, is this guy really changed? You know, you gotta, gotta find out, let's see the evidence. I think that's what it was for among other things.
I think it's just, you know, killing a lot of birds with one stone. And, uh, so in Acts 9, 21, all those were hearing him continue to be amazed and were saying, is this not he was in Jerusalem, destroyed those who called on his name and who had come here to purpose of bringing them bound before the chief priest, destroyed those who call on it.
He was, he was bad. And he says, and they were glorifying God because of me, not because of how great he is, but because look what
God's mercy had done. And he had changed this, this murderous, uh, antichrist into one of the greatest advocates of the
Christian gospel. That's awesome. That is awesome. Well, that's
Galatians one, quick and slick. All right. Hey, let's see if a
Canadian Catholic, I mean, not Canadian Catholic, but, uh, Jonathan is in here. Come on,
Jonathan. So, uh, I know this was kind of a quick study and that's okay.
Cause it's more intro, but we're going to get into some more stuff later. Uh, Calvin thought that until did not necessarily imply loss of virginity.
So did Luther, but I don't care what Calvin and Luther thought Canadian Catholic, we call them CC. I don't care what they thought.
I care what the scriptures teach. He kept her a virgin until they were married. What do you think that means?
You know, it means he continued to keep her a virgin until the wedding night.
No, no, no. After what? Yeah. Uh, do you think, oh, I think he bounced.
Okay. Marlene. Yeah. I think he, he's, you know, he's sitting there going, that was a close one. I almost had to back up what
I was saying now. Canadian Catholic can try. He's not rude.
He's mostly a good guy. All right. So if you guys have comments or questions, now's your time.
And, uh, Catholic Jonathan is resting, tagged his brother, Catholic Canadian to take over.
So this is what I'm going to do. I'm going to can't post comments to some distinction.
I'm going to put the people want to come in and see how this is going to work.
And I'm going to put this in to see if people want to come in and have a little dialogue. You can ask questions, just type that in your browser.
You'll be able to come right in. I'll have to grant you access and, uh, you can come on in and we can blab.
Okay. It's not a big deal. Not hard to do. All right. Okay. Yes.
All right. So you got any questions? Thanks, Matt and Nick and all.
Hey, he spelled her name. Right. Okay. Thanks brother. Matt, Nina, Oz.
That was, I know it was simple. We're going to get in some other stuff. You did a whole chapter today, but we're going to get into some stuff and it's going to slow way down and we'll get into some, some things and some issues.
All right. I don't see anybody coming in. I think they're afraid. You have a question. Oh, you want you down front.
Okay. So you, you, uh, read, uh,
John 15, 26 and talking about Holy Spirit. Is it wrong to worship the
Holy Spirit? No, we can worship God and he is completely and fully divine and God.
If we're to say we're not to worship him, we're saying he's separate from the Godhead somehow and not worthy of the same honor because he shares the ontological essence.
That's on COVID. It sucks. Humbled clay. That's been more for specific questions.
So we can worship the Holy Spirit. We can speak to the Holy Spirit. We can fellowship with the Holy Spirit. So fellowship, koinonia in Greek is something that, uh, we don't do like you and I, the more we're together, we have more fellowship.
So, you know, if you and I went fishing and it's all we did, we just hang out for a couple hours, we'd have even more fellowship.
Unless you got bigger bass than me, then that'd be an issue, but I probably would deal with it. Okay. And so fellowship means that there's a reciprocity, a giving and taking communication.
Yes, no, me, you, and all this stuff. And in second Corinthians 13, 14, it says our fellowship is with God, with his father and with the
Holy Spirit. So you can't have fellowship with someone you don't spend time with and communicate with that by necessity means prayer.
And so it says, God is faithful through whom we're called into fellowship with the son of Christ Jesus. That's first Corinthians one nine.
And yet our fellowship is also with the father because you can go to John one, first John one, and just read the chapter.
And there's, uh, the Trinitarian essence, Trinitarian members are, are listed there as well. Not as blatant as you might think though, because it's a fellowship.
This is what is interesting. I'm reminded of this, that when Anik's brother and I years and years and years ago, we all lived in California.
He and I flew up to do a job in Spokane, Washington, and we're assembling some stuff.
And, uh, and we had a park that was wrong, but whatever. And we're in this factory, big, big area.
We knew that there was a guy, uh, it was a guy who could fix a part.
It wasn't much. It just needed a couple of drills and a couple of bends and you know, whatever, but we needed a guy who could do that.
And so we went looking, I still remember this. We're, we're walking around and, uh,
Ken is his name and I are walking and Ken's ahead of me. We're just looking for this guy because someone said, yeah, over here, go down three doors left and go over there in that area.
You know, we're in the right area. And there was this plate glass window and there was a room and there was a guy standing behind that glass in this room working on something.
I looked at him and he looked at me cause you know, movement, you look at each other and I felt a connection.
I mean, it was so strong that I was like, what was that? Seriously. I still remember it.
I still remember he looked at me, I looked at him and I just felt something. What was that? I didn't know.
And so we kept looking for this, this one guy, this other guy, and we came back around. Turns out that was the guy.
And we're talking to him and I didn't say anything. I look around, I see, if I remember correctly, a
Bible on his desk. I went, are you a Christian? And he said, yep. And I looked at him and he's looking at me and I said, did you?
He goes, yeah. There was something. He goes, yep. He felt it too.
And it was because we're Christians and didn't know. I remembered that so profoundly.
And I believe it was the movement of the spirit and recognition of who he was. Fellowship is, we can have fellowship here.
Two atheists could have fellowship, but fellowship in the Christian sense is in a sense Trinitarian because it's horizontal and it's you to him and me to him and him to us and back and forth.
So there's a vertical and horizontal aspect to it. And so I'll answer that,
Melissa. We'll just open it up to wide open questions if you guys want. Oh, there's Roman. There's Canadian Catholic. Sorry about that, dude.
There we go. No worries. Hold on. Hold on. Let me put my, okay.
Say something. Hi. Okay. Wait a minute. Hold on. I'm going to turn this down and turn this up.
How are you, Matt? How are you doing? It's been so long. I haven't seen you in one day. I'm going to move this, which
I forgot to do. And now I'll go this way. Oh, can you hear me?
Yeah, I can. Yeah. And we can't hear him because he's got that feed from the microphone on.
And if I put a speaker on that, it probably would work, but that won't work. So I'll have to do it here. So what I'm going to do,
I'm going to figure this out because we're going to get a feedback issue. Okay. Well, anyways, what are you going to say?
Well, I mean, I haven't seen you in so long. Oh, yeah. It's because of feedback.
Okay. Say something. Hi. That's fine.
I was like in here for maybe like 10 minutes because I have to go anyways. I can't hear you. Hardly.
Once you type your stuff in the text. Oh, sure. Oh, sure. I got to get a better setup for this.
Next time, what I should do is within here, I could take that off of there and go through here.
Let me try this. Try this. There. Can you hear me?
I can't hear you, but that's fine. I'll make my argument and then you can switch it. I'm sure you can hear me.
That's fine. I'll just say something and then you switch to yourself. Yeah. So I was told that you made the argument that Matthew one,
I believe. Can you hear me? Not if you can. Okay. So I believe somebody said that or I heard from you that Matthew one teaches that Mary was a perpetual virgin.
Mary couldn't have been a virgin because it mentions the word until implying that she was not a virgin after that.
And I just want to say one is that John Calvin didn't interpret it that way. And that's interesting. And neither did
Luther. And that's fine. People will say, I don't care about what Luther said or what Calvin said. That's interesting because Daniel one 21 mentions that Daniel remained in Babylon until the first year of King Cyrus and Norman Geisler and everybody else understands this first mean that he stayed there until including afterwards.
Second Samuel six 23 teaches that Michael had no children until the day of her death.
That doesn't teach that she had them after the day of her death. There is so many others. Where can
I look? I had a couple here. Oh, there it is. The famous song mentions that Jesus had to sit at the, well, as you understand it to the right hand of God until his enemies were put to death.
So I would cite with John Calvin, Martin Luther, and Norman Geisler on this one, Norman Geisler though vicariously and say that until is ambiguous or at least suggestive at best, and it does not definitively teach that Mary should have had children.
That's all I wanted to say. I can't hear you.
No, you can shut me up now. I don't have much more to say. I have to go do a show now in like 15 minutes.
Nope. No, I can't read your lips. I can read your lips. Okay. Your response is typical.
What they'll do is they'll take the meaning of the word until in different contexts and say, see over there, it means this.
And so right here, it means that also, but you got to always remember that the word means what it means in context.
So I know you're not married, Cece, right? And I would assume if some woman were to lower her standards severely and date you, and then somehow when you ask her to marry you, that somehow something's wrong with her, this is like my wife with me, that she would agree.
All right. And of course, you being a good Catholic, you're not going to fool around, right?
Until you get married, right? So you're going to keep her a virgin until the wedding night, right? And what does that mean?
That means you're going to on the wedding night. So in the context of keeping her a virgin until they were married, obviously we know what it means.
So I don't care what Calvin said. I don't care what Luther said. The text says what it says. I don't have any problem with her being a perpetual virgin.
I don't. I don't care. It doesn't mean anything to me, but it says he kept her virgin until. Okay. So you can't say that until over here means that over here means that over here means that let's take a meeting and transfer it over to here.
Nope. You just said you'd keep your fiance. If you're married, you're going to get married a virgin until your wedding night.
That's what's going on there. And we know that you buy your own admission meant by position is right again.
Well, Matt is always right. Wait, wait, wait, wait. What? Let's see if you can get him to say something here. This, okay.
Try it again. Matt is always right. We all know that. What? Matt is always right.
That's right. We've known each other. How long we've known each other? Years. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
So we, yeah, I can hear you.
So anyway, that's, we can do different ones to set these things up and people come in and figure it out.
I'll just make one quick point. One quick point before that, I think is a super thought. Let's go.
You said he's got plans. Then why are you still here? Who? Hey, come on.
There it is. Turn you down. Yeah.
Can you guys hear me? Yes. Yeah. Yes. How about you mute your microphone when
I'm talking in that way? You don't see that. That's better. That's better.
Better. Yeah, that's better. So here's one point.
Yeah, I can hear you. Okay. There you go.
Matt is fooling around now. He said he wouldn't. So just one point I wanted to make, and I'm going to leave.
This is, I'm just going to explain one is the until there is important, not because of marriage, but because to make sure that she was a virgin up until Jesus was born, to make sure that there is no way she was violated or anything.
So that's the point. The point is up until the time Jesus was born, there was no human interaction. That's the point there.
The point isn't about her status afterward, but up until that's the key. The more important part of course, is why it's been important to safeguard virginity is because Paul teaches that model human beings are those who suppress their lusts completely.
In fact, in first Corinthians, and I'm free to admit that a perpetual virginity is not explicitly taught in the
Bible, but in first Corinthians, Paul teaches an interesting doctrine, which is that people most devoted to God are those, and the preferable stance of those is to not marry.
In fact, Paul permits marriage in first Corinthians only so that lust doesn't consume people.
And this is why it was important for the church to make sure because it's long been assumed that the mother of God would have to be a model human being for everybody to follow.
And I mean, even Protestants believe that. I mean, Protestants have historically held to that.
So that's, that was the view. Yeah, I have to go now. So I'll be happy to let Matt respond, but I have to go. Go ahead. So, let me turn this down.
So you're saying that somehow sex is immoral or not right, or an impurity that's yet to be pure.
That's an implication. But the issue is, it says, he kept her virgin until their wedding night.
That's what's going on. That's what it says. Not a wedding night. Not a wedding night. It is what it says. You said yourself, you'd keep your fiancee a virgin until you got married.
They kept her virgin until they were married. It's as simple. Just go with that.
You don't have to do the, you know, theotokos thing, and then the Mary worship and adoration and stuff like that.
It's just, you know, you don't need that. Okay. You know, full of grace, which is not what it says. Anyway, I thought you had to go though.
Celibacy or something celebrated. So, so what? Partisan warrior, humbled clay. Jonathan Cracker.
Jonathan, is that you? God bless Matt. I'll see you later. Do you want to say something again? No, I said, God bless Matt. Hold on. Let me mute myself here.
No, that's fine. I just said, God bless Matt. I'll see you later. And well, at least Matt always admitted
I'm polite. I love that because I've prized myself on my politeness and people recognize that finally.
All right. Yeah. Take care. God bless. I have to go now. I have to do a show in like 10 minutes.
All right. Why are they what?
What Mary, Mary was a vessel that God used. Why does she have to be perfect to create
Jesus? Because, because their logic is out of Luke one, 28, that she's full of grace and that's protect us.
And, um, but as Caritas in the Greek is full parties, Caritas is grace, but as Caritas, that's full of grace, but, uh, uh, highly favorite words.
Which means highly favored one. But they, the other false translations have said, she's full of grace.
Well, and, and, um, and, uh, John one 14, Jesus has called, it's said to be full of grace.
Well, if he's full of grace and she's full of grace, then you can't be centered. Except it says that Stephen in acts six, eight was full of grace and he was stoned.
So if the phrase full of grace means that you don't have sin in you, then how come it applies only to Mary.
And I'll tell you why, because this is what I firmly believe because in the history of Catholicism, as they were trying to convert
Pagans, there's a lot of ancestor worship. There was a lot of, of, uh, of goddess worship.
And they said, we have someone you can respect a woman named Mary. And it just evolved into heresy.
And so today, like a guy on the show today, he said, I was too rude to him, but I don't agree.
Um, he said, is it okay to do this sign of the cross and kneel before, uh, images bow before, uh, crosses.
And I said, no, don't do that. And he said, well, why not? I said, don't do that. And you don't want to get into the habit.
This is how it works. You don't want to get into the habit of showing reverence to something other than God, because there's a rule, absolute rule.
If you want to mess something up, you just need two things guaranteed. It'll mess it up people and time with those two guaranteed.
You're going to mess it up. And so people who don't trust the word of God, and when the Roman Catholic church kept the
Bible away from the word of people, then they don't know what's going on. And they listened to what the
Catholic church told them. And the Pagans would start venerating Mary. And then they'd come up with all new kinds of crap.
And I can show you stuff. I mean, seriously, if we were to stop this and I just did on Catholicism for a few weeks, let me tell you,
Catholicism is so bankrupt, so full of crap, so full of false teachings.
It is so thoroughly corrupt. People have no idea how bad it is.
They have no idea how bad it really is. It is an antichrist apostate religion.
And I mean, antichrist. And the reason I say that is because it teaches a false gospel and it promotes idolatry.
Flat out does. So anyway, people, what they'll do is they don't want just Jesus.
Just Jesus means you're not good enough. And predestination and election or election and predestination means
God chose you not based on anything good in you. God chose you because of what he is, who he is, how good he is.
No, no, no. It's got to be because of my wisdom, my ability, my goodness. Nope, it's not.
No, no. What's that? Yeah, that's right.
She should have been making him a sandwich. If she'd have been making sandwiches, but they didn't have bread, so they couldn't make sandwiches.
Because bread is a cooking thing. There's nothing mentioned about bread, but probably didn't happen. They were just eating everything, all the fruits and veggies, which is better.
I'm on a good diet, my wife says. I've been on a diet for now for three weeks.
Oh, that's right. Someone said at our church, we took the largest number of people to the large cross down and put it to the back of the church, and we'd remove the blonde -haired, blue -eyed
Caucasian surfer Jesus in a woman's nightgown. Yeah.
Yeah. Part of me just wants to start a church. I can start teaching and preaching. You know, it's like, let me just get there and have everybody do everything else.
Let me get there and preach. OK. Luther originally targeted the indulgences, which ultimately led them back to the word, led him back to the word.
That's right. I had a Catholic tell me that I should be thankful for them giving us the Bible. So here's the illustration.
Here's the illustration. So there's a car sitting out in your driveway and it's got no engine in it.
And but someone gave you this car and then your neighbor comes out and says, hey,
I'll put an engine in the car, works and puts the engine in the car and says, I gave you the car. That's OK.
The Old Testament is that big. The New Testament is that big. And they say we gave you the
Bible. You know, the arrogance, we, our church, gave you the
Bible. It's like, you know, I just want to say you stop being an arrogant jerk.
Just stop. You know, it's what it is. God gave us the Bible and you and the people of God just recognize what is true.
And I just forgot that Bill Chibutis is in. And I'm not sure if Chibutis is a type of margarita drink or if it's an anti -COVID vaccine.
But I haven't decided yet. So let me put him up. If you want to say anything,
I'll mute myself over here. I thought it was a Mexican tequila. Maybe not.
Can you hear me? Yeah, I can't hear you,
Matt. I hear you, but it comes with the feedback.
So go ahead and say something. Anyway, I got a story to tell you. A friend of mine who was a police officer in Stockton, California, had a
Bible study and a Catholic lady showed up for like six, seven years. So I told him,
I go, aren't you going to tell her to repent from Catholicism? He goes, no, I'll just give her time.
So about two years ago, she just totally repented of Catholicism, Roman Catholicism. And now she's, her family disowns her because of it.
All right, you can hear me. So I'm going to do a test. Okay. There.
Can you hear me? Yes. Can you hear me typing? You can hear me. Let me see, see if it works.
Can you hear me? Yes, it works. So just by doing this, I can, and then we can have people talk.
So it'll be good. Let's, you know, praise God that she heard the true gospel and not the false gospel of Roman Catholicism.
As I said, in paragraph 2068, it says in the Catholic Catechism, it says that you obtain salvation through faith, baptism, and the observance of the commandments.
And in paragraph 2070, it says that the 10 commandments are an expression of the natural law. And then it says in paragraph 2036, that keeping the natural law is necessary for salvation.
Well, if it's necessary for salvation, that means there is no exception because necessity means there's no exception.
It's necessary for me to be a human being by breathing. If I stop breathing, I'm going to die.
Yeah, he's just scratching. It's okay. Yeah, I just see him. He's scratching. Everything's good. And so if there's, if it's necessary, it's not the case that it's not necessary.
You can't say it's necessary, mostly necessary. It's not what it says. It says it's necessary. And so this is what the
Roman Catholic Church is doing, is by preaching a false gospel. It preaches a false gospel. It preaches a false gospel.
It does. Okay. Go ahead, Bill. Yeah. They also say you have to maintain your salvation by keeping the commandments.
So I asked Catholics, well, have you kept the commandments or not perfectly? Well, then you're not safe.
You have to keep the commandments. You got that right.
You got that right. It's exactly correct. You have to keep the commandments to be saved. And Deuteronomy 27, 26 says, curse the one who does not abide by all things written in the law to perform them.
And Paul quotes that in Galatians 3 .10, which we're going to get into later. Galatians is going to open up. But Galatians 3 .10,
he says, curse everyone who does not abide by all things written in the law to perform them. So they wanted to do one little thing.
Judaizers wanted to do one thing, and that was circumcision. And so by doing that, they were condemning themselves.
Go ahead. Yeah, that's exactly right. But one quick question about Paul being an apostle.
I know the Judaizers kind of gave him a bad time. They wouldn't recognize he was an apostle. So how would
Paul express that? I seen Jesus when there was no one around. So that's one of the things being an apostle, right?
You had to see Jesus. I don't understand. Paul being an apostle, one of the requirements to be an apostle, don't you have to see
Jesus? Yeah, he already was.
He said that, I have not seen the risen Lord. And that's in 1 Corinthians 9 .1. He already defended his apostleship.
We went over that in the Bible study. No, I know that. I realize that. I believe that. But if you were just an on -goer, no one was there,
Paul. How can we trust you in saying this? How can we believe you? Do you understand?
No, say it again. Do you understand that if no one saw him seeing Jesus, how can anyone trust he was telling the truth?
Because I know the Judaizers was giving him a bad time. Actually, people did see the light.
If you go to Acts 9, it'll say that some heard, and there were witnesses who saw something dramatic happen.
And so, yeah, there's witnesses to that. Go ahead. That's good. That's all. I need to switch, just pull this in and out.
I got to do a different thing. If we're going to have people come in, I'll figure, I'm going to have to come in through, I'll figure something out.
At any rate, I know this is a short study. We've often gone for two hours going through topics.
And that's fine. So anybody have any other comments or you want to add a question in there? And if you have a question,
Bill, because I have it turned down, so I can't hear you, just type it in and then I'll know. Okay. Just that I didn't hear the word.
Right. There's different words, akuo in Greek and another one, I forgot which it is.
One means to just hear a sound, but one means to hear with understanding. And they didn't hear with understanding, but they definitely heard something was going on.
Yeah. So how many of you believe that Jonathan talks defeated me every time we talk?
How many believe that? Not me. You know, I love talking to him actually. Good study tonight,
Matt. Good. Thanks again. You're right. Melissa, you got that right. Randall, no turning back.
Bocab had a great discussion in Eastern Orthodoxy. Just thought I'd throw it out there. Very similar to Roman Catholicism.
Yeah. Jonathan, if you know where that is, send me the information at info at karm .org
and I can take a look. I'm going to be in a debate in two days with an Eastern Orthodox guy on justification.
I pretty much understand how Eastern Orthodox view of salvation is and what it is, is works righteousness.
They say it's not, but like a lot of things, it's double talk. No, it's just by the grace of God. Then they have condign merit, congruent merit.
They have merit that God obligates himself to the believer. God obligates himself to give merit to the unbeliever.
And so it's not that they've done anything. He just, under certain conditions, he obligates himself that he'll reward you.
Not that he, he has to, he just does it himself. So just go to karm .org
forward slash calendar and the information is there. And when
I get the URL, I should remember to put it up there and update that. It might not be until a half hour before or something like that.
I don't know, because it's not on my server set up. It's somebody else's. What do you mean?
That guy doesn't debate from what I can, I can find. Who's the guy, Ernie, Ray, what?
Jonathan. Jonathan talks. Not necessarily because different people have been saying different things in the text, but could be.
Where can I find? Okay. Plano Casturas, the debate will happen in two days.
That's right. Let's see. Could not have Paul had his experience with being in the third heaven in Arabia after Damascus experience.
It would depend because it looks like one of the arguments for his heavenly thing in 2
Corinthians 12, two through four is that when he was stoned and left outside the city for dead, they think that's probably when it happened, but no one knows for sure.
So that's just one of the theories. So anybody else got anything?
Type it in. Ernie has what up? When you're debating.
Oh, the one debating. Okay. I'm just bummed that I won't be able to be up.
Mass debate is on Sam Shimon YouTube channel. That's right. Why are people so focused on Peter having gone to Rome?
Because they want to justify that the Roman Catholic church has authority and that Peter, the first Pope was in Rome.
Rome is the head of the Catholic church. They liked the idea, but there's no evidence that he ever was in Rome. And Peter was a
Gentile to the Jews. They missed that. And Peter, I mean, Paul was a
Gentile, the apostle to the Gentiles. Peter was the apostle to the Jews. So why is the successor of Rome from Peter who's going to the
Gentiles and not the Jews? Asks Matt.
Petrine supremacy over the apostles. Yeah, they want that. But they'll say in some instances, the apostolic listing has
Peter first, but in other ones it doesn't. And so which one do they choose? Like church fathers?
The one that we like. That's why I was so curious,
Ernie Ray says. Petrine primacy over the apostles. All right. Anybody else?
That was, that's why, okay, I don't know. I think Dave's here kind of let down because he likes the meat.
He likes the meat of stuff. We'll see. Matt, I have a debate link up on the events on your
Carn page and Matt Slick. Oh, I think it is that link is already up there on my, yeah, it is.
I already have it up there. It's already there on Matt Slick. I mean, Carn .org forward slash calendar.
But thanks. What? What's that? Last time he looked, it was nothing.
Let's see. Let's see. Carn .org forward slash calendar. And there it is.
And yeah, August 24th. And the 10th. Yeah. No, that's 17th.
7th. Yeah. Yeah. Matt Slick versus Seraphim Cobain.
Man is justified through faith alone by the imputed righteousness. I affirm that. I probably will end up going first.
And then August 10th is Trinity or the oneness. What is the biblical view of God? And then August 17th,
I am supposed to do an interview, be interviewed, the scriptural understanding of God's nature and deity. I'm going to look for that.
And then August 24th, another debate versus Trinity. Don't know what the exact topic is.
We're still working on it. That guy wants me to send his opening statement, my opening statement. He wants to send me his opening statement.
I don't know if I like that idea. I haven't decided yet. I might give it to him. And in the opening statement,
I have a bunch of questions he's got to answer. That's how I'm going to do my debate on Saturday. I got some questions.
You know, I got some questions. If it's true, I want to see. All right. Hey, Bill, that's good luck.
If Peter was the first Pope, he's the only Pope that taught justification by faith alone in Christ alone. Show me the verse for that. Yeah, my church father can beat up your church father.
That's right. Night, night, dear. Thanks, Matt. I'm going to night all.
Okay, Marlene. The menu on your iPhone, on your phone for CARM is not working at all.
It won't move or open anything on phone. Okay, then what you got to do is email webmaster at CARM .org,
the problem, the kind of phone you're on and what exactly you were doing. And then they try and repeat that and see if there's a problem and they can solve it.
Okay. Peter would have been a horrible Pope. Peter was the
Bishop of Antioch, not Rome. Copy that. Okay, good. Ernie says, okay, this is private chat says, okay, got that.
All right. Well, you're tired, huh?
Well, I was saved out of the Eastern Orthodox. Excited to hear the debate with the EO guy.
Need to click this. Yeah, I've learned about Eastern Orthodox. They deny original sin, imputation of Adam's sin.
They deny several things, lots of stuff that they deny. Need to click the plus symbol on the menu.
All right, let's see what happens on the phone. What? Did I hit the plus?
My iPhone CARM calendar works fine. Good study, Matt. Need to click the, okay,
God bless brothers. You know, now would be the time. I could turn this up volume so everybody here could hear it and you guys could tell my wife how great
I am. Oh, she's leaving. She's out of here.
She suddenly is, oh, what's that? She's got a pan she's puking into. You know,
I get no respect. All right, let's see. I guess that's it.
Nobody's got any more comments or questions you want to ask? From what
I know, he's still Eastern Orthodox. And yeah, he's, he's bad.
He's bad news. God bless brothers. Okay. Jirai Delta, you have a question?
Okay. What's your question? Why isn't it working? Why isn't what working?
There's no plus mark on the phone. It's the hamburger menu. Yeah.
If it doesn't work, turn your phone horizontal and vertical. And if it doesn't work, just send out just webmaster at CARM .org.
Matt is great, Anique. Make him a sandwich. Matt is a legend in his own mind.
There you go. Jonathan's just like hearing your voice. Is Theosis biblical?
No. Matt, Rodney Dangerfield, slick, no respect. That's right. I get no respect.
He's really good. Yeah. Yeah. Theosis is the
Eastern Orthodox idea that, that you could become more and more divinized, more and more divine, but not that you're ontologically sharing in the nature of God and becoming divine, but that you're participating in his energies.
And therefore you're becoming more like Christ. And the more you are, the more justified you are.
Yeah. It's, yeah. Yeah. Now here's a question for the Eastern Orthodox guys.
According to Eastern Orthodox theology, now I've already got an answer, but I've read, but I have to have it verified more in one site.
In the Eastern Orthodox theology, can you be saved in the afterlife? Matt, can we call you the great one?
There you go, Bill. That's right. Great one. My wife will call me that. He called me several names, usually with one syllables and a couple of double syllables started with an
M and end with an N. What?
Bill's been drinking Kool -Aid again. Matt, can we call you the great one? That's right. That's what I was going to say,
Laura said, which I don't know what that was. Is God the author of evil? No, he's not. Okay.
Don't talk to the carmander like that. That's slick. See, my question isn't showing up.
Yeah, it is. God's not the author of evil. Okay. All right.
You're simple. You spell correct. Oh. Spell correct. Okay. I'll spell correct.
C -O -R -R -E -C -T. People say to me, can you say that again?
That, that, that, that. Once Anik said, well, what is that?
I said, that's a demonstrative pronoun. Why? What does it mean to be the author of evil?
That's the question. That he's the one who initiated it, caused it by his direct action and will.
Okay. All right. It's slowly slowing down, so we might as well get going.
Okay. I'm going to give it one more minute and I'll shut it down unless something really important happens. All right.
Dad jokes, love them. Yeah. Dad jokes.
Why did the Arab take a piece of sandpaper with him into the desert? He needed a map. Yeah. What's that?
Who cares? Everything's racist. Math is racist. My laptop's racist.
I was reading on Reform Wiki that God is not the author of evil, but he is the ultimate cause. That's right. Let me explain it really quickly, and then we'll go after this.
Ultimate, proximate, and, um, uh, efficient causation. So God, so Adam and Eve were in the garden and they, uh, they sinned, but no one made them sin.
So God is the ultimate cause of their sin and that he created the universe and put, uh, the earth there and put the garden there.
The proximate cause is God specifically allowed the devil to come in and God put those trees there and said, don't do that.
So God's who set everything up and yet it was Adam who freely chose to rebel.
So he's not the efficient cause, um, that Adam is his own efficient cause of that sin.
So he's the one responsible morally for that action. All right. It's the ultimate cause.
And if you guys want some time, I can talk about equal alt about ultimacy in the nature of God. All right.
Anything else? 30 seconds. If you want, if you are white, you are racist by default, stupid ideologies for $1 ,000.
Uh, God decrees all things, all things that would come to pass, but he never causes us to sin.
Lots of mystery there. Daniel, that's correct. Ephesians 1 .11 car videos. What say you about SDA? Are they
Christian or not? No, I would say no. Uh, if you can one day talk about the view on compatibilism and ultimate cause.
Yeah, I could do that sometime, maybe after another study. Okay. All right, guys, I'm going to shut it down.
Nice talking to you guys. Have a good night. We'll talk to you guys later. God bless everybody. See ya.